June 23, 1889
Record and Guide,
three-story and basement brick extension, 30x33,
fcin roof; cosfc, $3,500; Sam'l Davis, 1502 Isfc av;
ar'fc, H. Horenburger,
122^^16fch st. No. 20 W.. walls altered. &c.;
cosfc, $3,000' C, H. Sfcebbins, fcrusfcee, 60 Easfc 34th
sfc; m'n, C. H. Bunn; c'r, J. D. Miner.
1335—32d sfc. No. 100 E., four-sfcory and base¬
ment brick extension, 20x10, tiu roof; cosfc,
$2,000; Sociefcy for fche Preveufcion of Cruelfcy to
Animals, President Johu C. Haines, Toms River,
N. J.; ar't, H. J. Hardenbergh.
1336—63d sfc. No, 28 W., walla alfcered; cosfc,
$3,500; Annie Viefcor, 28 West 53d sfc; ai-'t, W.
Schickel & Co.
1237—SOfch sfc. No. 66 E,, fcwo-story brick exten¬
sion. lSs9, tin roof; cosfc, $5,000; S, Oppenheimer,
on premises; ar'fc, Cleverdou & Pufczei,
1336—34th sfc, Nos. 314-318 E., elevator shaft to
be builfc, &c.: cost, $1,500; New York PolycUnic
Hospital aud Diapeuaary, 214 Eaat 34fch afc; ar'fcs,
Thayer &, Robinaon; m'ns, Crockefct &, Weeks.
i2'29—Franltf orfc sfc. No, 13, walls alfcei-ed, &c.;
cost, $3,000; Wm, Denyse, on premises; ar'ts, De
Lemos Se Cordes; b'rs, T, & L. Weber.
1330—43d at. No. 8E., one-atory brick exten¬
sion, 9x11, tin roof; cost, $'2,500; Henry Elder,
onpremiaes; ar'fcs, French, Dixon & Desaldern,
1231—Sfch av. No. 881, one-sfcory brick esfceu-
sion, 22x25, tiu roof; cosfc, $3,500; Caroline Wein-
sfcock, on premises; ar'ts, French. Dixou & De¬
1333-14fchsfc, Nos, 54-58 E. (Union Square The¬
atre), build flre escapes, cut doorways, &c.; cosfc,
$1,000; fcrustees Chaa. P. Palmer, Stonington,
Conn., aud Mrs. Mary A, P. Draper, 371 Madi¬
sou av; ar'fc, J, E. Terhune; m'u, J. Thompaou,
1333—NorfoUi sfc, No. S3, repau-damage by fii-e-
cost, $8,000; Abraham Spekfcorsky, 111, Easfc
Broadway; ar't, F. Ebeliug,
1334—Broadway, w s, befc 41st and 42d sts
(Rossmore Hotel), alfcer dining and carviug
rooms infco suites of rooms: cost, $7,000; estate
Geo. Ross, 48 East 73d sfc; ar'ta, IC. JW. Romeyn
& Co.; m'u, R. L. Dai-ragh; c'rs, A. G, Bogerfc &
1335—SSd afc, Nos.(143 W., infcernal alfcerafcions,
walls altered; cosfc, $4,500; Jas. A, Ruthven, 144
West 23d sfc; ar't, H, W, BiUard; c'r, R, A.
1236—6th av. es, 300 n 173d at, one-sfcory frame
extenaiou, 13x12, tinroof; cosfc, $1,,500; Anfchouy
and Mary Higgius, Ofch av, near 173d at; c'rs,
Pefcei'S &. Mahony,
1237—Ridge sfc, Nos. 96 and 98, infcerior alfcera¬
tions, walls altered; cost, $1,600; Mendel Schrei¬
ber, 96 Ridge st- ar't, C. Sturtzkober.
1-238-'id av. No, 104, walls alfcered; cosfc, $50;
Ferd. Ebrhai-dt, 28 St. Marks pl; ar'fc and b'r, J.
----------------< • r^----------------
Plau 584—Hicks st. No. 359, fcwo-ufcory brick
extension, 8,6x8, fciu roof; cost, $300; F. R. Man¬
ning, on premises.
