June 29, 1912
WATER ST. 220-222, Beekman st. 113-117,
S-sty store and lott. 76.6x52.9. slag root; cost,
,$75,000; owuer. Chas. Lane, 33 Fulton st; ar¬
chilect. T. W. Lamb, 501 Sth av. Plan No.
40TH ST, 345-340 West, 8-sty lott, 45x91.10,
slag roof; cost. $1)2,500; owner, St, John's Park
Realty Co., 140 Broadway; architect, W. H.
Paine, SS West lOoth st. Plan No, 404.
42D ST, 218-226 West, 41st st, 221 West,
5 aad 24-3ty loft and office, 78x00.9, extension,
25x108.5, tile and gravel roof; cost, $850,00l>;
owner Asa 0, Candler, Atlanta, Ga.; arcbi¬
tects Willauer, Shape Sc Bready. 150 Sth av.
Plan No. 409. Nol let.
CANAL ST. u w cor Renwick st, C-ety loft,
89.8x59.3; cost, $65,000; owaer. Central Cigar
Mfg. Co., 1 Dethrosses st; architect, Alex. Bay¬
lies, 33 Bible House. Plan No. 413.
4TH ST. 46 West, 4-sty show rooms to stores,
20.4x50, Lar and gravel roof; cost. $6,700; own¬
er. Max Taigman, 241 Woosler st; architect, W.
G. 1. Roeder. 1K;3 Broadway. Plan No, 415.
iR.\NDALL'S ISLAND, w s, opposite East 12oih
St. 1 and 2-sty boiler house and laundry, SIS,4
x59; cost, .$100.Oul); owner. City of New York;
nrchitect, Frank J, Helmle. 190 Montague st,
Hrooklyn, Plan No. 412,
46TII ST. under viaduct. Grand Cenlral Termi¬
na! yard, 1-sly outhouse, 8.8x21.0; cost, $1,-
OOO; bwner. .\. Y. C. & H. R. R. Co.; architects,
Warren & We.more, jO East 45th st. Plan No.
.l."iTlI ST, n ot building line, 143.S vi Park av.
Grand Cenlral Terminal yard, 2-siy sub-station,
7.8x20.6; cost, $1.01HI; owuer, N. Y. C. Se II. R.
It. Co.; architects, Warren Se Wetmore, TO West
■ISth st. Plan No. 419.
126T1I ST. 240-258 WesL. 125th st. 253-259
West, I and 2-sty theatre and loft. 113x87.10,
5L).xW. siag roof; cost, $145,000; owners. C. J.
Stumpf & H. J. Langhoff, Milwaukee. Wis.;
archilect, Geo. Keister, 12 West Slst sl. Plan
No. 420.
105TH ST, 112-114 West, 1-sly moving picture
show, 25x100; cost, $5,000; owner. Wm. H.
Heddendorf, 136 West lUOth sl; architect, Cbas.
Schaefer, Jr., 401 Tremont av. Plan No. 40S.
CROTO.N'A PARKWAY, s e cor Bronx Park
So. 5-sty brick tenement. 53.9x66.9, plastic slate
roof; cost, $S0.O(.iO; owners, Fraser Sc Beran,
740A Macon st, Brooklyu; architects, Moore &
Landsiedel, 14Sth sl & 3d av. Plan No. 502.
BRONX P.4.RK SO. s s, 40 w Mohegan av,
three 5-sty brick tenements, plastic slate roof,
40x55-4; total cost. $75,000; owners. Fraser Sc
Beran, 749.^ Macon st. Brooklyn; archilects,
Moore Se Landsiedel, l'4Sth st & 3d av. Plan
No. SOS.
LIND AV, s e cor 170th st, 5-sty brick tene¬
ment, slag roof. 42.1Lx92.1; cost, -$45,000; own¬
ers. Hillerest Buildiug Co., Louis Mukes, 050
Ogden av; architecl, Lloyd J. Phyfe, 949 Ogden
av. Plan No. o04.
BRONX PARK SO, s w cor Mohegan av, 5-
sty brick tenement, plastic slate roof, 40x60.6;
cost, $30,000; owners, Fraser Sc Beran, 749A
Macon st, Brooklyn; architects, Moore & Land¬
siedel, 148th st Se Sd av. Plan No. 501.
