April 6, 1&89
Record and Guide.
Riedemann, Sophia M. wife of Henry to C.
Frederick Scbaue.- Morris av, e s. 30 u ISlst
st, 28,9x70.3, April 1, 3 years, 5 %^ 1,000
Ringler. Fredei'ick A. and Justin to Sarah E,
and Susan W, Gilley and Sarab E. Gilley
'extrx, Harriet E, Johnsou, Harriet Coles in¬
divid. and extrx. Martha A, and Susan Cod-
man. Williara st. No. 316; Rose st, Ko. 20.
P. M, Mar. 30, due May 1, 1890, or sooner,
5 %. 40,000
Randall, Evelyn wife of and WiUiara E, for¬
merly Smith to Elizabeth and Joseph Orr
exrs, Robert Orr, 122d st, s s, 100 w 7th av,
15x100.11. Mar, 28, 3 years, 5 %. 13,000
Eathbotie, Eobert C to Juha wife of Parker
Manu, Washingtou, D. C, Fort Washington
Depot road. P. M. Mai-. 26 due Feb, IS,
1691,6^. I6,.500
Ratkowsky, Harris and Aaron S. to Minna
Kroos. Ba3'a,*d or Division st, n e cor For¬
syth St. P. M. Mar, 2-:!, due Mar. 31, 1894,
5 !g. 25,000
Same to Charles Herman. Same property. P.
M. Mai'. 29, 4 years or installs. 4,000
Eeynard, Catharine P. wife of aud C eorge W,
to John S. Watkins trustee for Emma W.
Burdett and Abigail B. Watkins. 44th sfc.
P, M. Mar. 4, due Mar. 30, 1893, 4K< %■ 10,000
Same to Jobu 8. Wafckius, Poi-t Lee, K, J.
Same property, P, M, Mar, 4, dre Mar, 30,
1898, 4ii%- S,000
Eidal, Frederick S. and j\nuie bis wife to The
Excelsior Savings Bank, New York,
113th Efc, n s, 275 w 1st av, 26x100,10, Mar.
Sy, due April 1, 1892, 5 %. 5,000
Roberts, Austin J, to The Equitable Lies
AsscR. Soc, of the U. S. Tth av, s w cor
136th sfc. P.M. Feb, 14, due Jan. 1, 1891. 20,000
Sarae to sarae. 7th av, w s, 25 s 136th st, 8 lots,
each 37,Sxl00, P. M. 2 P. M, raorts, each
$33,000. Feb, 14, due Jan, 1, 1891, 46,000
Same to same, 7th av, s w cor 136th st, 85x100.
Feb, 14, due Jan, 1, 1891. 22,000
Same to same. 7th av, w s, 25 s 136th st, 2 lols
each 37.5x100. 2mOrts,, each $31,500. Feb.
14, due Jan. 1, 1891. 43,000
Eoseuberg, Adolph to Jenny Kelson. Broome
st, Ko. 86. P.M. Mar. 29, instaUs, ' 1,750
Rosenberg, Charles, and Heni'y Gernshyra to
Fanning C, T, Beck trustee for Annie S.
Beck. 79th st, s s, 850 w 1st av. P. M. Mar.
27, 5 years, 5 K- 9,000
Same to Leopold Gusthal efcal. exrs, Edwai-d
Ridley. 79fch st, s s, 306.3 w Isfc av. P. M,
Mar. 37. 6 j-ears. 5^^. 9,000
eame fco M. Adele Sraifch andano. fcrustees Sam¬
uel Smith. 79th sfc, s s, 268.9 w 1st av, 8 lots.
2 P. M. morts., each $9,000. Mar, 87, 5
years. 18,000
Ruddell, John to George W, Fowler, Liver¬
pool, Eug. 71st st, s s, 885 w Stb av, 4 lots,
together 75x100,5. 4 morts,, each §83,.500.
Feb. 1, Syears. 90,000
Bahiuer, Jacob mortgagor wifch Maria Giicker.
