April 37, 188&
Record and Guide.
2Sd and 34th WARDS.
Buckhout st, s s, 350 w Anthony av, two-story
frame dweirg,.30x50.6, shingle roof; cost, about
$3,000; Chas. HCTlmann, Buckhout st, and H.
Budlemann, 68 West 127th st; ar't, J. J. Vree¬
land. Plan 711.
149th st, n s, 150 w St. Anns av, one-story frame
shed, 7.5x16, tin roof; cosb, 8300; Chas. B. Law-
son, 297 Alexander av; ar't, H. S. Ihnen. Plan
153d st, s s, 175 w Courtlandt av, two-story
frame dweU'g, 33x44, and extension 10.6x16, tin
roof; cost, $3,500; Susan Wissemau and Ernest
Wallace, 106 East 89th st; ar't, A. Pfeiffer. Plan
155th st, n e cor Lane av, two-story frame
dweU'g, 22x36, tin roof; cost, 81,500; John Stern,
Tiuton av; ar'b, W. A. Haight. Plan 707.
156th stand Mott or Sheridan av, New York
Central & H, R. R, R. Co.'s Yard, one-story
brick gasworks, &c.; total cost, $15,000; Safety
Cai-Heating and Lighting Co., 160 Broadway;
ar't, engineer of company; b'r, J. Richardson.
Plan 710.
176bh st, n s, 300 w Fleetwood av, bwo-story
frame dwell'g, 21x.56,6, shingle and tin roof;
cost, $3,000; G. W. Read, 316 Bast llSth st; ar't,
J, Ackerman. Plau 704.
Railroad av. No. 1636, rear, one-story frame
shed, 14x9, shingle roof; cosb, abb $75; E. J. Abbi-
uelU, M,D., ou premises.
Broadway, e s, 35 u Macomb sb, one-story frame
dweU'g, 30x30, bin roof; cosb, $500; Joseph
O'Leary, Broadway, Station S; ar'b and c'r, J.
L. Maitin; m'n, J. Ryan. Plan 715.
Ernescliff pl, No. 506. w s, 75 s St. Georges
Creseent, two-story and basement frame dweU'g,
20x30, bin roof; cosb, $2,300: Jas, R. Mitohell, 426
East SOth sb; ar'b, Geo. W. Harris; m'n, M.
Levig. Plan 737.
Lymau pl, e s, 237 s Freeman st, one-story
frame dweirg, 20x36, tin roof; cost, 8700; Celia
O'Hara, 676 Easb 163d sb; ar'b, C. C. ChurchiU.
Plau 735.
Topping sb, w s, 87 n Gray sb, two-story fi'ame
dweU'g, 18x24, tin roof; cost, $1,000; Johu Davis.
309 West 44bb sb; ar'b, Chas. SUber; b'r, 1. Doyle.
Plan 730,
■ Bathgate av, w s, 216 s 175th sb, two-stoi-y
frame dweU'g, 20x46, and one-story frame sbable,
25x18, shingle roofs; total cost, $2,500■ John P,
Wenninger, 739 Tre.noub av; ar't, J. E. Eerby.
Plan 716,
Sedgwick av, s e cor Burn=ide av, one-story
frame hen-house, 17x13, felb roof; cost, $100;
Julian Le Dashwood, on premises; ar't, J, E.
Dolen. Plan 719.
Sedgwick av, w s, 1,000 s Depot road, bwo-story
frame dwell'g, 33x33,6, slate and tin roof; cost,
. 83,000; Geo. E. HaU, 3263 Hth av; ar'b. Co-opera¬
tive Building Plan Assoc. Plan 731.
Stebbins av, w s, 115,3 n 167th st, one-story and
basemenb brick front workshop, 15x15, tin roof;
cost, $700; JohnGoerg, 57 Norfolk st; ar'b, F.
Ebeliug. Plan 718.
Tiubon av, e s, abt 200 n 147bh sb. bhree-sbory
frame dweU'g, 20x45, bin roof; cosb, $4,000; Chas.
Chambers, 3247 3d av; ar't, J. Henderson. Plan
VanderbUt av, n w cor 176th st, oue-story frame
stable, 47x16, bin roof; cosb, $300; LonisL.lopfer,
on premises; c'r, D. O'Connell. Pla i 743,
Plan 830—Jerome sb, e s, 80 n Dunioub sb, one
one-story frame dweU'g, 15x30, tiu roof; cost,
$300; James Smith; b'r, S, E. Elliott.
