July 11,1891
Record and Guide.
5th avenue.
94th st, n 8, SSO e 3d av, three-story brk stable,
17.6x63 6 with extension, tin roof; cost, $18,000;
J. H Parker, 1459 Lexiogton av; ar't, G. A.
Schellenger. Plan 965.
84th Bt, 8 8,119 w Ay A, two flve-story stone
flats. 84.8x87.6, tin roofs; cost, $33,000 each; Con¬
lan & Gannon. ISl East 111th st; ar't, J. C.
Burne. Plan 979.
110th st, Nos. 418-488 E., frame platform. lOx
97, no roof; cost, $850; R. Bunke, S8S East Ulth
st; ar't, H. Cording. Plan 990.
113th st. No. 408 E., frame shed, 10x50, tin
roof; cost, $30; H. McNally, 161 East 118th st.
Plan 974.
77th st, Nos. 413 and 414 E., frame shed, 13x70,
tin roof; cost, $350; lessee and b'r, G. F. Werner,
408 East 77th st. Flan 1001.
SSth st, 8 s. 100 e Av A, three flve-story brk and
stone flats, 35x77, tin roofs; cost, $17,000 each; J.
Schreiner, 110 West 181st st; ar't, J. Hauser.
Plan 100S.
104th st. No. 307 E., frame shed, 30x8, tin roof;
cost, $S0; lessee, A. Floris, on premises; c'r, J. J.
Corbin. Plan 1008.
Park av, e s, 75.8 n 115th st, five-story brk and
stone flat, 8.5.2x77, tin roof; cost, $18,000; Geo.
Schreiner, 104 West 131st st ar't, J. Hauser. â– Plan
116th st, n s, 126 e Park av, flve-story brk and
stone flat, 29x17, tin roof; cost, $20,000; ow'r and
c'r, same as last. Plan 1005.
between S9TH and 125TB STREETS, WEST OF
65th st, Nos. 132 and 134 W., two ihree-story
and basement stone dwell'gs, 18 and 18.5x56, with
extensions, tin roofB: cOBt, $10,000 each; L. Mc¬
Cabe, 1^ West 63d st; ar't, R. H. Robertson.
Flan 989
90th st, s s, lOOe 10th av, four five-story brk
and stone fiats, 35x85, tin roofs; cost, $20,000
eacb; L. M. MuUer, 341 Union st, Brooklyn;
ar't, G. A. ScheUenger. Plan 986.
98th st, n 8,1.50 w Sth av, flve-story brk and
stone flat, 85x89, tin roof; cost, $25,000; £. J.
KeUy, 69 East 100th st; ar't, G. A. SchoUenger.
Plan 985.
Ulst st. No. 307 W., four-story brk, stone and
terra cotta building, 85x78, tin roof; cost, $17,-
442; M. A. Stone, chairman, 80 East 66th st;
ar'ts, D'Oench & Simon. Plan 980.
West End av, n w cor 108d st, five three and
four-story and basement stone dwell'gs, one 80.11,
and four 30x51 with extensions, tiu roofs; total,
cost, $83,000; ow'r and b'r, D. Christie, 634 West
End av: ar't, M. V. B. Ferdon. Plan 969.
103d st, n 8, 100 e Riverside Drive, five three-
story and basement stone dwell'gs, 20x55, with
extension, tin roofs; cost, $16,000 each; ow'rs and
b'rs, Egan & Hallecy, 373 West End av: ar't, M.
V. B. Ferdon. Plan 10l)9.
Columbus av. No. 462, one-story brk, frame
andglass store, 85.6x90, tin roof; cost, $4,000; F.
H. Walker, 1 West 81st st; ar't, T. E. Thomson.
Plan 1006.
UOth to 185th street, between Sth and 8th
I'^Oth st, s s, 410 w Sth av, four-story and base¬
ment stone dwell'g, 80x.56, with extension, tin
roof; cost, $30,000; O. Hammerstein, 8333 7th av;
ar't, G. A. ScheUenger. Flan 988.
north of 135th STREET.
154th st, n s, 100 e 8th av, frame shed, —x50,
tin roof; cost, $500; sub-lessee, C. Eiseman, 463
West 146th st; ar't, A. Spence; c'r, A. Revokes.
