This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and
Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Real Estate
Appraisals, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens,
Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate,
Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and
Bronx and the recorded Wills in the Borough of Manhattan.
"Entered at the Post Otrice at New Tork. N. T.. aa second class matter.
No. 2550
New York, January^27, 1917.
Borough of Manhattan.
Jan. 19-20-22-23-24-25.
.\cailemy st, «S6 (5:2237-41), ws, 27o n
Bway, 50x153.3x50.7x145.4, 5-sty bk tnt:
Hudson Investing Co to Delta Holding
Corpn, 217 B-ivay; mlg $47,000 & AL; Jan
16; Jan22'17; .4$10,000-P10,000. O C & 100
Broome st, oS (2:327-30), ns, 75 w Lewis,
25x75, 3 & 4-sly bk tnt â– & strs; Isidor Gott¬
lieb, of Jersey City, NJ, to Wm M Berg-
hold, 561 W 153; Eliz Berghold, 251 Ft
Washington av, & Kath M Willets, 2340 7
av. EXRS Wm C F Berghold; JanS; Jan
19'17; AJIO,500-12,000. nom
Bleecker st, 87 (2:532-lhis & Bleecker sl.
85 & 89, lot 30), ns, IS e Mercer, 17.10x81.1
X17.10XS1.2. 6-sty bk loft & str bldg; JK
$65,000-95,000; also BLEECKER ST. 89 (2;-
532). nec Mercer (Nos 212-4), 18x81.2x18x81;
also BROADWAY. 523 (2:484-11), ws. 50.4 s
Spring. 24.3x100, 5-sly stn lott & str bldg;
A$62,000-66,OOU; also HESTER ST, 81 (1:-
308-27), nwc Orchard (No 41), 23.4x63.5, 5-
sty bk tnt & strs; A$2S,000-37,000; also 2D
ST. 8 E (2:458-45), ns, 112.2 e Bowery, olot
3, map heirs Wm Hillyer, runs e25x— to
wall of the cemetery xw—xs— to beg, 4-
sty bk loft bldg, "A$12,000-15,000; also
BLEECKER ST, 85 (2:532), ns, 35.10 e
Jlercer, 17.10x81.5x17.10x81.4; also BROAD¬
WAY, 527 (2:484-9), swc Spring (No 92),
25.6x74.9x25.6x75, 5-sty stn lott & str bldg;
A$75,000-80,000; Reginald Ronalds lo Pierre
L Ronalds, 11 bis rue de La Baume, of
Paris, France; % pt; B&S; Jan23; Jan25'17.
O C & 100
Bleecker st, S3, see Bleecker, 87.
Bleeeker st, SO, see Bleecker. 87.
Canal st, 36ii see Greene, 65.
Centre Market pl, 3 (2:471-3), es, 124.3
n Grand, runs e57.5xsl7.4xw22.2x still w
36 to pl xnl7.4 to beg, 3-sty bk tnt &
strs; Augustus Sbarboro. of Bklyn, to
Robt Mancuso & Clementina Libretti, 3
Centre Market pl; mtg $6,000 & AL; Dec
7'16: Jan23'17: A$6,500-7,000. nom
Charles la, n-»vc Washington, see Wash¬
ington st, 694.
Clinton st, 22 (2:350-43), es, 250 s Hous¬
ton, 25x100.2x24.11x100.2, o-sty bk tnt &
sirs & 5-stv bk rear tnt; Pierre A Slegel¬
stein, 220 E 12, to Feivel Slegelstein, 783
Beck; mlg $22,000 & AL; Janl8; Jan20'17:
.A.$22,000-30,000. nom
Cooper sq, 32, see McDougal. 136.
Croshy st, 132, see Bway, 598.
Croton st, ss, 85.5 w Amj;! av, see Ams
av, 2120-30.
Croton st, swc .\nis av, see Ams av,
Duane st. 11«, see 126th. 153 W.
