This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and
Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Real Estate
Appraisals, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens,
Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics* Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate,
Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and
Bronx and the recorded Wills in the Borough of Manhattan.
"Bntered at tbe Post Office at Naw Tork. N. Y., as second class ssatter.
No. 2554
New York, February 24, 1917.
Borough of Manhattan.
FEB. 16, 17, 19. 20 & 21.
AUen st, 81 (2:413-18'>, ws, abt 110 3
Broome, 25xS7.6, B-sty bk tnt & strs;
Aaron "Wartels & Gottlieb Marks to Bessie
Wartels, wife Aaron wartels. 95 W 119,
& Mary Marks, wife Gottlieb Marks, 58 'W
117; B&S; AL; FeblS'lT; A?15,000-20,000.
O C & 100
Allen st, 129 (2:415-31). ws. abt 175 s
Rivington, 25x87.6. 5-sty hk tnt & strs;
Bella Rubin to Jacob Schenkel. 129 Al¬
len: mtg $23,750 & AL: FeblO: Febl7'17:
A$16,000-22,000. O C & 100
Attorney St. 123 (2:344-1), es, 100 n
Rivington, 30x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs:
David A Singer to Milton Weber, 101
W lib: B&S; Febl4: Feb20'17: A$19,-
000-31,000. nom
Broome st. 72-4 (2:332-71). ns, 50 w
Cannon, 47x75, 6-sty bk tnt & strs: Fredk
R Rich, ref, to John A Brown, Jr, at
Newtown Township, Delaware Co, Pa,
plff: FORECLOS Febll: Feb20: Feb21'17:
A$21,000-45,000. 34.000
Broome st. 126 (2:337-34). ns. 55 e Pitt.
20x87.6, 7-sty bk loft & str bldg; 'Wm H
Neilson, TRSTE Anna A Neilson, to Bessie
R N Lee, both at 228 E 9lh, Plainfield, NJ;
Feb20- Feb21'17: A$12.000-19.000. nom
Carmine st, 38-40 (2:527-62-63), ss, abt
175 e Bedford. —x—, 4-sty bk tnt & strs:
Mary A 'Wilson & ano, EXRS Jos Wilson,
to Jacob Wilson, 1303 St Johns pl, Bklvn:
FebS: Feb20'17: A$17,000-21,000. 22.500
Cherry st. 484 (1:263-24), nwc Corlears
(No 25), 21x50. 7-sty bk loft & sir bldg;
John H Rogan. ref, to P Chauncey Ander¬
son, 128 E 60. EXR Rosalie R Ford, plft;
FORECLOS Oct30'16 Febl9'17: A$7,500-
12.000. 9,000
Chrystle st, 101, see Grand, 249-53,
Corlears st. 2,'i. see Cherry. 484.
Gonverncnr la, swc Water, see "Water, 93.
Grand st. 125-7 (1:232-13-14), ss, abt 50
w Crosby. 50x80. 2-4-stv bk loft & str
bldgs: Ethelia Realty Co, 160 Bway, to
Adolph Oltmann. 612 Sanford av. Flush¬
ing. B of Q: AL; Febl; Feb21'17: A$62.-
000-68.000. nom
Grand st, 249-53 (1:30'-21). swc Chrys¬
tie (No 101), 50..x7r;, 7-3t" bk tnt f; strs;
Anna J, wife j-uerman de Selding, of Sum¬
mit, NJ, & ano. to John S Melcher. 5 E 51;
Vi pt, the whole sub to life estate Adeline
de Selding; i.itg $115,000; Janl7- Febl6'17:
A$90,000-140,000. O C & 100
Greene st. 213 (2:534-29). ws. 125 s 3d.
