Record and Guid
Jane 30,1894
66th St. s s, 200 w llth av. 5iixlii(i. Theo¬
dore Wcstiiu;- a.et Christiua Behlmer.
owntr. and John W Huttou. contractor.. 79 0(1
Iiine 27.
108th st, Nos 7 aud 9, u s, 125 c 5tli av. iiOx
100 9. Matthew C Quiirlcy agt Thos H
Dunicau. ow-uer and coutractoi-...........468 50
3d,av. ^o 4,s(i. Crouter i Co airt e.state of
Mott S Ciinuiin. owner, aud Ernest Mar¬
shaU, contractor............................390 84
Lcxini;tou av. No 121. e s. 25 ii 28th at, 25
XlOO. Pierre Aguado agt Patrick La-
vi'Uc, owner and C"n1 ractor................ 85 25
IStith st, s a, 300 w Lenox av, 100x99.11.
.lames Nuuau am Mary n Kell.v. owner
iiud coutractor..............................375 19
119th st, 11 s. too w- Courtlaudt av. 50x100.
John J Bell agt Wni H Niebuhr. owner,
and Frank S Ncist. contractor.............320 52
West Broadway. No 54. w s. 50 n Thomas
st, 50x100. J Schwarzwalder & Sous aet
.lohn B H. Thos C aud Gilbert (.iiiklcy. Jr,
owners, and Thos H Kniirlit. contractor.. 34 00
149th St. n a. 250 c Boulevard. .50x100.
John farcw a.i;t Sha-B" it McCarthy, own¬
er.^ anil contractors......................... 75 00
JlNE 28.
Hnilliuist ill-, w s, abt 360 s 145tll st. 40.6
XlOO. liiuiock & Fink n.st Laura Strci-
ticr. owner, and George Sulnveppcn-
liauscr. contractor..........................20(1 (Ml
Cohuubia st. No 72. e s. 55.H » Riviugton st.
25.1x99.11. Henry Arlt agt Morris Mar-
gowitz or Margovitz, ow-ner and contrac¬
tor, and Morria Bericcr, owuer...........K,24il 00
Sth av, Nos 2172-2176. c a, 25.11 ii 117th
St. 75x10(1. Thos F McHugh a.s-'t Noble <fe
Gauss, owners and coutraetors............295 3(1
Auistcrdaiuav.se cor 77th .st. 27.2x100.
Cabinet Work and Parqucttc Flooring Co
agt Geo R Dunu. owner aud cont ractor..175 (Kl
June 29.
Lud av, es. 4'29 n Devoe st. 20.6x210x26x
215. Rouahl Ketcham ai;! Micliail H
HatTey. owner and contractor...........1,365 00
75th at. No 317, n s, 202 w llth av, 22x
102.2. Leopold Freund au't Charles Strau'?,
owner, and A LtiwcnstL-iu tS: Sons, con¬
tractors.....................................825 00
Amsterdam av, s e cor 77th st, 27.2x100.
McKnight-Chidcster Co agl Geo R Dunn,
owner, and James C Caldwell, con¬
tractor....................................1,.570 75
lstav, s c cor 44th st, —x350............../
43d st.u a, 50 e lstav. 2U0x—.............\
Janies Dcmpaey ast New Jersey and New
â– i'ork Abattoir Co, owner, and Patrick
and jNIicliacl Maher, Janies Cnmniiakey
and EiUvards Broa. contractors. (Lien
co'atinncd flora July 5. 1K931............l.SMl 30
.Sameproperty. American Foi t itc Powder
Mfg Co agt same owner, and Patrick
Maher, eoutriictor. (Lien coutinued from
July 15, 1893)..............................961 02
58tb st. No 111 E. Jacob Winter asit Sarah
B Weed, ow-ncr, and E Weed and (ieorge
Yonnston, contractora. (Lien continued
from July 1. 1S93).........................'201 75
149th st, 11 s, 400 w Courtlandt av, 50x100.
Frauk S Nccat ast \Vm H Niebuhr, owner,
and Niebuhr Broa, contractora..........1.S30 (10
116thst,s c cor 7th av, 1(10x100. ChasE
Reid agt ----- Manning, owner, and
Coari tfe Dcgucrguis, contractoi's.......... -11 20
lOStU st, Nos 5 and 7, n a, 1 ;5 e Sth av,50x
abt 100. Doulou .tSr Miller Mfg Co agt
Thos N Duuican owner, and John W Du¬
nicau, contractor..........................215 0(1
06tli st, Nos 153-161, n s. 200 w- Boulevard,
125x100. J Scliwarzwaldcr &: Sons a,gt
Anisterdaiu Impt Co, on-ncra, and James
McEntee, contractor.......................250 00
83d st. No 612. s s, 400 e Eiist End av, 25x
100. Nicholas W Ryan agt Peters &
Hines. owners and contractors............ 50 60
JUNE 23.
