RECORD AND GtJIDE Manhattan January 26, 1907
M. k. S. C. E.
M. M. C S
Hew York Office, 211-217 West IZSth St., Tel. 7195 Morningside Long Island Office, 20 Mali St., Flushing, Tel. 39 Flushing
04th st, s s, lOO e Amslerdam av. 2-siy and basement brlt and stone
power slaiion. 42x100, slag roof; cost, $00,000; The New York
Edisou Co. 55 Duane st; ar'l, Chas F Hoppe, y;t Duane sl.—3i.
Broadway, s e cor Kllst sl, 2-Ety brk and slone store and office
building, 131xl50xi»0x45; cost, $25,000; Bloomingdale Leasing Co.
IOS Broadway; ar'ts, Moore & Landsiedel, 148lb st and 3d av,—-30.
Wesl Eud av, s w cor 84th st, 9-sty brk and stone apartment house,
108.4x84x90; cosl, $4OO.OO0; Lorenz Weiher, 70 E 80ih sl; ar't,
, Geo Fred Pelham, 503 Oth av,—32.
Lebanon st. n s, 150 w Broux Park av, 1-sly frame shed, 28x75;
cusi, $j0U; Julius Figlinolo, 710 Union av; ar'ts, Moore & Land
siedel, 148ih si and 3d av.—01.
Wright st, w s, :jT3 n Morris Park av. 2-sly frame dwelling, 21x50;
cost, $5,009; Tieman & Kaplan, Van Nest av and Filmore st; ar't,
Henry Nordheim. Boston road aud Tremont av.—53,
2d st, s s, ITi e Av C, ihree 2-sty frame dwellings, 10,Sx54 each;
total cost, .$11,.590; Elise Schellenberg, Oth st and Av C; ar't,
Chris F Lohse, G2i Eagle av,—47.
lG4lh st, Nos 702. 704 and 700, 2-sty brk workshop, 25x30.8; cost,
.fl.20Ll; Hoepfner & Wuesl, on premises; ar't, Wm Kurtzer, Spring
st and Bowery.—49.
171st sl, n e cor Park av, 4-sty brk loft building. 50x50; cost, $15.-
000; S Bernsteiu, 308 Cherry st; ar'ls, Goldner & Goldberg, West¬
chester and Jackson avs.—50.
235th st, u s, 180 w White Plains av, 2-sty frame dwelling. 22x01.0;
cost, $5,(109; Theodor Malzacher, 038 E 1.54th sl; ar'l, Gustav
Schwarz, .554 E 158th st.—aS.
Bryant av, w s. 223 s 172d st, five 3-sty brk dwellings. 20x55 each;
total cost, $42,500; Jacoh Kronenberger, 1353 Boston road; ar'ts,
Moore & Landsiedel, 14Sth sl and 3d av.—40.
Beech av, n s, 123 e Elm sl, 2-sty frame dwelling, 30.x2S; co_st, $3,-
500; Carlo Deluca. 207 E 100th st; ar't, L Howard, liOth st
aud Carter av.—51.
Burke av, e s, 109 n Jefferson av, 2-sty frame dwelling, 21x45; cost.
$4,500; Alfred Patterson, Fox and Jefferson avs; ar'l, Carl P
Johnson, 8 E 42d sl.—50.
Boyd av, e s. 300 n Jefferson av, two 2-sty and atlle frame dwell¬
ings, peak shingle roof, 21x45 each; total cost, .$9,200;_Wra Uf-
land, 10 E 42d st; ar't, Carl P Johnson, 8 E 42d st,—oi.
Castle Hill av. w s, 'dOo n Starling av, 2-sty brk dwelling, 20.x52;
cost, $7,000; Frederick Hertfelder, 2023 1st av; ar'l, Heury Nord-
helra, Boston road and Tremont av;—54-
Caslle Hill av, w s, 105 s Parker av, 3-sty brk dwelling, 2ijx5S;
cost. $10,000; Michael Lagana. 405 E 12th st, ar't and ow'r,—50.
Grand av, e s, 200 n 184tb st, len ;;-sty brk dwellings, 15x.3S each;
total cost. .f5U,0UO; Henry V Siughi, Kingsbridge road and Aque¬
duct av; ar't, Henry Anderson, 1183 Broadway.—52.