27.6x100. 6-sty bk loft & str bldg: David
E Goldfarb. ref. to Greenwich Savings
Bank. 246 6 av. plff: FORECLOS Febl4:
Febl9: Feb20'17: A$21.000-34.000. ,<I.";,00O
Henry st, 52 '1:277-32), ss, abt 215 w
Market, 25x100, 6-sty bk tnt R^ strs: Wm
Wohlgemuth to Hanover Mtg Co, "ll 'Wall;
mtg $3^.000 & AL- Febl6'17 A$17.000-34.-
000. O C Ji 100
Lewis St. 7-9 (2:326-20). ws, abt 125 n
Grand, 33.4x100, 6-stv bk tnt & strs-
Fredk Lowenthal. 501 W 110. to Israel
Krasner, 60-8 51st, Bklvn: B&S & CaG:
AL: Febl4; Feb20'17: A$15,000-37.500. nom
Madison st, 278-80 (1:269-23-24), S3,
140.1 w Montgomerv, 44.6x100. 2-5-sty
stn tnts & strs: Sonhie Cohen of Bronx
to Alex Bernstein. 642 W 172: i/. pt- AL-
FebS: Feb20'17: A$27,000-51.000. 6 C & 100
Madison st. 282 (1:269-22), ss, 115 w
Montgomery, 25x100. 5-sty stn tnt & strs:
Sophie Cohen of Bronx to Alexander Bern¬
stein. 642 W 172: '4 nt: mtg $23,500 & AL-
FebS; Feb20'I7: A$16.000-23.000. O C & 100
Mndison st. 325 11:267-3). ns. 37.1 e Gou¬
verneur, 25x73,7x25.7x73.7. 6-stv bk tnt &
sirs: Thos L Hurley, ref, tn Farmers Loan
& Trust Co. 22 Wm. as AGENT & TRSTE
will Marv E B Field, plff: FORECLOS Feb
15: Pebl6: Febl7'17: A$ll.500-23,000 23,000
Mndison st. 347 (1:267-251. ns, 120 e
Scammel. 24x96. 5-stv bk tnt & strs & 1-
stv bk rear bldg: Victor Rosenzweig to
Bessie Balish. 906 Eagle av; mtg $15 000-
Febl5: Febl6'17: A$ll,000-17,000.
O O & 100
Murray st, 77 (1:132-7). ns, abt 150 w
West Bway, 24x100. 5-sty stn loft & str
bldg: Rector, &c of Trinity Church, 187
Fulton, to City Real Estate Co, 176 Bway:
AL: Febl6'17; A$30,000-39,000. 4.'5.000
Murray st, 79 (1:132-8), ns, abt 115 e
Greenwich, 25x100, 5-sty bk loft & str
bldg; Chas C Bull & ano, EXRS &c Richd
H Bull, to City Real Estate Co, 176 Bway;
AL; Febl3; Febl9'17; A$30,000-39,000.
Rivington st, 159 (2:348-19), ss. 50 w
Clinton. 25x100, 4-sty bk theatre: Golda
Kalisky, 15 W 123, to Max Tiscbler, 815
Eastern Pkwav. Bklyn; mtg $28,000 &
AL; Octl5'16: Feb21'17: A$24,000-34,000.
O C & 100
St Marks pi, 72 (2:449-25). ss, 150 w 1
av, 25x96.4, 4-stv bk tnt; Minnie Kravat,
897 E 169, to Nathan Z Baum, 72 St Marks
pl; mtg $22,000 & AL; Jan20: Febl9'17:
A$21,000-28,000. O C & 100
South st, 197 (1:251-10), ns, 50 e Oliver,
25x80, 4-sty bk tnt & strs, 1-sty ext: Jas
Frank, ref, to John C & Metta A Inzel¬
mann, 1184 Stebbins av, Bronx, plffs-
FORECLOS Feb6: FebS; Febl7'17: A$9,-
000-13,000. 10.000
Spring St. 148 (2:487-27), ss, 40 w Woos¬
ter, 20x80, 4-sty bk loft & str bldg: Israel
H Zinovoy, ref. to Manhattan Savgs Instn.
644 Bway. plff; FORECLOSED & drawn
Febl4: Pebl9'17: A$15,000-20,000. 15.000
Stuyvesant st, el. see 14th. 432 E.
