January 11, 1896
Record and Guide.
Fredk B Jennings and Treuor L Park, of
Benuington. Vt, to John H Johnson. Mt.
$47„500, nee 26. 115,000
Broadwav, Nos .t4 and 56, s e cor 130th st.
31.9x100x26.7x101.1, two '.i-sty frame
dwell'gs. Foreclos. Wm J .Marrin to
Louisa Hintz formerly Belter. Dec 14.
Broadwny. N(/ 1560, e s, 80.5 n 4(iTh St. '20
x80. 4-sty slone front tenem't with
stores James MacKarlaoe. Brooklyn, to
Susan M V Livinuston, Clermont, N Y,
Mt. $-J0,0()0, Jau 3, 50.000
Broome si. No 33, s w cor Goerck st, 25.3x
100. 5-stv Ink teuem't with .stoies. Wni
U Williams and Ihos K Kgbi-rt to John
L Boggs. Mt. $4.'.250. Jan :.'. nom
Delancey st. No 236. ii s, abt 50 e Willett
St. 25x100, 5-3tv stoue front teuem't with
stores. Sydney Schutz to Abram Kliiig.
Q C, Jau" 2. uom
Delancey st, Nos 308-312, n s, 52.8 e Lewis
St. 511x10 I, two 5-^ty brk tciieui'ts with
stores, David Kidausky and Harris Fine
to Isidor Obitbaum, jl/f, $45,500, ,Ian 2.
East Broadway, No 61, s s, 110 w Market
st, 25x75. 5-sly brk tem-m't with stores,
Eliza M Alexander t'onnerly Suivcly,
.'^auta Barbara, Cal, to Rosa K wife of
Johu C Stratton. Jau 6 25 000
Eldridge st, Nos 211 aud 216, e s, 75.3 s
StaiUou St. 31.2x88 6. 6-sty brk teuem't
with stores. VVm S Muuu to Sarah Beio-
liardt, .Sullivan Co, New York, Ca G. ^4
p;irt. Jan 6. nom
I'orsylh st. No 99, w s, 150 s Broome st, 25
xlilO, osty brk tenem't witli stores,
Jcnnv wife of Morii.s Ncl.son to William
Hartiield nnd Ahiahaiu Nelson Ml. *29,-
000. March 30, 1S\I4, 38,000
Frout st, Nos 28 '2 and 30, n s,66,8 e Broad st.
37,11x70 9x37,Sx73.9. (;wo l-.stv Ink
stores. Henrv C Ziuimerman to John
Coon, Huflalo" N Y, Mt. $35,001'. Dec
16. 511,000
Front st. No 56. n w cor Cuylere alley,
18,7x84,7x18,7x84.10, 4-.sty brk .store.
Henrv C Ziuimerman to Johu Coon, Buf¬
falo. N Y. .W«, $13,500. Dec 16. 50,000
Fallon st. No 153, nes, alit 148.9 e Hroad-1
wav.23x80.10x'-'2.8x81.1. |
Fultou st, .10 155. u e s. abt 123 e Broad- J
way,22.Sx67.5x2'2.8x67.4. I
5 sty stoue Iront store aud factory, J
Charloite M wile of aud Fredeiic Good-
ridge to fhos S Williams, Jiin 9. uom
.Same properly. Thos S Williams to John
Uonney. Mt. $1(h'.(i(iO. Jun :i. uom
Greenwich st. s w cor Jaue .st, 35x78, 3-sty
brk Episcopal chapel, &c, Florence Gray
to Florence L Hartley, ,Jau 2, nom
Grove st. No 70, s e, abt 55 w 4th st. 1.10
x90, 3-sty frame dwell'g wiih l-sly In-k
tenem't on rear Patrick Uolan to Maria
Fos.sier. Dec 28. 11,000
Howard st No 8, n s, 25.6 e Elm st. 2,').iix
111.3x'2.i.8x111.8, 1 sly stoue front store
and factory. Chas VV Gillet, Addison, N
1'. exrs Hiram C McKay to Ludwig Heer-
ing. iUt. $'Ji,ooi'. Dec 23, uom
Hubert st. No 17, s s, 53 e Ureenwich st, 25
x25, 5-s'y brk stores, Jeremiah VV
Dimick, Jr, I'beresa F Uiiuick and Then se
D Browning to Chas 1' Hoffman, Jr, and
