Index to
l^ecord and Guide
Vol. LVII.
For New York Conveyances, Leases, Mortgagees, Projected Buildins^s and Advertisers.
NOS. 1451 TO 1476.
The following is the semi-annual Index of
Volume LVII. of the "Record and Guide,"
containing complete lists ot the Conveyances,
Leases, Mortgages and Buildings Projected in
New Yorlc City during the first six months ot
ISOCi. Those wishing to keep a file for
permanent reference should see that all the
numbers are complete and have them bound.
Cost of binding, $2.00 per volume. A suita¬
ble temporary binder, holding one volume, can
be obtained at the office, J 4 and 16 Vesey
street; price, one dollar.
Allen St, from Canal to Hester St. .10, K l.j,
10 indicates a Conveyance will be found on
page 10; K l.'i, a Mortgage on page l.") under
the letter K. and (40(t) means that a Lease
against the same block will be found on page
Conveyances, New York City........ ;'â– to I'.l
Conveyances, 23d and 24lh Wards.. . 1!) to 2;)
Leases. New York City............ ."> to 1!)
Leases, 2od and 24th Wards........10 to 2:5
Mortgages, New York City......... o to 1!)
Mortgages, 23d and 24th Wards.....10 to 23
Projected Buildings, New York City. . 23 to 24
Projected Buildings, 2.3d and 24th
Wards........................24 to 2.").
Index to our advertisers, making a
select business directory..........20 to 2S
In many instances there will be found
streets, etc., indexed under pages which, on
being examined, show at once that they are not
in their proper order according to our custom¬
ary alphabetical and numerical arrangement.
A further examination will disclose the fact
that while the properties appear more promi¬
nently under other street descriptions, they
nevertheless extend to the streets, etc., indi¬
cated by the Index and having a frontage on
same have been included in the paging.
Again, it occasionally occurs that one deed
will describe property conv?yed in fee and
also property under lease. As each has been
indexed with or without parenthesis as re¬
quired by its descri'.'tion it will be found at
times that a parcel is not in its proper alpha¬
betical or numerical position and it will
necessitate a somewhat more thorough search
than usual to locate it. The Leases, Mort¬
gages and Projected Buildings are indexed in a
similar manner to llie plan followed with the
Note.—The figures in parenthesis—for in¬
stance, page (490) under the head ot Allen
street, from Canal to Hester (490)—denote
that the transaction on the page given Is
Leasehold, an assignment of lease or a lease
running for a short or long term ot years.
This explanation is made so that subscribers
searching for transfers in tec can at once dis¬
tinguish between the former and the latter
without referring to the pages mentioned.
All the mortgages are indexed against the
street or avenue in which the property is lo¬
cated, and memoranda added to enable search¬
ers to find the particulars in "The Record and
Guide." For example, Abingdon square ap¬
pears followed by C 797. This means that a
mortgage against property on Abingdon square
appears on page 797 and "C" is the initial let¬
ter ot the mortgagor or borrower. The streets
and avenues are so sub-divided that very few
references are necessary. All readers ot the
"Record and Guide" are aware that the mort¬
gages appear weekly in alphabetical order, so
that they have, so to speak, a weekly index ot
mortgagors. This publication of an index
against property completes the information
which those interested may require.
.441, 574.
Abingdon pi or sq. .C 797.
Albany, from Greenwich to Washington. .
Washington to West..441, J 440, D491,
P 700. f
Allen, from Canal to Hester. .10, K 15, (490).
Hester to Grand. .348, 664.
Broome to Delancey. .574, M 582, 976,
L !>S4, 106.").
Delancey to Rivington. .222, B 228, 391,
618, (622), C 797, 1065, C 1113.
Rivington to Stanton. .. .305, 3(16, B 310,
north of Stanton. .L271, R .538.
Ann. from Park row to Nassau.. (396), 441,
619, 790, I 70S.
Nassau to William. .(669), (709), (754),
William to Gold. .K 896.
