May 5, 1917
and large plot on Hobart at, Gifford Park, to
Fredericlt H. Hutaff.
LARCHMONT, N. Y.—Thomas N. Hilliard
has purchased through the Country Dcparimcnt
of Albert B. Ashforth (Inc.) and Harold Flmt
the propertv of Frank D. White on Pryer
Point, Larchmont, N. Y. Tbis Is considered
one of tbe finest places In Larchmont, the house
having been built by days work and having
nil modern improvements. The property was
held at S'3.000,
PLANDOME, L. I.—Pell & Tibbits sold for
tbe Navahoe Realty Co. a tract of woodland
near Plandome station to the E'derflelds Reser¬
vation, Inc., which is the sixth purchase re¬
cently made by the same buyers through the
same brokers.
RYE N. Y.—.loseph P Day sold for Clara
Enz Rucker a S-sty dwelling, l.':! 0lxL'l(1.4T. at
70 Boston Post rd. Miss Rucker was represented
bv Jonathan Holden, as attorney. ihe pur¬
chaser is a lawyer, who will make improve¬
ments and occupy the property as a summer
SCARSDALE, N. Y.—Scarsdale Estates sold
to Hugh I. Young about three acres at the cor¬
ner of Cooper and Reimer rds, in the Murray
Hill section.
SCARSDALE, N. Y.—Fish & Marvin bave
sn'd for Mrs. William H. See her property on
Edgemont rd to Mrs. W. W. Nichols, of this
city. The property consists ot a large plot and
YONKERS. N. Y.—The Robert E. Farley Or¬
ganization sold an attractive plot on Myrtle av,
in the Nepperhan Heights section, to Mrs,
Sarah A. Cranston.
WHITE PLAINS.—The Robert E. Farley Or¬
ganization has sold the residence of Emerson
W. ,»dams on Dupont av, in the Gedney Farms
Two Hotels in Lease.
The Hotel LaSalle at 28 to 34 East
60th street, which Bing & Bing are com¬
pleting and the Hotel Hawthorne, at
70 West 49th street, are involved in a
$2,500,000 lease. Mary E. SnifFen. pro¬
prietor of the Hawthorne, will take over
the LaSalle when finished on October 1,
for a term of twenty-one years, at an
aggregate rental of $1,500,000. and .Al¬
fred H. Thurston who operated the old
Astor House, has leased the Hawthorne
for twenty-one years at a rental aggre¬
gating about $1,000,000. Weld & Suy¬
dam, with D. Marvin Laughman & Com¬
pany negotiated the transaction. Hotel
LaSalle is a fourteen-story structure on
plot 82 X 100.5 feet, and was purchased
last July from Mrs. .-Vnne F. Leverich,
Mrs. Morgan J. O'Brien and Moritz
Walter. The l>uilding operation was
conducted by Bing & Bing under the
name of the Dunnock Realty Company,
and was estimated to cost $400,000 by
Emery Roth, the architect. The Hotel
Hawthorne is a nine-story building at
70 West 49th street, on plot 41.3 x 100.5
feet, and is owned by the Estate of
Susie T. Lyons, The old lease on this
building has two and one-half years to
run, and the brokers have obtained an
extension of eighteen and one-half years
to complete the twenty-one year term,
for which Mr. Thurston will pay about
Lease in 57th Street.
Adolph Lewisohn has leased his for¬
mer residence at 9 West 57th street, a
five-story limestone structure, 30.6x100
feet, for twenty-one years to Tappe, Inc.,
milliners. The building is to be exten¬
sively altered. A new facade will be
built and the interior changed to suit
the requirements of the tenant. The ag¬
gregate rental will approximate about
$300,000. The Crook & Livingston Com¬
pany and L. J. Phillips & Company ne¬
gotiated the lease. The property is in
the heart of the rapidly growing millin¬
ery trade section. Recently Bruck-
Weiss Millinery Company leased the
store, basement, second and third floors
in the new twelve-story structure to be
erected by Michael Dreicer at 6 and 8
West 57th street. Henri Bendel about
a year ago purchased 14, and has built
an addition to the ten-story building at
10 and 12, which he leased from Mr.
Dreicer. The latter parcel was pur¬
chased by Mr. Lewisohn about two years
ago from Mr. Dreicer.
Lease On Murray HilL
Pease & Elliman and Heckscher & de
Saulles leased about 20,000 square feet of
space in the new sixteen-story Heck¬
scher Building at 244 Madison avenue, to
the National Aniline & Chemical
Companv. The lessees have been lo-
'Phone ORCHARD 8400 today and we'll show you
the difference between profit and loss, income and outgo.
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additional dollar you spend in its advertising columns.
Real Estate ads in THE JEWISH MORNING
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Established 1860
cated at 100 William street for more
than twenty years. The continued de¬
mand for large executive offices in the
Grand Central Terminal zone is re¬
flected in the renting of this building
which Mr. Heckscher completed about a
month ago. It is now about 70 per cent,
tenanted. Other concerns which have
leased one or more entire floors, include
Cass Gilbert, architect, Gunbald Aus,
J. Walter Thompson Company adver¬
tising agents; Turner Construction Com¬
pany, builders of concrete structures;
Godley & Haskell, architects; the Man¬
hattan Shirt Company, and the J. K.
