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DflÔTÄ©D p RfVLEsTAjE^BuiLOlifc A{^lTEeTUR,E.KcrtJS£iíoiDDE6aF!Anoií,
Commimĩcations sliould be addressed to
Publisfied EVerp Saturdap
President. CLINTON W. SWEET Treasurer, F. W. DODGE
Vice-Pres, & Genl. Mgr., H. W. DESMOND Secretary, F. T. MILLER
Nos. XX to IS East 24tli Street, New York CÄ©ty
(TelepboÅ©e, Madíson Square, 4430 to 4433.)
"EHl<;reã at
the l'ost Office nt Ncio
N. y..
1007, by
JULY 20,
Advertising Section.
Page. Page.
Ceraent .......................viii Lumlier ....................xx
Consulting Engineers ...........v Machinery
Clay Producls ...............xviii Metal Work ...................xv
Coutractors and Builders......iii Quick Job Directory............xx
Electrical luteresls ...........vii Real Esiate ...................xi
Fireprooftng ...................ii Roofers & Roofing Materials, .xix
Granite ......................xvi Stone .......................xvi
Iron and Steel ................x Wood Products ..............xxi
THIS weeiĩ's stock iiiarket has been almost a duplioate
of last, aiid in spite of several depressing infliiences
tliere has been a inai'lcing of tíme índicating tUe sonnd
basis oí business. The failure of a large commercial lirm
naturally affected sentiment. The house was not inter-
ested in stoeks, but speculators reasoned tliat they could
get little aid from banks if the latter declined to aeconimo-
date commercial concerns. Although fluctuations have been
comparatively insignificant there is undoubtedly a gradual
improvement in the inarket. As a writer on flnance says,
"T'he things which directly and properly affect the stock
líiarket have been so thoroughly discoimted that the bear
party is compelĩed to look outside for argunients." That
the market is in a good technical condition for hardening
prices cannot he denied, though there may be niany ups and
downs before the advance is established. On Wednesday
of this week there was a slump at the close, there being a
loss of 2 points in Steel Comnion, breaking to 36. It after-
wards recovered somewhat, On the other hand the snpport
accorded Union Pacifle was aggressive. Higher figures than
150 for this stock are freely talked of and whether there is
aiiy manipulation or not in advanciiig the price it is un-
doubtedly a good investment security even at S per eent.
But this ís, after all, a purely mid-summer market and it is
not easy always to find reasons for tlie action of the stock
market. The publie is certainÄ©y not în the market and it
Ä©s not likely that it wil! be for some time to come, so long
aS savjngs banks pay 4 per cent. and profttable employment
can be found for funds in general business. War talk has
subsided, and Japan is ready to guarantee a loan of ?20,-
000,000 to be fioated in London for the development of the
Manchurian railway systeni. Money is lower this week,
which is news always welcome to building interests and real
estate operators, but iu these dog days there is little activ-
ity and co.nsequently less demand. Call money has not ex-
eeeded 4 per eent. and time money, six months, 6 per cent.
Eates are much lower abroad, and why they should be so
miich higher Iiere is a problem yet to be solved.
DURING the past three years there has been a gradual
decrease in the number of private residenees and
apartment hotels erected in Manhattan, but during the first
six raonths of 1907 the tendency towards such a decrease
has culminated. Not a single apartment hotel has been
projected so far during the current year; and it becomes a
matter of some interest wĩiether' this type of residential
building is onĩy suffering a temporary eelipse, or whether
it will disappear as one of the popular cĩasses of residences
in Manhattan. The truth would seem to be somewhere
between these two opinions. There can be no doubt that
during 1901, 1902 and 1903 the erection of apartment
hotels was very much overdone and tliat there was no de-
mand for this class of accommodation sufflcient to fill the
100 large residentia! hoteis erected during those years.