65th St. No 5(). .a s. 175 e Coluiubus av, 2^x
100.5. Williiini Miller aut Jos.ph Cirrito.
(Lien tiled June 14. 18!U)................tl08 50
;85th st, No '21S. a s. 230 e 3d av. 25x102.2.
V HuL'o Koehler aud ano i.st Berf'a
Goldliachcr. (Juno 11, 1891).............170 00
June 25.
Li^nox av, s w- cor llStli st. 100x100.
D.mifl Diily et al a.urt Robert McNi-ice and
Roliert iiu'd Patrick Hoar. (June 19.
1894)........................................140 62
;Whitehall st.n c cor Stone st. Produce
Exchange. Astoria Veuccr Mills agt Pro¬
duce Exchange and Alfred liciuhaucr and
John H Erusl. (April 2'., 1S94)........1,690 ,H3
71st St. Nos 426 and 42S. s s. P^S w Av A.
50x100. .Mouds .Si Ryan agt Thoa F
Cooke and I'ooke & McCabe. (Jan 24,
1894)........................................150 00
June 20.
Grand at. No 18. n s. 50 w Sontli 5tli av, 25
x75. WilUam C'oulon agl Esther Rawak.
(Oct 2,lSii:i)................................ 35 25
"Warren ?t. No 16, n s, 239.0 w Broadway.
•2a.4x—. Janics F Ferrier agt element
Marsh and Thomas B Leahy. (June 22,
1891)..........................'..............168 10
June 27.
Finest, No 34. Wui D Lent agt Hanover
Fire Ins Co and John J Joues. (May 12,
1894)..................................'......100 00
148tb st, n s. 100 p Couvent av. 100x99.11.
Heroy it Marreuncr as;t Auuie C and An¬
drew'T Doyle. (.Tan 5. IS941..............-287 56
Broadway. No 1270. tjiiinu A- Hagau aet
Irwin &â– McCord. (Oct 6, 1893)...........104 .50
June 28.
Eldridge sl, Nna 241-245. George Glordaua
agt Theodore M Roacb, (June 13,1894).110 35
Foiavth St. Nos 208 and 210. Same agl
sariie. (June 13, 18941..................... 39 46
77th St. u 8, 115.8 e Houlevard, 50x102.2.
Edward Sniith agt John L Smith. (Sept
22. 1893)....................................500 00
;i45th St. u 8, 125 w Boulevard, V5.x—.
Freiierick Bozenhardt agt John I' Leo
and Patrick Quiul.an. (April 2S. 1S94)...229 00
;Same property. Patrick Quiulan agt
John P Leo. (April 26, 1894.) Sat to
extent of....................................229 00
June 29.
Pike at, Noa 59 and 61, s e cor Monroe st.
Moritz it Doctor agt Jaeob and Charles
Weinstein. (April 10, 1894)..............1.50 00
lOl.st st. No 211, n s, 200 e 3d av. 25x100.
Abraham Rachenovitz & Son ast S irali
and Abraham Schelinsky. (Sept'20,1892). 90 90
Same propei-tv. Same iigt same. (Sejit
20.1S92)___.'............................... 98 00
22d at, Nos 53-50. W Erwin Sdinddt agt
James McCreery and Lonis and Edward
Webber (Edward Fox by assisni. (Mav
31, 1894)..................'.................â– .3:;5 OO
Sth av. No 72. Same agt M Ottiuger aud 1
S Korn and Lonis and Eihvard Wcblier
(aame hy assignl. (May 31. 1894)........123 00
Av D, Nos 139 i.nd 141. "Same agt B Lich¬
tensteiu and Louia and Edwaril Webber
(aanie liy aasign). (May 31. 1891)........(;S5 00
'Diachargcd by deposit.
IDischarged by bond and order of Court.
A handsome bountl volumo of over 250
pages,containing, (1) The NewYork Building
Liiw, with Headings, complete Index, Margi¬
nal Notes and Colored Illustrations, showing
tho heights and thicknesses of walls for all
kinds of buildings; (2) Regulations of tho
Building Department: 13) Tenemeut and Lodg¬
ing House Laws: (41 Law Limiting the Height
of Dwelling Houses; (5) Laws for Extinction
antl Prevention of Fires, etc.; (6) Regulatious
of the Department of Pnblic Works; (7)
.State Factor.v Inspection Law; (8) Mechanic's
Lien Law; (9) Complete Diroetory of Archi¬
tects, for New York, Brooklyn. Newark and
Jerse.v Cit.v. This valuable book Is for sale
at The Rf.corii .\xii Giudk office, 14 aud 16
Vesey st. Price. $2.00.
Tlie first name is that ofthe owner; aft stantls for
architect, m'n for masoii, c'r frr earpentrr and b'r
for buitflcr.