585—Myrtle av. s e cor Graham st, fchree-sfcory
brick extension, 23x64, tin roof; cost, $800; John
Jackman, Atlautic av and Courtst; ar'ts, M.
Freeman's Sous.
586—Atlantie av, s s, abfc 250 e Stone av, new
storefront; cost, $100; A. R. Reese, Vau Sielen
av; b'rs, D. Cook and E. W. Richards.
587—Soufch 3d st, n e coi- Keap st, cor column
removed, &c.; cosfc, $300; Matfchew Burggraf, on
premises; ar't and b'r, R. Von Lehn.
588—Hem-y st. No. 273, fcwo-sfcory bi-ick exfcen¬
sion, 18x34, fcin roof, new sills and lintels, &c -
eost, $4,000; Mrs. Wheelock, 13 Sidney pl; ar'fc,
F. Raymoud; b'rs, J. Thafccher and F. Raymond.
689—Chauncey st. No. 143, flat tiu roof: cost,
$300; ow'r and ar'fc, L, R. Doxsey, 799 Herkimer
sfc; b'rs, H. Bnrfiend and L. R, Doxsey.
590—3d av, No. 399, soufch wall rebuilt; cost,
$800; John Miner, on premises; ar'fc, E. HaUam;
b'rs, G. Baremore and E, HaUam,
591—Bedford av. No. 1076, fchi-ee-sfcory briek
extension, 19x15, tin roof, iuterior alterations,
&c.: coat, abt $1,,500; Johu G. Wischerth, on
premises; ai-'fc, F, J. Berlenbach, Jr,; b'r, G. Kuhn,
593—Courfc sfc, s w eor State sfc, round iron eol-
'umus in place of square ones; cosfc. $800; James
J, Gai-vey, 37 Joralemon sfc; ar'fcs, Pai-flfct Bros.:
b'r, J. De Mofct.
593—Navy sfc, No, 202, flafc fcin roof; cosfc, $500;
J. H. Mahon, Raymond at; ar'fc, J. C. Mefcealfe;
m'u, uot aelected; c'r, J. W. Metcalfe.
594—Jefferson av. No. 365, two-story brick
extension, 13x33, tiuroof; cosfc, $1,000; Clarence
Dupernack, on pj-emises; ai-'fc and b'r, W. Beard.
-595—Ewen st. No. 145, skyhght in fchh-d floor-
eosfc, $335; Mrs, Volkommer, 827 WiUoughby av.
596—7th av, a w cor 18tb st, one-story frame
extension, 20x17, fcin roof; cost, $300; Dr. Rooney,
17fch sfc, near Sth av; b'r, N. Nelson.
507—Manhattan av. No. 435, cenfcre front win¬
dows muUioned aud interior alterafcions; eost,
$1,000; George Bullwinkie, 435 Washingfcon av;
ar'fc, Th, Engelhardfc; b'r, nofc selected,
598-Myrtle av, Nos. 885 aud S87. repau- dam¬
age by fii-e; cost, $3,400; Husted estate, CUnton
av, cor Myi-fcle av; b'rs, P. J. CarUn & Co. and
Loug & Bames.
599—Balfcic sfc. No. 470, raised 3 feet on brick
wall, ifec; cosfc, $300; Mra, ReiUy, on premises.
600-Herbert at. No. S6, altered for dwell'gand
new weather boai-da; cost, $1,.500' ow'r and ar't,
J. Garahand, 94 Herbert st; b'r, A, Sachs and J.
601—Putnam av. No. 454, fchree-story brick ex-
ten.sion, 13.4x16, tinroof; cosfc, $800; ow'r and
ar'fc, Jamea A, Mm-fcagh, ou premises; m'n, W, J.
Moran; c'r, nofcselecfced.
60S—Broadway, w s, 135 s Wallabout sfc, raise
1.6 on brick walls, also two-story extension 7x16,
tin roof; John Lenhart, 608 Broadway,
603—Barbey afc, w a, 150 n Glenmore av, two-
atory frame exteusiou, 13x30, fcin roof; cosfc, $455;
John Schott, Glenmore av: ar'fc and m'n, J.