Wm M V Hotl'aiau, Dec 28. 12.000
Same propi-rcv Chas F Hoffman. Jr. aud
Wm M V Hoffmau to VVm H v\ ilsev,
Brooklyn. C a G. Jan 7. uom
Same property. Win H VVilsev. Krooklvu,
to Chas F Hoffman, Jr, arid Wm M V
Hofl'man, ,l/(, $s.000. Jan 7, nom
Jumel pi, Nos 19, 21 aud 23, e s, 2 i<) 4 u
167th st, 50x90, three 3-sty frame dwell¬
ings, A Judson Fullam to William and
Andrew Gauiole. Jau 8. 3,500
Lewis st, No 30, c 8,125 n Graud st. '_'5x
lOll, 5-siy lirk teuenv'c wiih store.s, Ahra-
haui Fox to Kosa Weinberger. Ml ,$24.-
OUO. Jan 2, nom
Ludlow st. No 76, e s, 69 s Broome st 19x
75, 5-sty brk tenem't with sioris Sarah
Starr to Harri Schenzeit. Mt. f]5.ft00.
Jan 6. nom
Ludlow st. No 125, w s, abt 100 s Kivii g
ton 8t, 18.'.1x87.6, 3 sty brk and frame
tenem't with store. Joseph (3ollet to
KachelNachtigall. J/(. $8,500. Jan 2.
Miuetta st, No2, u s. 108,11 e Bleecker st,
22 1x75x21,11x73, 2-3tv brk and frame
teuem't, Elihu Ayres to Henry Schlo-
bohm. Jan 3, 6,500
Mangin st. No 25, w s, 175 s Delancey .st.
25x100, 5-sty brk teuem't. Chris'liia S
Kapp widow to Emma C wife of William
Kosrer, Jan 9, uom
Monroe st. No 283, n s, 100 e Jackson st, 1
25x95, j
Monroe st, n s, 125 e Jackson st, 0.2x95, ;•
3-sty brk tenem't with 4 sty brk tenem't I
on lear, J
Jenny NeNou to William Harttield aud
Abraham Nelson, Mt. $9,500, Oct 20,
1894, 100
Monroe st, No 1301.^ and 132, s s 165.6e
Kutgers st, 29,9x100, two 5-sty brk tene¬
ments with stores, ,)onas Weil and
Bernhard Mai er to Fanny Friedland,
Mt. $20,000, Jan 3, ' uom
Rivington st. No 327, s s, S8.4 e Goerck st,
18,9x75, 3-sty brk tenem't, Mary A,
Louise J aud Abram S Post, Great Neck,
L 1, aud Sarah H Corwith, New Y'ork,
and Wm H Post, Ogdenslmrg, N Y, to
Nathan Schancupp. B & S. C a G. Dec
12. nom
Same property. Marv A Post et al exrs
William Post to same, Dec 12. 4,800
Spring 9t, No 143 > begins Spring st, n w
Wooster Bt, No i 15 S cor Wooster st, 25x
75 ; No 143. 3-sty brk and frame teuem't
and store; No 95, 5-sfy brk tenem't with
stores, Herman Holtje to Harris Maudel¬
baum and Fisher Lewine, Q C l)ec3V, uom
Same property, Harris Mandelbaum aud
Fisher Lewine to Peter Doelger, Mt.
$25,000, Dec 30. nom
Spring st. No 54, s s, abt 98 e Marion st,
25.2x110.3x24.6x116, 6-stv Ink teuem't
with stores. Henrv Samuels to Lewis I
Scbilt. -tf(. $2'2.000. Jan 2. 31.000
.Sheritt'st. No 63. w s, 125 s Kiviugtou st,
25x100, 5-sty stoue front teuem't with
stores, Foreclos, Augustus H Vander-
poel to Max Newmau, Jan 6, 24,100
Stanton st. No 320, n w cor Goerck st. 2.">x
75, 5-8ty brk tenem't with si ores, Au-
guste (joodmau to August Schaud, Brook-
lyn. All liens, Jan 3, nom
Samu property, August Schaud, Brooklyn,
to Heruian Finkelstcin. Mt. $30,500,
Jau 8, 40.200
Vau Corlear pi, w s. 138.8 on curve s
Wicker pi, 57.11x]06.8x50sl36, vacant.