Houghton av, n s. 2oo w Olmstead av, 2-sly frame dwelling, 20x38;
cost, $2,.TiOO; Katherine Janson, on premises; ar't, Henry Laue,
Castle Hil! aud Ellis avs.—00.
Monaghan av. e s, 200 s Jefferson av, 2-sty and attic frame dwell¬
ing, peak shingle roof. 21x45; cosl, .^4.000; Max Korn, 229 E
119th sl; ar't. Carl P Johnson, 8 E 42d St.—55.
Webster av. w s, 100 s 195th sl, 2 and 1-sty brk garage. 51x93.Slj
and 99.93; cost, $9,009; Fredk P Fox, 793 Broadway, ow'r and
Baxter st. No 14, toilets, windows, partitions, lo 5-sty brk and
stone tenemenl; cosl, $800; A Simonelti, on premises; ar't, Fredk
Musly, 177 Cherry st.—147,
Beekman pl. No 25. shaft, partitions, fireproof doors, to 4-sty hrk
and slone Lenement; cosl, $1,200; ow'r and ar't, Gus Staats, ICO
E 59lh st,—153.
Canal st. Nob 80-90. show windows to 5-sty brk and slone factory;
tusi, $-10(»; eslate S Bolcock, 32 Liberty st; ar't, Harry Zlot, 23tJ
Grand St.—172.
Clinton sl, Nos lol-luo, 1-sty brk and stone rear extension, 15x9^8,
to 7-sty brk and stone hall; cost. $200; Social Halls Assoc, lol
Clinlon st; ar'l. Chas H Richter, (iS Broad st.—159.
Division st. No 131, toilets, windows, plumbing, to 3-sty hrk and
stone slore and tenement; cost, .'jidOO; estate Cbas Woehrle. 110
Columbus av; ar't, Ed -A Meyers, 1 Union sq.—15y.
Elizabeth st, Nos 232-l'34, windows, partitions, toilets, to C-sty brk
and stone lenement; cost, $.)00; Maria Chiglione. 701) Oth av;
Seattle, Wash; ar'ts, E W Berger & Son, 121 Bible House.—148.
Horatio st, Nos 105-107, vaults, beams, to O-sly brk and stone power
house and storage; cost, $2,090; Estate Edward A Hoffman, 2.5S
Broadway; ar'l, J Graham Glover, ISO Remsen st, Brooklyn,—175.
Orch-rd st. No 22, toilets, windows, partitions, lo 3 and o-sty brk
and slone store and lenement; cost, $800; Alexander Baum, 210
E 72d st; ar't, Samuel Gross, 325 E 84th st; plumbers. Keefe &
Murphy, Lexington av,—14o.
Pearl st, Xos 358 and 3!i0, install boiler, well hole lo two G-sty hrk
aud stone factory and office; cosl, $2,000; O J Maigne, on prem¬
ises; ar'ts. Dodge & Morrison. 82 Wall st.—132.
Pearl st, Xo 489, -toilets, ^partitions, to 5-sly brk and slone store
and tenement; cosl. .$2,.oOO; Thomas Hammill, 22 Cily Hall pl;
ar'l, 0 Dunne, 210 E 14lh st,—1(18.
Washington st, Nos 015-519, 1-sty brk and stone rear extension, 21.2
xlli.1x1i;,4, windows, to two 4-sty brk and stone stables and lofts;
cosl, .$1,800; P M Ohmeis & Co, .^140 Greenwich st; ar't, Wm
Kurizer, Spring st and Bowery.—109.
William st, n w cor Frankfort st. 13-sty brk and stone rear exten¬
sion, 100.414x103,714x80.3^4, steel girders, beams, columns, lo
13-sIy brk aud stone office building; cost, .$700,000; Press Pub¬
lishing Co, Pulitzer Bldg; ar't. Horace Trumbauer, 1408 Land
Title Bldg. Philadelphia, Pa.—1G2.
Gth st. No 033 E, partitions, shaft, loilels, plumbing, lo 5-sty brk
and slone tenemenl; cost. $3,009: Morris Josephson, 105 Stan¬
ton st; ar't, Heury Klein, 191 E 3d sL—134.
llth sl. No 320 East, loilels, plumbing, oven, to 6-sly brk and
stoue tenemenl; cost, $050; Frank Spinella, on premises; ar'ls,
Briganti & Steeneken, 20o E 17th st,—107.
llth st. No 003 East, firepioof ceilings to o-sty brk and stone tene¬
ment; cost, $500; Louis Kotzen, 230 Grand st; ar't, Harry Zlot,
230 Grand st.—17L
12lh st, Nos 507-509 East, partitions, toilets, to four 5-sly brk and
stone tenements; cost, $3,000; Nathan Silver, 507 E 12th st; ar't,
Heury Regelmann, 133 7lh st-—143.