Plan 982.
Madison av, s e cor 133d st, six flve-story brk
flats, two 87x7.5.6, two 25x70 and 75.6, one 85x93,
and one 3411x70 and 75.6, tin roofs; total] cost,
abt $81,000; F. Robrs, 303 East 126th st; ar't, W.
H. C. Homum. Plau 999.
23d and 24th WARDS.
Elsmere pi, n s, 400 w Marmion av, tfaree-and-
one-balf-story frame d'vell'g, 31x38, sbingle roof;
cost, abt, $:^,000; J. Cappolo, Monroe av, Bel¬
mont; ar't, C. 8. Clark. Plan 968;
Kelly st, s s, 50 e Tinton av, two-story brk
building, 50x5u, tin roof; cost, $2,500; D. Kobit-
zek. Forest av and 156th st; ar't, A. Pfeiffer.
Plan 975.
162d st, s s, 387 w Elton av, four two-story
frame dweU'gs, 18.9x47, tin roofs; cost, $2,600
e4,oh; L. V. Conover, 69i East 168d it; ar't, C.
C. ChurchUl; c'r, E. G. W^ard. Plan 973.
176th st, s s, 175 w Franklin av, two-story
frame dweU'g, 18x28, tin roof; co3t, $1,600;
AUce Titus, 946 East 176th st; b'r, A. Livingston.
Plan 987.
Aqueduct av, w s, 350 n Hampden st, three-
story frame dwell'g,'28.11x43.2, shingle roof; cost,
$7,000; F. B. Moore, 342 East OOth st;*ar't, J. W.
McKecknie. Flan 984.
Brook av, n w co* 156th st, four five-story brk
flats, 35x89and 96, tin roofs; cost, $12,000 each;
G. P. Johnson, 36 WestOiidst; ar'c, A. S. Halt.
Plan 976.
Railroad av, e s,|744 s 144th st, one-story frame
shop, 13x30, plank roof; cost, $75; ow'r and b'r,
W. H. Hand, Mott av, n e cor 138th st; ar't, J.
Wolf. Plan 992.
Valentine av, w s, 35 n Garfield st, two-story
and attic frame dwell'g, 23x47, slate an<l metal
roof; cost, $3,000' G. Schweppenbauser, 2512 Stb
av; art, G. Robinson, Jr. Plan 977.
villa av, e s, 460.3 n Southern Boulevard, two-
story frame dwell'g, 30xSO, with extension, tin
roof; cost, $3,0(1); Christina Pierce, 46 Willow
terrace, Hoboken, N. J.; ar't, M. Hensel Plan
978. I
Sth av, 8 w cor 174th st, one-story frame stable,
25x12, gravel roof; cost, $100; T. Back, on prem¬
ises, nan 966.
Foe pi, e s, 206.5 n Coles lane I ten two-
Briggs av, e s, 150 n Sberwcxid st ) story and
attic frame dwell'gs, 20x89, slate roofs; cost,
$3,000 each; W. Wicke, 34 East 68th st; c'r, G.
Armstrong. Plan 1010.
Garden av, s s, SOO w Southern BouUVard, two-
story frame stable, 17x25, tin roof; cost. $400; M.
Ross, 83 Garden av; ar't, T. KeUer. Plan 993.
Plan 1873—ISth st. No. 373, n s, 173.10 w 7th
av, one four-story brk tenem't, 25x60, tin roof,
wooden cornice; (wst, $6,000; Lavinia E. Blott,
328 ISth st; ar't, J. A. Hoffman; b'rs, Blott &
1274—Sands st, n w cor Jay st, one flve-story
brk store and tenem't, 30.4x72, tin roof, iron cor¬
nice; cost, $20,000; J. T. Taaffe, Concord and
Liberty sts; ar't, C. P. Eisenach; b'rs, T. Donlon
and J. Lee's Sons.
1275—Henry st, s w cor Nelson st, seven four-
story brk stores and tenem'ts, 25x50, tin roofs,
wooden cornices; cost, each, $6,000; ow'r and b'r,
John Caulfield; ar'ts, H. L. Spicer & Son. .
