Recofd and Guide.
I^ebrtiary 8, 1896
SIS West 15th sfc; ar't, Thayer & Robinson. Plan
27th st, Nos, 455-459 W,, three flve-story stone
flats, 25x88.9, tin roofs; cost, $30,000 each; W.
Terriherry, 24 Charles st; ar't, J. C. Burne.
Plan 148. „ , ^ ,„ „
36th st, No. 508 W,, one-story frame shed. 12x7,
shinele roof; cost, *10; ow'r, ar't and b'r, J,
Hacker, on premises. Plan 138.
58th st, n s, 235 -w 6th av, six-sfcory brick and
stone flat, 75x80, asphalt roof; cost, $140,000; R.
Lo Forte, 136 West Slst st; ar'ts, Hubert, Pirs¬
son & Hoddick, Plan 139.
fl7thst. No. 328 E.,one-itory brick stable, 33s
15.6, tin roof; cost, $800; C, Kegeler, on prem¬
ises; ar't, O. Wirz; m'ns, Amberg & Fleming.
Plan 175.
Tth av, e s, 50 n 48th sfc, flve-story bnck flat
and store, 25x87, tin roof; cost, as given, $1,800;
A, Ewalds, 404 West Slst st; ar't, J. W. Cole.
Pian 167.
9th av, w s, 24.9 n S5th st, two five-story bnck
flats, 24.8x89, tinroofs; cost, $20,000 each; ow'r,
m'n and c'r, P. Collins, 45S ath av; ar't, M, V. B.
Ferdon. Plan 181.
5th avenue.
93d st, n s, 225 e Ist av, two-sfcory brick stable,
16x44, tin roof; cost, $3,000; P, Harrigan, 435
East 92d st; ar't, T. J. Sheridan. Plan 154.
93d St. s s, 105 w 4th av, three flve-story sfcone
flats, 21x61 with extension 14x27, tin roof; cost,
$20,000 each; N.J. ReviUe, 35 Sutton pl; ar't,
M. Heusel. Plan 142.
102d st, s s, 300 w 1st av, oue-story brick and
frame stable and shed, 25x47, tin and gravel
roof; cost, $3,500; Sturckd; Co. 107 East 90th sfc;
ar't, C. Btegmayer. Plan 150.
113th st, w s, 311 e 1st av, two-story brick store,
3.S.4x50, asphalt, felt and gravelroof; cost, $5,000;
Catherine Eebod, 405 East 114th st; ar'fc, C, Bax¬
ter. Plau 146.
2d av. No, 2293, flve-story brick and stone flat
and stores, 25.5x61, tin roof; cost, $16,000; H.
â– Turno, on premises; ar't, W. Graul. Plan 141,
88th st, n s, 125 w Ist av, flve flve-story brick
flats and stores, 35x68, with extension, 5x12,4,
tin roofs; cost, $18,000 eaeh; Feehan Se Ham¬
mer, 1113 2d av; ar'ts, Thom Se Wilson. Plan 173.
89th st, s s, 110 e 3d av, four flve-story stone
flats and stores, 2.5x69, -with extension 5x13,4, tin
roofs; cost, $18,000 eaeh; Higgins & King, 1420
3d av; ar'ts, Thom Se WUson. Plan 171,
90tb st, n s, aoO e 2d av, four five-story sfcone
flats, 26x71 each, fcin roofs; cost, $16,000 each; E.
Roesserfc,444 East86tbsfc; ar'fcs, E, Wenz. Plan
lllfch st, s s, 100 e Sth av, six five-story stone
flats, fom'27x86 each, one 19x80 and one 18x80, tin
roofs; total cost, $140,000; Juo Hickey, 1729
Lexington av; ar't, E. Wenz. Plan 163,
8th avenue,
9fch av, n e cor 60th st, five-story brick, stone
and terra cotta flat, 35.5x96, tin roof; cost, $30,-
000; Lowei; Se Halliday, 400 West 46th st; ar'ts,
Herter Bros. Plan 14U,
93d st, s s, ItW e IOth av, seven three-story
and basement brick and stone dwell'gs, six 18s-50
and one 17x50, tin roofs; total cost, $S4,000; ow'r,
ar't and c'r, VV, P. Anderson, 54 West 95th afc.
Plan 160.
