June II, 1904.
Rutgers st. No 55. e s, 96.9 n Cherry st. 27,0x105x28x105, 5-sty
hrk tenement and store. Joseph Rittmaster and ano to Alex¬
ander Rittmaster. 2-3 parts. All title. Mort $18,000. June
1. June 3. 1904. 1:256. other consid and 100
Suffolk st, No 95, w s. 250.10 s w Rivington st, 25.1x100, 5-sly brk
lenement. Isaac Selig to Ellas A Cohen. June 1. June 6, 1904.
2:353, other consid and IOO
Waverly pl, No 209, e s, 84.5 s Perry st. 29.9x22, 3-8ty brk dwell¬
ing, Annie Greenberg lo James Walsh. Mort $5,000. May 31.
June 4, 1904. 2:612. nom
Same property. James Walsh to John Heller. Mort $5,000. June
2. June 4, 1904. 2:612. nom
West st, No 400, e s, 89.3 b Charles st, runs s 22.3 x e 88.3 x n
10.0 X e 11.6 X a 10.8 x w 93.10 to beginning, 4-sly brk tene¬
menl and store, Jesse S Horton to Chas E Horton, White Plains,
NY. May 25- June 6. 1904. 2:636. nom
William St. Nos 200 and 2021 n e cor Frankfort st. runs n e 78.11 x
Fraokfort St. Nosl8aiid20| s e 1G.3 xse 3G.0 x s w 5S lo n s
Frankfort st, x w 68.5 to beginning, vacant. Wesley Thorn to
John V Black, N Y, and Henry V D Black, Irvington, N Y. joint
tenants. Moris $63,500. May 25- June 7, 1904. 1:120.
other consid and 100
Same property. Louise de R Campbell and ano to Wesley Thorn,
Plainfleld. N J. Va part. May 20. June 2, 1904.
other consid and 100
Same property. Oliver E Cromwell to same, V> pari. Mort $26,000.
May 19, June 7. 1904. other consid and 100
3d St. No 20, s s, 40 e Greene st, 40x75, 5-sty brk and stone loft
and store building. Chaa T Harbeck to The Islip Corporation.
B&S, Moris $95,000. Oct 8. 1902. June 3, 1904. 2:533. nom
3d st. No 293, n s, 230.4 e Av C, 20.8x Mj block. I
3d st. No 289, n s, 189 e Av C, 20.8x96.
Two 3-sly brk dwellings. j
Henry Seller lo Minnie Seller his wife. All title. All liens.
Jao 5, 19U4. June 4, 1004. 2:373. nom
3d st, Nos 44 lo 48, s w cor Wooster st. Cerliflcate ot payment
of .lil,250 and release of rents for monlhs of July, Aug and Sept,
1904, Jacob D Butler to Spiero & Co. June 8, 1904. 2:536. 1.250
4lh st, Nos 302 and 304| n w cor Bank sl, 72.8x43,2x70,5x40.11. 6-
Bank st, Nos 51 and d3| sty brk tenement and store. Joseph L But¬
tenwieser to Jacob Klingenstein. Mort $40,000. June 1. June 7,
1904. 2:024. other consid and 100
Same property. Jacob Klingenstein to Clara wife of Ferdinand
Steiermann. Mort $40,000. June 1. June 7. 1904. 2:624.
other consid and 109
Slh st, Nos 319 and 321, n s, 319.4 w Av C. runs n 93.11 x w 23.6
X s 24.1 X w 11.5 X s 69.10 to st, x e 34.11 lo beginning, 6-sty
brk tenement and store. Annie Chasis to Herman Brand. M:rt
$44,000. June G. June 7. 19tM. 2:391. 100
Sth st. No IIG, s w s, 254.8 n w Av A, runs n w 19.7 xsw 8G.6 x e
12.3 X s 16.10 X s e 3 X n e 97.G lo beginning. 5-sty brk tenenoent
and store. Jobn Oehler to Jennie Wolf. June G, 1904. 2:43o.
12th St. n s, 160 w 2d av, strip 0.6x103.3. Louis and Benjamin
Nieberg to Abraham A Kantor and Abraham H Tauber. B&S.
All liens. May 26. June 3. 1904. 2:408. nom
12th St. No 233, D s, 135 w 2d av, 25x103.3. I
Also all litle to strip on 12th st, n s, 100 w 2d av, 0.6x103.3.
