May 6, 19051
and 67th sts, for Samuel Mandel, 302 Broadway. The cost will
be in the neighborhood of $000,000. Limestone and light brick,
with limestone trimmings, marble iand tile halls and vestibules,
steam heat, electric light and best modern improvements. Work
is to begin as soon as plans can be completed and permits ob¬
Eiiioetller Sc Co.'» Building Plans.
5TH AV.—M. Knoedler & Co., pictures, 355 Fifth av, northeast
corner of 34th st, have leased for a period of three and a half
years, beginning May 1st, the Furniss residence, a 4-sty and
basement brownstone dwelling. No. 461 Fifth av, northeast
corner of 40th st, on plot''26.7x95, and will occupy the whole
structure on the completion of alterations. Deflnite plans for the
buiiding have not heen determined, as Mr. Knoedler states that
he may erect an entirely new building, McKim, Mead Se White,
160 Fifth av, have been commissioned as architects. The Knoed¬
ler flrm is the oldest art concern in New Tork, 'and it is interest¬
ing to note that its present move is nortliward.
Apartments, Flats and Tenements.
85TH .ST.—Samuel Newman, .342 East 85th st, will build a
17-famiiy 25x89.2-ft flat, at No. 342 East SSth st, at .a cost of
$20,000. Horenburger & Straub, 122 Bowery are making plans.
144th ST.—Geo. Fred. Perham, 503 5th av, is making plans
for a 6-sty 36-famiiy fl'at, 50x86.11, for Robert AHman, 72 West
llSth st, same ■to be erected on the south side of 144th st, 125
feet west of Sth av, to cost $55,000.
AMSTERDAM AV.—Cohen & Seplon, I6V0 Carmine st. will
huild a 6-sty 28-family flat, 50.4x87, on the east side of Amster¬
dam av. 100.11 feet south of 108th st, to cost $-55,000. Geo. Fred.
Pelham, is making plans.
BEDFORD AV.—Horenburger Se Straub, 122 Eowery, are
making plans for a 6-sty 22-family flat, 4.3x62. for A. Goodman,
and S. Gielick, 61 East Houston st, same to be erected at the
northeast corner of Bedford av and Morton St. to cost -fSo.OOO.
ELIZABETH ST.—Nathan Langer, 81 East 12.5th st, is mak¬
ing plans for a 6-sty tenement, 40.6x79.10, for M. Gbiglione, of
Anochar, L. I., to he erected at Nos. 232-234 Elizabeth st, to
cost $42,000.
lllTH ST.—C. B. Meyers. 1 Union sq, is making plans for two
6-sty 28-family flats. .38,1x87.11, for Isaac Rothfeld. 190 Bow-
eiT. same to be situated on the north side of lllth st, 48.3 feet
west of Park av, to cost $76,000.
I27TH ST.—Lorenz F, J, Weiher, 103 East 123th st, is mak¬
ing plans for a 6-sty 11-family flat, 25x86.11, for Meyer Hoffman,
58 East 118th st, same to be erected on the south side of 127th
st, 275 feet west of Lenox av, to cost $25,000.
179TH ST.—'Moore & Landsiedel, 14Sth st and Third av, are
drawing plans for a 5-sty brick flat, 50x88. to be built on the
north side of I79th st, 100 ft west of Audubon av, for Wallach,
Reisler & Co., of 336 Bast 4th st. at an estimated cost of $75,000.
173D ST.—Moore and Landsiedel, 14Sth st and Third av,, are
drawing plans for a 6-sty brick flat, 44.5x90,6. to be built on the
northeast corner of 173d st and Bathgate av, Bronx, for Wahiig
& Sonsin, of 1353 Boston road, at an estimated cost of $75,000.
183D ST.—Moore & Landsiedel, 14Sth st and Third -av. are
drawing plans for a 6-sty brick flat, ■50x67.5. to be builf on the
northwest corner of lS3d st and Wadsworth av, Bronx, for L.
Bell, 117 West 96th st. at an estimated cost of $75,000.
MORRIS AV.—'Moore & Landsiedel. 14Sth st and Third av. are
drawing plans for a 5-sty flat, 58.10x88, to be built on the west
side of Morris av, 100 ft north of 151st st, Bronx, for Di Toro Se
Zanchelli. of 511 East 149th st, at an estimated eost of .ii50.000.
EVELYN PL.—Henry Andersen, 1183 Broadway, will prepare
plans for a 5-sty 10-family flat. 2.5x90.10, for H. V. Singhi, lS4th
st and Davidson av, to be erected at the northwest corner of
Bvelyn pl and Davidson av, to cost $40,000.
129TH ST.—Geo. Pred Pelham, 503 Fifth av. is making plans
for flve 6-sty higli-class 25-family flat buildings, for Weinstein
& Lurie, 343 Oanal st. to be erected on the north side of I^Oth
st, 191.8 ft east of Lenox av, to cost about $2.50,000.