Perry P 'tVilliaiicsfo Frederic E and Hngh
N Camp, Jr, esrs Hugh N Camp. Jan 7,
Walker st. No 58, n 8, 153 w Broadway, 25
X101', 5-8ty stone front store. Partition,
.(ohuHJiidge to Auna C wife of Wm C
Hollirook, .Ian 3, 68,000
Watts st. No 99, s s, 10^ w Washington st,
20x50, 2-sty brk store and teuem't,
M;irgt I wife of and Heury L Merscri-au,
Brooklyu, toChiistiaua Van Brunt, Hack-
•eusack', N J. C aG, Ml. $3,o00, .Fan 7, nom
Wiitts st. No 13, s H. 186,6 c Varick st, 21.2
x82 to alley, x21,2x76, with use of alley.
3 sty brk and frame tenem't with 2-rtv
brkstalileon rear, Mary A wife of and
John ,1 Colgan to Josep i Nicmever, .)er-
seyCity, NJ, .W. $9,000. Nov 11. 14.000
Worth st.No 18, s s, 100 w West Broadway.
25x80.6x25x80.5. Edmund J Lee iudivid
ami guard Lawrence K. Eduiuud J, Jr,
and Amiistead M I.ee with Wm E Thorn
exr Wm l' Garner owner of No 16 Worth
st. Agreement as to party wall bet
premises, Dec 10. nom
Oth st. No '228, s s, 205 3 w 2d av, 25x97,
5-.stv 'uk teuem't. .lobst Hoffman to
Annie Frank. iU^ $28,000, ,)au 3. 39,000
Oth 3t, No 218, s 8, 255 e 3il av, 25x97, 6-
sty brk tenem't with slores. Jaco'i
Kiingeustein to Benedi't A Klein. Jan
2. 41,500
litii st.No 218,8 N, 255 e 3d av, 2-ix97
Benedict A Klein to Hym.in Ken ben -tone,
Mt. $27.00ii. Jau 2. See Ootli st. exch
10th st, No 377. n e s. 393 s e Av B. 25x
94.9. l-sfy brk teuem't with stores. Pau¬
line Sutton to Ann Sutfou. Ml. $6,500,
J-,iu 7, uom
lOih st. No 331, n s, 170 wAv B, 25 6x!>4 9.
,--sty Ink tenem't with store, Mary
Mea'serschniidt, Aimusta Bisiiiger, August
Elsa.sser and Joliii W Downing to ,J Vic¬
tor Achaul. .lau 2. 22.500
10th st, No 212, ss,'200 e 2d av. 25x92,4,
6 sty brk tenem't with stores Joseph L
Buttenwicser to Cath M Begg, Mt. $11 ,-
oor, Dec 23.
tOth St. No 107. u es, 13.5.9 s e.3d a v. 23.9
x94 7x23.9.x94.7.
lOfh st. No 107, nes, 474,3 n w 2d av, !-
23 9x94.7. I
■fwo 3-<iv brk tenem'ls, J
David Holland to Marv C Holland All
liens, Aug 20, 45,000
l'2th st. No 5-23, n s, 290 c Av A, 28x103 3.1
5-8tv brk tenem't with stores, I
12th st. No 525. u .s, 324 e Av A. 28x103,3, (
3-sty brl- tenem't. J
Order of Court of Common Pleas getting
aside deed and vesting fee of flrst parcel
in Anna M Frank, who is directed to quit
clai-ii all title iu second parcel to Clemens
,1 Kracht tiiistee Christian Frank, Dec
30, no™
Partition, Robt L Wensley to Alfa H
Denham Dec -U. 17,700
14th st No 211, n s. 206 e 3d av. 29x103.3,
5-sty brk flat. Kobt P Orr Brooklyn to
Chas H Merrill. Exeter, N H, B&S. Jan
g nom
16th St. Nos 316 and 318. s s, '200 w Slh
av 37,6x35,11 x37.6x32 6. 4-sty brk tene¬
ment with stores. Mory A Donally, New¬
ark N .1 to Henrv Grcse Secures ad-
i/(, $ll,'iii0, Nov 16. nom
17th st No 25 I begins 17th St. n s. 385 w
I8th st. No 20 <, 5th av 25x184 : No '25,
4-stv stone front dwell'g: No '20. 2 sty
brk'.stable Partition .lohn 11 Judge to
Anna C wife of Wm (' llolbrook. Jau .{.