G-sty brk tenemenl. I
Abraham A Kantor et al to Louis and Benjamin Nieberg. Mort
$38,000. June 3, 1904. 2:408. other consid and 100
12th St. No 47, n s, 402 e Oth av, runs e 21.7 x n 49.G x n w —
X s 92 to beginning, 4-sty brk dwelling. Benjemen Sire to The
Madison Avenue Real Estate Co. 1-6 part. Feb 27. June 8,
1004, 2:576. nom
15ih Bl, No 152, s s, 165 e 7lh av, runs s 103.3 x e 10 x n 3.3 x e 10
X n 100 to loth st, X w 20 to beginning, 3-sty brk dwelling. Ar¬
thur Lane to Frederick Kanning. Q C. May 25. June 7, 10O4,
3:790. 600
IGth Bt, No 511. nes, 166.0 s e Av A, 23.9x92, 5-sty brk tenement
and store. Katie wife of and William Schweikert to Mathilda
Hansler. hi part. June 7. June 8, 1904. 3:974. 7.000
18th St. No 423. n s, 290 w Av A, 25x92, 5-sty brk tenement and
store. Edmund D Broderick to Rae Goldman. Morts $11,000.
May 31. June 3, 1904. 3:950. other conaid and 100
19th st, Nos 310 and 312, s s, 100 e 2d av. 41.8x92. G-sty brk
teoemenl and store. Samuel Matshak lo Solomon Alter. Morts
$58,000. JuneL June 4, 1904. 3:924. nom
27th St. No 515, n s. 225 w 10th av. 25x98.9, 5-sty brk tenement. I
07th st. No 222, s s, 335 e 3d av, 25x100.11, 4-sty stone front ten¬
ement. I
Wm H Schmohl to Max Gold- Mort $9,500 and mort $-----. June
4. June 7, 1904. 3:699 and 6:1G46. 100
29th St. No 151, n s, 119.10 w 3d av, 12.9x98,9, 4-sty slone front
dwelling. Wm H Siegman to Emanuel Hellner and Moses J
Wolf. Mort $6,500. June 17, 1903. June 4, 1904. 3:885.
other consid and 100
32d St. No 230, E s, 2GG.S w 2d av, 10.8x98.9. 3-sty brk dwelling.
Mary Casson to Mary A Lopez. Mort .$8,O0O, June 1. June 3,
1904. 3:912. nom
32d sl, No 25, n s, 372.6 w Slh av, 23,9x08.9, 4-sty hrk dwelling.
Samuel E Jacobs to Jennie Marks. Morts $65,000. June 3,
1904. 3:834. other consid and 100
SSd Bl, No 205, n s, 105,9 e 3d av, 24.8x107.5x24.8x107.6. 5-sty
brk tenement. Bernard L Jaworower to Jaworower Realty Co.
All liens. June 2. June 3. 1904- 3:914. other consid and 100
33d St. No 203, n s. 81.1 e 3d av. 24.8x107.6x24.8x107.7, 5-sty brk
tenement. Bernard L Jaworower to Jaworower Really Co. All
liens. June 2. June S, 1904. 3:914. other consid and 100
33d St. Nos .50 and 32. s s. 255 w Park av, 33.4x98.9, two 4-sty
stone fronl dwellings. Silas H Furman lo Geo .\ Wheelock. B
& S and Confirmation deed. Morl $57,500. June 3. June 4, 1904.
3:862. nom
34lh st. No 467, n s. 20.10 e IOlh av, 20,10x74.1, 4.sty brk tene¬
ment and slore. James G Freaney lo Elizabeth Irving. Morl
$8,000. June 3. June 4, 1904. 3:732. other consid and 100
Same property, Elizabeth Irving to Abraham J Benaim. Mort
.^8.000. June 3. June 4, 1904. 3:732. other consid and 100
35lh El. No 66. s s, 135,6 e Cth av. 17.6x98.9. 4-sty brk dwelling.
Mary E Thomasson to Daniel B Freedman. Morl $55,000. June
3. June 6, 1904. 3:836. other constd and 100
SSth st, No 66, s s. 135.6 e Oth av, 17.6x98.9, 4-sly brk dwelling.
Kate W de Navailles (Shephard) DBVISEE Cath W Sbepbard to
Mary E Thomasson, June 3, 1904. 3:83G. other consid and 100
35th 'st. No 530, s s, 375 e llth av. 25x98.9, 5-sty brk tenement.
Frieda Harl lo Samuel Mitchell. B&S. AU liens. June 2.
June 3, 1904. 3:706. other consid and 100
37th st. No 124 East, I
37th st, Nos 126 lo 130 East. j
Release sewer easement. Gertrude D Partridge with Milton and
Sarah R See, Liilie G Field.and Hatasatah ReaUy Co. May 11.