French; c'r, J. Pohlraann, Jr.
604—Grand sfc, s w cor Havemeyer sfc, alfcered
fco fcenem'fc; coat, $3,000; H. Meyer, on premises;
ar't, B. Finkeusieper; b'ra, S. Parke and GiU¬
more & Trevor.
605^Halsey st. No, SOiy, three-story brick ex¬
tension, 9.6x14, fcin roof; cosfc, $1,-500; John J.
Spowers, 101 Pierreponfc st; b'rs, R. Ormiston
and J. Held.
606—Surauer av. No, 229, raised 11 feefc ou
brick story, also one-story and brick extension,
8x15, tin roof, iron cornice; cost, $800; J. F,
Graham, De Kalb, cor Lewis av; b'r, G. W.
607—Johnsou av, s e eor Ewen at, three-atory
brick extension, 35x33.6, tin roof; cost, $4,000;
P, Feldraann; ar'fcs, D. Acker & Son.
608—McDougal st, n s, 133.11 w Howard av,
add one story to extension; cost, $150; Franz
Ganen, 55 McDougal sfc; b'r, C. Hasket.
609—Fulton st, Nos. 1184-1190, connected by
opening walLs; cost, $250; Jaraes Blauvelt, 174
Hancock st; ar'fc, H. Folk: b'r, A. W. Blazo.
010—Harts alley. No. 15, flafc fciu roof; cosfc $400;
David Reese, 182 High st; b'r, S, J. King,
611—4th sfc, s s, 75 w Hoyfc st, raised 8 feefc on
frame story; cost, $750; Johu Maloney, on prom¬
613—38fch st, n s, 80 w Sfch av, raised 0 feet, uew
atone foundation; cosfc, $350; Mi-s. Plafcfc, on
premises; ai-'fc, H. L. Spicer; b'r, O. Manson.
613—Harfcs alloy, No, 17, flat tiu roof: cost,
$375; WiUiam Staples, 184 High sfc; b'r, S. J.
614—Washingtou av, n w cor De Kalb av, add
oue story fco extension, also fcwo-sfcory briek ex¬
tension, 21,6x13. fciu roofs; cosfc, $4,000; Geo. Fow¬
ler, on premises; R. L. Daus, 26 Comt st; b'rs, J.
J. Bentzen aud H. J. Smith,
61-5^Elizabeth st, No. 173, new area, &c,; coat,
$300; Pafcrick Comber, on premises; ar'fc and m'n,
J. McGowan; c'rs, Law & Baird.
616—Richai-ds st. No. 2, cue-atory brick exten¬
sion, 13.6x13, tin roof, interior alterations, &c,;
coafc, $400; James Reilly, on premises; ar'fc, H.
Gilvary: b'r, C. M. Defclefsen.
617—Harrison av, w a, 23 s Lyuch st, raised 8
feet on frame story, alao one-sfcory frame exten¬
sion, 33x35, tin roof; cosfc, $1,500; Mi-s, Pflueg,
Harrison av, uear Lynch sfc; ar't, J, Plafcte.
618-Herkimer st, n s, 300 e Rockaway av, one-
story frarae extension, 1-3x15, felfc roof; cost, $75;
E. E. Stewarfc, trusfcee, Sackman sfc and Easfc New
York av.
610—Hopkinson av, s e cor McDougal st, one-
story frame extension, 14x25, tinroof; cost, $350;
E, Gufchey; b'l-s, C. Horn and J, Pirrung,
620—Linwood st, e s, 220 n Ai-lington av, re"
build norfch foundafcion; cost, $300; Sarah G-
O'Donoghue, 300 Hendrix st; ar'fc, C. Infanger;
b'rs, J. O'Donoghue and W, E. Losee.
631—Coverfc st, n s, 130 e Evergreen av, raised
7 feefc on brick waU: cosb, $350; John Bogert,
Porter, John G. (contractor, 405 Pearl st), to William
G. Taber; prefei-ences, $3,096.33,
Resolutious passed by fche Board of Aldermen call-
hog for the following improvenients hnve been signed
by fche Mayor for the week endiue June 15, 1883. *Iu-
dicates that the Mayor neitherapproved norobjected
thereto, therefore fche same became adopted.
