Record and Guide.
A-ugust 34, 1889
fred Hyde, owners and contractors.
(Aug. 9, 1889)............................. 826 00
18 Btone av, n w cor Blake av, 335x100. Ed¬
ward Mullin agt William H. Baker, owner
and contractor. (Aug. 7,1889)............ 465 45
15 Hicka St. n w cor Huntington st, 35x100.
John H. Gaaa agt William Brady, owner.
and Joseph Lewia, conti-actor. (July 26,
1889)...................................... 84 80
15 Same property. T, Grogan & Sons agt
aame owner and contractor. (July 19, '89) 92 64
16 Same property. John 8. Loomis agt aame
owner and contractor. (Jnly 31, 1889)... 54 34
16 Same property. Sherman and Gny Loomis
agt same owuer and contractor. (July
31. 1889).................................... G9 00
16 Ninety-sixth st, n s, 200 w 3d av, New
Utrecbt. Frederick W, Starr agt Nancy
Loosee, owner, and Frederick Hastings
and Paul Albere, contractors, (April 10,
18891....................................... 417 63
17 East 6th st, s s, bet Vanderbilt and Green¬
wood avF, Flatbush, beiugin Windsor Ter¬
race. Thomas O'Hara agt Kearey & Sheri¬
dan, owners, and Thomas Reagan, con¬
tractors, (Feb. 16,1889].................. 61 06
19 Putnam av, s s, 100 e Patcben av, 95x100.
John EeiUy agt Cbarles E. Morton, owner
and contractor, (Aug. 17, 1889).........2,350 00
19 Seventh av, s e cor Braxton st, 137x101.
Edgerton Bros, agt David Atkins, owuer
and contractor. (Aug, 5. 1889)...........1,391 62
20Thirdav, se s, 25,2 n e 37th st, 110x100.
Richard Cronin & Sons agt Lewia Muller,
ownerandcontractor, (Nov. 2, 1888).....1,715 00
20 Bergen st, s s, 253 w Schenectady av, WiU¬
iam Gormley agl Mr. Modeste, owuer,
and lliehael Lynch, contractor. June 39,
1889)....................................... 120 00
30 Throop av, s e cor Jeffei-son av, 100x100.
Robert S. Neely agt Stepben and Wejcome
F. Sweet, owners and contractors, (Aug.
19. 1889)........ .................1 50 40
30 Wallabout st, n s, 200 w Marcy av, 100x50.
Henry Ultsch agt Gustave Tbnrlimann,
owner, and McAveney Bros., contractors.
(Ang. 20,1889.) (Deposit).,.. ........... 65 82
21 Putnam av, a a. 80 e Patcben av, 95x100.
Thomaa Kelly agt Charles W, Morton,
owner and contractor. (July 9, IS^O).... 33 00
SI Mariou st. n s, 173 e Saratoga av, 152x100.
Charles E, Ring agt Lewis Parmer. (July
10,18891................................. 50 00
Same property, Keliow & Sons agt same
owner and contractor. (July 15, 1839)___ 315 62
SI Same property, Webster R, Craw agt
same owner and contractor. (July 5,
1889) ................................... 176 00
21 Same property, C. W, Coman agt same
owner and contractor. (Jnly 8, 1889),___ Hfl 00
21 Webster av. n s, 110 e Black Gate laue, 140
XlOO, ParkviUe. Price & Halsted agt
Mrs. lames Henry, owner, aod Cbarles
Sievers, contractor. (March 18, 18881..... 38 CO
21 Marion st, n s, 173 e Saratoga av, 153x100.
Jobanes Ness agt l,ewiB Parmer, owner,
and Harry Smith, contractor. (July 19,
1889.) (Deposit)........................... 3^32
Fourteenth av, n w cor 61at st, 20x!00ri
32 New Utrecht............................>
New Utrecbt av, s w cor 63d st...........)
Charles E. Rogers Sl Co. agt Gaspar and
Rosario Abruzzo and Vincenzo Fatta,
owners, and Samue! H, McKewan, con¬
tractor. (July 13, 1889)................. 38 11
Fourteenth av. n 3 cor 61st st. 30x100.....
,2 New Utrecbt av, s wcor 59tb st...........
