Vol. XLVI.
The following semi-annual Index of the Con¬
veyances and Projected Buildings in New York
City, as published in The Record and Guide
during the last half of 1S90, will he found of great
value to those of our subscribers who have pre¬
served all the issues of this paf^er during that
poriod. Our usual care has been taken to keep
the Index up to the .same perfect standard which
has characterized it in the past. The pages are
given on which all the transfers of realty pub¬
lished in Volume XLVI. can be found, and the
streets and avenues are .so subdivided that few
references are required. For instance, transfers
of property on the Bowery appear in eleven
issues during the six months ; Bowery in the In¬
dex is sub-divided into five parts, so that the
least possible trouble need be incurred, provided
it is known between what stieets the property is
located. In this volume we have continued to
arranee the transfers in such a manner that
every street affected can be seen at a glance by
turning to the pages which the Index calls for.
Take for instance page 10 and llnd thereon:
AV A, Nos. 195 and r.»T j begins Av A, u w cor
13th st, Nos. 441 and443 \ iJtli st, 51.9x10(1.
The above applies when a piece of property is
on the corner of any street or avenue aud runs
in depth ui)on both streets more than ItO feet, or
when a plot has buildings fronting on both
streets, and also » hen the property begins on one
street and runs to another. Although many of
our subscribars have used the Index for years,
some of them do not fully understand the com¬
pleteness of the work. Wa are frequently told
of errors that our readers think they have dis¬
covered, which, upon investigation, prove to be
errors of the searcher—not of the Index. For
instance, in the current number appears the fol¬
lowing: Madison av. from 85th to 90th st, 85,435,
62:!, 84<>, the latter being the pages on which
transfei-s on said street may be found. Now,
turning to page 4;i5, the average searcher would
fail to find the item referred to, because it does
not appear in the alphabetical order of streets. A
close search shows the item under the head 88th
st, n e cor Madison av, where aplot, :i(>.8x100.11, is
conveyed. The Index is, therefore, in some cases
condemneri for a supjjosed omission which is really
the strongest evidence of the thoroughness with
which it has been compihd. Where such an
omission should occasionally seem apparent to
the subscriber, he should search the whole page,
and he will then tind the item which is referred
to. The Projected Buildings are indexed in a
similar manner, so that it can reaflily be ascer¬
tained on what streets improvements have been
made. Those wi.ebing to keep a file for perman¬
ent refeience should see that all the numbers are
complete and have them bound. A suitable
binder can be obtained at the office of The
Record and Guide, 191 Broadway, corner Dey
street: price, one dollar.
Below will be found a table showing the bound¬
ary lines of each of the thirteen Sections, and
under which all property is now indexed in
in the Register's office by locality on new map of
New York City, according to new law, which
went into effect Jan. 1, 1891 :
I.—South of Grand and Watts sts, between
East and North Rivers.
2.—From Grand and Watts sts to 14th st. East
and North Rivers.
3.—From 14th to 40th sts. East and North Rivers,
4.—From 40th to 96th st, west of 6th av, and
line drawn parallel thereto.
5.—From 40th to 96th st, east of 6th av, and
line drawn parallel thereto.
6.—From 96th st to Harlem River, east of 6th
av, and line drawn parallel thereto.
7.—From 96th to 1.55th st, at Harlem River,
west of Lenox av, and line drawn parallel
8.—From 1.5.5th st to Spuyten Duyvil Creek,
west of Harlem River.
9.—From Harlem River to 169th st. west of St.
Anns and 3d avs.
-From Harlem River to 169th st, east of St.
Anns and 8d avs.
-From 169th st to Pelham av and Kingsbridge
road, bet Bronx and Harlem Rivers.
From Pelham av and Kingsbridge road and
city line, bet Bronx River and Broadway.
18.—From Harlem River and city line, bet
Broadway and Hudson River.
91st to 94th.... 119, 51-2.
Note.—Tht figures in extra black type—for
instance, pages 281 and 878 under the head of
Ann street—denote that the traii-saction on the
pages Riven is Leasehold, or a lease lunning.for
a long term of years. This explanation is made
so that subscribers searchiiij; for trausfers in fee
can at once distinguish between the former and
the latter without lefeiTing to the i>age men¬
Abington sq (see Bleecker ar.d Bank sts and 8th
av)....219, .^•^9.
