15, 242, 581, 729,
....11, 571, fi89.
m, S44, 8S0;
244, 260.
VoL. L.
Thii followÍDg semÄ©-auDiial ludux nf tbe Con-
veysuices aiid Projected Baikiiugs iii New York
City, as published iu The Record akd Guide
duriug thelast half of l>i92,wiU be fouiid oí great
value to those oE oiu- subscriber.s who bave pi'e-
sei'ved all tho issiies of this paper duriug that
pei'iod, Care has heeii takeu to keep the
IndtíX iip to the same staudard wbich has
chai'acteriĸod it in the pawt. The pages ai-ií
giveuon wbichah the trausfers o£ realty pub-
lished iu Vohime L. can be fouud, aud the
atreetsaud aveuues aie so subdivided that few
refereuces are requii'ed. For iustauce, trausfers of
proporty ou Broadway appear îu tweuty-seveu
(ssues during the six mouths. Broadway in the
iudex is suhdivided iuto teu paits, so that tho least
'possihle trouble need be iucurred, pi'ovided it is
kuowu between what sti'eets the property Ä©s lo-
eated. lu this volunie we have coutiuued to ar-
range the transfers iu such a uaanuer that evei'y
ĸtreet alEeL-ted (below the Harlem) cau be seeu at
a glauce by turuiug to the pages whĩch the iudex
ealls foi'. Tako fcr mstauce page 11 and fiud
Sfeantou st.Nos. I'j9ind2(>3 í begins Stanton st,
Ridgs Ht, Wos. 131 aud l'é'i ( s w cor Ridge st,
SOxtOU, t'ft-û three-story brk teDeiu'ts with
stores on Htantnt; st and one and two-stjry
brk and iraine huildiug on Ridge st.
Thc aboveapplies whenapiece of property is
ou the coi'uer of auy street or aveuue aud ruus
iu depth upon hoth streets more than 100 feet, or
when a plot iias btũldiugs fronting on hoth
streets, aud also when the property begins on one
sti'eet aud nuis to auothei'. Although many of
our subscribers have used the indes for years.
souie of theiu do uot fully understaud the com-
pieteness of the work. We are frequeutly told
of errors that our readersí/wn/;; they have dis-
covered, whioh, upou iuvestigatiou, prove tn lie
errors of the soarchcr—not of tho ludex. For in-
stance, in thc curi'out uumber ajípoai's thc tollow-
iug: Armand pl (:Jod aud :i4th Wai'ds], 117, ^70,
3Sli, the latter beiug thc pages on which trausfers
011 said street may be fouud. Now, turuiug 10
page 38ii, the average scai'chcr would fail to fiud
the item referred to, because it does not appea^.
iu the .ilphabetical order o£ streets. A close
search shows the item undei' the head o£
Bostouav, ses, 175.8 wPerotst, ^5x97 to AruiaQd
pl. The Index is, therefore, iu some cases cou-
demned for a supposed oraission which is really
the strongest evidence of tho thoroughuess with
wliich it has beeu compiled. Where such an omis-
siou should occasioually seem apparent to the suh-
scriber, he should search the whole page, aud he
will theu flnd the item which is refei'red to. The
Projected Building's are indexed in a siuiilar man-
uer, so that it cau readiiy be ascertained ou what
sti'eets improvemeuts have been made. Those
wishiug to keep a file for pernianeut refereuce
shouĩd sce that a!l tiic uiuubers are complofce and
have them bouud. A ĸuitable bindoi' cau be ob-
tainedatthcofflce of ThÄ©Ä© Rbcord and Giíidei
14 and l(i Vesey street; price, 0110 dollar.
Annexed will be found a tabie showîng the
boundary lines, also the numbor of bloeks con-
taiued iu each of the thirtcen Beetions, aud
uuder which all property is now iudexed iu l,he
Registei''s office by locality ou uew laud' luaps of
New York Ciiy, accordiug to law, which weut
mto effect Jau. 1, 1S!)1;
,. ^. i'iO.
bectiou 295
1.—Soiith of Grand aud Watts s^SO.
and North liLvcrs. Block^
a.—Froui Grand aud VVatts sts t-
aud North Rivers. Blocks Si
o.—Froin 14th to 4()th st, Kastap''
Blocks Clll to Ulld incl. ' í,f -.
4.—From 4Uth to ORth st, west of U'u'í, 844.
drawu parallel therelo. Blocl
nm incl.