New Utrecht av, s w cor OOth st...........
New Utrecbt av, n e cor 63d at............
Thomas O'Hara agt Gaspar and Rosario
Abruzzo and Vincenzo Fatta. owners, aod
Samuel McKewen, contractor. (July 19,
18391..................................... 24145
New Utrecht av, s w cor 60th at ........
„2 New Utrecht av, n e cor 63d st.........
Fourteenth av, u w cor Gist st..........
New Utrecht av, a w cor 59th st........
Samuel McKewen agt Gaspar and Ro¬
sario Abruzzo, Vincenzo Fatta and Bene-
ditto Pace, owners and contractors. (July
11,1889)................................. 8.300 00
New Utrecbt av, s w cor OOtb st.........I
og New Utrecht nv, n w cor G3d at............1
New Utrecbt av, s w cor 59tb st...........f
Fourteenth av, n w cor 61st at.............J
Bay Ridge Mfg. Co. agt Gasper and Ro¬
sario Abruzzo, Beneditto Pace aud Vin¬
cenzo Fatta, owners, and Samrel H, Mc¬
Kewen, contractor, (July 13, 1889)....... 700 00
32 First st, n s, 347.6 w 8th av, 75.4xl0f',
Sehrativieser & Hilton agt Frederick J.
Griswold, owner and contractor. (Aug.
6. 1889).................................... 329 00
Tlie first name isthatof the owner: ar''t stands for
architect, m''n for mason, c'r for carpenter and b'r
for i»iilder.
Copies of the laws relating to the construction
of buildiugs in this city can be obtained at the
offlce of The Reg(3iid and Guide in pamphlet
(orm. Price, 25 cents.
SOUTH OF 14th street.
Lewis st. No. 126, five-story and 1
brick factory, 25x6-i, tin roof; cost,
Beuj, Epstein, 1.59 East 73(i st: ar't, F. Bavlies,
Plan I4a9.
I3th st, u E, S8 w Av C, four flve-story brick
flats, 27.6 and 27x87, tin roofs; coat, ?17,000 each;
Wm. H. Muldoon, ;;!04 East blst st; ar't, E. Wenz.
Plan 1443.
Cortlandt st. No. 69, six-story brick store, 24x
70, tin roof; cost, $26,000; William M, Martin, 44
West40thst; ar't, 0. Wirz; b'r, J, J. Wallace.
Plan 14.53.
Great Jones st, .No. 41, five-story brick work¬
shop and storej 27x00, tiu roof; cost, ?;23,000;
Harris and David Baum, 126!) Madison av and 310
East 72d st; ar'ts, Herter Bros. Plan 1461.
Henry st, Nos. ai;^-bI6, two flve-story brick
(tnd stouQ flats, 85.3x90, tin roofs; total cost,
$50,000; Loonie Sc Parker, 115 East 89th st; ar'ta,
Rentz Sc Lange. Plan 1457.
Hester st, No. 99, five-story brick vrorksbops
and stores, 25x50, tin roof; cost, $13,000: Mary
Brothers. 5.'51 Grand st; ar't, H. Horenburger.
Plan 1456.
Lispenard st, No. 17, flve-story brick store, 25i
86. tin roof; cost, «27,500; Isidor Cohen. 98 Madi¬
son st, and Simon Cohen, 160 Henry st; ar't, J.
Hoffman. Plan 1454.
Sdst, No, 237 E,, five-story brick flat, 25x86,
tar and gravel roof; cost, $18,000; Elizabeth W.
Wliite, lOIl Madison av; ar't, J. S, O'Meara.
Plau use.
Montgomery st, e s, 57 s East Broadway, sLx-
story brick workshop and stable, 42,3x&, tin
roof; cost, 814,000; Solomon Alter, S59 East
Broadway; ar't, F. Wandelt. Plan 1469.
between I4TB AND 59TH STREETS.
57th st, n s, 350 w 11th av, one-story tile front
temporary offlce, 41x41, tile roof; cost, J5,000;
Gnstavino Fire Proof Cons. Co,, Pres. L. M. HofiE-
mann, S2 Clinton pl; ar't, R. Gustavino. Plan
19th st, s s, 285 e Av A, one-story iron factory,
29,6x2.5.6, iron roof; cost, $3,500; Standard Gas
Light Co., 2 Cortlandt st; ar't, J. Flannery,
chief engineer. Plan 1463.