831—Tompkins av, s w cor Hopkius sb, one four-
story briek store and tenem't, 35x50 and 60, bin
roof, iron cornice; cost, 811,000; ow'r and b'r,
Chas. Froeb, on premises; ar'b, T. Eugelhardt.
833—Van Bui'en sb, s e cor Patehen av and
Greeneav, n e cor Patchen av, bwo four-story
brick fiats, 25x66, bin roof, iron cornice; cosb,
$13,500; ow'r, ar'b and b'r, Francis Jezek, 1116
Myrtle av.
823—Franklin, st, n w cor Greene st, bwo four-
story brick stores and tenem'ts, 23x27x56 aud 60,
bin roof s, wooden cornices; cosb, tobal, 813,000;D.
Provost, on premises; ar't, R. Dixon.
8'34—Howard av, n w cor Hancock sb,ouefouj--
story hrick sbore and tenem'b, 20x55. tin roof,
wooden cornice; eost, $12 000: Thos. H. Robbins,
178 Gai-field pl; ar'ts, A. HUl & Son,
825^Howard av, s w cor Jefferson av, one four-
story brick store and tenem'b. 30x55, gravel roof,
wooden cornice; cosb, $12,0(10; ow'r and ar'bs,
same as lasb
826—8th st, s s, 90 6 7bh av, seven two-story
aud basemenb brown stone dweU'gs, "30x45, tin
roofs; wijoden cornices; cost, each, $5,000; ow'r
and b'r, A. G. Calder, 313 13th st; ar'b, W. M.
827—Degraw sb,s s, abb 240 w ,5th av, seven
three-story brick tenem'bs, 20x45, tin roofs,
wooden cornices; cosb, each,.$5,500; ow'r and b'r,
Peter KeUy, 357 let st,
828^Linwood st, w s, 225 n ArUngton av, one
two-story and basemenb frame (brick fiUed)
dweU'gs, 33x43, tin roof; cosb, $3,500; Michael
Roeslein, 309 Middletonst; ar'bs, D. Acker & Son.
829~-Ellery st. No. 133, one one-story frame
shop, 8x35, bin roof; cost, $130; ■—— Muller, on
premises; ai-'ts, D. Acker & Son.
830—Schenck st, e s, l'^5 w Park av, one one-
story frame coal-poeket, 35x66, gravel roof; cost,
$1,000; Francis E. Frith, on premises; ar'bs,
D. Acker & Son; b'r, L, Madden.
S31~Greene av, s s, 330 w Knickerbocker av,
one bwo-story ana basement frame (brick fliled)
dweU'g, 30x43, tin roof; cost, $3,500; Anthon
Kai-neiu, Ralph st, neai' Wyekoff av; ai-'ts, D.
Acker & Son,
8S3-~McKibben sb, n s, 50 e Broadway, one one-
story frame shop, 15x25, tiu roof; cosb, $80; C.
Goebz & Sons, 237 Lyuch sb; ar'b and b'r, W.
833—CarroU st, n s, 93 w 8bh av, one three-story
and basement brown stone dwell'g, 30x48, tin
roof, iron cornice; cost, $8,000; JameS'C. Jewebb,
43 7bh av; ar'b, A. E. White; b'r, not selected.
834—Hoyb sb, w s, 64 s 3d sb, one three-story
brick store and tenem'b, 26x53, tiu roof, iron cor¬
nice; cost, $4,500; Benj. Hunter, 58-3d st; ar't,
A. E. White; b'r, not selected.
835—Jefferson av, s s, 100 o Throop av, five two-
story and basement and attic brown stone
dwell'gs, 18x42, bin roofs, wooden cornices; cost,
each, $5,500; ow'r, ar'b and b'r, P. W, Higginsou,
417 Bainorldge sb,
886—lyih st, s s, 175 w Oth av, bwo bwo-story
frame dweU'gs, 13.6x45, bin roofs; cosb, each
$1,600; ow'r and c'r, John R. Greene, .59 Adams
pl, Flabbush; ai-'b, B. Finkensieper; m'n, L.
837—Wythe av, e s, 60 n Rutledge st, two bhree-
story brick tenem'bs. 30x54, tin roofs, wooden
cornices; cost, each, 86,000; ow'r and b'r, Peter
Cummerford, 67 Rodney st; ar'b, I. D. Reynolds,
838—Christopher av, n w cor Glenmore av, one
one-and-a-half-story frame stable, 14x35, board
roof; cost, $75; ow'r and b'r, Peter Behi-eus, ou
839—Gates av, n s, 100 w Irving av, one bhree-
story frame store aud tenem'b, 25x57, bin roof;
cost, $4,500; Adam Kaiser, 275 Ceubral av; ar't,
F, Lessing.