June 3, 1904. 3:892. oom
^ith st. No 236, s s, 145 w 2d av, 20x98.9, 4-sty hrk tenement.
it^.V.^ "^ ^ Becker to Jacob Adler and Solomon Kahn. Morts
$8,000. June i. June 8, 1904. 3:917. other consid and 100
dhth sl. No 13, n 3, 123.0 n w Madison av. 23.0x08.9, 5-sty stone
front dwelling. Eugenie M Ladenburg by Richard Limburger
GUARDIAN to Edw W Sheldon. All title. B&S. June 7. June
8, 1904. 3:SG8. 30 217.15
Same property. Release dower, Bmily Ladenberg to same. June
4. Jime 8. 1904. 9 78'>S5
SSth st, Nos 325 and 327, n s, 350 e 2d av. 50x98.9, 3-sty brk'bath
house. Eliz M Aoderson to N Y Association for Improving the
Condition of the Poor. B&S and CaG. May 10. June 3. 1904.
d:j44. nom
41st st, No 343, o K. 174 w 1st av. 30x98.9, 5-sty hrfc tenement.
Oscar S Veit to Nathan Schreibersdorf. Morl $23 000. May ''O
June 7, 1904. 5:1.334. jOO
41sl st. No 207. n s. 85 e 3d av, 20.\98.9, 3-Ety brk lenement and
store, Saul Domroe to Henrietta Domroe. Feb 20. June 7 1904
o:131o. â– jjom
44th st. No .5.50, s s. 125 e llth av, 25x100.5, 2-sty frame lene¬
ment and store. Agnes McGirr to John T Brook and John Ful¬
ton, Jr. Mort $4,000. June 1. June 3, 1904, 4:1072.
other consid and 100
44th sl. No 402, s s, 70.6 w 9th av. 29.6x25.1. 3-sty hrk tenemenl
and store. Alice D Murphy to Richard Conlan, B&S. June ti.
June 8, 1904. 4:1053. nom
4ilh st, No 143, n s, 225 e Lexington av, 16,8x100,5, 3-sty stone
froot dwelling. Release Judgment. Theodore Dinkelberg to
Samuel B Sextoo. Jao 5, 1.S99. June 3, 1904. 5:1302. nom
4ith St. No 31. n b, 479.7 w Sth av, 23.10x100.5. 4-sty stone front
dwelling. The TRUSTEES of Columbia College to Gusiav H
Schwab. June 2. June 3, 1904. 5:I2G3. other consid and 100
4ilh sl, No 33, n s, 5(I3.G w ."»th av, 23x100.5, 4-sty stone fronl
dwelling. The TRUSTEES of Columbia College to Frances F
Wood. June 0, 19U4. 5:1263. other conaid and 100
4ith sl, No 15, n s, 275 w Sth av, 22.6x100,5, 5-sly brk dwelling.
The TRUSTE;ES of Coiumbia College to Elizabeth Frelinghuysen
of Tuxedo, N Y. June 2. June 6, 1004. 5:1263.
1-.,. ... ., .,. «<._ other consid and 100
4(lh sl. No 146, s s, 23* e Lexington av, 17x100.5, 4-sty stone front
dwelling, Nannie J Faulkner to Hugh Dooohoe- Mort $10 000.
June 8. 1904. o:i;i01. other consid aod 100 '
48th St. Nos 3o2 and 354. s s, 125 e Oth av. 50x100,5, two 5-sty
slone front tenemenis, Geo F and Henry K Vingut TRUSTEES
Biiz F Floyd to New Amsterdam Realty Co. June 2. June 6,
1004. 4:1038. 57 000
48th St. No 70, s s. 799.S w 5th av, 20.10x100,5x21.7x100,5, 4-Bty
atone front dwelling. TRUSTEES of Columbia College to Henry
Griswold. June 2. June 3, 1904. 5:1263. other consid and 100
49th sl, No 506, s s, 138 w 10th av, 26.4x100.5. 5-sty stone front
tenement and store. Lizzie Bardon lo Jacob Smalls, of Brook¬
lyn. N Y. June 2. June 3, 1904. 4:1077, other consid and 18 500
Same property. Jacob Smalls lo Nannette Meyers. i/> part. Mort
$14,000. June 3, 1904. 4:1077. other c'onsid and 100
40th st, No 322, s a, 350 w 8th av, 85x100.5, 5-sly brk tenement
and store. Barbara M Gillen formerly Barbara McGowan to
Patrick McGowan. Morts $22,000. May 2G. June 4, 1004.