Dyckman st (8:2178 & 2255), nes. at ws
of Hudson R R R. runs n — lo original e 1
of h w mark ot Hudson or N R xsw, w, s,
& se on bends & curves to \v terminal line
of Dycliman xn— to nes of said st xse—
to beg, also AT to lands under water,
docks, wharves, &c: Tryon Realty Co, 30
E 42, to Fredk M Hilton, of Briarcliff
Manor. NY; J.tn23: Jan25'17. O C & 100
Esse.v st, 137 (12») (2:411-65), ws, abt
125 n Rivington, 25x87.6, 5-stv bk tnl i
f.trs: Bernard Trusch & Rose, his wife, of
Bklyn, to Rose Trusch, 242 Rutledge. Bk¬
lyn; mtg $22,500; Jan24'17; A$20,500-28,-
000. nom
GraniT sf, 4»4 (2:336-58). ns. 80 w Sher¬
iff. 20x80, 5-sty bk bakery; .\$13.000-23,-
000: also GR.AND ST. 496-8 (2:336-57). ns.
abt 50 w Sheriff, 30x80. 6-sty bk bakery,
A$20,000-40.000: also AV D, 45-7 (2:374-
39), ws. 41 n 4th, 44x80, 6-sly bk tnt &
sirs: A$24,000-49.000; also 53D ST. 338 E
(5:1345-35), ss. 200 w 1 av, 25x100.5 5-
sty stn tnt; A$10,(J00-1S,000: Etty London
et al to Meyer London, Inc, a corpn, 494
Grand: June21'16: Jan24'17. nom
Grand st. 4«(i-8. see Grand. 494.
Greene st, e."> (2:486-27). ws, abt 200 n
Broome, 25x100. 5-sty bk loft & str bldg;
A$20.000-26.nnO: also GREENE ST. 63-68>,i
on map 68 (2:485-6), es. abt 235 n Broome,
30x100. 5-stv bk loft & str bldgs- A$24 -
000-35,000: also CAN.4L ST, 362 (1:211-33)
ss, abt 145 w Church, runs s97.lxw6.3xn
2S.10xwl2.6xn77.1 to st xel9.2 to beg, 2 &
3-sty bk loft & str bldg; A$15,500-16,000;
Reginald Ronalds lo Pierre L Ronalds, 11
bis rue de La Baume, Paris, France; 1-11
Pl: B&S; Jan23: Jan25'17. O C & 100
Greene st, 68-68% on map 68, see Greene,
Greenwich st, 207-19 (1:85-6), sec 'Vesey
(Nos 57-67), runs el29.3xs81.2xw24.8 &
93.6 to st xn83.11 to beg, vacant: .KUen G
Cary of Lenox, Mass, heir Ann P Carv et
al lo A M Napier Co, 16 E 33: AT; Octo
'16; Jan24'17: A$260,000-$------. O C & 100
Greenwich st, 207-13, sec Vesey (Nos
57-67); Chas P Curtis, TRSTE will Cor¬
nelius C Felton, an heir of Mary L Fel-
ton et al, to same; AT; Dec6'16; Jan24'17.
O C & 100
Hester st, 81, see Bleecker, 87.
Jiiniel 111 (8:2112-46-48), ws, 166.3 n
167th, 75x100, vacant; John Soltau, 901
Sheridan av. to Wasliington Heights Ice
Corpn. 42 Bway; mlg $5,000 & assessment
for lOSth st $6,051 & AL; JanlS; Janl9
'17; A$14,500-14,500. 19,000
McDougal st, 136 (2:541-1), nec 3d (Nos
111-3), 58x20, 2 & 4-sty bk tnts & strs;
A$12,000-15,000; also COOPER SQ, 32. or
BOWERY, 392 (2:544-47), ws, 326 n 4tb.
runs w36xnw21.6 & 92.3xne21.3xse91.1 &
14.6xe36 lo st xs22.1 to beg, 6-sty bk loft
& sir bldg; .\$26,000-40,000; also 14TH ST,
140 E (2:599-27), ss, 158.4 w 3 av, runs s
106.6xe8.4xs5.6xsw37.10xnl36.2 to st xe20.10
to beg, 5-stv bk loft & sir bldg, 1-stv exl;
.\$58,000-6o,000: also STH AV, 588-90 (3:-
788-91 & 90),) es, 52.11 s 39th, 26.4x64, 2-3-
sty bk tnts & strs; .\$34,000-38,000; also
7TH .-VV. 441-3 (3:810-1), nec 34lh (No
169), 37x59, 4-sty bk hotel; A$141,000-151,-
000; Benj R Hyman to Jeanette M &
Aimee H Hyman, bolh at 789 West End av,
as joint tenants; AT which party 1st pt
has under will Levi Morris; Dec23'16: Jan
19'17. nom
Madison st, 174 (1:272-38), ss, 186.3 e
Pike, 25x100, 6-sly bk tnt & strs; Morris
Halperin of Bklyn lo Julius Geiger, 144
Rivington; mtg $33,000; Ocl4'16; rerecord¬
ed from Oct5'16: Jan24'17; A$17,000-35,000.