When character of roof is not mentioneil il istobe
underslooit tht^t the roof is to be of tin.
Plan 800—South st. No 201, 4-sty brk
dwell'g and reading-room, 19.9x40.4;" cost.
$7.900; Mrs F V C Bishop, 13 Matlison av ;
ar't. S D Kelly, 9 Fletcher st.
798—Washiugton st. Nos 113 and 115, 1-
st.y brk autl iron warehouse, 38.6x92, gravel
roof; cost, $10,000; Joseph Tuckerman,
Newport, U I. W A autl F E Couover; c'rs,
James C Hoes' Sons.
811—Doyer St. Nos 6-10, 5-sty brkcoucort
hall, 48.10x76.9, plastic slate roof; cost,
t48,000; Jcseph Schooner, 264 Penn st,
rooklyn ; ar't, Chas Rentz.
809—Waverly pi, Nos 3 and 5, 9-.sty hrk
terra cotta antl iron warehouse. 50x108 3.
tin or gravel roof; cost, $100,000; ow'r
ar't aud b'r, John T Williams, s71 Mad¬
ison av.
799-49th st. No 109 W, 2-stv and base
ment Ink .and granite stable, 25x"l03.5 ; cost,
$15,000; Frank Tilford, 119 W 72d st: ar'ts,
Liinib & Rich.
813—Broadway, s wcor 25th st. 8-sty Ink
aud marble hotel. .50.3x107.8. gravel "roof â–
cost. $378,000 : Loui.sa M Gerrv, 8 E 48th st
or 261 Broadway; ai't, Alfred Zucker.
OF 5th AVEXl'E.
790—5th av. No 964, 4-.ftv brk dwell'.' 25 6
x90; cost, $20,000 ; Geo H" Butler, 412 £ 66th
st; ar't, Thomas Graham.
814—75th st, Nos 4 and 6 E, 4-sty brk and
Indiana lime.stouo dwell'g, 50x72. brk and
.slate roof; cost, $40,000; Nathauiel Mc¬
Cready, 10 W 22d st; ar'ts, Trowhridge, Colt
& Livingstone.
816—Madi.sou .av. n e cor 92d st, 1 sty brk
store, 100.8x53.7, gravel .and asphiilt "roof •
cost. $10,000; ow'r antl ar't, Albert Warner
76 E t»2d St.
791—62d st, n s, 225 w Coliiniluis av. three
.5-sty brk and brownstone Hats,'20.10x90 5-
eost. $20,000 each; Daniel C Jacolms a'lid
Davids Jacobus, 325 W 28th st. iun'l 4."nes
Jacohus Pratt, Kidgefield, N ,1; ar't, .lolui C
80.5—Central Park 'West. (8tli ay), w .s, 25 n
991 h st. 1-sty wood and wire summer garden.
17x30; cost. $300; Mary Maguire, 391 Cen¬
tral Park Wost; ar't, Joseph L Steluaui.
801-89th St. n s. 50 w Ceutral Piirk West,
lour 4-sty und lia.seiueut brk and Connecticut
browustoue dwell'gs. three 19x5S. iiml one
18x58 ; cost, $22,000 each : Eliz J Wellwood.
Riverdale lane, Riverdale, N Y ; ar'ts, Neville
& Bagge.
803-123d St. n s, 175 w Columbus av. one
1-sty brk. terra cotta workshop, 25x100;
cost, $5,000; Mary G Pinckney, 152il st and
North River; ar't, P B Ruizgles; b'r, F G
804-123d st.n s. 230 w Columbns av. 4-
sty lu-k wagoii shed. 295x100, gravel roof;
cost, $2,0O0;ow'r, ar't aud b'r. Siiiuc as last.
810—75th .St. s e cor Columbus iiv. 1-stv
brk store. 98.2x50; rost, $20,000 ; Alfred C
Clark. Cooperstown, N Y; ar't, GeoH Griebel.
11 Otii and 125Tn streets. nETWEi.;x 5tii
7s7—8tli av. s e ior 120th st. 5-stv brk da(.
2;5.2xll2.6: cost. $45,000; J A Chiimber.-,
186 W ]02dst, and S H Lemon, 100 F. 81sl
st ; ar't, Henry Auderson.
794—138th st, s s. 320 e 12th av, two 3-stv
lu-k dweU'gs, 15x44; cost, $6,0(M1 each ; ow'r
aud ar't, P.-^.tk H Lynch, s s 138tli st, 300 e
12th av.
802—148th St. s s, 325 e llth av, thi'ee 3-
stor.y aiidjbaseiueut brk. Connecticut browu¬
stone il\veU'n;s. 16 and 17n50: cust. $1(1-
000; Bernaid Havauagh, 467 W 147lh .st ;
ar'ts. Thom & Wilson.
