103d St., s. s., 175 e. Sfch av., 25x10010 George
F. Butler, of Brooklyn, to John J. Walsh and
Adam S. Cameron. Nov. 16...... 5 500
104th St., s. s., 225 w. 9th av., 50x100.11, h."& Is.
Arthur Van Briesen to Rudolf Dulon. (Sub.
, *o morts. §6,500.) Nov. 14...............10,000
104th St., s. s., 225 w. 9th av., 50x10011. Vic¬
tor Klmgsoehr to Arthur Van Briesen. (Sub.
to morts. $5,500.) Nov. 14....... 9 500
105th St., s. s., 74 e. 3d av., 18x1009, 'hV&i.'.'.')
105th St., s. s., 110 e. 3d av, 18.xl0O9, h. & 1.. f
Charles Hoffman to Philip Smifch. (Morts.
#14,000) Nov. 18.....■...:...... 18 000
109th St., n. s. 171.8 e. 2d av., 29.4xl0().lb. 'Jas.
Murtagh to Garrett Murtagh. (J^part.) Nov.
-• ni " •;........................•..........nom.
109th St., n. s., 157 e. 2d av., 14.8x10010 Gar¬
rett Murtagh to James Murtagh. (J^ part)
Nov. 14..................................nom.
115_TH St., s. s., 345 e. 1st av., 50.xl00.1O Pat¬
rick Casey to John Dobbins, (i^ part.) Nov.
llbTH St., s. s., 4.24.10 w. Av. A, 18.7x10011.
Enrnia F. wife of David J. Myers to Hannah
K wife of WiUiam G. Chave. (1871.) Nov.
116th St., s. s., 70 w. 1st av., 55x90, 3 hs. &ls.
Dorothea S. -wife of Francis Lasette to Thomas
H. ParreU, of MofcfcHaven, N. Y. Nov. 19..48,000
116th sfc., n. s., 74 e. 1st av., 20x86, h. & 1. Doro¬
thea S. wife of Francis Lasette to WiUiam G.
and Josesh B. McCormick. Nov. 19.. 16 OCO
117Tn st B. s., 243 w. 3d av, 17x10011, h! & 1.
Isaac G. Van Tassel to Albert J. Smith.
(Morts. $3,800) Nov 14........ 8 000
118th St., n. s., 188 w. Av. A, 18.9x100.5, h. '&\
Charles Hoffman to John G. Husse. (Morts
$6,000) Nov. 18 .......... 8 400
121st St., B. s., 80 e. Lst av 20^166. " Emma P.
-mfe of David J. Myers to Stephen J. Wright
of Morrisania, N. Y. Nov. 15............13,()00
122i> St., n. 8., 225 w. Av. A, 50x100 Mary N
yme of John Hughes to Thomas Dunn. Nov
123d St., n. s., 237.6 e. 1st av., 18.9x10010, h. & 1.
James A. Sherry to Francis X. King. Nov.
123d St., n. s., .533.6 e. 4th av., widened, 17.6x100
h. & 1. Joachim H. Birkner, of Bast New York'
Kmg's Co., to PhiUip WUUam Remhard. Nov'
124th St., n. B., 125 e. 1st av., 25x10011. Chas
Hoffman fco PhiUip Smifch. Nov. 18......16,200
124th St., s. s., 361 w. 3d av, 31.4x10011, h &]
Phebe wife of James A. Clark to Thomas Han¬
son. (Morts. $4,000) Nov 18......... .13,500
124th St., n. s., 75 w. 6th av., widened, 25x100
11, h. <fe 1. Sarah -wife of John L. Strang to
Henry Ungrich. Nov. 18................ .8,250
136th St., s. s., 205 w. 2d av, 25.x99.ll. Hugh H
Craigie to Lambert S. and Abraham C. Quack¬
enbush. Nov. 19........................15 000
126th St., n. s., 235 w. 2d av, 20x99.11, h. & I
George BretteU to Louis Richter. Nov. 19. .5,,500
126th sfc., n. s., 175 w. 7fch av., -widened, 100x99
ii-^f-Xf^^J^- "^^^^^ i^ef.) fco Thomas .J.
McCahiU. (Foreclos.) (Morts. $9,126.) Nov.
