April 21. 1906
Broadway, n e cor TOth st, 4-3ty garage; Winton Motor Carriage Co,
1706 Broadway; ar't, Chas A Reid, 320 5th av; b'r, Edward Corn¬
ing Co, GOO Broadway. Mar 31, 1906.
89th st, Nos 137-139 West, S-sty garage; Wm C Strange, Jr, 112
Riverside Drive; ar'l, L A Goldstone, 110 W 34lh st.
Terrace View av, w s, 106.73 n Leyden st, 2-sty stable; Mrs Lena
Schumacker. Kingsbridge, N Y; ar't, H G Knapp, 112 W 42d st.
48th st, Nos 533-S37 W, 4-sty stable; Acme Bldg Co, 32 Union sq;
ar't, W G Piqueron, 32 Union sq; subcontracts not let.
Lincoln av, w 3, 25 s 136th st, 2-3ty stable; Locust Farms Co, A
Cuddeback, 226 E 4Glh st, Pres; ar't, Edw L Angell, 957 Madi¬
son av.
91st st, No 112 Eaat, 2-aty stable building; Mrs T W Shannon; ar't
aud b'r, James S Maber, 1267 Broadway, Apr 14, 1906.
129th st, Nos 173-17S West, 5-sty stable building; Bordens Con¬
densed Milk Co; ar't. H G Chamberlin, llSl Broadway; b'r, Chas
H Fcckworlh, 415 Hudson st. Apr 14, 1906.
]32d Et, n s, 110 e Lenox av, 4-sty stable building; Reid Ice Cream
Co, 117 W 125th st; ar't, L F J Weiher, 103 B 125th st; no con¬
tract let.
Madison sl, n w cor Jackson st, G-sty school building; City of New
Tork, City Hall; ar'l, C B J Snyder, SOO Park av.
54th st, Nos 48-50 WeSt, 6-sty school; Geo Dickson, Toronto, Can;
ar't, Robt T Lyons, 31 Union sq.
23d St. Nos 228 lo 232 East, 3-sly public library; New York Public
Library, Aator, Lenox and Tilden Foundations, 40 Lafayette pl;
ar'ts, Carrere &, Hastings, 28 E 41st st; plumbing, James McCuI¬
lough, 661 6th av,
Central Park West, □ w cor TSth st, 12-sty apartment house; Lenox
Realty Co, 150 B'way; ar'ts, Townsend. Steinle & Haskell, 29 E
19th Sl; no contracts let. Mar 10. 1906.
101st st, n e cor Broadway, 10-sly apartment house; The One Hun¬
dred and Tenth Sl Co, 44 Wall sl; no plans selected. Apr 7, 1906.
SGth st, n s, ISO e West End av, 12 and 14-sty apartment house; The
West Eighty-Sixth St Studios, 27 William et; ar'ts. Pollard &
Steinman, 234 Sth av. Mar 17, 1906.
116th st, bet Broadway and Riverside Drive, opposite Barnard Field,
14-sty apartment house; a syndicate. D J Densmore, 34G Broad¬
way, Pres; ar't, C W Buckham; no contract let. Mar 24, 1906.
Riverside Drive, s e cor 119th st, O-sty apartment house; The
Nathan Loewy Realty & Construclion Co, 128 Broadway; ar't Geo
Fred Pelham, 503 Stb av. Mar 24, 1906.
March 2d, the Church Co. being the lowest bidder. Two other
figures were received as follows: T. G-. Carlin, of Brooklyn,
$168,000, and J, W. Bishop, of Bridgeport, Conn., $169,000.
Labor Situation.
- For the present employers engaged in erecting structural steel
knd iron have help sufflcient for their contracts, but as an
extraordinary number of new works are scheduled, there is
some apprehension of not having men enough in May and June,
when these must be manned. In general building lines, 1906 is
naturally destined to be the banner year in New York City, all
authorities agree, should there be no disturbances of magni¬
tude. Brick-handlers, both on the Hudson River yards and on
the city wharves, are making demands, with some threats,
upon the manufacturing interests, and for a crisis are counting
on the bricklaying unions here to support them by refusing to
lay Hudson River brick.
But sucb action on the part of the bricklayers would be quite
without precedent, and builders have not considered it as even
a possibility. The class of men who talk of striking for higher
wages on the brick yards are locally termed "locusts," and are
for the most part negroes temporarily from the Southland who
do the most laborious part of the work, and have never hitherto
pretended to be union men. A mere brickyard strike by almost
penniless laborers is not likely to be of long duration, or of
itself to affect building In New Tork.
Union No. 37 of bricklayers fell into line with tbe otlier unions
on the flreprooflng question last Friday night, and has signed the
same agreement with tbe Mason Builders' Association, Except
for bickerings between dual unions, there is no sign on the
shore of a storm on the industrial sea, and all the ships that
pass carry signals of peace.
Buildinfi Operations.
Elevator Apartment f*r RirerKiilc Drive.
RIVERSIDE-DRIVE.—An 8-sty high-class elevator apart¬
ment house, 75x85.11, will be built on the south side of 109th
st, 100 ft, east of Riverside Drive, by the West Side Construction
Co.. 126 West Olst st, lo cosl about $200,000. There will be
apartments for 33 families, of 5 families on a floor, Geo. Fred
Pelham, SOS Sth av, is making the plans.
Plaus f*r the Singrer Building Aimex.
LIBERTY ST.—Ernest Flagg, 35 Wall st, has plans ready
for the 14-sty annex to the Singer Buiiding, 52.10x100.2 ft,, to
be erected at Nos. 91-93 Liberty st, at a cost of $300,000. Two
old buildings will be demolished. No contract has yet been
awarded. These annex plans are in addition to the main 14
and 40-sty plans, to cost $1,500,000, filed in February last.