840—Albany av, w s, S7.7 s Degraw st, one
two-story brick dweU'g, 33x45, bin roof,
wooden cornices; cosb, $3,000; Henry BaU, 1-264
Degraw sb; ar'b, H. VoUweUer; b'r, P. Sullivan.
841—Schaeffer sb, n s, 100 e Broadway, four
bhree-story frame (brick filled) tenem'ts, 25x60,
tin roofs; cosb, each, $5,000; ow'r and br, E, E.
Kelly, 713 Gat«s av; ar't, H. VoUweiler.
842—Flushing av, n s, '24 w Lee av, one (rear]
oue-story frame shed, 10x36, tin roof; cosb, $60;
ow'r and b'r, Chas. Rapold, on promi.es; ai-'b, H.
843—Balbic st, s s, 90 w 4bh av, two fom--story
brick flabs, 25 and 15x52, gravel roofs, wooden
cornices; cost, $8,000 and $5,000; E. R. Herberb,
Hunbington, L. I.; av't aud b'r, I. H. Herbert,
844—Thatford av, w s, 50 s Sutter av, one two-
sbory frame sbable and shed, 15x25, tin roof ;cosb,
$330; Henry C. Buckhard, on premises; ar'b and
b'r, R. B. Muller.
845—Marion sb, n s, 325 e Reid av, one tbi-ee-
story frame (brick fiUed) tenem't, 25x52, tin roof;
cost $5,000; Christian Estrup, on premises; ar't,
H. VoUweUer; b'r, nob selected.
846—Gates av, es,23n Myrtle av, oue two-
story frame stable, 20x13, tin roof; cost, $300;
Chai-les Doscber, 907 Myrtle av; ar't, F. Holm¬
berg; b'r, J. Bielermeiner.
847—Essex st, w s, 50 s Biake av, bwo one-sbory
frame sbops and stable, 16 aud 13x30 and 30,
shingle roof; cosb, $r25; Anna Laird, 1035 Ablan¬
bic av; b'r, W. Laird.
848—Grand av, e s, 300 s Myrble av, one one-
story and baseraent brick sbable, 25x75, gi-avel
roof: cosb $3fi00; ow'r, ar'b and b'r, Morris Build¬
ing Co., 215 Ryerson sb.
849-Broadway, e s, 125 n Greene av, one
one-story frame (brick flUed) bowling alley aud
sbore, 25x77, tin roof: cosb $3,000; A. Klein-
shnibz, 1,373 Broadway; ar'b, F. Holmberg.
850—Greene av, u w coi" Stuyvesant av, two
four-story brown stone stores aud tenements, 31
aud 20 aud 26 and 38.6x70 and 81, tin roofs, iron
coruices; cost, total, $30,000; Enuna F. Moore, 13
Vernon av: ar'b, F. Lessmg; b'r, G. L. Moore.
851—Watkins st, w s, 350 s Sutter av, one two-
story and abtic frame dwell'g, 18x38, tin roof;
cost, $2,000; Herraau Kaplau, Wabkins sb, near
Sutter av; ar't, W. Danmar; b'r, G. Rhodebeck.
852—Liuwood sb, e s, 80 s Blake av, one two-
story frame dweU'f. 20x45, tin roof; cost, $3,000;
Anna Lau-d, 1025 Atlantic av; b'r, W, Laird.
853—3d av, s w cor41sbst, one fom--story" brick
store and tenem't, 30x60, bin roof, iron cornice;
cost, -510,000; Catuerine Whitfield, 803 East Oth st.
New York; ar'b, P. Ebling; b'r, G, Whitfield.
854—Cleveland sb, e s, 146.10 n Ablanbic av, one
bwo-sbory frame dwell'g, 30x30, bin roof; cost,
$1,500; Michel J. Ryan, 33 WUliams av; b'r, J.
H, Brundage.
855—Hamilbon av, s e cor Garnet sb, thi-ee
fonr-story brick stores aud tenem'bs, 34, 40 and 52
and 34, 40 and 48 x ii-reg., bin roofs, wooden cor¬
nices; cosb, total, 820,000; Mary E. Lynch, 236Sb.