127th St., n. s., 347.6 w. 5th av.,18.9x9911, h. &
L James McLaughlin and Hugh McCormick fco
Robert Bent. Nov. 18...................18 000
127th St., s. s., 80 w. 7th av, widened, 20x100 h
& 1. James S. Dale to Robert Dey and WU¬
ham SomerviUe. Nov. 16................25,000
127th St., n. s., 450 w. 7th av., 100x99.11 ')
128th St., s. B., 450 w. 7th av., 100x99.11.. j
^if^fe? Hofftnan to PhiUip Smith. (Morts.
$19,000) Nov. 18......................:25,500
•^^«?-,^f' ^A^-' ^^''■^ «• 6tli av., as widened, 37.6x
99.11. George S. MiUer to John D. Welch
. -Nov 16.................................24000
155th St., n. s., 200 e. llth av, 50x99.11.. 1
156th St., s. s., 200 e. llfch av, 60x99.11.......
156th St., s. s., 550 w. 10th av, 50x thence n. f
30, bemg lot to centre of street............J
Ida M. Borrows to Chrrles H. Kerner. Nov.
159th St., n. s., 175 e. Boulevard, 150x99.11... )
IbOTH sfc s. s., 175 e. Boulevard, 150x9911... \
Hepry Meyer Coleman, L. P. & F. S. WUUam.s,
& James H. Wheafcley (Exrs. of HoweU L.
WUhams) to George W. Carieton. Nov.
206th St., s. w. s., 100 s. e. 9th av thence— to Y
Hariem River x— to 205th st. x n. w. to point
100 s.. e. 9th av, ,xl9910 to beginning. .T. I
203d St., northerly cor. 9th av, 350x99.11.
204th St., 8. w. 8., 100 n. w. 9th av., 300x99.11. J
Henry W. Genet to Joseph H. Godwin, of
Westchester Co. Nov. 14...... " 14 800
203d St., s. s., 250 w. 9th av., 100x99.11.......'
203d sfc., s. s., 350 w. 9th av., 25x79.7x—x98.11
203d St., s. s., 375 w. 9th av 40.9x—x79.7....
9th av, s. e. s., extg. from 201st to 202d st.,
199.10x236.7 to Harlem river x— to 20lst st.
x254.4 to 9fch avenue.................'......
9th av, s. w. cor. 202d sfc., 9911x100.. ___
202d sfc., 8. s., 100 w. 9fch av., 201.6x9911.....
10th av., n. e. cor. Dyckman sfc., 247 to Sher¬
man's creek x—along creek to Dyckman st. x
—along Dyckman st. to beginning..........
Naegle av., n. w. cor. Academy st. thence 115
fco Sherman creek x along creek to Post av. x
east along Post av. 298 to Academy st. x s.
310 along Academy st. to beginning........
Naegle av^, s. s., 293.9 e. Dyckman st., thence
east 104 to Sherman creek x s. along Sherman
creek xl93.3 to beginning..................
Post av., s. e. cor. Dyckman st., thence east
141 to Sherman creek x—along Sherman creek
to Naegle av x west 175.6 along Naegle av. x
n. w. 307.3 to Dyckman st. xSO.lO to begin-
Academy st., n. w. cor. Sherman av, 200x
Sherman av, s. w. cor. Academy st., l(J6xi6o
Sherman av., s. s., 100 w. Academy st., 300x
Post av., n. s., 100 w. Academy st., 3()0xi66..
Sherman av, s. e. cor. Dyckman st., 200x160.
Dyckman st., n. e. cor. Post av, 160x—......
Henry W. Genet to Joseph H. Godwin, of
Westchester Co., Y. Y. Nov. 14.........65,200
Lexington av, n. w. cor. 50th st., 25x60. Chas.
Price (Re£) to Doris Buddensick. (Foreclos.)
Nov 19..................................24,725
Lexington av, w. s., 25 n. 50th st., 24x60.
Nathan Solomon to Doris wife of Charles A.
Buddensick. (C. a. G.) Nov. 14........19,500
Madison av., s. e. cor. SOth st., 25.8x100.
Henry Bradstreet to Samuel D. Marlow, of
DuneUen, N. J. (Mort. $4,690) Nov. 15.20,000
1st av., s. w. cor. 33d st., 19.9x70. Michael T.
Daly to Patrick Casey. Nov. 16..........18,000
1ST_ av, e. s., 73 n. 52d st., 28..5x80, h. & 1.
Simon Stanley to James Stanley. Nov.
1st av, s. w. cor. 84th sfc., 81x100, hs. & Is.