12ih Sl, No GOO East, toilets, windows, fire escapes, stairs, parti¬
lions; lo two 3 and 5-sty brk and stone tenemenls; cost, $;-i,000;
Jacob Louis, 2S5 E 3d st; ar'l, Harry Zlot. 230 Grand st,—101.
10th st. No ul7 East, shaft, windows, lo 5-sly hrk and stone tene¬
ment; cost, .$3,000; eslate of George Fennell, 107 Av A; ar't,
Henry Regelmann. 133 7th st.—142-
17th st, No 020 E, toilets, windows, partitions, lo 5-sly brk and
stone tenement; cost. $1,200; Ph Boyer, 44S W 20th st; ar't, O
Reissmann. 30 Isl st.—127.
17th sl. No 341 West, partitions, toilets, skylights, windows, to
4-siy brk and sloue slore and lenement; cosl, .$2,000; Behr Shul-
man, 02 Pike st; ar't. Richard Rohi, 128 Bible House.—1G3-
24ih st. No 341 East, partitions, lank, windows, lo 4-sly brk and
slone tenement; cost, $1,000; Jacob. Miller, 1.50 W 2Sth st; ar't.
Max Muller, 3 Chambers st.—157.
2Glh st, Xo 501; Wesl, add 1 sty to 4-sty brk and stone loft and
shed; cost, $47:i: J H Griffin Roofing Co, 50G W 20th st; ar't,
Louis E Dell, 1133 Broadway.—131.
41st st. No 300 West, toilets, windows, slore fronts, to 5-sty brk
and stone tenemenl; cost. $400; Patrick Shanley. 5o8 9th av;
ar't. Louis Falk, 27-S5 .3d av.—154.
45th st, Nos S-10 West, 5-sly brk and stone front and rear exten¬
sion. .33.1x30x5.0. vent shaft, partilions, elevator, new front, to
two 4-sty brk and stone slores and dwellings; cosl, $30,000; Dr
A B Norton, 10 W 45lh st; ar't. Erwln Rossbach, 1947 Broad¬
45lh st, No 309 Easl, vent shaft, to o-sty brk and stone tenemenl;
cost, $3,(100; J Eedt estale, 875 2d av; ar't, A E Nast, 810 'Tin-
ton av.—loO,
47th sl. No 232 E. partitions, roof beams, lo 4-siy hrk and stone
tenement; cost, .$5,000; Joseph Kistelstein. 40 Attorney sl; ar'ls,
Sommerfeld & Sleekier, 10 Union sq.—13G.
57th st. No 211 E, partitions to 5-eI,v brk and stone tenement;
cost, $2o; estate of Geo Hagemeyer, 211 E 57th st; ar't, Henry
_ Regelmann, 133 7lh st.—128.
oOth sl, s s, bet Oth and 10th avs, 3-sty brk and slone side exten¬
sion, 100x13, windows, to 4-sty brk and stone pavilion of the
Roosevelt Hospital; cost, $5,000; Roosevelt Hospital, on prem¬
ises; ar'l, W Wheeler Smith, 1 Wall sl.—100.
79th st. No .502 E, toilets, to 2-sty brk and stone shop; cost, $130;
Eastern Marble Co, 502 E 79th st; ar't, Frank Braun, 349 E 72d
S7th sl. No 12 Wesl. 1-sly brk and slone rear extension. 8.0x10.2,
new elevator, stairs, tank, partilions, to 4-sty brk and stone resi¬
dence; cost. .$250; Harris Mandelbaum, 122 E SOth st; ar'ts. Rouse,
Sloan & Blum, 11 E 43d sL—174.
llSth sl, Xos 102-104 East, 1-sty brk and stone rear and side exten¬
sion, 10x12x22, to 3-sly brk and stone dwelling; cost, $300; Wm N
McComb, 501 W 113th st; ar'ts. Buchman & Fox. 11 E 59th
Av A, Xo 220, fire escapes, lo two 5-sty brk and stone tenemenl;
cost, $5.000;, Herman Baum, 101 W Broadway; ar'ts, Sommer¬
feld & Sleekier, 19 Union sq.—137.