Academy___84, 512.
Albany, from Greenwich to Washington___
185, 512.
Allen, south of Hester... .7, 40, 154.
from Broome to Delanc^y___r, |s5, '..'.50.
Delancey to Rivington. .. 1H5, 27.*^. 766, S7.5.
Rivington to Stanton___7, 2;5o, 7(jo, 7,'i:;.
Stenton to Houston___:;:W.
Ann, from Nassau to William... 28 i, 878.
Apthorps lane... :ilu, :!:;9, 476, 5ss, {;■':>. 7h-4, s:;9,
Attorney, , south of Grand... M, 587.
from Grand to Stanton.... 7, 4.;;j, 512.
nortn of Stanton___tsr,, :;;is, 401, 020.
Bank, east of 4th .. .367, s:ir, s7S.
Banker (now Madison) —
Barclay, from Broadway to Church___43;i, 54'.*.
Church st to College pl.... 311, 878.
Barrow___41, 512, sor.'.
Baxter, south of Worth .. .477.
from Worth to Bayard... .21(i,»,:.'(), 7C0.
Bayard to Canal___■i7s.
north of Canal___549. 'i->i, 8,7.
Bayard, from Elizabeth to Mott— IS5, 7:>;;
Beach....216, 660.
Beaver, west of New — 703.
Bedford.... 118, 367, sr.^,.
Bethune.... 434.
Bleecker. n s, from Bowery to Broadway___7,
40, 118, 512, 766.
Mercer to W ooster____Siis, 7'.'>.i.
Wooster st to South .5th av... .40, ;*9, oti7.
South .5th av to Macduugal st___250, 253,
Macdougal toBarrow—40, 157, 515.
Barrow to Grove___118.
Ferry st to 8th av... .'216, 219 433, ob<.>.
Bloomingdale road (also see Old Bloomingdale
road) ... 11, 86, 119,120, 1.57, 51'2, H40.
Boulevard, from 60th to 73d-----401, 733.
73d to 74th... .84,216, 250,8<<i!, h:;7.
74th to 79th.... 15T, 7:j3, 802.
79th to 82d.... 185, 338, 837.
82d to85th....766, 837.
86th to 88th... .84,310, 837.
94th to KM!th....7, 6.57.
lOOth to ll6th....'278, 8;;7.
13(,t,hto 13.5th.....5'*7, 620.
l.Sdthto 1.5,5th.... 1.54, 73,5.
north of 15.5th... .85, 6'20.
(also see llthav).
Bowery, south of Bayard___157, '250, 657.
from Bajard to Canal.... 18.5, 2l6, 660.
Canal to Hester___7, 805.
Hester to Delancey. . .40, 770.
north of Stanton... .40, 660, 703.
Bridge. ..7;^.
Broad, from Exchange pl to Beaver st ... 7.
Broadway, south of Liberty___87, 118.
from Liberty to Fulton___40, 185.
White to Walker___837.
Spring to Prince___401, 403, 512.
Houston to 3d.. ..587, 837, 878.
Sth to 10th.... 12. 87.
nth to 12th....735, 766.
13lh to 1.5th....805, 878.
18th tol9lh....ll8.
24th to •29th.... 188. 253, 805.
:;5thto:i7th. ..118, 157.
40th to 41st.... 590, 878. to42d....624,700.
43d to 44th....7, 733
46th to SOth.... 766, 802.
.56th to,5Sth....84, 620.
.59tb to T'Sth___401, 733, SU2, 877. ..512, S77.
north of .59th (also see Boulevard aud
Kingsbridge road).
north of l«)th... .84, "216, 7f»0, Mii, ^77.
Broadway alley___5s7.
Broom", east of Goerck... 7, 40, 84.
from Goerck to Lewis___278, 620.
Lewis to Cannon___7, 1.54, 185, 3:iH, 657.
Columbia to Willett.... lis, 33.s.