94th sfc, B e cor 9th av, four five-story brick
and stone flats, one 54.10x68.8, one 28x90, one
50x63.8 aud one 20x90, tin roofs; total cost, $165,-
000; G. C. Edgar's Sons, 185 Wesfc 82d st; ar't,
G.:A. Schellenger, Plan 180.
131sfc st. n s, 95 6 Manhattan av, four five-story
stone flats, a5x85 eacb, tin roofs; cost, $20,000
each; Henriette Behrens, 16 Easfc 114th st; ar't, E.
Wenz, Plan 183.
West End av, s w cor 78th st, flve-story and base¬
ment stoue flat, 22.2x71. tin roof; cosfc, S25,000;
ow'rs, aud b'rs, Eagen & Halleey, 446 West
48d st; ar't, M, V, b. Ferdon. Plan 178.
West Eud av, w s, 23.2 e 78th st, four five-
story and basement sfcoue flats, 20x64, with ex¬
tension, tin roofs ; cost, $20,000 each; ow'r, ar't
and b'r, same as last. Plan 179.
125th st, Nos. 209, 211 and 213 W., five-story
brick and stone office bnilding and store. 75x110,
iron, wood and tin roof; cost, $350,000; O. Ham-
nierstein, 3333 7th av; ar'ts, J. B. McElfatrick &
Sons. Plan 147.
169th sfc, s s, 175 w 10th av, one-story brick
stable, 25x15, tin roof ; cost, $500 ; ow'r and
m'n, C. Kcheidecker, 170th st, w of Audubon
av; ar't, U. M. Toung, Plan 163.
Convent av, s w cor 144th st, four fchree-and-a-
half-story and basement briek and stoue dwell'gs,
three 25x55 and one 21x55, slate and tinroofs;
total cosb, abt $75,500; W. H, De Forest, Jr,,
144fch st, near lOthav; ar't, H, Van Benschoten,
Plan 160,
8th av, w s, bet 157th and 159fch sts, two-story
frame structure, 416x63, tarred roof; cost,
$15,000; New York (Lim.), 100 Broadway; ar't,
D, W. King; c'r, G. W. Crane. Plan 164,
8th av, s w cor 159tb st, two two-story frame
club houses, 35x20, tarred roofs; cost,. $1,000 eaeh;
ow'r, ar't and c'r, same as last. Plan 165,
23d and 3iTH WARDS.
Bush st, .u s, 350 w Anthony av, two-sfcory
frame dwell'g, 33.9x33.6, slate roof; cost, $3,500;
A. Wbyte, aoi West 133d st; ar't, C. C, Manning.
Plau 145,
167fch st, n s, 193.6 e Sfcebbius av, twostory
frame dwell'g, 20x35, tin roof; cost, $2,000; C.
Schneider, a s Stebbins av, near 167th st; ex't,
]J. Van Eenschoten, Plan 163,
Valentine av, e s, 100 s Southern Boulevard,
two-story and afctic frame dwell'g, 20x44,6,
shingle roof; cosfc, $6,600: Jennie McK. Mosher,
2285 7thav; ar'fc, H. Van Benschofcen. Plan 158.
Quarry road, s e cor 3d av, one-and-a-half-story
frame stable, 18x20, shingle roof; cost, $250;
Therese Elug, on premises, Plan 149.
Cedar pl, s s, 50 w Tinton av, three two-story
frame dwell'gs, 16.8x30 each; tin roofs^cost,
$2,500 each; ow'r and e'r, F. Schwab, 614 Tinton
av; ar't^ F, Lohse. Plan 176,
Mt. Hope pl, s s, 125 w Morris av, two-and-a-
half-story frame dweU'g, 36x36, shingle roof;
cost, $7,000: L. A, Gutmann, 203 Wesfc 119th st;
ar'ts, Cleverdon & Putzel. Plan 170.
161stst,s wcor Forest av, rear, two-story
frame stable and shed, 31.3x16, tin roof; cost,
$400; Margaret Pfeiffer, 869 Forest av; ar't, A.
Pfeiffer. Plan 166.
Courtlandt av. No. 549, five-story brick flat
and stores, 25x96, tin roof; cost, $27,000; B,
Stelter, 1051 Park av; ar't, C. Stegmayer, Plan
Fairmount av, n w cor Trafalgar pl, two-story
frame dweU'g. 20.6x88.6 and 91.3, shingle roof;
cosb, $3,000; ow'r, ar'fc and c'r, N. Wilson. Plan
Morris av, e s, 75 s 163d sfc, three-story frame
dwell'g, 33x33, tinroof; cost, $4,000; Antoinette
Schade. 444 West 56fch st; ar'fc, C. C. Churchill.