Thompson St. 141 (2:517-29), ws. 218.10
n Prince. 24.8x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs-
Carmela Nolo, heir &c Pietro A Nole, to
Chas Boccia, 46 Prince: AT; QC; AL- Feb
16: Febl9'17: A$16,000-28,000. ' nom
Thompson St. 141: Giuseppe Boccia to
same: AT: AL: Febl6: Febl9'17. nom
Water st. 93 (1:33-9), swc Gouverneur
la, 25.5x71.8x25.1x72.3, 4-sty bk loft & str
bldg; Wm J Norris. of Bklyn. to Stanley
Jordan. 391 Hoyt av. New Brighton, SI-
mtg $20,000; Febl5; Febl6'17- A$25,000-
33,000. 'O C & 100
Water st, 149 (1:38-23). ss, abt 45 w
Maiden la. 20.8x—x20x—, 5-sty bk loft &
str bldg; Jos E Hoffman, 59 E 80, to Alex
E Hoffman. 117 W 58: ^ pt- Apr—'16-
Pebl7'17: A$17,500-23.500. ' nom
3D St. 222 E (2:385-16), ss, 189.6 e Av
B. 24.9x106. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Hvman
Wiener of Bklyn to Sam Koshetz. 149 Riv¬
ington; Vz Dt; mtg $23,000; Febl9'17- A
$18,500-29,000 O C & 100
5TH St. 422 E (2:432-20), ss, 275 w Av
A. 25x96.2. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Edmund
Bitliner, 251 W 92. to 173d St Realtv Co,
700 W 179: mtg $18,000; Febl5: Feb20'17-
A$16.000-20,000. excli
STH st, B34 E (2:387-27). ss, 213.8 w Av
C, 24.9x96.2. 6-sty bk tnt & strs: Leonor
Spielberger to Lina Snlelbereer. 158 W
118: correction deed; AL; Jan25: Febl9'17-
A$16.onO-34,000. noni
IOTH sf. 3."J5 E (2:393-58). ns. 168 e Av
B. 25x Vz blk, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Sophie
Cohen of Bronx to Alex Bernstein. 642
W 172; U. part: mtg $25,000 & AL: Feb8-
Feb20'17: A$16.000-34.OOO. O C & 100
IITH sf, 430 E (2:438-26) ss. 94 w Av
A, 22x94.8, 5-sty bk stable; John H Rogan,
ref. to Bowery Savgs Bank, plff- FORE¬
CLOS Pebl4; FeblS; Febl6'17: A$ld.fl00-
15,000. 15 000
IITH sf. «30 E (2:393-22), ss, 283 w'Av
C. 25x94.9, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Richd M
Page, ref, to Farmers Loan & Trust Co,
22 Wm, as AGENT & TRSTE Marv B B
Field, plff: FORECLOS Febl5: Febl6- Feb
17'17: A$13,000-24,000. 2.3,0O0
14TH sf. 432 E (2:441-23). S3, 419 e 1 av,
25x94.2 to cl former Stuvvesant st x29.10x
110.6. 6-sty bk tnt: Nautllos Realtv Co to
Henry Casademont, 438 W 116- B&S & C
aG: mtg $30,000 & AL: Pebl9- Feb20'17-
A$15,nnn-33.000. noni
14TH sf, 234 -W (2:618-16). ss. 475 w 7
av. 35x103.3. 4-sty stn tnt: Ralph O Ives
to Eliza S Kernochan. of Paris. France-
correction Xr confirmation deed- QC- Jaii
23'n6- Feb21'17: .'^$20.000-24.500.' 'nom
19TH St. 141 E (3:875-35). ns. 140 w 3
av, 20x75, 4-stv & b bk dwg: Samoth
Realty Co. 132 E 19. to Beatrice W C^ian-
ler, 141 E 19; mtg $20,000 & AL; Feb20:
Feb21'17- A$16,S00-24.50O. O C & 100
27TH sf. 327 E (3:933-15), ns. 318.9 e 2
av, 18.9x98.9, 5-sty bk tnt & strs & 3-sty
fr rear tnt; Mary Kimmel, 65 E 87, to
Johanna L Ahrens, 2088 Anthony av,
Bronx; mtg $11,000 & AL: Feb8: Feb20'17;
A$7,000-12,000. O C & IOO
2STH st> 148 W (3:803-pt lot 65), ss,
201.8 e 7 av, 23.3x98.9x23.2x98.9, pt 7-sty
bk loft & Htr bldg; Realty Holding Co to
Simon Fln'K- mtg $20,000; Novl0'05; re-re¬
corded from Novl0'05: Febl6'17- A$-------
$-------. O C & 100
31ST st, 253 E. see 2 av, 563.
