February 24, 1906
Prospective Building.
The following Is a list of building enterprises for Manhattan that
may be expected within the year 1906, For some, plans are now
under way; for others, no architects have yet been selected; and
in some cases the sites have not been secured. The flrst name is
the owner's; the second, that of the architect; the third, the con¬
tractor's; the date is the date of announcement in the Record
and Guide,
Wall st, s e cor Broadway—18-sty office building; United Mercantile
Sc Trust Co. St Louis; Barnett, Haynes & Barnett, Columbia Bldg.
St Louis, Mo, ar'ts: the Westlake Construction Co of St Louis,
contractors, Feb 10, 3000,
Cortlandt st, s s, bet Broadway and Church sl—23 or 25-sty office
Ijuilding; the City Investing Co, 111 Broadway; ar't, Francis H
Kimball, 71 Broadway; no contract let, Feb 10, 190G.
Broadway, n w cor Warren st—12-sty store and office building;
Smith, Gray Sc Co. Broadway and 31st st; M S Smith, president;
James B Barker, 150 5lli av; ar't, C T Wills, 1.50 5tb av, contrac¬
tor, Feb 17, IHCli,
Broadway, 7tb av, 47th and 48th sts—11-sty loft aud theatre
building; Thomas F Murtha, 156 Broadway, and M B Philips, 220
Broadwav; Bradford L Gilbert, 50 Broadway, ar't; no contract
let, Feb 17, lOOlJ.
■Crescent av, n e eor iy3d at—2-sty store building; August Kuhn,
141 Broadway; Scliwjirtz & Gross, .So West 21st st, ar'ts; no con¬
tract let. Peb 17, 1900.
Canal St. Nos 97 and 101—6-sty extension to store and loft build¬
ing; Louis Rubenstein, 76 East SOtli st; Max Muller, 3 Chambers
st, ar't; no contract let, Feb 17. 1906.
Grand st, s e cor Clinton-------sly office and society buildiug; the
Provident Loan Society, Franl: Tucker, 105 E 22d st, vice-pres¬
ident; no arcliitecl selected: no contract let, Feb 17, 1906,
5th av. No 435—5-sly loft building; the Farmers Loan and Trust
Co, 18 William st; Edwin Wilbur, 120 Liberty sl, arl; no contract
let. Feb 10, 1906.
Madison av, n e cor ISoth st-------sty store building; J Sergeant Cram,
47 Cedar st; Nathan Langer, Sl East 125111 st, ar"t; no contract
Weslchester av. e s. 117,11 w Uniou av------sty store buildiug; Hen¬
ry Aclver, ]33S Prospect av; Adoiph Mertin, .33 Uniou sq, ar't; no
contract let, Feb 10, 19(16.
Chrystie st, No 133—4-sty loft building; Abraham E Bamberger.
284 Feari st; Buchman & Pox, 11 East 59th st, ar'ts; no con¬
tract let.
33d st, Nos 4.3 to 47 Wast—6-sty store and office building; Aus¬
tin G Fox. 45 West 33d sl; Maynicke £ Franke, 298 5th av, ar'ts;
no contract let.
Convent av, n w cor 14Gth st—3-sty telephone and office buildiug;
the New York Telephone Co, 15 Dey st; Eidlitz & McKenzie, 1123
Broadway, ar'ts; no contract let, Feb 17, 1906.
3d av. w s, 60,8y4 n 151st st—2-sty store building; David L Phil¬
lips, 15 East SOth st; Arthur Arctander, 523 Bergen av, ar't; no
contract let. Feb 10, 1906,
5th av, n e cor 3Gth st—Extensive alterations to office building;
Wm P Ellison, East Greenpolnt and Woodside avs. Queens, owner
and ar't; John L Hamilton Sc Sons, 350 W 27th st, contractors.
Feb 10, 1906.
31st st, s s, 174.11 e 8th av—3 and 4-sty power station; Pennsyl¬
vania, N Y & L I R R Co, 85 Cedar st; Westinghouse, Church,
Kerr Co, 10 Bridge st, ar'ts.
92d st, n s, 150 e 3d av—4-sty boiler house; Jacob Ruppert, 3d
av and 93d st; Otto C Wolf, 204 E 86th st; ar't; no contract let,
Dec 9, 1905,
102d st, n s, 050,11 e 1st av—5-sty manufacturing huilding; Har¬
lem Market Co, 109 East 14th st; W K Benedict. 38 East 21st st,
ar't; no contract let, Feb 17, 1906.
South st, Nos 292 aod 295—Exteusive alterations lo warehouse
buiiding; Edward V J Lane estate, 143 Liberty st; W D Hunter,
96 5tli av, ar't; N C Ryan, 106 E 23d sl, contractor. Feb 17,
Wasbiugton av, e s, 173 n Tremont av—-1 aud 2-sty garage build¬
ing; .\ H Siadale on premises; Chas S Clark, 700 Tremont av,
ar't; 110 contract let. Feb 17, 1906.
51st st. No 37 West—Extensive alterations; Jaraes G Wallace. 210
West 42d st; Henri Fouchaux, Broadway and 102d st. ar't; no
coutract let.
Oth av, Nos 375 and 377—Extensive alterations; N H King, 375 6tli
av; Fredk Jaeobsen, 1204 Broadway, ar't, Feb 17, 1906,
Ilth av, w s, 49,4 s SOth st—Extensive alterations; N Y C & H R
R Co, Grand Central Station and A Buscb, 24 West st; Buchman
& Fox, 11 E 59th st, ar'ts; no contract let, Feb 17, 1906,
27th st, Nos 536 to 540 V/—O-sty factory addition; Jno Williams,
556 West 27th st; Chas H Caldwell, 160 5th av, ar't; Chas T
Wills, 15() 5th av. oontraclor,
Sd av, and 161st st—4-sty courthouse; Bronx Borough Court House,
Borough Hall; M J Garvin, 3307 3d av. ar't; T J Brady & Co, 1123
Broadway, low bidders; contract not let.