DECATUR .\V. s w cor 197th st, 5-sty brick
tenement, tin roof, 50x90; cost, $50,000; owner,
John L, O'Hara, 2Si3 Webster av; architect,
Arthur Boehmer, liSth st and Arthur av. Plan
No, o05.
17'JTH ST, n e cor Valentine av. 5-sty brick
tenement, slag roof, 50x79.3; cost, -$45,000;
owners, Lillian Realty Co., C. J. Cooney, 14Sth
Et and Sd av; architect. Chas. Schaefer, Jr.,
401 Tremont av. Plan No. 509.
WEBSTER AV. s w cor Ford st, three 5-sty
brick teuements, tin roof, 34x90, 39.6x38, 41.11
x8S; total cost, $100,000; owner, August Nelson.
193 West 168th sl; architect. Frana Wolfgang.
535 East ITTth st. Plan No. 508.
PARK AV, s e cor 159th sl, two 5-sty brick
tenements, slag roof. 45.3x96.10; total cost, $62,-
IX:0; owners, Noble Gauss Ctnstructlon Co.,
Fred Gauss, 406 East 140th st, president; ar-
rbitecL, Harry T. Howell, 149lh st and 3d av.
Plan No. Sll.
HOE AV, w s, 252 s Aldus st, two 5-sty brick
lenements, slag roof, 42.x94; total cost, $80,004.1;
owners. Ensign Imp. Co., jos. Damsey, 27
West 114lh St. pres; architects, Kreymborg
Archtl. Co., 1330 Wilkins av. Plan No. 512.
CLAY AV, e s, 194.3 n 173d st, two 5-sty
brick Lenements, slag roof, 46.7x82.3, -55.6x71.8:
total ee^t, $80,000; owners, Millwin Realty Sc
Const C( . Robt. A. Winter. 2006 Honeywell av.
presidenl architects, Neville Sc Bagge, 217 West
125th St. Plan No. 515.
ALDUS ST', n e cor So. Boulevard, 5-sty brick
■Ienement. s.ig root. 100x100; cost, $100,000;
owners, Podgur Realty Co., Robt. Podgur, 035
So. Boulevard, pres.; arcbitects. Kreymborg
Archtl. Co., 1330 Wilkins av. Plan No. 514.
ALDUS ST. w s. 110 e So. Boulevard, two 5-
sty brick tenements, slag roof, 42x93; total
cost. $80,000; owners. Podgur iRealty Co., Robt.
Podgur, 935 So. Boulevard, pres.; architects.
Kreymborg Archtl. Co., 1330 Wilkins av. Plaa
r^o. 513.
ELSMERE PLACE, s s 97.11 w Daly av, 5-
sty brick tenement, tar and grave] root, 75xSS;
eost. $60,000; owners. Defender Const. Co.,
Max J. Kramer, 35 Nassau st, pres ; architect,
Abrahara Berres, 35 Nassau st. Plan No, 520.
BEAUMONT AV, w s 100 n l,S7th st, 4-sty
brick tenement plastic slate roof, 50x82.7 ; cost,
.$:i5,000; owner, Peter Biederman. 547 East
143d st; architect, Cbas. Schaefer, Jr., 401 Tre¬
mont av. Plan No. 522.
1T7TH ST, s s, 212.42 e Prospect av, 5-sty
brick tenement plastic slate root, 50x83; cost,
$40,000; owner, John McNulty, Bainbridge av
and Woodlawn rd ; architect, Charles Schaefer,
Jr., 401 Tremont av. Plan No. 521.
HARTS ISLAND, soulh end, 214-Bty frame
dwelliug, shingle roof. 30x20; cost, $4,000; own¬
er. E. L. Hunter. City Island; architect, Chaa.
S. Clark, 4-11 Tremont av. Plan No. 517.
STORY AV. 8 a. 324 w Castle Hill av, 2-sty
frame dwelling, tin roof. 20x48; cost, $5,000;
owner, Edw. J. Moberg, 1216 Simpson st; archi¬
tect, Henry Nordheim. 1087 Tremont av. Plan
No. 527.
SETON AV, w s, 100 n Randall av, 2^-aty
frame dwelling, shingle roof, 20x.30; cost,
$.5.000; owner, John Spellman. 4254 Byron av;
architect, Henry Nordheim. 1087 Tremont av.
Plan No. 528.
254TII ST. n e cor Palisade av, 1-sly trame
stable, 20x18; cost. $800; owner. H. W. Bother,
on premises; architect, Jas. B. Smith, Rock¬
away Beach. L. I. Plan No. 506.