Mary DriscoU (widow) to Wm. H. and Richard
E. Johnston. Nov. 15...................23,000
1st av, n. w. cor. 84th st., 103x100. Maria L. &
Josephine S. West (Exrs.) to Mary P. wife of
WUliam Thompson. Nov. 14............26,000
1st av, n. w. cor. 116th st., 50.5x100. WUliam
Miles to James Wood, of Harlem. Nov.
1st av, e. s., 86 n. 116th st., 20x94, h. cfe 1.
Dorothea S. wife of Francis Lasette to WU¬
Uam G. and Jos. E. McCormick. Nov. 19. .17 000
3d av., e. s., 25 n. 49th st., 25.5x100, h. & 1.
Edward Nathan, of N. Y.. & PhUip Burgauer,
of Paterson, N. J., to Charles B. Hartshorn.
Nov. 15.................................24,000
3d av., w. s., 75 s. 104th st., 25.11x80, h. & 1.
James S. Dale to Patrick H. Slatterly. Nov
3d av., e. s., 75.11 8. 109th st., 25x83, h. & 1.
Henry Chastain to Constant Bauer, of Jersey
Cifcy. Nov. 18...........................33,500
4th av., n. w. cor. 20th st., 23x60, h. <fe 1.
Geo. Kober to Francis O'NeiU. Nov. 14. .40,000
4th av., e. s., 125.8 s. 92d st., 29.2x57.6x64.1
92d St., s. s., 100 e. 4th av, 25x91.6x28x104.2 . ,
Mary H. wife of Franklin Goodwin to John H.
Watson. Nov. 18...................... .10 000
5th av, s. e. cor. 49th st.. 28x100, h. & \.
George W. Tucker to Charles H. Gardner.
Nov. 16................................117,500
5th av, e. s., 27.5 s. 63d st. 23x100. WUUam
- W. Goodrich (Ref.) to Josephine A. MUls.
(Sub. to mort. $30,000) (Foreclos.) Nov.
6THav., n. e. cor. 44th st., 1004x145. 6th-Av.
R. R. Co. to George R. HoweU. (Deed 1854.)
Nov 15.................................13,200
6th av, s. w. cor. 113fch sfc., 25x75. John H.
James fco Edward M. Freeman, of Woodbridee.
N.J. Nov 16...........................9,000
7THav., s. w. cor. 19fch sfc., 23.1x44. George J.
Byrd & Henry B. BurtneU (Exrs.) to Sophia
E. wife of Alvah HaU. Nov. 14..........13,C00
Same property. Hani;ah wife of G. J. Byrd
et al. to Sophia B. wife of Alvah HaU. (Q. C.)
7th av, n. w. cor. 118th st., 201.10x12,5. An¬
derson Fowler to Thomas J. Creamer. (C.)
Nov. 18................................74,000
7th av, s. w. cor. 122d st., 100.11x100. Lewis
J. PhiUips to Thomas J. Creamer. Nov.
7th av, w. s., 49.11 n. 13Ist St., 25x75. Mar¬
garet E. Adriance (widow) to John Towns-
. hend. (B. & S.) Nov 15.................3,500
8th av, e. s., 59.6 n. 22d st., 19.8x68.........\
8th av, e. s., 79.2 n. 22d st., 19.8x83.........j
Mary A. C. Jackwood (wid.), of New Orleans,
La., to John Wolf enstetter. Nov. 15.....38,000
8th av, n. -vv. cor. 33d st., 58.3x100. Mary wife
of Frederick De Peyster, of Clermont, Colum¬
bia Co.; N. Y., to Herman T. Livingston.
O^part.) Nov 19......................33,000
Same property. John H. Li'sdngston, of Cler¬
mont, to Herman Livingston. (%pait.) Nov.
8th av, w. s., 23.5 s. 53d st., 32x80, h. & 1.
Herman T. Livingston to Mary wife of Fred'k
De Peyster, of Clermont, Columbia Co., N. Y.
(Morts. $16,000) Nov. 19...............33,000
8th av, w. s., 45.5 s. 53d st., 22x80, h. & L Her¬
man T. Livingston to John H. Livingston, of
Clermont, Columbia Co., N. Y. (Morts.
$16,000) Nov. 19.......................33,000
STHav, e. s., 49.11 s. 148th st., 25x100 John
H. Ryerson to George Hoffman. Nov. 18. .3,600
9th av., n. v/. cor. 96th st., 507x100. JohnC.