5.—Prom 40th to 9(it.h st, east of (ith av, 'i.
drawu parallel thereto. Blocks
1592 incl.
0.—FromSititb st to Harlem River, east (,
av, and hne (b-awn parallel tbe
Blocks 159:1 to 1810 incl.
7.—From Otíth to l-'iSth st, at Harlem Ri^
west of Lenos av, imd lintí ikawu par-
thereto. B locks 18'30 to 3104 incl.
8.—Froui 15.5th st to Spuyteu Duy vil Creek, â–
of Harlem River. BIoclis Íil05 tô í
9.—I''rom Flarlem River to lC9th st, west o£ fc
Auus aul :M avs. Blocks :i:JfJO to 35i
10.—Prom Hftrleni River to 169th st, east of '^
Annsand:jd avs, BIoclîs 2543 to..2';^
11.—From Hi'.ltl) st to Helhamav aiid Klugsbridgt
road, bet Bronx aud Harlcm Ä©tivers
Biocks 2762 to :!'^45 incl.
Î2.—From Pclbaui av aud Kingsbridge road anc!
city line, tiet Broux River and Broadway.
i:j.—Prom Harlem Riveraud eity line, bet Broad-
way aud Hudson River. Blocks 3403 tc
StíS iucl.
NoTE.—The figures. iu extra black type—for
jiistaucc, pajîes 449 and 483 luider the head
of Barclay st, f rom Washingtou to West st—de-
uote tbat the transaction ou the iiages giveu is
Leasehold, or a leaso i'unuiug for a loug teim of
years. This oxplauation is made so that subsci'ib-
ers seai-ching for trausfers iu £ee cau at once dis-
tinguish taetweeu the former aud tbe latter with-
out refei'riug to the page meutioned.
Academy — 806.
AHen, from Division to Caual___44, i!23,
Canal ro Grand... .10, 4Sl, 543.
Broorae to Delancey.... 10. 179, 655.
Dfllancey to i-livington___770. «06, 879,
Riviîigton tii Stantou___183, 384, S80,
058, 73a, S79.
Stantou to Houston___10, 4Í, 114,323,728.
Apthorps lane___180,
Asbley...,Hi, 44.
Attoruey, frout Diviaion to Grand___78, 3S4.
&rand to Broome___S54, 446.
Sroome to Hivington. ...44. 182
Riráigton to Souston ...2(}9,4-}6, 584.
Barclay, frora Church st toCoHegenl___481.
Washington to Wesc___449.483, 879.
Barrow,from Bleeckerto Bedford.. ..17!í, 846,
sry. '
Batavia .,.481.
Baster, from Parkrow to Parb___314.
Bayard, from Uott to Mulberry___354.
Beach, from Varick to Hucisou___149, 291, 619.
Eedford, from West Houston to Downing___78,
Leroy to Uortou___354, 44(5.
Mortou to Commercn___10, 728.
Oommerce to Barrow___770.
Beekman. .. 149, !ir>4, 879.
Bethuue ...543,693.
Bleecker, from Mulberry to Crosby.... 655.
Broadway to Mercer___170.
Mercer to Greene___481, TZ'i.
GreBneto Woustei'... 114.
South 5th av to Tfaompson st___179.
Macdougal to Carmine___.fc'-. 879.
Caruimeto Barrow.. ..483, 543, 7as.
Christopher to lOtb___773.
pbarles to Peny... .658, 728.
Boulevard, from60th to 6Jt,h...,79, 'â– m.
04th to 66t,b-.. .508, 584, 84.5.
SSth to 91)th ... 179, 843.
ysth (:oliiOt!i....44,179, 3'í+, SíS.
I'iOth to 102d___314, 3'Ä©4, 508.
104th to IKIth ..179, .5'il).
liytbto Ilíth.... 294, 3-23.
imti Col3íÍtli....Sii9, 8711.
146tb tol55th,...5+5,7'2H.
155thto [UUIh....385,77o.
Bowery, from Bayard to He.^ter.... 511. 543.
Hester to G-rand.... 114, 294, 010, B8r.
(jrrand to Broome___8f.6.
es. Rivincrf.oQ to Ktantou... .149, 179, 387,
584. 732.
e s, 3d to 4th.... 446, 543, 689.
Broad....Ä©O, 152.