OLINVILLE AV, w s, 321.2 n Burke av. 1-sty
frame garage, 13.6x20; cost, $300; owner, Helen
L. Becker, 461 Edgecombe av; architect, Geo. F.
Bergerann, 225 Sth av. Plan No. 510.
VAN BUREN ST, n g, ITS w Van Nest av,
2-sty frame stable, slag roof, 4Sx2T.4; cost.
$3,500; owner, Mary Schaefer, 1T29 Fillmore
st; architect, B. Bbeliog, 1136 Walker av.
Plan No. 524,
LYMAN PL, e s, 252.6 s Freeman st, 4-sty
brick stable, tin roof, 25x00; cost, $15,000;
owner, A. Truber. 911 Freeman st; architecl,
Robert E. La Ville, 368 East 140th st. Plan
No. 523.
TREMONT AV, s s, 75 w Clinlon av. 1-sfy
brick store and dwelling, slag roof, 25x.8.-i: cost,
$6.(WW; owners, F. & J. E. Rarastiek. on prem¬
ises: archilect, Chas. 3. Clark, -141 Tremont av.
Plan No. 516.
HOLLAND AV, e s. 59.35 n 211st st, 2-sty
brick store and dwelling, tin roof. 25x95; cost,
$8,000; owner Rosina Pollina, 2028 2d av ;
architect, Marlon Di Miceli, 241 E 108th sl.
Plan No. 526.
SO. BOULEVARD, w s. 100 s Crotona Park
East, 1-sly brick stores, slag roof, 75xl04;
cost, $20,000; owners, Sykes Realty Corp.. Chas.
Sykes. 165 Broadway, pres.; architects. Krevm¬
borg Archtl. Co., 1330 Wilkins av. Plan No.
176TH ST, n e cor Anthony av. 1-sty brick
stores, tar and gravel roof, 50x76,10; cost,
$8,000; owner, Edw. Freund. 75 3d av ; archi¬
tect. Louis A. Sheinart, 194 Bowery. Plan No.
WEBSTER AV. e s, 500 n Wendover av, 1-
.'^ty frame shed, 50x26; cost, ,$500; lessee, Victor
Nelson, on premises; architect. Chas. S. Clark,
441 Tremont av. Plan No. 518.
TREMONT AV, n s, 40 e Daly av. bell tower,
I2..5xl'2,5; cost $.500: owners. City of Now
York: architects. Filber Engineering Works,
103 Park av. Plan No. 519.
HUMBOLDT ST, n e cor Maujer st, 4-sty
hrick tenement, 25x75, tar and slag roof. 6
families: cost. $12,500: owner. Peter Doelger,
407 East 55th st; architect, Chas. Stegmeyer,
168 East 01st St. Plan No. 3907.
13TH AV. w s. 26 n 73d st, 3-sty hrick tene¬
ment, ,34x67. tar and gravel roof, 6 families;
eost. $S,-500; owner. Jos. D. Bova, 225 Carroll
sl; architects, Eisenla fc Carlson. 16 Court st.
Plan No, 3937.
BL.AKE AV, n s, 75 w Snediker av. 3-sty
brick tenement, 20x70, ----- roof; cost, $6,500;
owner, Sam Robb, 324 Snediker av; architects,
S. Millman & Son. 1780 Pitkin av. Plan No.
OTH AV. n w cor 54th st. 5-sly brick tene¬
ment. 50x00. slag roof. 2S families; cost. $50.-
000; owner. Harbor View Const. Co., 451 4Tih
sl- arrhitecf, Maximilian Zipkes (Inc)., 220 5th
av. Plan No. 3949.
OTH AV, w s, 50 n 54th st, 5-sty brick tene¬
ment, 50,2x,'*G,G. slae root. 30 farailies; cost,
$50,000; owner. Harbor View Const. Co,. 451
471b st; architecl. Maxiraillan Zipkes (Inc), 220
5th av. Plan No. 3950.
EASTERN PARKWAY, n B, 140 w Utica av.
l-sty hrick church, ,56,8x190. concrele roof;
eost, $110,000; owner. Rev. John O'Hara, on
premises; architects. McKenzie. Voorhees fc
Gmelin, 1123 Broadway. Plan No. 3980.
LYNN AV, n s. 1.36.11 e Manhatlan av. 2-
sty brick dwelling. 40.6x36.3, shingle roof. I
family; cost. .$5,000: owner, John Offerman,
Offerman Building: architect. Bvron P, Wilson.