23d and 24Tn WARDS.
788-Elsmere pl. n s, 100 e Prospect av. 2-
sty frauie dweU'g. 17x39: co.st, .$2.i00:
Sarali A Thomas, 315 W 27th st; ai-'t, M C
79.5—137th .st, B .s, 231 e Alexander av, 3-
sty brk and sandstone tire engine-house, 25x
80; cost, $'22,000; City of New York; ar't,
N Le Bruu.
792—156th st, u s, 115 0 Railroad av. 1-stv
frauie shed. 27x21. gravel roof; cost, $300";
Dorothea Fieuckeu, ou premises: ar't, Adoph
797—Eltiiu av. w s. 25 n 158th st. 3-.sly
f i-iliiie ihveU'n. 24 10x45; cost. $1.9(10; Peter
McHciiuev, n35 Cnurtlaiidt av ; iir't ami b'r.
Win McEntyre. ISubstituted for plan 7.36
New Buildings. 1894.)
796—Fleetwood av.w s, 150 s 183dst, 1-
sty frame ilweH'g, 12x16, gravel roof; cost,
$40 ; Mary Suiith, Fordham. N Y ; no ar't.
789—Hariisou av, o s, 200 n Tremout av,
1-sty fr.auie structure, 9x9, -n'ooden roof:
co.st, $25; ow'r and ar't, Frederick A Fernald,
e s Harrison av, 200 n Tremont av.
793—3d av, Nos 3392 and 3394, tivo l-,sty
fraino stables and shed for wagons, one 44x
16, antl one 40x16; cost, $250; Josepliiue L
Horton; ar't, M J Gonin; b'rs, Wiswell &
806—Pro.snect .av, n e cor Samuel st. 2-sty
fraiuo dweU'g. 28x21; co.st. $1,500; Chris-
tojiher McRea, 967 3dav; ar't, A V O'Con¬
nor: b'r, C McRea.
812—Denman pl, s s, 95 e Tinton av, three
3-sty frame dwell'gs, 20x55; cost. $5,000
Oiich ; Geo Dettuer, cor Deuman pl antl Uuiou
av ; ar't. Adolph Pfeiffer.
807—Waterloo )il. c s, 150 s 156th st, three
2-sty fraiue dwell'g.s, 20x36; coat, $2,500
each; Helen J Allcot, 160 Villa iiv; ar't, G
815—161st st, n w eor Washington av, 3-
.stv brk ilweU'g, 20.4x54: cost, $10,000;
Edwd D Bertine. 670 E 136th st; ar't, A
Balscliuu, Jr.
808—Prosnect av. o s, 150 s 156th st, 2-sty
frauie dweU'g, 22x55; cost. $3,900; ,8ieg-
uiuiid Pels. 446 E 84th st; ar't, (iustave
Schwarz; c'r, Edw Bissiuger.
I'lan 950—71 st st. u s, 175 w ('oluuibus .av
partitious altered, portion of light-shaft wall
rebuilt; cost, $3,000; Edelnieyer & Morgan.
333 W 49th st; ar't, G F Pelhani.
951—116th St. No i»7 E, partitions removed,
Iiortion of gable v/all taken out, new store
Iront; cost, $1,500; Frederick W Sanders, on
preiiii.scs ; ar't, t'harles Stegma.yer.
9.52—126tli st, u e cor I'iirk av, uew store
front; cost. $.300; Hermauu D Meyerdierk.i.
101 E 125th st; ar't aud b'r, J .M B Robiusou.
953-9th st. No 733 E, build corrugated
sheet-iron fence; cost, $250; Josef Lustig.
709 E 5th st; ar'ts, Horenburger & Straub.
954—28th .st, No 413 E, to uiove fraiue tool-
house abt 100 ft: cost, $25; Cuitcd Electric
Light and Power Co, Caleb H Jacksou, pri'st.
132 Nassau St.
955—82d st. No 10 E, S-sty hrk extension.
10x17, partitions removed; cost. $].'"dlO;
Soloniou Tim. on premises; ar't, Fr .Taeobseu.
956—5th .av.No 306, 4-.sty brk exteusioHi.
25x32, partitions and stiiirs tiikeu out aud
new stairca.se aud elevator shaft built, ciitlrc
front wall taken out and new- iron front
built; co.st, $12,000; CE Harrell, les.see, 151
5th av; ar'ts. Cleverdon & Putzel.
957—Delancey st. .No 20, l-sly brk exteu¬
.siou, 13x10.4; cost. $1,500; Miiscs Shiidlln
sky, 236 E 60th st; ar't, Michael Berusteiu.
958—East Broadwa.v. No 145, enhiriie vesti¬
bule, uew store front;' cost, $400; Max Levy,
on preniises; ar't, .Max Muller.