Plan 168,
Valentine av, e s, 100 s Southern Boulevard,
rear, one-story and loft frame stable, 15x17, shin¬
gle roof; cost, $350; Jennie McK, Mosher, 2285
7th av; ar't, H, Van Benschoten, Plan 159.
Plan 1.59—7fch av, e s, 25 n 16th st. two
four-story brick stores and tenem'ts, 25x60, tin
roofs, iron cornices ; cost, each, $7,500 : Percy
Jenkins, 471 lOtb st; ar't, R. Dixon,
160—Rodney st, n w cor South 3d st, one two¬
story brick stable, 14x17, gravel roof, brick cor¬
nice ; cost, $500; Chas, Reckman. South 4fch st, eor
Hewes st; br's, E. Hoepfner and R. Gershinsky.
161—2d st, n s, 90 w 7th av, four fcwo-and-a-
half-story and basement brown stone dweU'gs,
20x48, tinroofs, iron cornices; cosfc, each, $5,500;
E. B. Chace & Co., 206 Water st; ar't, F. B.
162—St, Mark's av, n s, 100 w Troy av, one
three-sfcory frame (brick flUed) tenem't, 25x50,
tin roof; cost, $3,800; John T. Birch, 95 Roches-
t«rav; br's, J. Donerson and T. Brookens.
163—Bainbridge st, n s, 100 w Patcben av, five
two-sfcoiT and basemenfc brick dweU'gs, 15.10x45,
tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost, each $3,500;
Jacob H. Roberts, 243 Reid av: ar't, A, HiU.
164—Leonard st, e s, 100 s Meserole av, three
tbree-story frame (brick filled) tenem'ts, 16.8x58,
gravel roof; cost, each, $5,000; Gieorge Vander¬
bUt, on premises; ar't, J. C. Snackenberg; b'r, nofc
165—Hamburg av, e s, IOO s Moffat st, four
two-story and basement frame (brick fiUed)
dwell'gs, 17.35, tinroofs; cost, total, §7,700; ow'r
and b'r, Deitrick Grienne, Hamburg av, cor
Moffat st; ar't, E. Dennis.
166—Cooper st, s s, 141 w Knickerbocker av,
fcwo two-story and basement frame dweUg's, ]7x
32. tin roofs; cosfc, each, $3,800 ow'r and b'r, John
Morrow, 277 Moffat st; ar't, E. Dennis.
167—13thst, ns, 97,10w7thav, one three-story
brick stable, 25x94, tin roof, metal comice; cost,
$10,500; ow'r, ar'fc and e'r, Geo, 0. Van Orden, 418
17fch st; m'ns, Riley & Buchanan,
168—Crescent st, e s, 50 s Glen st, one two-story
framedweU'g, 20x34, tinroof; cosfc, $1,500; ow'r
and b'r, John L. Smith, 719 Herkimer sfc.
169—Stanhope st. No. 349, n s, 100 e Wyckoff
av, one two-story frame dweU'gs, 20x42, gravel
roof; cost, $2,500; KiUan Kroner, Judge and
Devoe sts; ar't and m'n, C. Bucbeidt; c'r, Bren-
ners & Hanold.
170—Graham av, e s, 75 n Maujer sfc, one four-
story fran.e (brick fiUed) store and tenem't, 25x
68, tin roof; cosfc, $5 500; Geo. J. Berlenbach, 169
Boerum st; ar't, F. J. Berlenbach, Jr.
171—Metropolitan av, s s,125 e Olive st, one
one-story frame shop, 13x18, gravel roof; cost,
$30; F. Bchirmer, 46 Henry st.
173—Morgan av, w s, 50 s Meserole sfc, one one-
story frame engine house, 16x20, gravel root;
cosfc, $100; Chas. W, Visel & Co,, on premises.
173—Kingsland av, No. 213, w s, 142.6 n Van
Cotfc av, one fchree-story frame {brick filled) tene¬
ment, 33.9x57, tin roof; cosfc, $5,000; Fred Ger-
hardfc, 124 Banzefcfc sfc; .ar't, Th, Engelhardfc; b'r,
not selected.