22d st. No 481, n s. 94.5 c lOtb av.l5 9x
98 8. 4-stv brk dwell'g. Anuilia P
Stakoscli widow. Pans, France to Maria
S Simpson, Dec 10, nom
Same property, Maria s MrapH.n to Wm D
Stephens, .Tan 3, n,i '
■'7th st, Nos 421-1'25, u s, 2.17.2 w Otli av,
"73 11x9S,9, ilirce 5 sty Ink tonein Is
Franklin R Hogeboom to George Gilder-
sleeve, All lieiiN.tJan 'J, nonj
28th St. No 47, n s, 143,3 e Oth av, 21.4x98,9.
5-sly iron front store and dwell'g. Wm
C Adams to Auna L Thomas, Brooklyn.
Jan 3. uom
Same propertv. Anna T. Thomas, Brooklyn.
to Win C Adams. Mt. $32,000, Jan 4. nom
28th st. No 230, s «, 345.7 w 7th av, runs"!
s 98.9 X w 24.10L, x n 58 8 x e 0.^ x n
10.1 to 28th st, X e 24.10, 5-sty brk
teneiu't with store and 4-sty brk tene-
nieut on rear, Mt. $8,000 and encroach¬
26th st, No 142, s s. 475 w 6th av, 25x
98 9, 4-8ty brk tenem't with store and
4-s«y brk tenem't on rear. Mt. $6,000
and encroachments.
Partition Hamilton Odell to John E
Kauahran. Jau 2, 41,300
29th st. No 405, u s, 100 e 1st av, 25x75, 5-
sty brk teueni't. Heury Bcrcovifz t->
S.irah H Britain. All liens, &c, .Ian 8. nom
31st st. No 345, n s, 150 w Istav, 20x98,9,
4-3tv brk tenem't. Anu M Phillips to John
McCormick. Mt. $5,300, Jan 3, 8.000
32d st. No 448, s s, 200 e 10th av, 25x98.9, ,
4-stv brk tenem't. Margaret Fleming to
M,arV A McArdle. J/(, $7,3,50, Jau 7,
32dRt, No 141, n 8, 441,8 w Oth av, lO.Sx*
77.7x17.3x82.1. 4-sty brk tenem't with
store. Hermau S Mendelaon to Rosa
McudelsoB. ,!/(, $6,000, Oct 25, nom
36th St. No 2-57, u s, 218.3 e Sth av, 16 lOx
98,9, 4-sty Ink .Iwell'g, Henry K Brewer.
Yonkers, N Y, to Mary L Brewer his wife.
Mt. $4,000. Jan 3. uom
36fh St. No 360, s s, 100 e 9th av, 25x!)8.9,
5-stv stoue front tenem't, James H Bur-
bans to Robt A Murray, Jan 8, 30,750
38fh st, Nos 205-209, n s, 75 e 3d av, runs
n 72.6 X e 25 X n 26,3 x e 31,6 x s 98,9 to
st, X w 56,3. 5-stv brk stable. Lizzie
(joerlitz to Arnold Pfenning. All liens.
1-2 part. .Ian 8. See 87th st. aom
40tti st. No 456, 8 s, 100 e lOtli av, 25x1
9H.9, 3-sty Ink tenem't with store and I
2-stv friiiie dwell'g on rear, J/(, $10,-
OOc! }
Greenwich st. No 10\, e s, 130.6 n Canal
st, '22x90, 3-stv brk tenem't with stores. I
Ml. $22,000. ' )
John L Boggs (o Wm H Williams and
Thos K Egbert, .lao 2. uom
42(1 St. Nos 211 and 213, n s, 155 e 3d av,
50x100.5, two 3 and 4-sty Ink buildings.