Johns pl: b'r, J. McClean,
856—3d av, n e cor35th sb, one five-sbory brick
factory, 86x300, gravel roof, brick cornice; cost,
875,000; R, Graves & Co, Fulton sb, Carlton av
and Adelphi st; ar't, B. Fiukensieper; b'r, M. Gib¬
bons & Son.
857—Park "av, s e cor SkUlman sb, one four-
story frame '(brick filled) store and tenem'b, 30x
70, tin roof; cosb, $6,000; E. K. Vau Em-en, 185
Franklin av; b'r, S. J. King.
85fe—Troyav, w s. 67 n Bergen st, b-^o three¬
story frame (brick filled) tenem'bs, 36 and 1,5x52, tin
roofs:cost, 86,500; Philip Enners, 116 Troy av:
ar'b, J. D. Bogert; b'r,-----Murphy.
859—Manhattan av, e s, 75 n Duponb sb, one
four-story brick (brick filled) store and tenem'b,
25x55. gravel roof; cost, $6,000; Robert Cradock,
95 Coles st; ar't, P. TUhon;b'rs, T. Davis and J.
860—Cbauueey st, s s, 75 e Stuyvesanb av, oue
bwo^tory and basement brick dwell'g, 18.9x45,
tinroof, wooden cornice; cost, $4,000; J, F. Ty¬
ler, 733 Jeflei-son av; ar'ts, A. Hill & Son.
861—Flushing av. n s, 106.8 w Morreli sb, three
four-^tory frame (brick fiUed) stores and tenem'bs,
37x36, tiu roofs; cosb, each, $5,500; Dr. Figueira,
13 Stuyvesanb av; ar't, H. VoUweiler; b'r, not
8f'i3—Suydam st, n s, 100 e Hamburg av, one
three-story frame tenem't, 25x56, tin roof; cost,
84.600; ow'r and b'r, J. Clemenb, 126 Suydam st;
ar'ts, Schrempf & Loeffler.
863—Greenpoinb av, e s, 500 n Kingsland av,
one two-story frame (corrugated iron sheathing)
sborage, 130x80.5, gravel '-oof; ow'rs, ar'ts and
b'rs, Sone & Flemmg Mfg Co., 26 Broadway, New
864—Force pl, n s, 99.3 e Mumbys alley, one
two-story bricic sbable, 35x34, gravel roof, wood¬
en coruice; cost, $1,870; F. W. Day, Fulbon st,
one door from High st; b'rs, McGrath Bros, and
E. G. Vail, Jr.
865—Park av, n s, 31 w Scheuck st, oue one-
story brick boUer house, 30.6x66.6, tin roof, iron
cornice; cosb, $.5,000; McDermott & Howard,
Park av and Scbenck sb; ar't, T. F. Houghton.
866—Park av, n s, 161 w Schenck st, one five-
story and basement brick factory, 29x130,
tin roof, iron cornice; cost, $18,O(.'0; McDermobb
& Howard, Park av aud Scheuck sb; ar't, T. F.
867—Concord st, s s, 100 w Hudson av, one two-
story frame sbable, 25x69 gi'avel roof; cost,
$3,300; ow'r and ar'b, H, K. Moe, 68 Lawrence
sb; b'r, L. W. Morreli.
868—Kingston courb, n e cor Atlantic av, bwo
two-story and basement brick dwell'gs, 19x45,
tin roofs, terra cobta coi-nices; cost, tot^, $10,000;
Blorian Grosjean, 314 Scbermerhorn st; ar't, W.
M. Coots; b'r, day's work.
869—Kensington court, e and w s, 19 n
Ablanbic av, sixteen bwo-story and basement
brick dweU'gs, 16x43.6, tin roofs, brick and copper
cornices; cosb, total, $80,000; ow'r and b'r, same
as last.
870—McKinney st. No. 19, 30 n Poplar st, one
five-sbory brick tenem't, 25,6x31, and extension
10x12, gi-avel roof, brick cornice; cost, $5,000;
Charles I. Wells, 86 Joralemon sb; ai-'b, A. F.
Evans; b'r, not selected.
871—Schermerhorn sb, s s, bet Smith st and
Boerum pl, one tbi-ee and flve-story brick club
house, 69x64, slate roof, copper cornice; cosb,
$85,000; Germania Club, F. A. Schroeder, chair¬
man, Water sb, N. Y.; ar't, P. Freeman; b'r, not
872—20bh st.ns, 100 w 7th av, four bwo-story
frame (brick filled) dwell'gs, 15.4x45, bin roofs;
cosb, $6,S00; ow'r and b'r, H, C. Bull, Blythe¬
bourne, L. I.; b'r, W. Turner,
873—Troutman sb. No. 217, 100 e Hamburg av,
one one-story frame shed, 13x35, tin roof; cost,
$150; John Hoffmann, 171 Franklin st; b'r, B.
