August 9, 1902.
55th st No 374 W. Assign lease. Vincenzo Geraci to Vincenzo
Pares'e, July 28. Aug 6. 1902. 4:1045............. .....nom
65th st, No 234 W, all. Joseph Rosenzweig to Walter R Senior; i
year, from Aug 15, 1902. Aug 5, 1902. 4:llo6.......'■■^•J''^^
79tb st, No 123 W, all. Frances S Fruman to Alphonse H Furst,
4 years, from Sept 1, 1902, Aug 5. 1902. 4:1210.. .3,000. 3,100
106th St. No 328 E. all, Morris H Stern to Louis H Franchi; O
years, from May 1. 1902. Aug 5, 1902. 6:1617........■■•■/.•5^"
112th St. No 319 E, all, Domenico and Mary G Peloso to Vin¬
cenzo and Filomena Mirabella; 5 years, from Aug 1, IMl. Aug_
6, 1902. 6:1684...............................:-'A',
125th st, n w cor 7th av, third floor. Hudson Realty Co to
August H Sievers: 10 7-12 years, from Oct 1, 1902. Aug O.
1902. 7:1931...................................-^V'I'
Av A. Xo 1358. store floor and cellar. Joseph Stranaky to Charles
Kiasek; 3 years, from May 1, 1901. Aug 7. 1902. o:14S4. .. .-U-i
Brcadway, No 198, store floor and part basement. James A Camptieii
to Mengo L Morgenthau; 20 yrs. from May 1. 1903, Aug 4, 1J}>--
iijf).., . ................................i.;,tjuu
Bro'edway,'No'l469;n w 'coV 42'd' st,' 26x'abt .58.4x25.1x58.4, Charles
7tli av. No COS I Thorley to Adolph S Ochs; 10 o-12 years, from
42d st. No 153 I Sept 1, 1902, with privilege cf a 2(1 3d. 4th
/and Sth term, each for 21 years renewal at $27,500 to $30,0110 per
■/annum. Aug 4, 1902. 4:995.....Taxes, &c. and 2-1.000 and 2(,o00
Columbus av. n e cor S9th at, store. Louis Vogel and ano to Fred¬
erick Shulpen; 3 years, from May 1, 1962, Aug 4, 1902. 4:1203,___
...................................1,5 lO
Columbus'a'v,"nos" 392'and'394,"two stores. &c. Ida Thomas to
Daniel W Losee; 1 month, from Sept 1. 1902, at $100 and S yrs
from Oct 1, 1902. Aug 7, 1902. 4:1150............2..MI0 to 3,000
Madison av. n w cor 75th st. store. &c, Chas A Stein to Ralph A
Schoenberg flrm R A Schoenberg & Co; 3 years, from Dec lo, 1962.
Aug 4, 1962. 5:1390........................^.''ft'l and 1.800
Pleasant av. No 321, n w cor 117th st. store. Anna M Heins et al to
San! M Nayback; 1^, years, from Feb 1, 1902, Aug 2, 1902.
1st av. No 557, n w car 32d st. 20x75, all. Ann Looram et al
HEIRS Patrick Looram to Patrick Meehan; 5 years, from May 1.
1902. Aug 7. 1962. 3:93S............................I.-IOO
lat av Xo 1577 n w cor S2d st, store. &c. Bernard C Gerken lo
Eugene Vclkner; 3 yrs, from July 1, 1902. Aug 7. 1902, 5:1545,
Same property. Assign lease. Eugene Volkner to the John Kress
Brewing Co, July 26. Aug 7. 1902......................nom
1st av Xo 2197 store and cellar. John and Domenico Bastoni to
Hugo Thum; 7 yrs. from Aug 1, 191.12, 7, 11102, 6;lt;84,.12(?)