Extension of mort. Dec. 7. ISSS, nom
Bame to Abrahara Gutraan, 3d av, w s, 25.5 n
.54th st, 25x95, Mar. 88, due Nov. 14, 1893,
5 %. 4,500
Rabiner, Meyer to Harris Sarailscn. East
Broadway, No, 140, P. M. April 1, 3 yeai-s,
Eead, George W, to Lewis G. Morris, Or¬
chard st, P. M. Mar, 30, due April 1, 1890. 500
Reiss, Louis to Anuie M, wife of Erail A. Thi-
baiit. 3d av, ws, 60.10 s STth st, 19.1x75,
AprU 1, 1 year. 5;S, 5,000
Rice, Jeannie D. to Julia L. TaUmadge and
LauraB. Field. Irviug pl, nwcor 19th st.
P, M, April 1, 5 years or sooner, S ^. 15,000
Richards, Sarah P. to WilUam H. Waring,
Brooklyu, N. Y, 30th st. Ko. 47, n s, 86.6 w
4th av, ruus north 53 x west 2.6 x north iS.O
X west 16,6 X south 98,9 to st, x east 19. Feb.
11, 6 months, 5^. .5,000
Bipley, Anna J. wife of George to The
Dnion Dime Savings Inst. 7tb av, n w cor
41st st, 19.9x60. AprU 1, due Mayl, 1892,
■ Sg. 16,000
Roth, Margarethe to Gertrude J. Sossau, 77th
et. P, M. Mar. 30, due Aprfl 1, 1894, or
sooner, 5 %. 5,000
Riker, Ella C. widow, Woodside, L. L, to WiU¬
iara H, Beadleston. Cliuton st, w s, 125 n
Hester rt, 25x100. April 8, 3 years, 5 g, 16,000
EoU, George to John H. Bormann. SSth st. P,
M. Aprfl 1, 1 year, 5 %. S,O0O
Reilly, Hugh to Jackson Armstrong. lOOtb st,
u 3, 376 e 4th av, 60x100. Mai-. 20, due Nov.
1, 1889. 15,000
Biegraayer, Joseph to AdeUne E. Hareraaker,
B2d st. P, M. April 1, 6 moutbs or sooner.
Schweizer, Bernhard and Barbara his wife to
Sigmund Cobn. Harlera Railroad, n w s,
19:j along boundary line of said railroad s iv
from s w boundary line of Bathgate farm,
25x100. AprU 1, 6 years or sooner. SOO
*nith, Jarvis E, to Charlotte A. Taylor et al.
trustees for Albertina S. Pyne, Kale W.
Winthrop, Mary Lewis, George C. and Henry
A. C, Taylor, Lispenard st. No. 13, n s,
185.10 e Wesfc Broadway, 25x100; Lispenard
st. No. IS, n s, 26x100. April 3, 5 years,
■" ■ 66,000
Samilson, Harris mortgagoi- with John P. Mc¬
Coy et al, exrs, C. G. SmuU. Extension of
mort. afc 5 %. April 1, nom
^Viblesinger, Abraham to Owen McGiunis,
Delancey st, n w cor Pitt st, P. M. April
■ 1, 3 months, S %. 3,000
chneittacher, Joseph and Sarah his wife to
The East River Savings Inst. Sd sfc, No.
.649 E. P. M. April 1,1 year, 5 %. 5,000
Schreiner, George and John, Jr., fco Roberfc
Center exr, Henry Center, Delancey sfc, n w
cor Lewis sfcj 25x100. Mar, 30, 3 years, 5 5!.
Seitz, William to Thomas Achenbach, Hacken¬
sack, N. J. SSd sfc, s s, 150 e 2d av, 25x103.2.
Mar. 30, due Aprfl 1, i89l, 5 %. 6,000
Sherry, Michael to The Mutual Life Ins. Co,
of New York. 117th st, n s. P.M. April 1,
lyear, 6 1^. 1,000
Sonn, Leopold to Jette wife of Leopold Wolf.
94tb St. P. M. April 1, 3 years, 5 %. 7.000
Scuth Ferry Eailroad Co. to Central Trust
Co. of Few York, trusce. All railroads,
rights, privileges and fi-anchises, April 1,
30 years, 6 ;;, bonds, 3,50,000
SteinmetB, Elizabeth wife of and John H. to
The Germania Life Ins, Co. Oth av, s e
cor 104tb st, 40.11x100, Mar. 89, instaUs. 74,000
Sametosame. Oth av, es, 40.11 n 103d st, 3
lots, each 30x100. 2 morts., each §32,000.
Mar. 29, iustaUs. 64,000
Sametosame, Oth av, e s. 40.11 s 104t.h sfc. 3
lots, each 30x100. 3 morts., each $32,000.