IlOth st, from 7th to Sth av; alao flagging4 ft wide,
I46th st, from Boulevard to fche tracka of Hudson
Eiver R, R,; also flagging 4 ft wide.
Gerard av, from ISSth st to Jerome av lexceptafc
crossing of N, Y. Central & Hudson River R. R,);
also flagging 4 ft wide,
Burnside av, from Webster to Jeromeav; alao flag¬
ging 4 ft wide.
West End av, from 96th fco lOSfcb st; gas.
First new av weat of 8fch av, from 141st to I45th at;
I36thst, from 7th to Sthav; water pipea.
95th at, from 10th to Weat End av; wafer pipes
Arcularius pl (IfiOth sl), n s, from a point abtSOO w
Sheridan easterly to Sheridan av; water pipes.
114th st, bet Madison and Sth avs; water pipes.
Rider av, from 13ath to M4th st; gas.
Tinton av, from IfJOth st aouth, abt350 ft; gas,
Jefferaon av, from Frankhn to Boatou av; gas.
Horae sfc, from Union avto Soutberu Boule-"
Southern Boulevard, from .Weatcbeater av
fco Home st.
Southern Boulevard, Erom Westchester av
to Hunts Point road.
Hunts Poiafc road, from Soufchern Boulevard
to Lafayette av.
Riflerav, from 135th to 144that; water.
Honeywell av, from Tremont to Samuel st.
Webster av, from 170tli st, its present terminus, fco a
point aht 400 north thereof,
Jerome av, from Southern Boulevard fco Grand av;
74tb st, from crosswalk on w s of 8th av to crosswalk
on e a Sth av, with granite block.
98th st, from crosswalk on w s 9th av to crosswalk
on e s of IOtb av, with grauite block,
ISIat st, from Mb, Morris av to Lenox av, wifcb Trini¬
dad asphalt.
75tb Bt, from Av A to bulkhead line East River, with
granite block,
Madiaon av, from B4th Bfc to I03d sfc, with granite
98th ac, from 2d to 3d av, witb granite block.
lOGth st, from Park to Bth av, wich granite block.
iseth at, from lOrb to Iltb av, with granite block.
75th st, from Oth to 10th av, with granite block.
Madison av, from a s of 3ad stto s s of 33d st; from n
Bide of 36th to s s of 41st st; from n s of 4Sd to n s
of 58tb st, and 5Bth st from w a of Madison av to
e a of 5th av, with asphalt.
88th st, bet Madison aud Park avs, full width where
uot already done.
01st st, both sides, bet 1st and ad avs, flagging 4 ft
5th av, e s, from I15t)i to GGth st, flagging relaid and re¬
HOtli st, a s, from lat to ad av, relaid and reset.
7ethBt, from Av A to East River; also flag^ug 4 ffc
94th st, from Park Co Bth av.
7tli av, both aides, from 116tb to 116th st.
133d st, from Bth to Lenox a v.
8Sth st, ns, abt IOO w of Park av, SOO ffc front.
93d and 94th ats, 5th and Madison ava, block.
Bhooklyk, June 17, 1889.
Lexingtonav, from Patchen av to point 360 feet
eaat of Keid av.
Tremont at, bet Richards and Colnmbia sts.
King st, beC Ricbarda and Columbia sts.
Verona st, bet Richards and Columhia sts.
2d av, from 38th to 58th st,
Atlantic av, from Clason to Kingston av.
Fnlton St. at Alabama av; regulate grade.
Sycamore st, from Canton to Raymond st.
Monroe st, n s, from Ralph av to Broadway."
30th Bt, n s, from Sth to 6th av.
56th at, a a, trom ad to 3d av.
4th St, n 3, from Bth to Gtb av,
9thav, es, bet Windaor pl and lOthst. fi¬
Oth av, e a, bet Prospect av and Windsor pl.
Oth av, c s, bet iBth and IGth ats.