3d av Nos 687 and 689, 40x80, all. Jchn H Henshaw to Rosolino
Locurto; 3 vears, from Aug 1. 1902, Aug 7, 1902 5:1317. ., ,2.100
3d av. No 1389. store floor, &c, Pincus Lowenfeld and William
Prager to James Connolly; 9V< years, from Nov 1, 1902. Aug
6,1902. 5:1433............................l,20O to 1,500
5th av, n e cor 13tb st, 39.3x100. Assign lease, Harry A Hution
to Henrietta Hutton. July 17. Aug 1, 1902. 2:571........nom
Oth av, Xo 797, n w cor 45;h st. Assign lease. Edward R-biason
to the Excelsior Brewing Co, Aug 1, Aug 4, 1902, 4:998------nom
7tb av, e s, bet 55th and oOtb sts. Hotel Wellington, Assign lease,
Benj C Muirheid and Matthew H Frost flrm. B C Muirheid lo Henry
Hollander. July 25, Aug 2, 1002, 4:1608................nom
Sth av. No 2766, store. Mary .\rcher extrx estate O H P Archer
and individ to Frank Mullen; 3 years, from May 1, 1902, .\ug 4,
Same property. Assign lease. Frank Mullen (with consent by Mary
Archer extrx, &c) to Central Brewing Co. May 1, 1902. Aug 4,
Lot 11 22d Ward tax map, 1871, in block 44th and 45th sts. Cth and
7th avs. City of New York to Isaac C Ogden; 1.000 yrs tax lease.
Dec 29. 1SS3. Rerecorded from June 2. 1887. Aug 2, 1902. 4:997.
Same property. .Assign lease. Isaac C Ogden to James Condie as
EXR Hugh Gardner. Dec 23, 1S84. Aug 2, 1902............550
Same property. .Assign lease. James Condie EXR Hugh Gardner to
George -Ashforth, Sept 22, 1SS6. Aug 2, 1;.i02..............nom
Potter pl. n e cor Villa av, 25x82.6. all Rachel Goodman f- the
Central Brewing Co; S years, from July 1, 1901. Aug 4, 1902,
Brook av, No 887. s w cor 161st st. store, &c. Margaret Leahy to
Frederick J Harrs and August T Schroeder; 5 years, from Mar 1,
1901. Aug 4, 1902, 9:2365..................... 540 to 720
Southern Boulevard, No 508, s w cor Lincoln av, 25x100, Robt
W and Henry W de Forest to George Siegel; 4 years, from May
1, 1902. Aug 0, 1902. 9:2316............................720
Wales av. No 568, s e cor 160th st, 27x56, all. John Wilker to Prank
Gentzel; 5 years, from July 1, 1902. Aug 1, 1902. 10:21153____
............................................60)1 and 750
3d av, No 2969. Assign lease. Nicholas Fetzer to John Boeninger.
July 19. Aug 1, 1902, 9:2375...........................nom
NOTE.—The arrangement ot this list is as follows: The flrst name
is that of the mtrtgagor, the next that cf the mortgagee. The de¬
scription of the property then follows, then the date of tbe mort¬
gage, the time for which it was given, and the amount. The general
dates used as bead lines are the dates when the mortgage was handed
into the Register's office to be recorded.
Whenever the letters "P. M." occur, preceded by the name of a
street, In these lists of mortgages, they mean that it is a Purchase
Money Mortgage, and for fuller particulars see the list of transfers
under the corre'Sponding date.
The first dale is the date the mortgage was drawn, the sec nd the
date of filing; when both dates are the same, only one is given.
Subscribers will find mortgages in this list with the wrong block
number attached. The block number we give is taken from the instru¬
ment as filed.
Mortgages against Bronx property will be found altogether at the
toot ot this list.
August 1, 2, 4. 5, 6 and 7.
Abrahams, Morris to TITLE GUARANTEE AND TRUST CO, 7th
av. No 272 w s. 60.8 s 26th st, 21x160, P M. July 31, 5 yrs.
4%. Aug 1. 1902. 3:775. $15,000
Adamson, James with John McKee. 145th st, No 477. n s, 100 w
Convent av, 25x99.11. Extension mort. Aug 1. Aug 5. 1!;02.
7:2060, nom
Adirondack Company to Mary I S MeCutchen. Stockholders consent
to mortgage for $50,000. July 17. Aug 1, 1902. —-
American Wood Specially Co of 29 Broadway. Certificate ot consent
to mortgage or deed of trust made to tbe Knickerbocker trust
Co as trustee. Aug 1, 1902.