109TH ST.—Plans are being prepared by Geo. Fred Pelham,
503 Fifth av, for a 6-sty 28-family 39.6x87.1 ft flat, for Charles
I. Weinstein, 1531 Madison av. same to be erected on the north
side of 109th st, 100 ft east of Madison av, to cost $40,000,
115TH ST.—Samuel Sass, 23 Park Row, is making plans for
a 6-sty 38-family flat, 50x87,11, for Vincenzo Buscemi, 98 East
Houston st, same to be erected at Nos, 415-417 East 115th st, to
cost $45,000.
105TH ST.—C. B. Meyers, 1 Union sq, is making plans for a
6-sty flaj;, 32,6x87,11, for 22 families, to be erected at Nos. 235-237
East 105th st, to cost $35,000. Simon Siegel and Jacob Lipman.
58 East 98th st, will be the owners.
13STH ST-—Geo- Pred Pelham, 503 Fifth av, is making plans
for a 5-Ety 21-family flat, 50x87-11, for Cohen Se Perelman, 73
East 109th st, same to be erected on the north side of ISSth st.
300 ft west of Broadway.
117TH ST.—Bernstein & Eernstein, 72 Trinity pl, are preparing
plans for a ff-sty 28-family flat. 43x87.11, for the Empire Cornice
Works. 396 Broome st, to be erected at Nos. 428 to 432 East n7tN
Et, to cost .f40,000.
lOlST ST.—'Bernstein & Bernstein. 72 Trinity pl, are making
plans for two 6-sty 37:6x87.11 foot flats, for 22 and 17 families
each, to be erected on the north side of 101st st. 193.4 ft west of
Columbus av, to cost $100,000. Beliowitz & Navasky, 53 East
110th st, will be the owners.
LINCOLN AV.—'Moore Se Landsiedel, 148th st and Tliird a-^
are drawing plans for flve 6-sty store and flat buiidings, t*
occupy the east side block front on Lincoln av, from 136th to
137th sts, Bronx. The corner buiidings will measure 47x90 and
36x90 respectively. The inside buiidings, 39x88 each. The
owners are the Conforti Realty and Construction Co., of 324
East 116th St. The total cost is estimated at $300,000.
lyTH ST.—Ketterer & Kobler (Chas. P. Ketterer Co.
manufacturers, 214-216 West 17th st) will build a 6-sty wagp]
factory at 211 to 215 West 19th st, a plot 50x99.4x1 rreg ular, ocj
cupied by two 4-sty tenements. Mr. Ketterer states that he has
not secured plans.
WEST ST.—A. D. Russell, owner, 34 East 36th st, will build
a O-sty brick cold storage warehouse on the vacant plot fronting
62.2 on West st, between Horatio and Gansevoort sts, having an
average depth of 78.9 with an "L" through to Gansevoort, front¬
ing 50.2 on that street and having an average depth of 83.1. The
plot adjoins a similar structure at West and Horatio sts. The
proposed building has been leased to the Cincinnati Abattoir
Co., of Cincinnati, of which Gen. George F. Ryan is president.
The plans are being drawn by L. C. Holden, of 1133 Broadway, h
Contracts Awarded, ^
132D ST.—C. Curtis Woodruff & Co., Long Island City, have ob¬
tained the contract to build the large concrete and steel gas
tank llli'.m feet diameter, for the Consolidated Gas Company, 4
Irving pl, In be erected on the norlh and south side of 132d and
(Sixty-seventh Street and First ,A.venue.)
Babb. Cooii & WHiard, Architects.
D. A. & G. N. Williams, Cut Stone Contractors.
133d sts. to cost $34,000. Messrs Bartlett, Hayward Se Co., of
Baltimore. Md., are the architects.
12TH ST.-The North Eastern Construction'Co,, Fuller Bldg.,
Broadway, and 23d st, has obtained the general contract for $15,-
000 worth of alterations to the 3-sty office and loft building,
situated on the south side of 12th st, 95 feet east of Avenue D,
for the Quintard Iron Works, on premises. Messrs. Palmer &
Hornbostel, 03 Wiiiiam st, are the architects.
57TH ST.—William L. Crow. 287 Fourth av, has received the
general contract to build a 3-sty flreproof addition, 25x100, to
the ciub house of the American Society of Civil Engineers,
which will be built on the south side of STth st, 40 feet east of
Broadway, at an estimated cost of $60,000. This flgure does not
include heating, plumbing, lighting, etc. Eidlitz & McKenzie,
112.5 Broadway, are the architects.
Estimates Receivalile.
54TH ST.—Ernest Flagg. 35 Wall st, is taking flgures on a
7-sty and basement garage and clubhouse, 131x100.5. to be built
at Nos, 247-259 West 54th st, for the Automobile Club of America,
at an estimated cost of .^400,000.
5TH AV.—Buchman & Fox, 11 East 59th st, are drawing plans
for extensive alterations to the store in the building No. 516
."ith av, northwest corner of 43d st, for the Fleischmann Floral
Co., of Broadway and 25th st. The floor wiil be fitted up as an
elaborate floral establishment, measuring 30x135 ft; No con¬
tract fcr any of the work have been let.' - '