Rishell Furniture Company.
Hoffman. Estate Leases for Business.
Manning & Trunk leased for the Es¬
tate of Emilie Hoffman, to Harry Tur¬
ner, the four-story dwelling at 122 East
57th street, for ten years. The build¬
ing will be altered by the installation
of stores on the lower floors, and apart¬
ments above. The block between Park
and Lexington avenues, has recently wit¬
nessed considerable activity, as 112, 120
124, and 126 have of late figured in tran¬
sactions involving alterations or pro¬
posed alterations for business purposes.
Tire Company Leases Store.
Albert B. Ashforth, Inc., leased to the
Kelly-Springfield T-re Company, the
large store and basement in the new
Rodin Studios Buildmg, at the south¬
west corner of Seventh avenue and 57th
street. The lease aggregates $386,115,
The space will be used for the general
offices of the leasing company.
F. E. D.^RNES (I.XC.) has renewed the lease
of the iith floor in the Gurney Building. i;j-(l4
West 45th st, to T. B. Harm«, Francis. Day &
Hunter, music publishers, and leased additional
space on the Sth floor to the same firm ; also
tbe nth floor front west to Dr. F. Lawson and
the llth floor front east to the National Aca¬
demy of Music, on-e more completing the entire
rental of the building.
BASTINE & CO. leased the Ttb floor at 42
West l.")th st to Hyman Markum, and at 112
East Wth st space on the Gth floor to the Pil¬
grim Manufacturing Co., and at 653 1st av the
Sth floor to Philip Albert,
BASTINE & CO. have leased space at 37 West
20th st to the Hasol Co., and at 8 East l-'ith
st, space to Fredericlt Erlich, and at lO-l'l West
-1st st to Leibowitz & Weiss.
DANIEL BIRDSALL & CO. leased at 21
Walker st the 4th loft to Dixie Device Corpora¬
tion : at 12(1 Chambers st the -"id loft to Orgain
& Co. ; at 4S:i-7 Broome st the 2d loft to E. H.
Wagner: at 81 Walker st the 2d loft to S.
McCherry Co. : at Sfl Grand st the 2d loft to
I. Rabinowitz ; at l"S-ltO Duane st the 1st lott
to .\I. B. Lande Shoe Co. ; at 72-7(5 Greene st
the 4th loft to J. & H. Rose, and at 45 Greene
st the .5th loft to Zaifert & Malina.
BRETT & GOODE CO. leased the southerly
half of the lUth floor at 4Gl-7n Sth av to the
United States Rubber Co., which was repre¬
sented by the Cross & Brown Co.; also in the
same building space to Buggein & Clinton C'o.
BRETT & GOODE CO. leased for the Berke¬
ley Arcade Corporation offices in lIl-2.'> West
44th st to Charles H. Lee. Edward C. Winter,
H. M. Hughson, John Lowry, E. J. Johnson
(In".), The T. F. Moore Co. and Abraham M.
the following leases: space in 24-2(1 East 21st
st to August Bros, and Samuel Goldberg: In
215-in 4th av to Schwarz & Haas: a floor In
in Madison av to Alfred Sohland: and a floor
in lS"-5 East Ifith st to (Jeorge Borgfeldt, Inc.
leased to the Forty-Seventh Street Garage
(Inc.), at an aggregate rental of about $150,-
000, the stable at 322 to 32S East 47th st,
formerly used by the lessors. The garage com¬
pany will remove the existing building to make
w^y for a modern garaee to be erected from
plans by G. McCabe. The John P. Peel Co.
represented the lessees and Henry Brady the
Clausen Flanagan Brewery (Inc.).
CROSS & BROWN CO. has leased the store
at 22S West SSth st to Cole & Dixon (Inc.);
also 50,000 s. fqt. of space at (122-040 West 57th
st to the Poertner Motor Car Co. : at 54;) West
52d st the 3d floor to Lonsenecker & Sanders
(Inc.) ; at 425 4th av the 3d floor to A. Papa-
zian : at 505 Sth av space to M. Mueller; at
R-10 West 45th st part of the Sth floor to C. H.
Burleigh and J. M. Faulhaber: at 15 Bast -irtti
st spare to W. W. Stake: at 202-4 East 42d st
the Sth floor to Robeson Process Co.
CROSS fi BROWN CO. leased the store at
1142 Broadway to Onohdaga Trading Co. in
coniunction with Samuel Geller: at 245 West
SSth st, part of ,5th floor to Linden « Meyer;
part of Sth floor to Norman Lvnn, and part of
10th floor to .\hbott Motor Euipoment Co. ; also
,Tt lon-23 West 64th st, the 10th floor to A,
Elliott Ramey Co.
DUFF & BROWN CO.' leased for Thomas F.
McAvoy a 2-sty garage, 75x1110, on the south
side of 174th st, 100 ft. west of Audubon av,
for 10 years.