Madison st, 32!» (1:267-5). ns. 25.7 w
Scammel. runs nS7.1xelxnl0.6xw21.4xs97.3
fo st xe20 to beg. 5-sty bk tnt & sirs;
Rachel Goldman & Sarah Weintraub to
Golden Gale Neckwear Co, 302 Bway; QC;
AL; June22'16; Jan23'17: A$ll,000-21.000.
Mercer st, 212-4, see Bleecker, 87.
Nassau St. 144-52 (1:101-3), sec Spruce
(Nos 2-6). 100.6x93.3x100.6x94.8. 20-sty bk
oftice & str bldg: Francis A Stanton, 484
Park av. East Orange. NJ, ret, to N Y Lite
Ins Co, 346 Bway, plff; FORECLOS Decl9
'16; Janl9: Jan20'17; .^$850,000-1,400,000.
Orchard st, 41, see Bleecker. 87.
St Marks pl, 5 (2:464-58), ns. 98 e 3 av.
runs n 75xe3.4 xn 15.11 xe S" xn 6.6xne23.6xs
109.10xw24 to be.g. 5-sty bk tnt & strs:
Matthew A Henkel. ref. to Jos Yeska. 155
Riverside dr; FORECLOS Jan5: Jan25'17.
.V$1S.000-30,000. 28,000
Spring st, 92, see Bleecker, 87.
Spruce Kt, 2-0, see Nassau. 144-52.
Stanton st, 316 (2:330-72). ns. 49.5 w
Goerck. 26.7x75. 5-sty bk tnt & sirs: Clara
Ooldl>erg to Isaac Goldberg, her husband.
515 W 110- mtg $24,000: Dec21'16; Jan23
'17: A$12,800-20.000. nom
Vandam st, 9,-.-7 (2:597-70). ns, 99.10 e
Greenwich, 49.5x100.8x49.1x100.8. 6-sty bk
factory: Susan E Jarvis, at Harbor View,
East Main st. New Rochelle. NY, to Thad¬
deus Davids Ink Co, 95-7 Vandam: % pt;
AL: JanS; Janl9'17; A$28,000-80,000. nom
Vandam st, 93-7: Caleb H Seacord. at
Frederica. Del, to same; % pt; AL; JanS;
Janl9'17. nom
Vandam st, 9.'i-7: New Rochelle Trust
Cn. 264-8 Main st. New Rochelle. NY,
TRSTE for Wm A Seacord, to same; Vs pt;
-â– ^L; JanS: Janl9'17. nom
Vesey st, 57-07, see Greenwich, 207-13.
Washington st, 694 (2:637-28), nwc
Charles la, 19.4x63.3x21x61, 6-sty bk
stable; Albert Tuttle TRSTE will Jas i;
Langdon to N Y State Realty & Terminal
Co, 452 Lex av; Janl5: Jan24'17: .\$7,500-
15,000. 21,500
'William st, 130-4 (1:77-16-17), es, 80.9 s
Fulton, runs s49.5xel32.10 & 2S.3xn50xw
164.7 to beg, vacant; City Real Estate Co
to 134 William St Co, 89 Fulton; B&S &
CaG; Jan24; Jan25'17: A$210,000-210,000.
O C & 100
2D Ht 8 E, see Bleecker, 87.
2D st, 115 (2:429-20). sws, abt 265 e 1
av, 20x105.11. 3-sly bk tnt & str; Max
Kalter to Kalter Realty Co, 3657 Bway,
AL; Oct9; Octl0'16: A$13,000-21,000. (Cor¬
rects error in issue of Octl4'16 when
description read 2 av, 115 (2:429-20), sws,
25 s 7th sl). nom
3D st, 111-3 W, see McDougal, 136.