Mar. 29, installs. 64,000
Sametosame. Oth av, n e cor 103d st, 40.11x
100, Mar. 39. installs. 73,000
Same to Tbe Bradley Sc Cui-rier Co, (Lim.)
9th av, u e cor 103d rt, 100x201.10 to 104th st.
Sub. to moi'ts. S2T5,000. War. 30, 1 year or
sooner. 3-^,000
Sarae to Martin Di.skeu. 9tb av, s ecor 104th
st, 70.11x100. Sub. to morts. «307,000 on this
aud above properfcy. Mar. 30, 1 year. 8,000
Steffens, August H, to The Dry Dock Sav¬
ings Inst. Slstst, lis, 835.8 e 1st av 16.8x
100.5. April 1, 1 year, 4}..: i. 4,.5O0
Stern, Berfcha wife of and Seury to The Inst.
FOR THE Savings of Merchants' Clerks,
OTfch st, n s, 500 w Sfch av, ISxlOO.ll. April
1, 6 years, 4^ %■ 8,000
Swenson, S, Albin, mortgagor with George
R. Fearing and ano. trustees for Char¬
lotte T. Taylor. Exteusiou of mortgage
at rodu'.'ed int. Mar, 6. nom
Stern, Louis to Anna S, Dutton, New Haven,
Conn. Division st. No. ITO, u s, 28xT5x36x
88.7. April 1, Syears. 6^. IS.OOO
Stei-n, Samuel to The Institjtion for Sav¬
ings of Merchants'Clerks. 9Tth st, n s.
518 w Sth av, 18x100,11. Aprfl 1, 5 years,
4X %■ 8,000
Samuels, Charles, Bradford, Pa,, to The Al-
BAKT Savings Bank. Bleecker st, No, 102,
ss, 49e Greeue st, 23x130. Mar. 37. Syears,
4H ^- 35,000
Scblauowsky, Bernard to Fritz Elsaser, .Or¬
chard sfc. No. 109. P. M, Mar, 38, duo Aprfl
1, 1?94, 6^. 30,000
Schlesinger, Isaac to Bennetfc J, King, Nor¬
folk st, Ko, -29. Sub. to mort. §14,000. Mar.
29, dueAprii 1, 1898, See Conveys. 8,000
Schmidfc, Sophia to Cbarlotte Holthus. 117th
sfc. P. M. Mar. 30, 10 years, S %. 5,000
Schoonmaker, Edmuud to Clark D. Rhinehart,
Brookljni, Sth av, n e cor 8Sfch st, 24,8x95.
Mar. 28, notes aud indorsements. 16,000
Sieke, Anua widow to Andrew Eeich. Car¬
mine st, n s, 125 w Bedford st, 25x95. Mar,
86, 6 years or sooner, 4 %. 23,,500
Sraith, "Prank E. to Henry Morgenthau. Lenox
av, e s, 42.10 u 131st sfc, 19x100, Mar, 39, 1
year, 4,000
Same to same. Lenox av,es, 33.10 n ISlst st,
20x100. Mar. 39, 1 j-ear. 4,000
Same to same, Lenox av, e s, 81.10 n 131st st,
30x100, Mar, 29, 1 year, 4,000
Sraith, Jarvis B. mortgagor with Emma Ben-
rinio mortgagee. Agreement remedying de¬
fect in mortgage. Mar. 31. uom
fame with Mary L. Carr. Similar agreement.
Mai-, 37. nom
Smitb, John B, to Julia A, Low, llth av, n e
cor 63d st, 35,5x100, Aprfl 3, 3 years or
sooner, 5 %. 4,000
Same to sarae. llth av, e s, 25.5 n 62d st, 3
lots, each 25x100. 3 morts,, each S4,000,
April 2, 3 years or sooner, 6 %. 18,000
Same to same, 62d st, u s, 100 e 11th av, 6 lots,
each 35x100,5. 6 morts,, each Sl,O0O. Aprfl
2, 3 yeai-s or soouer, 5 %. 24,000
Sarae to Susan B. Nelson. 62d st, n s, 250 e
llth av, 3 lots, each 25x100.5. 2raorts,,each
M.OOO, April 3, 3 years or sooner. 6 %. 8,000
Sametosame, 6'8d st, n s, 335 e lltb av, 25x
iOO, April 3. 3 years or sooner, 5 %. 2,750
Smith, John B. to EUzabeth B. and Frederick
C. McDonald. Wliite Plains, N. Y. 68d st, n
s, 300 0 llth av, 35x100.6. AprU 3, 3 years or
sooner, 5 %. 4,000
Same to Henry W, Clark aud ano, exrs,, &c,,
Anthony B, filcDonald, Jr, 68d st, n s, 360 e
llth av, 36x100,5. April 3, 3 years or soouer,
5 %. 1,750
Schwabe, Fanny to Johan H. and Beke M.