1876—Glenmore av, n e cor Osborn st, four
three-story frame stores and tenem'ts, 35x50, tin
roofs; cost, each, $3,000; Feldberg & Barusch, 95
Seigel st; ar't, H. Smith; m'n, H. Schlacter; c'r,
not sele(^d.
1277—SSd st, s s. 160 w .Sth av, two two-story
and attic frame (Erk filled) dwell'gs, 20x33, single
roofs; ow'r and b'r, C. B. Spicer, Sd av and SSd
st; ar'ts, H. L. Spicer & Son.
1278—Withers st, n s, 225 w Graham av, one
three-story frame (brk filled) tenem't, 25x55, tin
roof; cost, $4,800; Elizabeth Thompson, 147 With¬
ers st; ar't and c'r, W. A. Sloan; m'n, J. Tench.
1379—Stone av, e s, 150 n Sutter av, one three-
story frame store and dwell'g, 30x36, tin roof;
cost, $4,500; Jacob Axelrod, Osborn st.
1380—Linwood st, w s, 8'^ s Ridgewood av, 38x
45, tin roof; cost, $3,500; George Purdy, 169 Lin¬
wood st; art, J. Wanmaker; b'r, P. G. Kerr.
1381—Broadway, e s, 162 s Greene av, one one-
story frame carpenter shop, 20x15, tin roof; cost,
$50; Henry Smith, 1025 Gates av.
1282—Bergen st, s s, 325 e Rochester av, one
two-story frame dwell'g, 18x36, tin roof; cost,
$1,500; Henry Schreiber, Rochester av. near
Dean st; b'rs, P. Schubart and J. fonder.
1283—Willoughby av, s s 300 w Central av,
one one-story frame wagon shed, 30x13, tar paper
roof; cost. $75; ow'r, ar't and b'r, John Stevens,
33 Cook St.
1884—WiUiams av, w s, 100 n Atlantic av, one
two-story frame (brk filled) dwell'g, 83x38, tin
roof; cost, $3,000; Mary McCook, Atlantic av,
near Essex st; ar't, C. Mainz; b'rs, J. Bennett
and H. Cook. •
1385—Stanhope st, n s, 100 e Hamburg av, two
three-story frame (brk filled) tenem'ts, '25x56, tin
roofs; cost, $4,000: ow'r and b'r. Geo. Gess, 183
Stanhope st; ar't, H. VoUweiler.
1386—Varet st. No. 103, one four-story frame
(brk filled) tenem't, 85x80. tin roof; cost, $6,000;
8. Simon, 35 East Broadway, New York; ar't, H.
Vollweiler ;.b'r, not selected.
1387—South 1st st, s s, 100 e Driggs st, one one-
story brk dwell'g, 38x14, gravel roof, iron cor¬
nice; cost, $650; ow'r and ar't, W. H. Sanford,
on premises; b'rs, M. Smith and G. Layton.
12S8—Halsey st, s s, 350 e Reid av, three two-
story and basement brk and brown stone dwell¬
ings, 16.8x45, tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost,
eacb, $3,500; F. C. Swimm, 358 Putuam av.
1289—Bedford av. No. 177, one three-story
frame dwell'g, 30x40, tin roof; cost, $4,300; Al¬
fred Fox, 184 Bedford av; ar't, M. J. Morrill;
b'r, P. v. Fitzgerald.
1390—49th st, n s, 100 e Oth av, one two-story
frame dweU'g, 20x45, tin roof; cost, $2,200;
James Dunlevy, 469 Atlantic av; ar't, J. Ques-
enburg; b'rs, Edwards Bros.
1891—Suydam st. No. 246, one-story frame
wagon shed, 25x13, tar-paper roof; cost, $75; ow'r
and b'r, Henry Ruhl, 723 Hart st.
l'.J92—Myrtle av, s s, 50 e Hart st, one one-story
frame carpenter shop, 20x25, tin roof; cost, $iOii;
Engel & Ziirmermann, 79 Myrtle av; ar't, F,
1293—Hale av, es, 24 s Ridgewood av, one two-
story frame store and dweU'g, 17x35, tin roof;
cost, $2,500; Peter Lawrence, 3921 Atlantic av;
ar'ts, Danmar & Fischer; b'r, not selected,
1394—Weirfield st, n s, 81 w Central av, one
three-story frame (brk filled) dwell'g, 20x64, tin
roof; cost, $4,.500; ow'rs, ar'ts and b'rs, L. J.