874—Com-t sb, s w cor Bryanb st, one one-story
frame saloon, 20x40, gi-avel roof; cosb, $600; Jobn
Trimble, 75 Woodhull sb; b'r, N. Nelsou.
875—Clay sb, s s, 175 w Oakland st, one one-
story frame shop, 30x30, gravel roof; cost, 830„;
J, H. Wamsley, 534 Manhattan av; b'r, T. Davis.
876—Starr sb, n s, 100 w Hambm-g av, one one-
sbory frame shc-p, 35x30, tin roof; cost, $200;
ow'r and b'r, Heui-y MiUer, 31 Starr st; ar'ts, D, _
Acker S Sou.
877—Wyckoff av, e s, 75 a Greene av, oue
bhree-sbory frame (brick fiUed) store and tenem'b,
3.5x57, tin roof; cost, $4,800; Peter Riebling, 311
Palmetto sb; ar'ts, D. Acker & Son.
878—Wyckoft' av, e s, 50 s Sbanhope sb, two three¬
story frame (brick filled] stores and tenem'bs, 3-5x
57, tiu roofs; cost, $9,500; Htm-y Wassmuth, 170
Throop av; ar'bs, D, Acker &; Son,
879—Lexingtou av, s s, 183 e Patchen av, two
two-story and basement brick dweU'gs, 17x43, bin
roofs, wooden cornices; cost, each, $4,000; A. S.
Walsh, 643 Madison st; ar'ts, A. HiU & Son; b'r,
T, Miller.
880—Sumuer av, e s, 49 s Madison st, one one-
story brick store. 30x30, bin roof, bin cornice;
cosb, $500; Cbarles IsbiU, Madison sb, near
Sumuer av; ar'bs, D. Acker & Son.
881—Lorraine st, u s, 135 e Courb sb, one bwo-
story frame smitbery aud dwell'g, 35x35, tin and
gravelroof; cost, $1,900; F, Clark, 173 19tb st;
C. M. Detlefsen.
SS2—Lexington av, s s, 147 e Patohen av, bwo
two-story and basement brick dweU'gs, 18x42,
tin roofs; cosb, each, $4,250; A, S. Walsh, 645
Madison st; ar'ts. A, HUl & Son; b'r Thos,
883—HamUton av, s s, 470 w 3d av; one one-
and-a-half-story frame offlce, 20x25, peak roof;
cost, 83,000; ow'r, ar't and b'r. South Brooklyn
Saw Mill Co., HaniUton and Prospect avs.
884—Sands st, Nos. 37 and 39, bwo one-story
brick buildiugs, 16x16, tin roofs; wooden cor¬
nices; cost, each, $925; F. F, Fosters, 74 High
sb; b'r, J. Leblair.
86,5—Pubuam av, u e cor Lewis av, one four-
story brick tenem't, 25x90, bin roof, metel cor¬
nice; cost, $IS,C0O: ow'r and b'r, E. H. Bishop,
617 Hancock st; ar'b, I. D. Reynolds.
886~Jacob st, n s, 100 e Broadway, bwo bhree-
story brick dwell'gs, 20x52.0, bin roofs, wood cor¬
nices; cost, each, $6,000; ow'r, ar't and b'r, Moores
& Le Quesne, 833 tjuincy st,
887—Jacob st, n s, 140 e Broadway, twelve
three-sbory brick dwell'gs, 20x4.5, tin roofs, wooil
cornices; cost, each, $6,000; ow'r, ar'b and b'r,
same as last.
888-Douglass st, n s, 80 e 4th av, six tbi-ee-
story briek dweU'gs, 20x45, tin roofs, wood cor¬
nices; cost, each, $5,500; Eugene H. Wilsou, 345
Wesb 124bh sb, New York; ar'b, J. B. Sbyles.
889—McDougal st, u Sj 100 e Reid av, six two-
story and basement bi'ick dweU'gs, 19.3x43, tin
roofs; total cosb, $35,000 ;Mrs. A. Stewart, 373
Quiucy st; ai-'b, S. B. WUler; b'r, White &
890—llth sb B s, 231 w 7tli av, one fonr-story