1910 Prospect av, Bronx. Plan No. 3S76.
EAST 29TH ST. e s, 90 n Av D, 2-sty brick
dwelling. 20.4x55, ------ root. 2 families each;
eost. $3,500; owner, Anton F. Martin, 536 East
39th sl; architect. Predk. Ober. Jr., 611 East
SSth St. Plan No, 3931.
76TH ST. s e cor Colonial rd, 3-sty and base¬
ment frame dwelling, 76x46,2. lile and tin
roof, 1 family; cost, $40,000; owner, Geo. An¬
drews, 225 Toth st; architect, Francis N. Stork,
7416 ,3d av. Plan No. 30-36.
IOTH AV, p s. 50 n 70tb st. two 2-sty and
atlic frame dwellings. 20x49, tin and shingle
roof. 2 farailies each; total cost, $10,000; own¬
er. Gustav Nelson, 6911 10th av; architect.
Chas. B. White 6-323 New Utrecht av. Plan No.
TSD ST, n s. 230 e 12th av. 2-sty hrick dwell-
insr. 20X.50. tin or gravel roof, 2 families: cost.
$4,-500; owner, John Carroll. 1270 TSd st; ar¬
chitect, M, D, Foot, 1432 75th st. Plan No.
BEVERLEY RD. s s. 40 e East 4th st, three
2-sly and attic frame dwellings, 24x51.2, shiugle
roof, 2 families each; Lotal cosL, $12,000; owner,
.Morrie Gair. 322 EasL 17th st; architect, Benj.
Driesler. l-'j3 Remsen st. Plan No. 3920.
EASTERN PARKWAY, s w cor Schenectady
av, 3-sty brick dwelling, 40x64, tar and gravel
roof, 3 families; cost. $10,000; owner, Geo.
Lesser. 205 Henry st. N. Y.; architect, Albert
Ullrich, 371 Pulton st. Plan No. 394T.
EAST 12TH ST, e s, 160 a Av J. two 2-sly
framo dwellings, 18x57. tar and gravel roof, 2
families each; total cost, $9,000; owner Geo
M, Craigln Co., 2S01 Av P; architect. A. 'white
Pierce, 59 Court st. Plan No. 3964.
JEROME ST. w s, 225 s Sutter av, 2-sty brick
dwelling, 20x55. gravel roof, 2 families; cost,
$4,000; owner, Rachel Stromwasser, 287 Ver¬
mont sl; arcbitects, Chas, Infanger & Son, 2634
Atlantic av. Plan No. 3954.
EAST OTH ST. w s, SO n Av P, two 2-sty
brick dwellings, 20x52, tar and gravel root, 2
families each; lotal cost. $10,000; owner, Bris¬
tol Bldg. Co.. 211 East 7th st; architect, John
C, Walsh, 1900 Coney Island av. Plan No.
EAST STH ST, s w cor Beverley rd, 2-sty
and attic frame dwelling, 24x51.2. shingle roof.
2 famines; cost, $4,000: owner. Mary Gair. 322
East llth st: architect. Benj. Driesler, 178 Rem¬
sen St. Plan No. 39TT.
EAST 4TH ST. s e cor Beverley rd. 2-sty
aad attic framo dwelliag, 24x51.2. shingle roof,
2 famijies; cost, $4,000; owner, Mary Gair, .322
EasL llth st; architect. Benj. Driesler. 178 Rem¬
sea sl. Plan No. 397S.
LINWOOD ST, e s. 245 s Hegeman av. 1-sty
frame dwelling. 18x20, tin roof, 1 family ; cost,
$77(1; owner, Victor Pockofskv. 754 Elton st:
architect, Ernest Dennis, 241 Schenck av. Plan
No. 3990.
VANDEVEER PL n s, 20 w East 2Sd st,
IS 2-sty brick dwellings 18x48,2. tin roof, one
family each; totai cost $52,000; owner, Jaret
Const, Co,. 189 Montague st ; architect. Cohn
Bros,, -361 Stone av. Plan No. 4027.
VANDERVEER PL, n w cor East 23d st 2-
sly brick dwelling. 10x43.2 tin roof one fam¬
ily ; cost, $4,000; owner, Jaret Const. Co.. 180
Montague st; architect, Cohn Bros, 361 Stone
av. Plan No. 4028.