There was so much over-building during the yeî-f Brooklyn.H. Y.
tioned that the deinand for hotel accommodation*^ ^^^^"
likely to overtake the supply for many years; buf'^''"""""'**''-^™'
probable that eventuany there will be a moderate v.
of hotel building. The position oE New York as the k^^^gni^g pg^k
ness metropolis of the country, which is likely to beecn, Waltíut st;
more rather than less important in its effects, wil! alwã'.'^^-_ „,
bring to the city a large fioating population, who will re"á'^Í7;iu°^s''t
inain there long enough to want something different from '
a room or two in a noisy Broadway hotel. Then regular '™*ii'-'
residents of New York show an increasing preference for
a country home near the city, the pleasures of which are -liinBĨe
varied by !ife for a few months each yeai' în a Manhattan '^ '
apartment hotel. It is likely, however, that the eoijpera- 'st,
tive apartment house, whieh is at the present time the most '"*
popular type of large residential building, will compete
with the apartment hotel for the eustom of this seeond
elass of people. The coôperative apartment is cheaper
either than a private residence or than a rented apartment
of the same size. Ít ís peculiarly adapted to the needs of
a well-to-do family, living in the neighborhood of New York,
who want to have a place in the city whieĩi is ready for
occupation at any time, and on the shortest notice. Tiiere
can be no doubt, also, that the cooperative apartment house,
if it coutinues to sueeeed, will also prove to be a severe
competitor with the private resideuce. It enables its own-
er to obtain a permanent dwelling in a good location for
iess money than he would have to pay for an old brown
stone house in a very much inferior location, and the num-
ber of people who have been buying these apartments may
partly account for the fact that the building of new private
residences is almost at a standstill. The plans have been
filed for only about a dozen of theni, so far, during the
eurrent year, whicli is a new low record.
Manhattan and the Other Boroughs.
WHATBVER may be the course of generaĩ business
during the coming year, the existing situation and
the future prospects of the real estate niarket in New York
City do not raise many questions which cannot be answered.
The wave of speculation in Manhattan real estate which be-
gan în 1901 and reaehed its height in 1906 is now deftnitely
subsiding. It is receding slowly and its effects will linger
for some years; but its force is none the less spent. It was
dependent upon conditions whieh have now been partially
superseded, and the next boom in Manhattan real estate,
whenever it comes, will take on decidedly different charac-
teristics. Manhattan will cease to be tlie eomparativeiy in-
dependent city it has been in the past. It will become more
and more in an economie sense what it has been for ten
years in a legal sense. It will beeome more and more
merely one borough of a greater eity; and its desirability
both for residential and business purposes will become more
and more strictly specialized. It will come to have, that is,
a special and limited function in that larger economic or-
ganism, whiéh is known as Greater New York.
The recent speculative boom in Manhattan real estate
was remarkable for its diffused effeet upon aĩl classes of
property and all parts of the city. It affected either suc-
cessively or at the same tinie gilt-edged real estate Ä©n the
ftnancial distriet, the new wholesale section north of Four-
teenth Street, the streets and avenues devoted to retaĩl
trade and amusements, the private residential guarter soutli
and east of Central Park, and tĩie neighborhoods all over the
island in which tenement houses were built. Of course it
affected some classes of property much more than others; and
there is one district, viz,, Greenwich village, which it passed
by almost entirely. But on the whole it is distinctly true
to say that this long and lucrative speculative exploitation
of Manhattan real estate was as far as possible from being
limited or specialized in its influence, It was based upon*
the growth of Manhattan as an independent eeonomic and
domestic organism, in which all phases of business and res-
idential activity were deveioping side by side. The only
class of buildings which had beeu of much importanee in tho
past life of Manhattan and whieh were neglected during the
reeent speculative movement, were tlie cheaper grade of
private residences. The eost of land in desirable neighbor-
hoods had become so high that New Yorkers of moderate
means, who wanted houses of their own, were pretty well
foreed to live outside of Manhattan, and this stoppage in
the eonstruction of eheap írivate houses in Manhattan con-
tained a plain prophecy of simiĩar changes to follow, but
the.'Ä©e changes did not develop during the course of the re-