29th st, Nos. 446^1o2 W., four flve-story brick
and stone flats, 25x88, tin roofs; cost, $30,000
each; Robert E. Bonner, 563 Madison av; ar't,
W. Xuhles. Plan 1452.
67tb st, u s, 100 w 3d av, oue-story brick stone
and terra cotta synagogue, 60x100, tin roof; cost,
$75,000; Cong. Zichron Ephraim, Pres. Mai
Cohen, 203 East 57th st; ar't, Schneider & Herter.
Plan 1445.
Lexiugton av. No. 1432, four-story stoue front
dwell'gaud store, 35x37, tin roof; cost, $8,000;
Daniel Leahy, on premises; ar't, E. Wenz. Flan
115thst, ss, 75 w Madisou av, four five-story
brick and stoue flats, 35x97 tin roof; cost, $15,0(10
each; Joseph Bielemeier, 296 Ralph st, Brooklyn;
ar't, J Hoffmann. Plan 1455.
118th st, s s, 225 6 4th av, one story brick store¬
house, 14.6x25, tiu roof; cost, $1,600; Rev. John
McQuirk, 127 East 117th st; ar't, A. H. Napier;
b'rs, Brady & Bittner. Plan 1448.
Boulevard, s w cor 85th st, four flvfl-story
brick and stone flats, 27.4 and 20,3.^96.10, 87.7 and
79.2, tin roofs; total cost, $104,000; Mary O.
Nesbit, 14 Henderson pl; ar't, R, R, Davis. Plan
80th st, B s, 105 e 10th av, six four-atory and
basement stone front dwell'gs, 30x53, and exten¬
sion, 13x26, tin roofs; cost, 823,000 each; B, S.
Levy, 121 West 7Sth st; ar't, E. L. AngeU. Plan
Boulevard, s w cor 6Gth st, flve-story brick and
Btone flat, 58.1x73x98.3, tin roof; coat^ $50,000;
Wm. Flanagan, 53 West SSth st; ar't, J. Munck-
-witz. Plan 1467,
66th st, ss, 77 w Boulevard, flve-story brick
and stone flat, 21x84, tin roof; cost, $30,000; ow'r
and ar't, same as last. Plan 1468,
SSth st, n w cor West End av, four three aud
four-story brick and stone dwell'gs, 33.4 and 19i
31 and 66,8, tin roofs; total cost, $36,500; Alice De
W. Kearney, 4 West 28th st; ar't, F. W. Beall.
Plan 1466.
106th st, D s, 100 w 8th av, three flve-story brick
aud stone flats, 20 and 37.6x101.7, tin roofs; total
cost, $70,000; Hannah E. Fonner, 424 Sthav; ar't,
R. R, Davis. Plau 1451.
Oth av, w s, 75.3 n 96tb st, tbree five-story brick
flats, 26,6 aud 2,5x88,5 and 87.6, tin roofs; cost,
$15,000 each; Wilson & Tichborn. 1153 Park av;
ar't, a-, A. ScheUenger, Plan 1449.
lOtb av, u e cor 186th st, oue-story frame wait¬
ing room, 12x16, flre-proof paper roof; cost, $150;
Third Avenue Railroad Company, 3d av and
66th fit; ar't, Ducker Portable House Co. Plau
23d AND 34th wards.
Simpson st, w s, abt 325 s Home st, two two-
story frame dweU'gs, 12.6x44, tin roofs; co»t,
S-2,000 eacb; Conrad BiU, 'J2 East 3d st; ar'ta,
Kurtzer & Bohl. Plan 1440,
Southern Boulevard, w s, 215 n I67th st, two-
aud-a-balf-story frame dweU'g, 20x30, slate and
tin roof; cost, $3,400: Anna B. Bennett, 1351 2d
av; ar't, W. W. Gardiner, Plan 1447.