Apthorps lane. .B228, 020, 707. 793. 1110.
Ashland pi. .M23().
Attorney, from Division to Grand. .98, Ij27],
441. 486, S 493, E 537, 889, 976, A 983,
Grand to Delancey. .(069). (847).
Delancey to Rivington. .(622), SS9.
Rivington to Stanton. .(309), (.351), 1065.
Stanton to Houston. .(1069).
Bank, from Waverley pi to 4th St. .L .5.37.
4th to Bleecker. .1.S4, R 190, 664, B 983,
W 086.
Bleecker to Greenwich. .S 072, W 758.
Greenwich to West. .141, H 310, 750,
H 1071.
West St to 13th av. .K229.
Barclay, from Church st to West Broadway. .
A 755. 701, R709.
St Broadway to Greenwich St..(14),
" 537, S 538.
Wasn'i^gton to West. .(535).
Barrow, from -1th to Bleecker. .532, 574,
B580. 664, LcTl. 1020, J 1026.
Bleecker to Bedford. .E623.
Commerce to Hudsdn. .(102i).
Battery pi. .A 1070. \
Baxter, from Park row to Park. .348.
Park to Worth. .6(14. (1112).
Hester to Grand. .s!625.
Bayard, from Chrvstie to Bowery. ..348, (6l2),
(.S94), 976, L984. F 1113, 0 1114.
Elizabeth to Mott. .C04, (036).
Beach, from West Broadway to Varick. .(490),
664, N 671.
Washington to West. -706.
Beaver, from Broadway tf Broad. .706.
Broad to William. .. .322, N 2.30, (.309),
1020, P 1027.
William to Hanover. .(7541
K .56.
L 7! 18.
Bedford, from Downing to Leroy.
Morton to Commerce. .B 5S4.
Beekman pi..51, B .55, 441, .574, 790, H 798,
1'"â– 'â– "'•
Beekman. from Park row to William. .F 189,
(351), 7.50.
William to Gold. .J 104, 889.
Gold to Cliff. .50, C .580, H 1113.
Pearl to Water. .7.50, K 757.
Bethune. from Hudson to Washington. .267,
302, M624.
Washington to West. .141, 574. W 1114.
West St to 13th av. .98, D 104.
Birmingham. .D 104, 348. B 35J.. R3o3^^ _ -
^Bloomingdale road. .50r267r^(58r 348: 441,-^
48lr4Srr G (523. 708.-'C 896, 106.5, 1109<:,
Bolton road. .708.
Bond... 222, F 229, 486, 574, K 581, 619,
Bleecker, from Elizabeth to Mo*t--^„+*"-
Mott to Mulberry..A 7.5.5, 889. !>.>a
Mulberry to Crosby. ..392, C30., C 491.
Crosby to Broadway..222, C_22S L 849.
Greene to Wooster..lO, J lo, 50, J .)0,
K.537, K671, (936), W 98o, 1109,
West Broadway to Thompson.
T SOS. 077.
Thompson to Sullivan. .618, 790^
Sullivan to Macdougal-----K 15
W.5S, K310. W.311, (71(1), 750. ^
Macdougal to Carmine. .K 15, K 56, W o8,
184. K310, W311.
Carmine to Barrow. .(188),_K 190. 790.
Barrow to Christopher. .N 711.
Idth to Charles..G 806.
Charles to Perry...302, (445).
Perry to 11th..F 189.
nth to Bank..W 7.58.
~Boulevard, from 50th to 64th...50. (22i)
COth lo (58th..141, S147, F756. lOOo,
68th to 70th.... L 398,
L 1071.
72d to 74th..441, H 446.
74th to 7(5th..M398, .574,
76th lo 78th....932. D937,
D 1025, 1109, E 1113.
SOth to 84th..B.310, (622), (755).
84th to 86th..392, B 710. 84.3.
SOth to S.8th....Ml46, W231,
W447, W.583, 619, 664, (669),
SSth to 00th..790, 932.