37th St. No 329, n s, 263 w 1st av, runs n 98.9 x e 13.9 x n
5.7 to s s Susan st x s e — to a point 24S w 1st av x s lUd^
to st X w 20. July 22, due July 8, 1905. 4^%. Aug 6, 1902,
3:943. '•"*'
Asendorf. Frederick C to LAWYERS TITLE INSURANCE CO of
N Y. Manhattan av. No 438, e s. 50,4 n 118th st, 2o.4x9o. P Mv^
Aug 1. 0 years. 4%. Aug 2. 1902. 7:1945. _ 13,000
Averill. Cornelia K to Ella Hartnett. Carmine st. Nos i_ and 9, n
E. lis n e Bleecker st, runs n w 70 x s w 0.10 x n w 30.0 x s w dS
X s e 160 to st X n e 43 to beginning. Aug 7, 1902, due Nov L
1905 5 y "^ - 589 oS.tXW
Barrett, Ca'rm'an H to Norma H Barrett. Park av. No 1150, s w cor
92d St. No 82. 07.7x21. Prior mort $25,000. June 14, due Dec
10. 1902, 4V>%, Aug 4, 1902. 5:1503. 8.000
Baum. John and Caroline wite of Louis Haberstroh to Elizabeth
Stockinger, 43d st. No 313, n s, 200 e 2d av, 25xlOO.o. July _2S
demand, 4%. Aug 2, 1902. 5:1336, _ O-IOff
Belfield, Tbos D to Henry C Eno, 67th st, s s. loO e Columbus av,
50x166,5. P M. Aug 1, due Aug 19, 1903, 5%. Aug 2. 1902.
4,1119 io.OOO
Beniamin, Geo G to Gustav Bernheim. 68th st. No 57. n s. 205 e
Coiumbus av, 20x100,5. P M. Aug 1. 1902, 3 years. 4^/..
4. jjil Z6.<MO
Berger" isidor to Esther Wohlfeld. Houston st. No 436, n s, IIO.S
e Av D, 20.8x105.10. P M. July 15, due Nov 26, 1909, 6%. Aug
5 190"' 2'357. b,oOU
Berry, M^irrfs', Newark, N J, to Mary AmB. SOth Et, No 220, s s, 210
e 3d av. 25x106.8. Aug 7, 1902. 4 years, 5%. o:loS4. 16,000
Same to Economist Realty Co. Same properly. Asngnir.ent of
rents, July 8. Aug 7, 1902. 165
Bliss, Eliphalet W to BROOKLYN SAVINGS BANK. 23d st, s s,
171.4 e 2d av, 53.7x98.9. July 24, due Aug 1, lyOo, -i/o- ■Aus 1-
190*^ 3-9''S lOU.tJUU
Blum~Robert F to AMERICAN SURETY CO of N Y. Grove st. No
!lll, s s, 20xH)0. July 31, interest and time due ------. Aug 1.
1902. Secures performances of contract in pa.nling tbe New Am¬
sterdam Theatre. ^,„,. „„„ ^l
Beyer, Philip to .\melia C Berthel. lith st N« 626, s s 388 e Av
B ■V>x9-2. July 31, 2 years, 6%. Aug 1, 1962. 3:984, 1 oOO
Same to Fredericlc Harde, Same property. P M. Prior mort $0^-
600. July 31. due May 1, 1903, 5%. Aug 1, 1902, oOO
Braender, Pbilip, White Plains, N Y, to THE GERMAN SAyiNGS
BANK, N Y, IOth st, No 34, s s. 222,3 e Umveruty pl, ■^6x92.3.
.\ug 5. 1902, 1 year, 6%. 2;56L ^ ^ 80000
Braker, Henry J, West End, N J, to Glenn F McKinney 6tb av, No
9h5. w s. 100,5 n 64th st, 25x106. Aug o, 1:j02, 3 yeara, 4/-
4'1007 .itJpUvU
Brod. Albert to Wm T Lahey. 89th st, Nos 17 and 19, n s, 113.4
w Madison av, 51,1x160.8, P M. Aug 1, 1 year. H/^^, Aug o,
190" 5'1501 6V,\]\R)
Brownell, 'silas B to NEW YORK SAVINGS BANK. 124th st No
fj4 s s,'2G2 e Madison av, 18x160.11, July 2(i, due Dec 1, 1903,
4%. Aug 1,1902. 6:1748. , ,„ c/v , ^'^^
Buek. Charles to Geo R Smith. 21st st No 148. s s. SO e ot car¬
riageway on e s Gramercy Park, 22,9x.S,10; Carriageway of_Gram-
ercy Park No 40, s e cor 21st st, 19,SxtO: 21st st, No loO, s s,
75 w 3d av, 22.1x78,10. Prior mort $59.000. Juiy 2b, 3 years.