59TH ST._s s, 300 e lOth av, 2-sty frame
dwelling. lixoO tin roof one family ; cost,
$1,80; owner and archilect, John P, Shea.
58th st and 19th av. Plan No. 4002.
73D ST, n s, 120 w 13th av, two 2-sly brick
dwellings. 20x51, tin roof. 2 families each;
lotal cost, ,$9,000; owner. Sol, Levine. 10th
ave and -ilsl st; architect, John C. Wandell
Co., 405 Court sq. Plan No. 4007.
SSD ST.. n s, 140 w 24th av. 2^^-sty frame
dwelling, 23.k2S. shingle roof. 1 family; cost,
.$5,000; owner, Siucco House Bldg. Co., B'en-
sonhurst, N. Y. ; architect. E. S. Child, 29
Broadway. Plan No, 4014,
8.SD ST, n s. 100 w 24th av. 2ii.-sty frame
dwelling, 24x32, shingle roof. 1 family ; cost,
$5,000; owner, Stucco House Bldg, Co.. Ben¬
sonhurst, N. Y.; architect, E. S. Child, 29
Broadway. Plan No. 4013.
33d st, n s. 60 w 24th av, 2iA-sty frame
dwelling, 28x2,8, shingle roof, 1 family; cost,
$5,000; owner. Stucco House Bldg. Co., Benson¬
hurst, N. Y. ; architect. E. S. Child, 29 Broad¬
way. Plan No. 4012.
TROY AV, e s, 137.6 n Foster av, 1-sty frame
dwelling, 14x35. tar and gravel roof, 1 family:
eost, $500; owner, Mike Ciance. Troy av aud Av
D ; architect, R. T. Schaefer, 1522 Flatbush
av. Plan No. 4011.
STERLING PL. _s s. 153.7 w Howard av. _4-
stv brick mfg., 4ox9S. gravel roof: cost, $2o,-
000; owner, Jas. S. Rourke, 158 Heyward st;
architect, Phil Tillion fc Son, 381 Fulton st.
Plan No. SS72.
GR.\ND ST, n s, ]25 e Graham av, 1-sty
brick store room. 10x10. slag roof; cost, $500;
owners. Max Goodenart & auo. 147 pRoebling
Sl: architects, Shamoan Se Shampan, 772 Broad--
way. Plaa No. S933.
BULLION ST n s, 139 e Kingsland av, 6-sty
brick hospital, 292.8x131-4, tile root; cost. $300,-
OOO; owner. City N. Y.; architect, Frank J,
Helmle, 100 Montague st. Plan No. 3SS9.
TROUTM.^N ST, n s, 60-3 e Bushwick av,
1-sty brick earage, 15.5x2.5, tar and gravel
roof: cost, $."iO0; owner. Chas. J. Sauer. 897
Broadway: architect. Benj. Finkensieper, 134
Broadway. Plan No. 38il.
23D AV. w s, SO n Benson av, 1-sfy frame
sarago. 10x20. shingle roof; cost, $150: owner,
Geo, Pelix, Benson and Bay 32d st. Plan No.
POWELL ST. No. 45. 1-sty frame stable and
siorage, 25x20. lar and slag roof; cost, $400;
owner. Jacob Wishensky, on preraises; archi¬
teeis, S. Millman & Son, 1780 Pitkin av. Plan
No. 3958.
AV P, n s. 40 w East 18th st, 1-sty steel
garage. 10x16 steel roof; cost, .$200; owner,
Eliz, J, Stewart, 123 Liberty st. N, Y.; archi¬
tect, Wm, Buchanan, 433 Sumner av. Plan
No, 3995.
EAST 17TH ST. e s. 221.4 n Foster av. 1-sty
frame garage. 12x16. shingle roof; cost. $lr,0;
owner and architect, Edw. R. Strong, Newkirk
av and East 17th st. Plan No, 3999.
AV N, s s, from West 10th to West llth sts,
l-sty brick suoerstructure. 47x52. concrete
roof; cost .$3,000; owner. City of N. Y.: ar¬
chitect, A. L. L. Martin, 215 Montague st.
Plan No. 3912.
AV U, s s. from West 10th to West llth sts.
2-stv brick Tiumping plant, 121.8x73.4, concrete
roof: cost, $50,000: owner. City of N. Y.; ar¬
chitect, A. L. L. Martin. §15 Montague st. Plan
No. 3913.