Central Park—new addition to the Metropolitan Museum of Art;
McKim, Mead & White, 160 5th av, ar'ts; the Buckley Realty and
Construction Co, Times Bldg, low bidders; bids will be readver¬
Cypress av, s e cor 134th st—S-sty extension to factory building-
Francis Connor, 107 East 124th st; S B Ogden, 954 Lexington av
ar't; Feb 10, 1900.
|4lh St. No 152 East—Extensive alterations to residence; Robert
H E Elliott. 194 Broadway; S E Gage, 3 Union sq, ar't; no con¬
tract let.
45tb st, i, s, 22,) w 10th av—5-sty school building; City of Ney
Tork, erty Hall; C B J Snyder, 500 Park av, ar't; no contract let.
Feb IT, 1900.
Park av, s e cor STth st—12-sty elevator apartment house; Henry
C Tinker, 48 East 57lh st; Chas A Rich, 320 Oth av, ar't; no con¬
lracl let,
Broadway, s w cor 13Slh st—6-Ety apartment house; name of owner
not known: Thain & Thain, 4 aud 6 East 42d st, ar'ts; no contract
let, Feb 17, 1906.
143d al, n s, 90.9 w Hamilton pl—O-sty apartment house; John V
Signell Co, 302 Central Park West; Neville & Bagge. 217 West
125th st, ar'ts; no contracts let, Feb 17, 1900,
115th st, n s, 175 w Broadway—6-sty apartment bouse; H Oppen¬
heim, 1917 Madison av; Neville & Bagge, 217 W 125th st. ar'ta.
Building Operations.
Ten-St*ry Busiuess Bnilding' Sot IFiliia.iii St.
WILLIAM ST.—Plans are being prepared by Bannister &
Schell, 69 Wall st, for a 10-sty business building, to be erected
on a plot 50x60 ft, at Noa. 165 to 107 WiUiam st. Irving Love¬
joy, of 55 Liberty st. Is owner. No contract has yet been made
for the work.
Cliaij. T. 'Wills Gets Contract lor Smith, Gray Sc Co.H
BROADWAT,—The general contract for the erection of the
new' store and office building, 12 stories, 75x150 ft. in size, for
E. T, Gerry, 261 Broadway, at the northwest corner of Broadway
and Warren st, for which Smith, Gray & Co., of 1245 Broadway,
are lessees, has just been awarded to Cbas. T. Wills, of No. 156
5th av. James B. Baker, of 156 5th av, is the architect. (See
issue Feb, 17, 1906.)
Ne^v Athletic Club Buildiug; C«r the Bronx.
IVIART ST.—The Franklin Athletic Club, of Westchester, has
commissioned Architect McDonough, of Commonwealth av, "Van
Nest, to prepare plans and specifications for a new 3-sty club
building, to be erected on Mary st, in the Bronx, to cost about
$15,000. 'There will be many noteworthy features of equip¬
ment, including baths, bowling alleys, meeting and dining rooms,
and assembly hall, ete. No contract bas yet been given out.
tVetv Building' for th« New ir«rk County Natioual Bauk.
STH AV, 14TH ST.—The New Tork County National Bank,
Stii av and 14th st, will begin at once the erection of a new
bank, loft and office building, on their present site at the south¬
west corner of Sth av and 14th st, on a plot of about 50x100 ft.
The new structure will be flreproof, 8 stories in height, of hand¬
some design, and will be occupied on the first and second stories
by the banking firm. The upper floors will be rented out for
lofts and offlces. De Lemos & Cordes, 130 Pulton st, have
been commissioned to make tbe plans, and Philip Herrman's
Son, of 407 West 14th st, will liave the general contract.
Th« Neiv Singer Bnildiug- will Cast $1,500,000 aud Coutain
a Toirer.
BROADWAT,—Plans are now ready for contractors for the
new addition to the Singer Manufacturing Company's building
at tbe northwest corner of Broadway and Liberty st, which is
estimated to cost $I,.500,000. A tower 40 stories in height will
be built over the old building, and the new 14-sty addition,
which will be erected at the side and rear, covering 74.10i4x;115.1
and 52.1014x102 ft. New electric elevators and stairways will
also be installed, Ernest Flagg, of 35 Wall st, is the architect.
No contracts liave yet been awarded for the work. (See also
issue Jan, 13, 1900.) The project was flrst announced in these
columns Dec. 2S, 1901. Tbe officers of the company are: Doug¬
lass Alexander, president; Edwin H. Bennett, vice-president;
and T. E. Hardenbergh, secretary.
Hotel Astor Imprvvemeiils.
TIMES SQUARE.—That it has been necessary to devise meana
for enlarging the accommodations of the Hotel Astor, in Times
sq, built less tlian two years ago. is indeed a very interesting
and remarkable project, and more so that this improvement is
to be undertaken almost simultaneously with the opening of the
new Knickerbocker Hotel, at the southeast corner of Broadway
and 42d st. It is possible that the present structure will be en¬
larged to nearly twice its present size. The hotel now covers a
plot in the westerly block in Times sq, between 44th and 45th
sts, of 200x100 ft. To this it is proposed to add 100 ft. in both
streets, increasing the plot to 200x260 ft. William Waldorf Astor
is the owner. The addition will harmonize with the present style
of architecture. Its cost, it is estimated, will be between $1,500,-
000 and $2,000,000. The present building cost to erect, exclusive