(J% Aug 4. 1902, 3:870. , ,., H.OOO
Cenncn, Celia, Brooklyn, to Addie Metzgar. 36th st. No 442 s s,_abt
260 e 10th av, 25x98.9, July 31, i years. b%. Aug 1, 1902, 3: .o3^
Central Realty Co to General Building & Construction Co 7th
av. Nos 4S2 to 488, n w cor 36th st Nos 201 to 20o. 98'9^Sa.
PM. Aug 6, 1902. due Feb 1, 1901, 6%. 3^*86. «A^'2r
Clark. Florance W to Harriet Suydam. Soth st, No 128 s s, Sl.l w
Lexington av, 13.5x102,2. P M. July 31, 1 year, 4V2/i. Airg_ k„
196-"' 5-1513 ^°''^' ^-^^^^
Clarkr'Flo'rance W to MORTON TRUST CO as trustee for Annie
Dressel. S5th st. No 130, s s. 6..2w Lexington av, 13.16x102,2
P M. July 31. 1 year, 41^%. Aug 1. 1902, o:l'ol3. gold. o.OOO
Clark, Florance W, Brooklyn, to Rodney C Abell. 80th sl. Nos 1-Ij
to 136. s E. 67,2 w Lexington av. 10,10x102 2 _P M Prior mort
iiVouO, July 31. 1 year. 5^2%. Aug 1, 1902. o:lol3. gold lo.OOO
Clarke, Mary A wife of and George South N.rwalk Conn^ to Harry
L Earle. Slth st. No 250. E s, 1S6.9 e 8th av 13,3x84,6, Prior
mort $17,660. July 3. 3 years, 6%. Aug 1, 1902, 3: .S,. 10000
CLhen, Simon to Isaac Blumberg, Allen st, No oJ w s ^'>x8i.6.
\orfrlk =t No 86, e s. 25x106. Prior mort $41,1011, Aug 6, due
Sent I 1964 --% Aug 7, 1902. 1;30T. 2:352. 26 notes, 2,000
3d av. No 589. e s, 86 s 39th st, 20xKtO. P M. Aug ., 1002 3
.0/ ^.OICI IU,UlHf
oi'uTch Meyerto Emanuel Glauber. Cherry st. No 412, n s, 322 5
e s"camme7Et, 25x97,6. Prior mort $25,60O. July 31. installs. 6^._^
nit(e!hirst'''H"ugo^B"to"George Mehrtens. 40th st. No 340, s s, 233.4
s e 9th av 16._Sx98.9. P M, Pricr mort $6,0011. Aug 4. 1902_,^
nJ"^r^''George'*and Emanuel to Adaline A Hepworth, 1st av. No
°1073: w s, 75,5 s 59th st, 25x100. May 16, 1902. 3 years, ^5%^
Samflo'Wilson M Powell 1st av No 1075. w a. 50.5 a 59th st,
■^f.vinn Mav 16 1902, 3 years. 5%. -b.uiw
same to sante "^ Isi av.^No 1077. w s, 25.5 s 59th st, 25x100, May^
Sam'; !o?aml'Tst''av.^No 1079, s w eor 59th st. 25.5x100. May
16 1902. 3 years, 5%, Corrects error in issue May 24. 4U,UUU
Same to Max Katz and Ludwick Polacek, 1st av Nos lO-.i to
1077, w s, 25.5 s 59th st, 75x100, Prior morts **S,000. May
16, 1902, 1 year, 0%, ^_ ^ 9;^^
Donellan. Albert V to Chas M Rosenthal, Olst st, Nos 319 and 6^1.
n s. 300 e 2d av, 50x100.8. P M, Aug 4, 1 year, o^. Aug o.
160'^ 5'15"4 ,i-i,'im>
Dorf. "Joseph to'THE STATE BANK, 104th st. Nos 210 and 212
s s, 143,4 e 3d av, 33,4x100.11. Prior mort $10.oOO. Aug 4^ 1
year. 6%. Aug 7. 1902. 6:1653. ^^ i«-''*^""
Epple, Herman F to Selma Wallach. ISth st, No 209. ns 12o w
7th av, 25x92, P M. Aug 6, 3 years. 4'/^%. Aug ., 1902. 3:^68.
Euell Paul to Clarence Tucker et al trustees Geo W Tucker. 117th
=t 'no 54 s s, 200 e Lenox av, 25x100.11. Aug 1. 3 years, o^^^^
Aug 2. 1902. 0:1600. ^ 21,000
Same to Samuel Bitterman and Harry MG;ldberg. Same property.
Pricr mort .$21,000. Aug 1, 2 years, 0%. Aug 2, 1902. 1,o00