Lippmann & Co., 142 Eldert st.
1295—Atkins av, w s, '2^0 s Sutter av. one one-
story frame dweU'g, 30x30, tin roof; cost, $1,000;
Fr. Franks, Hinsdale st and Atlantic av; ar'ts,
Danmar & Fischer; b'r, not selected.
1296—Carroll st. No. 459, one three-story brk
machine shop, 25x65, tin roof, brk cornice;
cost, $6,000; H. F. L. Holbrock, 365 Pearl st;
ar't, G. H. Wundram.
1897—7th st. No. 365, one story brk stable, 24.6
x^, tin roof, wooden comi?e; cost, $3,000; ow'r
and b'r, O. Wiesner, 367 7th st; ar't, G. M.
1298-Hicks st, w s, 30 s Harrison st, one four-
story brk store and tenem't, 40 and 37.3x41.3,
tin roof, iron cornice; cost, $7.0(K); P. Pollard,
on premises; ar't, W.N. Cook; b'rs, J. F. Nelson
and D. J. Lynch.
1899—Clason av, e s, 60 s Lexington av, two
four-story brk and red stone tenem'ts, 30«68, tin
roofs, wooden cornices; cost, $J4,000; John Crow-
' ley, 1059 Jefferson av; ar't, J. L. Young.
1300-Jay st, w s, 50 s Plymouth st, one flve-
story brk storehouse, 75x75 and 90, gravel roof,
iron (Xiroice; cost, $35,000; Johu W. Masu^&
Son, 45 Pearl st; ar't, P. Faust; b'rs, G. H. Stone
1301-2Sth st, s s, 475 e 3d av, one three-story
frame tenem't, 25x.53, tin roof; cost, $3,500; ow'r
and b'r, D. Anderson, 153 38th st.
1803—Bleecker st, n s, 300 w Central av, one
tbree-story frame (brk filled) store and tenem't,
26x57, tin roof; cost, $4,500; ow'r and b'r, Adam
Metz, 177 Stanhope st; ar't, H. Vollweiler.
1303—Watkins st, w s, 100 s Dumont av, one
one-story frame teilor shop, 18x80, tin roof; cost,
$250; John Monsees, on premises; b'rs, McMurray
1304—Spencer st, e s, 80 n De Kalb av, one one-
story brk stable, 30x45, gravel roof, brk cornice;
cost, $500; John R. Woods, 573 De Kalb av; ar't,
E. 8. Selover; b'r, J. Thatcher.
1305—Liberty av, n e cor Hemlock st, one two-
story frame store and tenem't, 85x50, tin roof;
cost, $3,000; ow'r and c'r, Fred. Peterson, 171
Ashford st; ar't, C. Meins:m'n, K. A. Murphy.
Plan 1377—3d av, n e cor 74th st, repair dam¬
age by fire; cost, $4,800; P. J. Curry, 316 East
73d st; ar'ts, Schneiler & Herter.
1'278-S2d st, No. 205 B., walls altered; cost,
$300; J. Everard, 39 East 33d st; ar't, M. V. B.
Ferdon; b'r, E. Mallon.
1279—150th st. No. 541 E., one-story extension,
15x15; cost, $500: H. Klein, on premises; ar't, A.
F. A, Schmidt; c'rs, Cramer Bros.
1280—Broome st. No. 35, new front; cost, $200;
M. Jolien, 121 East 113th st; ar't, A. P. A.
Schmidt; c'r, J. S. Wirsing.
13->1—78th st. No. 48 E., two-story extension,
30.6x14.7, interior alterations and walls altered;
cost, abt $9,500; Maria 8. Gibbs. 157 CUntonst,
Brooklyn; ar't, W. Hull.
1282-41st st, Nos. 217 and 249 W.. interior al¬
terations and walls altered; cost, $500; Mahony
Bros., 53 New Bowery.
128:j—3d av, s w cor 12fith st, three-story ex¬
tension, 24.11x42, wallsvaltered and new show
window; cost, $10,000; W. T. & J. H. Purdy, 40
East 126th st; ar't, (i. A. MUlner, Jr.; b'r, A.