Menltens. l-3i>h st. No. 518 E, P. M. April
1, 3 mouths, 5 %. 8,300
Solomon, Marx to The Fariiers' Loan and
Trust Co. Broome sfc, Nos. 313 and 314;
Norfolk st, Ko, 71. P. M. Mar. 38, due
April 3, 1890, or soouer, 5 %. 25,000
Seller, Rosie wife of Bernbard to Adara Simon,
Brooklyn, N. Y. Wiflett st, No. 63. P. M.
Aprfl 1, iustalls, 5 %. 13,000
Sherman, Kate M, to Richard Busteed. Lex¬
ington av, es, 66B29tbst, 21,10x80. April 2,
1 year, 8,500
Steinhardt, Lewis and Morris to Soloraon Loeb.
Greenwich st, P. M, April 1, instafls, 5^,
Stokes, WiUiam H., Brooklyn, N.Y., to Ba¬
bette Morgenthau. 136th sfc, Ko. 148 W. P.
M, Mar. 30, instaUs. 11,500
Same fo same. Same properfcy, P. M, Mar.
30, 3 years, 5 %. 5,000
Sarae to same. 125th st. No. 1.50 W. P, M,
Mar. 30, installs. 11,500
Same to sarae. Same properfcy, P, M. Mar.
30, 3 yeai-s. 6 <J. 5,000
Stern, Abraham and Max Coben fco The Green¬
wood Cemetery, Brooklyn. Baxter sfc, w s.
P. M, Aprfl 2, S years, S;?. 24,000
Schappert, Theresa to The Emigrant Indust.
Savings Bank. 2d av, n w cor 94tb sfc. runs
noith 801.5 to OStb st x west 348,9 x south
100.8 X east 63.3 x south 100.9 x ea.st 386,6.
April 3, 1 year. TS.OOO
Tierney, John and Sarah his wife to James T.
Tierney. Morris bv, e s, 88,6 s 161st st, 87,6x
T0.3. Nov. 14, 1888, 5 years, S ^. 635
Tompkins, Griffen, Brooklyn, N. Y., to Her¬
man Wroukow. llOlb st. n e cor 4tb av. P.
M. Mar. 30, 1 year, S %. 500
Same to same, 110th st, n s, 15,3 c 4th av, 9 lots
P, M. 9P, M, morts., each S500. Mar 30,
I J'ear, 5 s^. 4,500
The Southern Boulevard Eailroad Co. to John
T. Hifl, Kew Brunswick, N. J., and Charles
Coudert trustees, Afl railroads, rights, priv¬
ileges and franchises. Mar, 19, due Nov. 1,
1908, S %., bouds. 1,50,000
Unterberg, Isaac to Barnet Levy, Monroe st
aud Harailton st. P, M. April 1, 8 years
orsooner, 6$. I.OOO
Ure, Sarah wife of and WiiUam H. and Helena
Sbeveuson widow to Williara J. Stepcuson
36tb st, n s, .525 w Oth av, —x9S. 9x25x98.9.
Mar. 29, duo April 1, 1894, 5 %'. 3,000
Van Schaick, Eliza to John A. Knox, Locust
(Tremont) av. P. M. April 3, 2 years or
sooner. 5 ^. 2,500
Van Praag, Marcus S, to The Ebugrant
Indus. Savings Bank. 4ntb st. No. 423, s s
275 w Oth av. 25x98.9, April 1. 1 year. 10 000
Same to Adolph "Weber, Sarae ijropei-fy. Sub.
mort, §10,000, April 1, 3 years or inrtalls.