Reidav, w s, bet Macon and McDonough ats,
Reid av, e s, bet Hancock st and Jefferson av.
Clermont av, e s, bet Fulton st and Atlantic av.
St. Marks av, n s, befc 5th and Gth avs.
Frost at, n a, bet Ewen and Leonard sts.
Stanhope st, s s, bet Evergreen and Cenfcral avs.
Aberdeen st, bet Bushwick av and Broadway.!
Suydam st, s w cor Hambure av.
Halsev st, a w cor Lewis av; basin.
Clay at, n e cor Oakland st,
Bedford av, n e and n w cora Guernsey at,
3d av, n w cor 36fch at.
Albany av, s e and s w cors Decatur st.
De Kalb av, from Bushwick av to Broadway. I
hackett at, cor Fcri-y pl. '
Franklin av, a e cor Gfreene av. |
George st, from Central to Hamburg av.t
Jacob st, from Knickerbocker av tocity line.'
23d st, from 3d av to bulkhead line.
37tb St, from 3ci to 4th av.
36tb st, from 3d to 4th av.
a4th at, Nos, 143 aud 145, n s, 260 w 3d av, 44x96,9,
four-story brick stable, by J, L, Weils. IFore-
eloae mechanic's lien)........................... 34
Audubon av, s e cor 166th st, 68.9x96.3x83.4x95, va¬
cant, by A, H. Muller & Son, (Amt due $739).,, 34
Same property, by A. H. Mnller& Son. (Amt dne
S7381............................................ 24
Audubon av, e s, 25 n I70th st, 75sB,'), vacant, by
A. H, Mnller & Son, (Amt due $734)...... 24
7th av, Sos, aO01-aO07, n e cor laOth at, 67,10x77..!
7t.h av. No. 2011, e s, 83.11 n laOth st, 17x77......
120th st, ns, 77 e7tbav,48x100,11...............
Five tbree-story brick dwell'gs on av and three
thi'ee-story stone front dweU'gs on ISOthst___,
byB. V, Harnett & Co, (Amtdue$25,130; snb.
to prior morts, S103,0fl0|----...................... 35
9th av. No. 1723, w s, 25 n 9!!th st. Sl.fixlOO, flve-
story brick flat and stores, by J. Bleecker & Son,
(Amt due $26,51,^1............................... 25
Cortlandt et, No. fi7, s a, 72,9 e Washington st, 23,8
x7?,3sl9.4277,l, four-story brick atore and dwell¬
ing, by D, P. Ingraham Sc Co. (Partition sale).. 36
Waahington st, Noa. 3 and B, e 5, 36.10 n Battery)
I>1, 3^,2x57,4x31x57,6...........................
Washington st, No, 17, old Ko, 14, e s, a2.4s47.8x
Washington st. No. 57, e s, 184.10u Morris st, 36.1
Washington st, No. 77, e a, 20x53.2x30x51.10......
Washington st, n w cor Rector at, 47.I0x88.6x
Washingtou st, w s, 49.4 n RecCor st, runs soutb
1.3x88,10x89.4, gore..........................
Greenwich st. No. 14, w s, 23.4x147,4 to No, 16
Washington st, xS2.4xU7.t....................
Greenwich at. No, 26, w 3, 174.H s Morris st, 30.9
Greeuwich sC, No. 18. w a, 26 ft front, and extdg
through to No. 19 Washington 3t............
Greenwich st. No. 32, w a. 135 s Morris st, nms
north 25.3 x 77.4 x 24,10 x 77.4.................
Greenwich at, No, 38, w s, 23.4 s Morris et, 24,10i
Greeuwich st, No. BO, w s, 80.8 n Morris st, 31.3x
90,6x irreg. 18O.8..............................
Greenwich st, e s, 215,8 n Rector st, 37,2sl07,3x
Elmst, No. 301, es, 20.8x59 to No. 30 Marion st,
Crosby at. No. 47, e a, bet Broome and Spring
Ets, 25x100....................................
Mangin st, w s, 150.5 n Delancey st, 25x99.a......
Waahington at. No. 33, e a, 77 s Morris sfc, 35x^
by J. C. Lalor. (Partition sale).................