<See issue Peb. 24, 1900.)
Clturch C*nHtruction Co. Heim Wmst Point Contract.
At Its bid of $167,200 the Church Construction Co., Fuller
Building. Broadway and 23d st, has received the general con¬
tract to build for the United Slates Government, at West Point,
N. T., a new power house building. The bids were opened on
No Architect Tet Sclcclsd Cor Oppeuhelni, Collins & Co.
34TH-3STH STS,—Oppenheim, Collins &■ Co. (cloaks), of No.
921 Broadway, inform the Record and Guide that no plan or
architect has been decided upon for tlie new store and loft
building which they will build at Nos. 33 to 3S West 34th st.
on plot 48x98 ft., running through to Nos, 48 and 52 West 35th
st, 60x98 fl. The price paid for both plots, it is said, was more
than .$1,000,000, the purchase taking place on Wednesday. The
firm will erect on the site a building for their own use. with
offices above, 11-stys in height. No contracts have been
Plans f«r Another Seamien^B Home.
WEST ST,—American Seamen's Society, of 70 Wall st, which
recently sold its Cherry st property to the city for the anchor¬
age of the new Williamsburg Bridge, will now erect at West
and Jane sts a S-sty new fireproof home, 35x165 ft, for which
Messrs. Boring & Tilton, of No. 32 Broadway, are now pre¬
paring plans. No flgures have been taken or contracts let. At
tbe northeast corner of Coenties slip and South st, fronting
Jeannette Park, the Seamen's Church Institute of the Port of
New Tork, another organization, will build, at a cost of $550,000,
an institution building Tvliich, it is said, will be the largest
sailors' home in the world. It wil! be of flreproof construction,
eight or ten stories in height. Lawyer Edmund L, Baylies, of
No. 54 Wall st, states that $100,000. has already been sub¬
scribed. No plans, architect or contracts have been awarded.
Other well-known gentlemen interested are Captain A. T,
Mahon, J, A. Johnson, Henry L. Morris and Wilhelmus Myn¬
derse. (See issue Feb. 24, 1906.)
Another Fifth Avenue Btorc Building.
STH -4V.—The Thirty-flfth Street and Fifth Avenue Realty
Co., Messrs, Boehm & Coon, 31 Nassau st, will build at the
southwest corner of Sth av and 35th st a store and office build¬
ing, 11 stories, basement and sub-basement, fronting 85.9 ft.
in Sth av and, 150 ft. in 35th st, Clinton & Russeil, of No. 32
Nassau st, are preparing the plans. A large part of the struc¬
ture will be occupied by tbe Acker, Merrall & Condit Co.,
grocers, who have leased the whole building for a term of 21
years at a total rental, as reported, of $3,175,000. The property
is now covered by the New Tork Club building, and James P,
Silo holds a lease to the building south of the club, which
expires May I, 190S. The new home in West 40th st, now
nearing completion, to which the New Tork Club will move on
May 1, will leave the old premises ready for wreckers. Opera¬
tions will be commenced in two sections, the flrst covering the
corner site and t!ie second upon Mr. Silo's expiring lease. No
contract has yet been awarded for the work.
Apartments, Flats and Tenements.
159TH ST.—Rockmore Sc Kramer, 230 Grand st, will build
on the south side of ISOtb st, 300 ft. west of Amsterdam av, a
S-sty flat, 50x87.11. Cost, $60,000,
78TH ST.—At Nos. 30S-316 East 78th st, Lippman & Gold, 24
Mt. Morris Park West, will build two 6-sty flats, 38.6x89, Cost,
$85,000. Chas. M. Straub, 122 Bowery, is architect.
AV A.—P. S, Schlesinger, 162.'i Madison av, is making plans
for a 6-sty, 22-famiiy flat, 25x87.11, for Elias Kaplan, 19 East
108th st, to be erected at No. 1317 Av A, Cost, $26,000.
46TH ST.—James A, Cole, 403 West Slst st, is preparing
plans for a 5-sty, 11-family flat, 25x88,5, for James Mullholland,
404 West 46th st, to he erected at No. 404 West 46th st. Cost,
"STH ST.—On the south side of 78th st, 350 ft, west of 1st av,
S. Sindeband, 339 East 79th at, will build two 6-sty 34-famIly
flats, 43.9x89.2. Cost, $90,000. Geo. Fred Pelham, 503 Sth av,
is architect,
146TH ST.—Landin & Stamm, 1447 Sth av, will erect on the
south side of 146th st, 75 ft. east of Broadway, a O-sty flat,
37.6x81.10, Cost, $39,000. Geo. Fred Pelham, 503 Sth av, is
making plans.
107TH ST.—On the northwest corner of 107th st and Park
av Schlesinger & Finchel. 65 East 103d st. will build a 5-sty
high-class flat, 43x87.11, Cost, $85,000, E. A, Meyers, 1 Union
sq, is making plans.
112TH ST,—At the northeast corner of 112th st and Park av,
Epstein, Stone & Epstein, 8 East 114th st, will build two 6-sty
flat buildings, 36x87.11. Cost, $75,000. Bernstein & Bernstein,
24 East 23d st, are architects.
112TH ST.—Berliner & Greenberg, 341 East 100th st, will
build on the south side of H2th st, 137.6 ft. west of Park av,
two e-sty flats, 25x87,11. Cost, $65,000. Bernstein & Bernstein,
24 East 23d st, are architects.
lllTH ST.—Markransky & Applebaum, 20 West 112th st, will
build on the south side of lllth st, 175 fL east of 8th av, three
6-sty, 25-family flats, 41.8x87.11. Cost, $135,000. Geo. Pred
Pelham, 503 Sth av, is making plans.