Juhring & George Mundorf (Exrf.) & Jane h
Sfcucke (Exrx.) to Zachariah Jaques <& Patrick
Mooney. Nov. 15.......................10,350
10th av, s. e. cor. 58th st., 25.5x100. OUver L.
Gardner, of Orange, Essex Co., N. J., to Ben¬
jamin P. PakchUd. Nov. 14............. .6,500
10th av, n. e. cor. 165th st., 25x100. Nicholas
A. Lespinasse to Thomas J. Mora. (Mort.
$3,000.) Not. 16........................ .4,500
November 'dth.
Atlantic st., n. s., 118.9 w. Nevins st., 18.9x90,
h. & 1. Sarah wife of S. McM. HaU to John
Broadway, n. e. s., 46 n. w. WaU st., 22.3x80, h.
<fe 1. J. T. Lamb to Charles H. Reynolds. .8,000
Clinton st., w. s., 25 n. Huntington sfc., 40x90,
hs. & Is. P. Bagley to Edward H. Cole, of N.
Y. (Morts. $7,800.)......................nom.
Clinton st., w. s., 75 n. Harrison st., 25x92.10,
irreg. Almira V. N. -wife of A. R. FuUerton
to Morgan W. Brown, of Newark, N. J.. .24,000
Cook st., s. s., 150 e. Bushwick av, 77.6x100.
J. J. Ammenwerth et al. to Wm. Deibele and
Chris. Fetzer.............................5,100
Cambridge pl., e. s., 120 s. Greene av, 20x100, h.
& I. J. T. Barnard to Hannah E. wife of Geo.
N. WUcox.............................. .13,000
Douglass st., s. s., 137.6 e. Hoytst., 18.9x70, h.
& 1. V. G. HaU to Wm. Heissenbuttei... .4,750
Ewen st., e. s., 75 n. Powers st., 25x100......)
White st., n. s., 939.2 e. Brooklyn and Coney >•
Island road, 100x135.......................)
G. L. Fox (Ref.) to JohnM. Stearns, Jr...1,900
Eldert st., s. e. s., 269.8 n. e. Broadway, 35.10x
75.11x18.k23.6x17.10x10O P. W. Ledoux to
John L. RusseU...........................7,500
Hopkins st., s. s., 475 e. Throop av, 25x100.
F. L. Bubois to George Leffler.............1,400
Hopkins st., s. s., 375 e. Throop av, 50x100, h.
(fe Is. G. Ross to John Mayer.............6,000
Hopkins st., s. s., 275 e. Throop av, 50x100,
h. & Ib. j. Mayer to Margaretta Ross.....6,500
Hart st., s. s,, 1(50 e. Yates av, 50x100.......j
Park av., s. s., 160 w. Tompkins av, 20x100.. f
G. W. Mead to Thomas Goodisson, of N.
Hart st., s. s., 100 e. Yates av, 20x100 A. H.
Seeley to George W. Mead................1,000
Monroe st., s. w. cor. Blake av., 100x23. G.
Dessrault to Bridget T. Dunn, of Oyster Bav,
Monroe st., n. s., 275 w. Reid av., 25x100, h. &
1. Anna wife of W. M. Whitnack to Mary A.
wife of Frederick Sprague.................3,800
Monroe sfc., s. s., 260 w. Ralph av., 20x100. W.
De Vigne to Cornelius B. Payne. (Fore¬
clos.) .....................................1,550
Pacific st., n. s., 75 w. Hojd; st., 50x100. H. L.
Pierson to Sarah wife of Wm. J. Hobday. .4,000
Rutledge sfc., s. e.-s., 230 s. w. Bedford av, 20x
100. F. C. Vrooman to Samuel Dorman.. .1,050
Smith st., e. s., bet. Devoe &North 2d sts.. Lota
1476, 1477, and gore 1478. C. Karutz to Al¬
bert Karufcz..............................23,000
Stockton st., s. s., 280 w. Throop av., 20x100.
N. H. Clement to George W. Mead. (Fore¬
Stockton st., s. s., 200 w. Throop av, 20x100 )
Stockton st., s. s., 280 w. Thsoop av, 20x100 j
G. W. Mead to Samuel W. Dunscomb, of Tar¬
rytown, N. -Y.........____...............18,000
Stockton at., s. s., 100 w. Throop av., 20x100.
C. B. Nichols to Sam'l W. Dunscomb, of Tar-
rytovra, N. Y___........................^.900
55th St., b. -w. b., 100 8. e. 2d av, 100x100. E. P.
Day to Fred'k D. Parcels.................2,600