Av A, e s, bel 81st and 82d sts, brk front, 5-sty brk and stone front
and side extension, 2.)-Sxl35,S, windows, to 5-sty hrk and stone
public school; cost,' $100,000; the City of New York, CiLy Hall;
ar't. C B J Snyder, .^00 Park av.—loO.
Ay B, No 220. toilets, plumbing, to 4-sty brk and slone tenement
and store; cost, $3,000; Weil & Mayer, o Beekman st; ar't, Samuel
Gross. 32o E 84lh st,—104.
Amslerdam av, Nos 1733-1735, partilions, windows^ ceilings, to
2-stv brk and stone store and tenement; cost, §3.-'00; Henry C
Torborg, 580 W 145lh st; ar't, Alfred H Taylor, 0 E 42d st.—152.
Broadway I the block, parlilions, windows, alter bath to 3-sty brk
i:'.9ih sl I and stone home for invalids; cost, -$2,000; Montefiore
138Lh st I Home for Chronic Invalids, on premises; ar'ls, Buch-
Ramillon pl] man & Fox, 11 E 59th st.—129.
Broadway, Nos 1351-1305[vault, partitions, to G-sty hrk and stone
3(ilh st, Nos 129-133 West I hotel; cost. $3,000; Loring Estale, 1270
Broadway: Charlotte M Goodridge, SO William sl; ar'ts, Marvin &
Davis, 1133 Broadway.—170.
Madison av, Xos 418 and 420, partitions, beams, plumbing, store
fronts, windows to two 4-stv brk and slone slore and dwelling;
cost, $15,090; Clarence S Day. 4o Wall st; ar't and b'r, John H
Keeler, Jr, 100 William St.—135.
Madison av. No 1)5, partitions, plumbing to 2-sty brk and stone
garage and dwelling; cost. .$500; Elbridge T Gerry, Newport, R
I; ar'ts, J B Snook's Sons, 73 Nassau st.—1.39,
Park row, Xo 182, store front, steps lo 5-sty hrk and slone lodging
house; cost, -$250; Chiller Brothers, 182 Park row; ar't, Louis
Falk, 2785 3d av.—130.
Park av. w s, 140 s 59th sl, roof beams, to two 1-sty brk and slone
slores and shops; cost, .$200; N_Y 0 £ H R R R Co, Grand Central
Station; ar't, M M O'Brien, 33o Madison av.—146.
Sl Nicholas av, s e cor 127th st, 1-sty brk and stone front exten¬
sion, 13.9x38, partitions-, slore fronts lo two 4-sty brk and slone
Slore and tenement; cost, $30,000; Geo J Kaskel, 9 Columbus av;
ar't, B W Levitan, 28 W Slst st.—131.
West End av. No 314. add 1 sty to 3-sly brk and stone residence;
cost, $2,500; Frederick Crowninshicld, 314 West End av; ar't,
Chas H Rich, 255 W 91st st.—149,
2d av, s e cor 87th st, show windows, partitions lo 5-sty brk and
stone store and tenemeut; cost, $1,009; estate of Mary R Stew¬
art, 31 Nassau st; ar'ts, Clinton & Russell, 32 Nassau sl.—-141.
2d av. No 2130, partitions, skylights, toilets, windows lo 4-sty brk
and slone tenemenl and store; cost, $1,500; John Gugllelmetli,
11',^ Roosevelt st; ar'ls, Brandt & Mooney, 1511 3d av.—140.
3d av, Xo .S40, fireproof ceilings, lo 4-sty brk and slone lenement;
cost, $300; B L Winters, on premises; ar't, Geo Hang, 766 E
lG3d St.—100.
oth av, Xos 154-158, new lloors. iron beams, to 12'/S-sty brk and
slone office building; cost, $1S,000; Boards of Home & Foreign
Missions, 1-50 oth av; ar't, James B Baker, 150 5th av.—173.
6in av. No 012, parlilions. toilets, store fronts, lo 3-sly brk and
stone hotel; cost, JoOO; Michael J Kenny, G12 Gth av; ar't, Louis
Falk, 27S5 3d av,—111.
Sth av. No 472, partitions, to 4-sty brk and slone tenement; cost,
$1,000; Chas Kuhn, 472 Sth av; ar't, John H Knubel, 318 W 42d
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