Willett to Pitt... .H4, 3:HS, 620.
Pitt to Ridge... .7, 216, 309, 620.
Ridge to Clinton___7, 40.
Clinton to Suffolk.. .549, .5s7.
Suffolk to Essex.... 7, 216,766.
Eldridge to Chrystie... .7,185, 620.
Elizabeth to Mulberry___40, 41.
Elm to Greene... .7.33, 802.
Wooster st to South .5th av___S4. 1S5, 0.57,
804, 8;J7.
South .51 h av to Hud.son st___11"^. 837.
Biu-ling slip... .657, SO'2.
Canal, east of Orchard___7,40, lis.
from Eldridge to Cdrystie___7, 4'», 76ti.
Mott to Baxter. . .7, 620.
n 8, Wooster st to South Sth av___7. 1.55.
South 5tb av to Hudson st___367,657. 733.
Renwick to Washington___45, 766.
Cannon, south of Rivington___US, 1.54.
from Rivington to Stanton... 84, 7r0, 701,
Stanton to Houston___766, KM.
Carmine___41, 84.
Catharine ...1.5.5, 185, 624.
Catharine slip-----154.
Cedar, east of Nassau—51'2.
from Temple st to Trinity pl___7, 154,
216, 475, 549.
Trinity pl to Greenwich st___733.
Central Park West, south of 68th st... .84, 2.50.
from 68th to 71st... .84, 43;i.
82d to 84th... .7, 309, 700, 766, >?,!.
84th to 86th... .338.401, 512.
91st to96th....:a8.
10.5th to noth.... 154, 309.
north of 110th (see Sth av).
Centre, from Hester to Howard___368.
Chambers ...84,515,878.
Charles....7, 840.
Charlton, east of Varick___1.54, 338, 6'20.
west of Greenwich.... 118, 185, 367.
Cherry, west of Catharine slip___40, 367, 876.
from Mechanic to Pelham___118, 309.
Pelham to Rutgers... 118, .309, 6-20, TXi,
766, 876.
Rutgers to Jefferson___40, 118.
Jefferson to Clinton___250, 837.
Clinton to Montgomery... .7, 217, 309.
Montgomery, to Gouverneur___.549.
Scammel to Jackson.. ..40, 185, 216, 47.5.
Christopher, from Gay to Bleecker___2.50,401,
Bedford to Hudson___1.55.
Chrystie, from Bayard to Canal .. .7, 216, 620.
Canal to Hester___551.
Grand to Broome....40, 700.
Broome to Delancey___590, 660.
Delancey to Rivington___119, 766.
Stanton to Houston___549.
Church, south of Dey___47";, 587.
from Duaneto Thomas ...700.
Clendening lane___218.
Cliff, west of Fulton... .701.
Clinton, from Stanton to Rivington___1.55, 876.
Rivington to Delancey___155, 367, 657.
Delancey to Broome___587.
Broome to Grand... .84, 118, 620.
Grand to East Broadway___I18, 1.S4, 1.5.5,
las. .549, 6-20.
Monroe to Cherry.... 185, 2.50, 837.
Cherry to South___551.
Columbia, south of Broome___3;^, 700.
from Broome to Rivington... .367, 838.
e 8. Rivington to Stanton... .2.50. 802, 876.
w s, Rivington to Stanton___7,766, 802,
Stanton to Houston.. 4.33, 475, 700, 733.
Commerce, from Bleecker to Bedford... ..512
Cooper....l8.5, 62.3, 877.
Cornelia.... 837.
Cortlandt. from Church to Greenwich___309,
Crosby, from Broome to Spring___7, 40, 216,
309 700
Spring to Prince... .185, 278, 512.
Cross lane....587.
Croton....8, 216.
CrotoD Aqueduct. ..279, 513,588.
Delancey, from Bowery to Eldridge___7, 783,
Essex to Suffolk....7, 876,
Suffolk to Clinton... .118,155, 250, 700.
Clinton to Attorney... .40,41, 783.
Attorney to Ridge... .84,156, 278, 476, 549.
Ridge to Pitt.....338.
Pitt to Willett... .680, 667, 766, 887.