Broadway, south o£ Cedar___770, 843.
from U< orth to BlB'^clter ...314,689.
4thEo8th....::J54. 387 843.
Sth tollth...,183 356,449,633.
23d toii9th.... V'. 728.
31stto3:3d.,..344,50S. 633, 809,
39th to 4:id.... 117. 179. 483, 728.
4;M to SOth .,, 179, 8''6, 809.
56th to.59th___214, 217,
Dirth o£ .59th (also see Boulevard)___183,
150th tol62d....806.
nortbof 16'M (alsosee Hingsbridgeroad)
....10,44. 416, .580,619, O'Ä©l,
Broome, from Maugin to Uoei'ck___294, Si'å.
Goercĸ co Canuon.,..179, 294, 619.
Cau'jon to aherifl: .. .114, 385, 770,
Willettt-o Pitt....214,619.
Fitt to Ridge.... 508, 880.
Kiige tO Attorney....l2, 179, 24'^, 446,
689, 770, 806.
Attomey to tíuffolk___44, 728.
Rutfolk to Norfolk .. .10, :JS>, (iS9.
NorfoIktoOrchard....l4 179.
Forsyth w Bowery.... 153, 733, 806.
Mott to Gi-eene___179, 3'ffl, 770.
Soutb 5th av to Bullivan st___44, 449,
Sulhyan to Hudson. ...356.
Gauah eastof Mulberry..,.44, 511.
froni Varick to Hudson___a94, 416.
Hudson tíi West___:-;-í4, 446.
Canuon, from Grand to Riviûgiion.. ...'íSil,,''
Rivington to Ktanton.... 10, 14'J, 8(1''
Stanton co Houston,., ,179, 481,>7 "
Carmine....ll.li4. .â– "- 03'
Catharine.... 584. 738. % &^
Uatbarine slip. ..509, -<'
Cedar, from Wilham to Nassau -*') ''^h'
grpadway to (^reenwicIJT 8S0.
Cantral Pfirk West, from 74th to 76th.. ..149,
83dtoS5th,...44, 689.
89thto93d..,.3.54, .SÅ©6.
93dto98th ...149, 619.731.
lOOth tol04th....79. 416, 770.
106t,hto l(I8ih.-..354,655.
north of llOth (sae 8th av).
Centre, south of Leooard ...79.
north of nanal , .416, ;,80.
Chambers... .449, 883.
Charlton ...314.^43.
Chatham (see Park row).
(Jherry, west of Rooseveît___294, 84".
from Market to l-'iîte,.. .294, 396, 580.
Pike to Rutserî___771, . ,
Rutgers to Jeíferson___44, 296. ,843. L
Montgomery to Gouverueur, ..,.44, 770. T
Scammel to Jacksoa ..394,416, 446,481,1
.543,728. \ i
Jackson to ("orlBars___325, 449. \
Christopher___416. j
Chrystie, fromDivision toBayard___'619, 8i3. !
Bayard to Grand.. ,.334, 385, 770, "
Grand to Delaocey___149. 77u.
Stanton to Houstoii....83, 114,394. â–
Church....3'24, ,508.
Clarkson.. ..689.
Clincon, from Stanton to Rivington___179, PS^. .
RivÍDgton to Deiancey.... 10,114,179,658.1
Delaucey eo Grand___44, 543. ,
Grand to Mooroe___416, 4S1.
Columbia, from Grand to Broome___416,
Broome to Delancey..: .114, 149, 354,416.-
Delanceyto RivÍngton..:.í!14,
Rivington to SijSnton___10, 44, 294, 770,
Btaolon to Houston....44, 655,
Commerce.,. .354, 7'3S.
Cornelia___242, 880. . ,
Cortlandt....580, Sd3, 880.
Delancev. from Cbrystie to Eidridĸe,., .314, 294.
6,58. -
Ludloiv toEsses___10, 44, J4fi, 619.
tíuft'olk to Clinton.. ..2fí'}->. °"'
(Uintou to At.corne;^,
Attoruey toP' "â– ;ÍJÎ*'-,,„ ,.,.
wiii"- »Oth___342, 581,
44th, iBt to 2d... .45, 315, 58L
3dto3d....45, 581, 8(,7.
y n s, Madi:son to .5th___35.5, 8Ũ7.
i^ ss, 6th av to Broadway....544, ,581.
1 n s, Broadway to 8th av___83.
; 9thtolOth,...ll, (i90.