1284-Lorillard st, w s, 140 s 187th st, two-story
extension, 34x17, and interior alterations; cost,
$1,000; P. McBride, 3381 Lorillard st; ar't, W.
IS 1288—Lawton av, Nos. 7-11, Grace av, Nos. 34
and SO, walls altered; cost, «300; City of New
York; ar't, J. W. Crawford; ra'n, G. Crawford.
1286—Norfolk st. No. 166, intorior alterations
and new front; cost, $3,'i0: W. Borosheck, 149
East SOth st; ar't, W. Graul.
1287—.5th av. No. 131), windows cut in wall;
cost, $180; Chickering & Son, on premises; c'r,
R. McGregor.
1388—68th st. No. 50 E., one-story and base¬
ment extension, 10.3x14, interior alteratious. waUs
altered and plumbing changed; cost, $7,000; L.
Seeberger, 52 East 61st st; ar't, A. Zuckcr.
1289—Sth av, s w cor 37th st, southern portion
on av to be raised, four-story extension, 31.6x97,
and front wall rebuilt; cost, $75,000: R. & O.
Goelet, 9 West 17th st; ar'ts, McKim, Mead &
White; m'ns, Reid & Co.; c'rs, Hamilton &
1390—47th st. No. 453 W., one-story and base¬
ment extension, 18.9x45, interior alterations and
walls altered; cost, $1,000; ow'rs and c'rs, Jen¬
nings & Welstead, 932 9tb av; ar'ts, Hubert,
Pirsson & Hoddict: m'ns, Mahoney & Watson.
1291—163d st, n s, 120 w Elton av, foundation
rebuilt, raised one story, windows altered; cost,
$3,500; G. N. Reinhardt, 1110 Washington av;
ar't, P, Weiler,
1292—Columbus or 9th av, s w ror 99th st, win¬
dows altered; cost, $100; Sonn Bros.. 1038 Sth
av; ar't, J. C. Burne; b'r, P. Droinmeshauseu.
1'29.J—llth av, w s, 25 n S.lth st, front and roof
altered; cost, $1,000; I. T. Williams, 18 West 36th
st: b'r, A. Balschun.
i'294-—Sth av. No. 288, interior alterations, new
front; eost, $2,000; lessee, J. L. Myers, T3T7 Mad¬
ison av; art, C. B J. Snyder; m'n, P. L. Win-
1295—Crosby st, Nos, 13-17, rear, now boiler,
foundation and stack; cost, $500; lesree, V.
Thurkauf, l;42 East 431 st; iii'n, C. Dinger.
139B—Webster av, n e cor 178th st, moved and
new foundation; cost, $200; A. Van Bensen, '224
East 123d st; m'n, W. W, Taylor.
1297—28th st. No. 40 W., walls altered for new
front; cost, $1,000; lessee, J. Ulber, on premises;
ar't, J. Hauser; m'ns, Priebe & Co.
1398—I ISth st. No. 344 E, interior alterations
and walls altered; cost, $500; F. Caparino, H 8
Miilt)erry st; ar't. H. Dudley; m'n, P. Integlia.
1399—Lexington av. No. 198, interior altera¬
tions and walls altered; cost, $450; H. Bjhlen, '200
Lexingtou av; ar't, W. Graul.
1300—3d av, Nos. 1310-1330, new show windows
and doors; cost, $1,800; Vogel Bros., Ill East
SOth st; c'r, P, Haughey,
1301—120th st. No. 513 E , windows altered;
co.st, $U0; Mayor, &c., City Hall; ar't, G. W.
1302—32d st. No. 2lj W., one-3tory extension, 13
XiS9; cost, $2,000; agents, fi. V. R. 'Cruger & Co.,
187 Fulton st; b'rs. Spearing & Son.
1303—36th st, Nt.s. 220 aud 2* E., iuturior
alterations; cost, abt Si,li00; P. '1. O'Brien, 118
East SOth st; ur'ts, Snook & Sons.
1304—41st st, Nos. 45 and 47 E., eight-story ex¬
tension, 25x90; cost, abt $|:)0,000; Lincoln Safe
Deposit Co., 32 East 42d st; ar'ts, Harney &
Purdy; m'n, McCabe Bros.; iron, A. J. Campbell.