02d to 94th..843.
tUth to 96th...50, G 56, (227), 604, MOil,
700. M1071.
102d to 104th....185, F189, 486, F 492,
1005. M 1(171, M1114.
104th to, 843, B93i.
10(5th to 10.Sth..lS5. ((5(i9). 843, 977.
loSth to 110th. B 271, E ;J1>7, 843.
-------llOth to 112th..(3."^), R/!jS^ 'J2.
-----112th t» 114th..50,'^141f750rS75S
1109. S 1114. y/
.-----12mh to YIIA.I^^^- y ^ „.„
------122d to 124th..392,-S 398. 843.^
___^124th to 126th..392r'S 398, 843,
-----130th to 132d..R447. 664."^
----- 1.32d to,Sf^4.^
___18(5th to i:!,Sth..34<B848.
140th to ]42d..1Vni 711.
.142d to 144th..(1024),^
14(5th..26r S272,
574. D.580,
L 671, L 849,
W 272,
^750: S 758, 843. ^
144th to
46th to 1.50th..350, 1020.
1.50th to 1.52d..P190r0.32.
1.52d to 15.5th..W39»r 604.
'^;_-45.5th to 160th....l4i: 348rTD537,
-"^ D 938.
160th to l(5.5th..348, B 3.51, 392, 443.
north of 170th.. 13. C 228. 392.
indeft..H 1026. ___. ^ ^ —
Boulevard Lafayette. .12^99. 101, S 10.5,141.
.305. .307, 348r'44irA445, D .537. 6(57.—
N671, 7.5(1, B755, L 7.57, 790,""D 9.38.
W^939, 1110.-—
Bowery, south of Bayard.. G 352. (.396). (490).
C491, (894), D890.
from Bayard to Canal..(14), 225, F 111.3.
Canal to Hester. .S 2.31. (396), (490).
Hester to Grand. .(5o).W 231. 890. (1024),
A 1025.
e s, Broome to Delancey. .574, P 624._
e s, Delancey to Rivington. .((569). (796).
w s. Spring to Houston., J 146, 392,487,
D 491, 932.
e s, Rivington to Stanton. .(18,8^ B 102.5.
e s. Stanton to Houston-----(55), J146,
(79(5), 843, M,S49, M 102(5, (1112).
w s, Houston to Bleecker. ..348.
e s, Houston to 1st..664. 1020.
e s, 1st to 2d..(1024).
w s. Bond to Great Jones..305. .306. 750.
1021, (1024), V 1(127, 10(5.5.
w s. Great Jones to 4th. .574. I 581, I 624.
(669), 932, 1065, D 1070.
north ot 4th. .B 103, S 538.
Bowling Green.. 1109, C 1113.
Bridge..791, C 797.
Broad, from Wall st to Exchange pl..C 103.
Exchange pi to Pearl St..50, J 310, 70(),
(710), 790. (796), M 799. D 896.
Pearl to Front..325, W 1072.
Broadway, south ot Morris. .(144).
from Morris st to E.xchange..
Exchange pi to Wall st..574, P 582.
Cedar to Cortlandt. .619. W625.
Park pi to Warren st..(710).
Reade to Worth..706. 790.
Worth to Franklin..222.
Franklin to Canal..11, W 17, 22.5,
W399, (622).
Canal to Grand.. 11, H 15. 225. M 624,
(755). B 797. „,„
Grand to Spring..W 58. (188). 225, 619,
(710), 1109, S1114.
Spring to Houston..11, Dl5, (oa), D oa,
222 B 228, 348, W 3.53, 392. H 756, 890,
WS98, 932. 977, (982). M 985.
Houston to Bleecker... .98. S lOa. 22u,
3 2:^0, 348, S.353, 619, 706, L849,
C 1025.
Bleecker to 4 tb.. (396). „_,„..„
4th to 8th,. (14), 22.5. 348. K 352. 392,