Evelyn pl, s s, 200 w Central av, one-story
frame stable, 9x11, tarred paper roof; cost, $25;
ow'r, ar't and b'r, L. A. Soule, Evelyn pl. Plan
I34th st, n s, i_ IOO w Alexander av, six five-
135th st, s s, \ story brick flats, 25x81.6, tin
roofs; cost, $18,000 each; Fred. Rohrs, 303 East
I26th st; ar't, J. Barrett, Plan 1450.
135tb st, e s, 104 a Southern Boulevard, six twrvi
story and basement brick dweU'gs, 16.8x40, tin
roofs; cost, $5,000 each; Julia A, Saunders, 144th
st and Cypress av; ar't. A, Spence. Plan 1469.
Bremmer av, w s, 100 n Highbridge st, two-
story frame stable, 30x25, shingle roof; coat,
$500; Margaret Finland, Bremmer av, near High-
bridge st;.c'r, J, Lennon, Plan 1465,
Commerce av, w s, 40 s PoweU pl, one-story
frame storehouse, 60x170, gravel roof; cost,
$5,000; Gas Engine Se Power Co,, Mamaroneck,
Westchester Co., N. Y,; c'r, C. McKinney.
Plau 1464.
165th st. No. 7, n s, 105 e Kelly st, two-story
frame dweU'g, 23iS6, shingle roof; cost, iS3,000;
EUsabetha Steurer, 720 East 134th st; ar't, G.
Schwarz, Plan 1470.
Kiites COrNTT.
Plan 1807—Stuyvesant av, w s, 40 n Halsey at,
three two-and-a-half-story brown stoue dweU'gs,
20x42, tin roofs, iron cornices; cost, each, $4,500;
Geo. W. Dearing, on premises; ar't, R, Dixon,
1808—Cleveland st, e s, 100 s Ridgewood av, two
two-story and attic frame dwell'gs, 23x33, shingle
roofs; cost, each, ^2,700; ow'r aud m'n, T. F.
Parker; ar't and c'r, E. G. Vail, .Tr.
1809—McDonough st, n s, 172 w Ral| h av,
nine two-story and basement brick dweU'gs, 18.8
k43, tin roofs, metal cornices; cost, each, $5,000;
ow'r and c'r, S. R. Good, 507 McDonough sb;
ar'ts, A. HUl & Son.
1810—Vermont av, e s, 25 n Belmont av, one
two-story frame (brick fiUed) dwell'g, 22x35, tin
roof; cost, $3,500; Miss C. Lorch, 614 East 12th
st. New York; ar't, L. F, SchilUnger; b'r, J.
1811—Ceutral av, w s, 100 s Gates av, oue three-
story frame (brick fiUed) store and tenem't, 26x
.55, tinroof; cost, $4,.500- Chas. Reeck, 403 Cen-
{j-al av; aj-'t and b'r, F. Lessing.
1812—Hendrix st, w s, 100 s Belmont av, one
two-story frame tenem't, 35x45, tin roof; cost,
$3,500; John Lumley, Hendrix st, near Belmont
av; b'r, J. E«illy.
1813—ISth st, s s, on east bank Gowanus Canal,
one one-story frame shed, 330x50, gravel roof;
cost, $3,500; Hobby & Doody, 503 9th st; ar't
and b'r, J. O'Connor.
1814^B^>uth 4th st. No. 348, s s, 330 w Hooper
st, one four-story brick store and tenem't, 25x49,
and extensions 11x13, tin roofs, wooden cornice;
cost, $9,500; T. W. Thorne, 30 Broad st, New
York; ar't, J. S. O'Meara; b'r, H. D. Southard.
1815—15th st, n s, 218.3 w Sth av, thiee two-
story brick dwell'gs, 16.8x47.10, tin roofs, wooden
cornices; cost, each, $11,500; Elise M. J, Pelerin,
109 Stato st; ar't, C. D. Marvin; b'rs, W.
Maschke and M. R, Thompson Se Co.
1816—Pennsylvania av. No. 115, oue two-story
fraroe (brick fllled) dweU'g, 24x12, tiu roof; cost,
$1,000; Mrs, Schmidt, on premises; ar'ts, D.
Acker Sc Son; b'r, H. Stubing.
1817^CarroU st, s s. 200 w 3d av, rear, oue
oue-story frame stable, 25x30; cost, $300; R.