W^ise, Nathan to The Mutual Life Ins. Co.,
New York. Oth av, n ecor 116th st, 50x7-5
Mar. 19, due Mar. 29, 1890, 5 %. 15,000
Wright, Isaac E. to Jobu H. Loos, 131st st, u
s, IOO e Stb av, P, M, April 1, 1 year. 14,000
Same to sarae, 131st st, u s, 150 e Sthav, P.
M. April 1, 1 year. 14,000
Williams, Benn'amiu A. aud George N., Jr., to
Georgo N. Williams. OSth ,st, s s, 350 e 9th
av, 25x100.5. April 1, 3 years, 5 fi, 20,000
Weiustein, Ascher to Augusta Bell. 4[h st.
P. M. April 1, 1 year, 5 ^. 12,1,00
Weinstein, Ascher to Carliehel Findley. Di¬
vision st. No. 94. P, M. Mar. 30, due Aprfl
1, 1890, or sooner, 6 %. 10.000
Woods. Elizabeth wife of and John H. to
Patrick Smith exr, Thos. Kenny. 31st st
No. 351 W, P, M. April 2, due April 1.
1S93, 5 %. 10,000
Wilson, Wflliam to Andrew H, Sands and ano.
trustees A. L. Sands, 28th st. P, M, April
1, 1 year, 4^' ;*, 13,000
Wbite, Isaac aud Matilda bis wife to Peter
Lydmg. 2d st, P. M. April 1, installs, 5 ^
Wank, Bertha to Jacob Schmitt and Mar¬
garetha his wife, lith st, n s, 819 w Av A,
2,5x103,3, Lease, April 3, due April 1, 1894,
S S- 9,000
Wagner, James G., Brooklyu, to CharlesE,
Appleby efc al, trustees Leouard Appleby.
l-30th st, u s, 375 w 7th av, 50x100,11. Mar,
29, 1 year, 5 %. 10,000
Same to Jobn S. Sutphen. 120th st, n s, 436
w Ttb av, 50x100,11, Mar. 39, 1 year or
sooner, 5 ;;. 10,000
Weaver, Joseph A. to Ernest H. Herb. 67th
St. P. M, April I, 5 years, S %. 14.000
Weiss, Ignatz to Lewis C, Tufts, 9-3d st, n s,
4-85 e 3d av, 25x100,8, Aprfl 1,3 years, or
sooner. 1,500
Welcke, Robert A. to Barbara Eeitz. 43d st.
P. M. April 1, 5 years or installs, S %. 5,500
Welcker, Johu to Augustus D, JuilUard efc al
exrs. F, H, Cossitt, 100th st, P, M. Mar,
83, 5 years or sooner, 5 %. 3,750
Wieler, Ferdinand to The German Savings
Bank. 8d av, s w cor 78tb st, 23,6x76 1!
Mar. 30, due April 1, 1890, 3,000
WiUiaras, Eoswell C, Frank Sittig and Edwin
H. Sayre, Brooklyn, to Lily W. ChurchUl et
al., exrs. L. C, Hamersley. Hudson st, Kos.
56-60; Thomasst, Nos. 93-97. P, M. Mar, 1,
due Aprfl 1, 1894, 4J.; %. 115,000
Wilmurt, Jeffersou and Frank Jarvis to Wfll¬
iam Lyman. lOOth st, n s, 236 e 3d av, P,
M. April 1, 4 months, S ^. 3,000
Sarae to Patrick H. McManus and William Ly¬
mau. 100th st, n s, 300 e 3d av, SO.xlOO.S.
Aprfl 1. 4 months or sooner. 6,000
Same to Pafcrick H, McMauus. 100th st, n s, 100
e 3d av, 25x100.8. P.M. April 1, 4 months,
S %. 3,000
Wolf, Rosetfceto Charles G. Jacobi. 76th st.
P. M. AiJril 1, insfcalls, 5 %. 2,000
Weber, Louise to Mary Elliers. ISfch st. P.
M. Aprfl 3, due Aprfl 1, 1S90, or sooner,
S %■ 600
Weis, Gustav to Louisa Lauer. 40th st, n s,
140 e 10th av, 30x98,9. Mar. 21, 3 years, S %.
March 28, 29, 30, April 1, 3, 3,
Adams, Otto to The Brooklyn City Co-opera¬
tive Building and loan Assoc, Part lols
338, 339 and 830 sectional map No, 5 part
village of Fort Hamilton, begins at point