Clark R (Javil to Cornelius Vanderbilt.
CaG. June 3, 1895, 60,000
-^aiue property, Cornelius Vanderbilt to
the Rector, &c. of St Bartholomews
Church in tbe Cty of New York. Jau 7,
43d st. No 6, s s 158 e 5th av, 20,6x100,5,
4-stv stone front dwell'g, Clara F
Wiu.ans to Frances G Pardee. Mt. $25,-
000. Dec 20. val consid
49th st. No 231, n s, 260 w 2d av, 18x98.8
xl8,2x95.11, 4-sfy stone front dwell'g.
Carolina Goppokit widow. Guftenburg,
N ,1, to Jacob Pizer, Jan 2, nom
49th st. No 217, n s. 2O0 e 3d av, 19.6x74,
3-sty stone front dwell'g. .loseph and
Thos A Clark children and heirs of Mary
Clark to Thomas Clark. B&S. All
liens. Oct 23. nom
ol.st St. No 528,8 e s, 410 llthav, 20x
100.5. 4-sty brk tenem't. David Sh.annou
to Thomas Murray, Jan 6, 9.500
52d st. No 411, n s, 175.3 e Istav, 18,9x ,
92,8x18.9x96.1, 4-sty stone front dwell¬
iug, Wm F Cox, Camden, N J. to T Mc¬
Clure Peters, J/f, $10,450 and int from
Aug 1,1895. Taxes 1895. Dec 20. 100
54th st, No 428. s s, 422,6 e 10th av, 27.6x
57,4x27.6x55.5, 5-sty brk tenem't with
stores. Katharina Schultz to Henry Ar¬
nold. ^ part. Mt. $9,500. Jan 4. 4,250
54th .st.No 157, n s, 100 e 7th !iv, 25x
100,5, 3-sty brk stable, Herbert Haw¬
kins toJames C Smith, Smithtowu, L 1,
/!/<, $28,"Oo. March 15, 1894. nom
57tb st. No 218, s w s, 235 n w 7th av, 25x
110,7x25,3x106,11. 2-sty frame dwell'g
with l-sty frame buildiug on rear, Mat¬
thew H Beers and ano exrs and trustees
Samuel Inslee to American Society of
Civil Engineers, Jan 7. 40,000
57th st, No 220, s s, 260 w 7th av, runs w
25 xs 113.10 xn e 25.3 X n 110.2, 1-sty
fiame building and vacant. Amos K Eno
to same B & S, Oct 29. 40,000
58th st. No 129. n s, 107 w Lexington av,
166x100.5. 4-s1v stone front dwell'g,
Laura D wife of Louis Staab, Chicago,
111, to Egliert B Mack, same place, ^2
part, Dec 26, nom
60th st. No 237, n s, 176.6 w 2d av. 18,6x
100,5, 4-sty stoue frout dwell'g, Hyman
Reubeusto'ne to Jacob Klingenstein, Mt.
$17,500, Jau 2, See Oth sf, 27.000
62d St. No 217, n s, 275 w Amsterdam av,
25x100.5. 5-stv brk teneiu't with stores.
Tlieodore von (Jauther to John B .Smith.
,U/, *18,5li0, Nov 12. nom
Same property. John B Smith to Mamie
Behn. )/'. $15,000, Dec 1, nom
tilith st. No 440, s s, 75 w Av A, 26.11X
100.5, 5 Sly brk tenem't. Release mort.
The Importers' and 'Prader.s' Nat Bank to
Amelia Gornifiu iudivid and as extrx
John .I Gorman. Jan 2. ,."9™
Smiiic property. Am. lia Gorman individ
and as extrx Jobu J Gorman to Jonas
and Charles Scheuer and Samuel Bloch.
Mt. $12,.500 and int $104, Dec 30. uom
68th st, n s, 400 w West End av, 39.8x
101,8x56.7x100.5, l-8ty brfc faetoyy,