4:1039. nom
49th sl, No 310. s s. 150 e 2d av, 25x100.5, 4-sty brk tenement.
Jacob Bernardik to Bernhard Friedman. Morl $9 000 June 1
June 8, 1904. 5:1341. nom
SOlh st, No 411, n s, 97.4 e lst av, 19.5x100.5, 4-sty stone front
dwelling. Sarah wife of Lawrence Lewis and Cora Rice lo Hen¬
rietta Rice widow. B & S and C a G, Mort $5,500. May 31.
June 8. 1904. 5:1302. nom
Eame properly. Henrietta Rice widow to Lawrence Lewis. Trusl
deed, B&S. Morl $5,500. May 31. June 8. 1904. nom
52d st. No 104, s s, 57.6 e Park av. 10.2x79.5, 4-sly stone fronl
tenement, J Henry Bloch to Kate Bohlen. Mort $9,000. June
1;. I9I14, 5:i;jOG. nom
52d St. No 224, s s, 280 e 3d av, 20x100.5, 2-Ety brk dwelling. Es¬
tella Hirschbein lo The Maze Realty Co. Mori $6,000. Juae 7.
52d !
399. n s, 60.3 e 1st av, runs n 22 x w 3 x n 50 x e 20
X s i2 to St. X w 19.9 lo beginning, 3-sty slone front dwelling.
Jacob Pfeiffer to Max Helfstein. Morl $7,000. June 1. June
8, 1904. 5:1364, - other consid and 100
52d st, Nos 142 and 144, s s, 100 e Lexington av, 50x100-5, two
5-sty brk tenements. Henry Schnepp to Louis J Preiman. Mort
$47,000. June 8. 1904. 5:1306. lOO
53d st, No 46. s s, 2S2.8 e 6lh av, runs s 90-5 x w 7.6 x s 10 x e
25 X n 100,5 to sl x w 17.6 to beginning, -i-sty stone front dwell¬
ing. Gerard Warriner to Wilbur B Marple. Mort $49 000
June 1. June 3, 1904. S:12G8. nora
o.Jth st. No 313, n s, 175 w Sth av, 18x100.5, 3-sty stone frontl
Tth av, Nos 875 lo 870 j s e cor SGth st, 75,5x100, two 4-sty brk|
SOth st, Nos 102 and 164| lenemenls and stores. 3-sty brk tenement|
and store, and two 2-Bty brk tenements and stores. |
Fieldston read, late Cornell pl, w s. 225 n 259th st, late Rock st,
runs w 75 X n 75.9 x s e 88 to pl, x s 20.2 to beginning, vjicant-l
Wiiiiam O'Brien lo Mary C O'Brien his wife. B&S. All liens.
Mar 29. 1904- June 7. 1904. 4:1040 and IOOS and 13:3423. gift
•SGth st. No 418, s s. 275 w 9lh av, 25x78.7x25.2x81.9, 4-sty brk
tenement. Frederick Knop to Sophia Brandenburg. Mort $10,-
750. June 3, 1904. 4:1065. other consid and 100
57th sl. B s, 2S5 w 7tb av, 2ox—x25x 114.2, vacanl. Release raort.
Equitable Life Assurance Society of the U S to United States Re¬
alty & Construction Co. June 2. June 7, 1904. 4:1028. 55,009
Same property. U S Realty & Construction Co to American Society
_ of Civil Engineers. June 6. June 7, 1904, 4:1028. 100,003
o9th st, No 424, s s, 2S1.G w Av A. 25x100.5, 4-sly brk tenemenl.
Clara wife of Benjamin M Jacohson el al to Samuel Heyman and
Louis Lowenstein. Mort SS^SOO. May 26. June 7, 1904. 5:1370.
Same property. Adelheid Kreieisheimer to same, Q C. June 4.
June 7, 1904. nom
59th st, No 547, n s, 200 e West End av, 25x100,5. 4-sty brk ten¬
ement and store- Daniel J Riordan lo Clara BCH Lowry, Mt
$11,000. June 7, 1904. 4:1151, other consid aud 109
59lh St. No 31G. s s. 225 e 2d av, 25x100.4, S-sty frame tenement
and 2-sty trame tenement on rear. Wm N Heard to William
Rau. Mort .$9,000. June 2. June 3, 1904, 5:1-351, 100
59lh sl. No 547. n s. 200 e lltb av, 25x100.5, j
SOth st, Nos 535 and 537. n s, .325 e llth av, 50x100.5.
Three 4-sty brk tenements and stores. [
Arlhur Smith to Daniel J Riordan. June 1. June 8. 1904. 4:1151,
other consid and 100