Cristy, on premises,
1818—3d av, w s. 95 s 37th st, four two-story
frame (brick fllled) dweU'gs, 14.8x40, tin roof;
cost, each, $1,275; Richard Remsen, Flatbush;
b'rs, F. McCalphn and D. D. Hamlin,
I8I9—-Utica av, s w cor Pacific st, one three-
story brick dwell'g, 20x45, tin roof; cost, $3,0iXl;
ow'r and b'r, Joseph Hopkins, Jr., Moffat st near
Knickerbocker av.
1820—Utica av, w s, 20 s Pacific st, five two
story and basement brick dweU'gs, 17.5x34, tin
roofs; cost, each $2,400; ow'r and b'r, same as
1831—55th st, ss, 375 w Jst av, oue two-and-a-
half-story frame workshop and storage, 80x20,
tin roof; cost, $1,500; ow'r, b'r and ar't, H. C-
Wintringham, 168 Hicks st.
1832—Prospect pl, s s, 330 w Rochester av, 20
and 18x26, one one-story frame dwell'g, tin roof;
cost, $400; ow'r and b'r, James Monahan, Park
pl, near Utica av.
1823—King st at foot of north side,on bulkhead,
one one-story brick storage, 33.5x100, gravel roof;
cost, $10,000; A. L. Washburn, Fordham, N. Y.;
ar't and b'r, Stephen Hazzard.
18-34—Lewis av, e s, 50 s Floyd st, one three-
story frame factory, 25x—, gravel roof; cost,
$3,000; ow'r, ar't and b'r, Jas. Wehr, 12 Lewis
182.5—Thatford av, e s, 150 s Livonia av, one
one story frame stable, 22x45, tin roof; cost,
$15; ow'r aud b'r, David Simons, 336 North
2d St.
1826—Park av, No. 114, oue one-story brick
storage in rear of above, 12x36, tinroof; cost,
$300; ow'r and ar't, R, F. Mathews, 169 Li-viug-
ston st; m'n, R. P. Carr; c'r, A. C. Buckley.
1827—Frost st, s s, 80 e Humboldt st, one one-
story frame wagou shed, 40x16, gravel roof; cost,
$100; D. Canty, Grand st; c'r, C. F. Canfield,
Grand st.
1828—Ewen st. No. 164 e s, 25 s Scholes st,
one four-story frame tenem't and store, '25x65,
flat tin roof; cost, $5,500; ow'r and b'r, Joseph
Herte, 169 Boerum st; ar't, F, J. Berlenbacb, Jr.
1829—Remsen st. No. 87, n s, 75 w Heury st,
one four-story brick and sand stoue dwell'g, 25x
65, mansard, tin and slate roof; cost, $2(),000;
ow'r, E. J. Knowlton, 267 Henry st; ar't, Wm,
H. Be<srs; m'n, Wm, J. Morau; c'r, not selected.
1830—Varet st, No. 99, one four-story frame
(brick fllled) store and tenem't, 25x58, tin roof;
cost, abt $5,(X10; ow'r, Jobn Wegmann, 143 Gra¬
ham av; ar't, F. J. Berlenbacn, Jr.; b'rs, not
1831—55th st, n s, 100 e 3d av, seven two-story
and basement .frame (brick flUed) dweU'gs, each
17.10x38, tin roofs; cost each, $2,000; owV, Wil¬
liam Beat, 3d av and SSd st; ar'ts, H. L, Spicer Sc
1832—Broadway, e s, 25 s Vanderveer st, oue
three-story frame (brick flUed) store and teuem't,
25x60, tin roof; cost, $4,800; N, Dyman, 1177
Broadway; ar't, F. Holmberg.
1883—6tb av, e s, 25 n 46th st, oue two-story
frame dweU'g, 20x40, tin roof; cost, $i,400; M.
Parks, 3d av and S3d st; c'r, Geo. W. Hayward;
ar'ts, H. L, Spicei' & Sons.
1834—Linwood st, w s, 175 s Ridgewood av,
one two-story frame dwell'g, 20x23, tin roof;
cost, $2,400; ow'rs and c'rs, Alsop Sc Green, 1797
Atlantic av; m'n, C. Bour.
1835—Evergreen av, w 8, 87 s Cedar st, oua