174—Ralph st, n s, 150 e Bushwick av, fcwo
four-story frame tenem'fcs, 25x60, tin roof; cost,
each abt $5,500; Edward Keesey, 38 Seigel st; ar't
and b'r, J, W, Fletcher,
175—Fnlfcon sfc, n s, 220,1 e Patchen av; one
three-story frame (brick fllled) stoie and dweU'g,
25x50, tin roof; cosfc, $4,500; Sisette Bohnke,
Fulton st, near Cumberland st; ar't, C. Infanger,
176—Grand st. No. 6.59, one four-story frame
(brick fiUed) store and tenem't, 25x57 tin roof;
cost, $6,000; Mrs, M. A. Schwensel, 641 Grand
st; ar'ts, D, Acker & Son.
177—Schaeffer st, n s, 80 w Bushwick av, six
three-story frame (brick filled) stores and tene¬
ments, 25x57, tin roof: cost, each, $4,500; owt, ar^t
and b'r, Jos. Frisse, 19 Ten Eyck st.
178—Stanhope st, s s, 270 w St. Nicholas av,
one fchree-sfcory frame (brick fiUed) fcenem't, SOx
45. tin roof; cost, $3,000; Ch. Waber, 41 Debe¬
voise sfc; ar'U, D. Acker & Son; b'r, C. Waber.
179—Stockholm sfc, s s, 250 e Evergreen av, one
three-story frame (brick fllled) tenem't, 25x55,
tin roof: cost, $5,000; Chiurnh ifc Gtough, on prem¬
ises; ar'ts, D. Acker & Son^
180—6th av, e s, 69 s Union st, one three-story
briok stores and dweU'g, 54 and 20x34.6, tin roof,
wooden cornice; cost, $6,000; Wm. Brown, 448
13fch st; ar't, W. M. Coots; b'r, day's work.
181—Graud st, s b, 200 e Vandervoort av, two
one-story franae blacksmith shops, 23x55, gravel
roofs; cost, eaeh, $300; ow'rs, ar'ts and b'rs, C. H.
Reynolds Se Son.
182—Troy av, e s, 102 s Park pl, one two-story
frame dwell'g, 18x36, tiu roof; cosfc, $1,200; Thos.
McDonald, 1482Bergenst; b'r, not selected,
183—Guernsey st, e s, 235 n Nassau av, one one-
sfcory frame stable, 13x50, gravelroof; cost, $400;
James Giles, 452 Oakland st; b'r, J. F. Hunt.
184^Sackett st, n s, 175 w 3d av, one one-sfcory
frame sbed, 18x60, gravel roof; cost, $100; ow'r
and b'r, S. S. Smith, 430 Pacific st,
186—Floyd sfc. No. 308, one four-sfcory frame
(brick fiUed) tenem't, 25x60, tin roof; cost, $5,-
300; ow'r and c'r, Charles Engert, 182 Montrose
av; ai-'t, F, J. Berlenbach, Jr.; m'n, C. Wahler,
186—Humboldt st, w s, 80 s Broome st, one two-
sfcory frame (brick filled) dwell'g, 20x32, tin roof;
cost, $1,400; ow'r, ar't and b'r, same as last.
187—Bushwick av, n w cor Cooper st, three
three-story frame stores and tenem'ts, 19,6x20x
60 and 60, tin roofs; cost, $5,600 and $4,500 eaeh;
ow'r and b'r. Edward B.Kelly, 713 Gates av;
ar'fc, F. J. Helmle.
188—Ralph av, e s, 132 n Atlantic av, one
three-story frame (bnck filled) tenem't, 27x50,
tinroof; cost, $3,500; M. Grosserth, 11 Suydam
pl; ar't, J, E, Dwyer; b'r, not selected.
189—Oakland st, e s, 100 n Calyer st, one two¬
story frame cork factory, 32x70, tin roof; cosfc,
$1 200: W. E. and E. D, Gerard, 24 Quay st;
ar't, Th. Engelhardfc; b'r, nofc selected.
190—3d av, 8 6 cor4ofch sfc, one three-story
bnck store and tenem't, 25,2x58, tin roof, wooden
comice; ;coBt, $7,000; James G-. CarroU, 3d av
and 53d st; ar'ts, H. L. Spicer & Son.
191-Franldin st, n e cor Calyer sfc, one one-
sfcory frame shoe shop, 13,6x17,6, gravel roof;
cost, $250; M. Hodges; ar't and br, J. Gould.
193—Hicks St. No, 693, es, 19 n HamUfconav,
one tbree-story brick mason's shop and dweil'g,
19.6x45, tin roof, wooden cornice; cosfc, $3,250;
Jno, F. Nelson, 153 CarroU st.