STH st, 034 E (2:387-27). ss, abt 220 w
Av C, 24.9x96.2, 6-sly bk tnt & strs; Wm
A Kraus to Lina Spielberger, NY; AL;
Nov2S'0o; Jan25'17; A$16,000-34,000.
O C & 100
CTH st, 202-4 E (2:461-9), ss, 60.1 e 3 av,
runs s4S.6xe20xs48.6xe24.11xn97xw44.11 to
beg, 6-sty bk tnt & sirs; Alfred G Coxe,
Jr, ref, to Robt W Candler, at Short Hills,
NJ, & Francis L Robbins, Jr, 1 Lex av, ap¬
pointed to execute deed of trust dated
2S'67, plff; FORECLOS Decl4'16; Janl9:
Jan20'17: A$26,000-50,000. 42,500
6TH st, 544-6 E, see Av B, 90-2.
13TH st, 207-23 E (2:469-15), ns, 100 e
3 av, runs nl03.Sxe58xnl03.3 to ss 14th (No
214) xe24xsl03.3xe75.6xsl03.3 to ns 13th xw
157.6 lo beg. 2 & 3-sty bk Jefferson The¬
atre; Irvington Constn Co to Claire Gold¬
berg, 609 W 115; AL; JanlS; Janl9'17; A
$170,000-315,000. O C & 100
13TH st, 207-23 E; also 14TH ST, 214 E:
Claire Goldberg to Irvington Constn Co,
729 7 av; mlg $96,157.50 & AL; JanlS: Jan
19'17. O C & 100
13TH st, 220 E, see 13th, 222 E.
13TH st, 223 E (2:468-20), SS. 363.6 w 2
av, 21.5x103.3, 3-stv bk tnt; .4$13,000-15,-
000; also 13TH ST, 220 E (2:468-19), ss,
385 w 2 av, 15.6x103.3, 4-sty stn tnt; A
$8,500-12,000; Clara Josephson of Phila,
Pa. lo Geo Hennessey, 2844 Decatur av,
Bronx; .\L; July21'16: Jan24'17 (R S $1).
O C & 100
14TH st, 140 E, see McDougal, 136.
14TH st, 203 E (3:896-6), ns. 100 e 3 av,
19x103.3. 5-stv stn tnt & sir: Germania
Lite Ins Co lo Minsker Really Co, 111 E
Houston: QC; correction & confirmation
deed; mtg $21,500; Nov23'04; Jan20'17: .K
$16,000-28,000. O C & 100
14TH st, 214 E. see 13th. 207-23 E.
16TH st, 431 W (3:714-18). ns. 400.2 e
10 av; 25.2x92, 5-stv bk tnt; Chas E Heydt,
ref, to Oliver C Wagstaff, 131 E 61, party
in Interest: FORECLOS Nov22; Decll'16;
Jan25'17; A$9,500-16,000. 5,000
17TH st, lis E (3:872-67), ss, 80 w Irv¬
ing pi. 20x81. 5-stv bk tnt; Saml S Freed,
heir Benj Barnett, to Wm J Wallis, 1345
7oth. Bklyn: AT: mtg $10,000; Dec26'16;
Jan22'17: A$21,000-32.000. O C & 100
17TH st, 118 R: Sam Bernard. 317 W 89,
et al, heirs &c Benj Barnett, to same: AT-
mtg $10,000: Janl9: Jan22'17. O C & 100
17TH st, lis E: Carolyn Rothstein, 355
AV 84, to same: AT; mtg $10,000; Janl9:
Jan22'17. O C & 100
17TH st, lis E: Arnold Rothstein &
Carolvn, his wife. 355 W 84, to same; AT;
QC: AL; Janl9; Jan22'17. nom
17TH .st, 39 W (3:819-17), ns. 335 e 6 av,
25x92. 7-sty bk loft & str bldg: Saml B
Hamburger, ref, to Milo R Maltbie, as
Chamberlain ot Citv N Y, plff; FORECLOS
Janl2; Janl9; Jan20'17; A$2S,500-61,500.
ISTH St. 435-41 W (3:716-14). ns, 275 e
10 av, 75x92, 1 & 2-stv bk stable & 2-sty
bk bldg: Consolidated Gas Co. 130 B 15,
to N Y Edison Co. 4 Irving pl: B&S; Oct
31'16- Jan23'17: A$33,000-37,000.
O C & 100
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