193_30fch st, s s, 300 w 3d av, one two-story
frame stable, 34x65, shingle roof; cosfc, $1,500;
Charles E. Rogers, 152 Henry st; ar't, J. L. Ques-
enbery; b'r, D. Ryan.
194^ Dean st, s s, 123 w Grand av, one three-
sfcory frame store and dweU'g, 20x50, tin roof;
cost, $3,000; Mary A. Bohn, 788 Dean st; b'r, not
195—Alabama av, e s, 150 n Eastem Farkway,
two fcwo-sfcory frame dweU'gs, 22x30, fcin roofs;
cost, eacb, $1,600; John W, Davis, Stone av and
Dean st; ar't, C, M. Thompson; b'rs, W, B,
Howard and R. Davis.
196—Troy av, w s, 180 n Atlantic av, one two¬
story frame sfcudio, 14x30, tin roof; cost, $300;
G. W, Bond; ar't and c'r, G, W. Pipe; m'n. A,
J. Bassetfc.
197~Richmond st, e s, abt 100 n Etua st, one
two-story and attic frame [brick filled) dwell'g,
16x20x28, and one-story extension 13x14, shingle
roof; cost, $3,000; George Beach, Logan st.
198—Van Pelt av, s s, 60 w Graham av, one
three-story frame (brick filled) cabinet shop, 20
x49, tin roof; cost, $1,200; ow'r and c'r, H. B.
Hieronymus, 531 Graham av; m'n, J, Kleinklaus.
199—Fulton st, s s, 203.2e Ralph av, two four-
story frame (brick filled) stoves and tenem'ts. 24
x65, tin roofs; cosfc, $5,500; ow'r and m'n, Chris¬
tian Bauer, 17 Hull st; ar't, D. Lauer; e'r, not
300—Newell sfc, w s, 200 s Nassau av, one three-
sfcory framg (brick filled) fcenem't, 25x65, gravel
roof; cost, $6,300; August Dultjeh, 155 Nassau
av; ar't, F. Weber; b'r, nofc selected.
201—Huron sfc, n e cor Oakland sfc, one one-
story frame stable, 35x75 gravel roof; cost.
$300; J. Stevenson, 441 Manhafctanav; ar't, H,
Vollweiler; b'r, not selected.
Plan 129—Inwood st, n s, 700 e North River,
two-story extension, 10.6x18; cost, $500; ow'r
and ar't, B, L. Ackerman.
130—Stb av. No. 303, interior alterations and
waUs altered; cost, $1,800; Wm, Moir, 6 West
20th st; ar'fc. T, Graham; m'n and c'r. The C.
Graham & Sons' Co.
131—Sth av, No, 420, one-story extension, 25i
36; cost, $5,000; J, S. Weatherley, 430 5th.av;
ar'ts, Stent & Lang,
132—Cherry st, Nos. 187 and 189, elevator
changed; cost, $350; P. Young, 285 Berkeley pl,
133_Pearl st, s w cor Hanover sq, mterior al¬
terations; cost, $150; att'y, F, A, Ehret, s e cor
94fch sfc and 4th av; ar't, J. Kastner.
134—Pearl St. Nos. 444 and 446, tank on roof;
cost $300; A. E. Wemple, exr., 199 Cumberland
st, Brooklyn; ar'fc. Insurers Automatic Fire
Extinguisher Co.
la'i—Hudson st. No. 110, and Franklin sfc, No;
164, two-story extension, 21.10x37' cost, $2,000;
JohuHoge, 164 Franklin sfc; ar'fc,.H. Fouchaux.
136—Church st, No. 318, repair damage by¬
fire ; cost, $500; J. W. BooHeveit, 19 East 54th
sfc; ar't, McCormick & Sons.
137—Nassau st, No. 61, intierhaT aiterationa-
and walls altered; cosfc, -$800; D. S. Warren,
170 Wesfc 59th street; ar'fc, J. Noble; m'n, J. a.
>l6; c'r, T. Walsh.
38-Grand st. No. 332, i
; cost, $726; H. Tillotson.
f; ar't, m'n and c'r, Clark
Noble; c'r, T. Walsh.
138—Grand st. No. 332, repair damage by
flre; cost, $726; H. Tillotson. 239 East Broads
way; ar't, m'n and c'r, Clark & Co»