36TH sf, 163 E (3:892-38). ns, 80 w 3
av, 20x82.3, 4-sty & b stn dwg: Elek J
Ludvigh, ref, to Lawyers Mtg Co: FORE¬
CLOS Febll; Feb20: Feb21'17; A$17,000-
23,000. 17.00O
40TH sf, 435 â– VV (4:1050-16), ns, 400 w
9 av, 25x98.9, 4-sty bk tnt & sirs; Saml
Lustbader, Sr, to Rozie Lustbader, both
at 435 W 40- mtg $16,000 & AL; Feb3;
Febl7'17: A$ll.000-15.000. O C & 100
42D sf, 400-6 W. see 9 av, 577-81.
43D sf, 437 W (4:1053-16), ns, 381 e 10
av, 19x100.5, 3-sty & b stn dwg; Fredk J
Schwoenenberger, 10 W 61. to Barbara,
wife Julius Werner, 312- W 123, for life,
& thereafter to oartv 1st nt: B&S: Feb
16: Febl9'17: A$10,000-13.000. O C & 100
44TH sf, 522 W (4:1072-46). ss. 325 w
10 av. 25x100.5. 5-stv bv tnt: Hannah
Sinmann, Individ & EXTRX Isaac Sin-
mann. to Celia Rubenstein. 49 W 114; A
L; Augl8'16; Feb20'17; A$9,000-17,000.
4eTH st, .527 W (4;1075--17). ns. 400 e
11 av, 25x100.5, 5-stv k tnt: John Beus-
man, 414 W 49, individ & EXR Flora U
Beusman, to Gottfried P Schmidt, 365
Ridgewood av, Bklyn; AT; Feb20- Feb21
•17; A$9,000-22,000. O C & 2,000
47TH sf. 338 E (5:1339-32). ss, 120 w 1
av, 20x100.5. 4-stv bk tnt & strs: Helen
Osben. 339 E 47. to Paul Diederlch, 338 E
47: B&S: mtg $7,000; Aug20'13: Feb20'17:
, A$7,000-9.000. nom
4STH Kt. 76 W (5:1263-70%), ss, 39.4 e
6 av. 20x75.4. 5-stv stn tnt & str: Jas A
Farley to Adrian M Farley, 2025 Bway. &
John T Farley, 35 Claremont av; mtg $40,-
000: Febl: Febl6'17: A$34.000-44.000. nora
50TH sf. 554 W (4:1078-60), ss, 100 e 11
av, 28.2x93.6. 6-sty bk tnt & strs: James
Ferguson of Bronx tn Florence M Boul¬
ton. 302 Av A: mtg $27,000 & AL; Jan23:
Feb20'17: A$10,000-24.000. O C & 100
52D sf. 29 W (5:1268-19). ns, 453.6 e 6
av, 17x100.5, 4-sty & b stn dwg; Chester
W Cuthell. 567 W 113, to Phelps Holding
Cnrpn, 314 W 47: AL; Febl9: Feb21'17;
A$45,000-52,000. nom
.53D sf. 320 E (5:1345-431-6), ss, 218.4 e
2 av, 18x100.5, 4-stv stn tnt: Emanuel S
Kahn. NT, to Jacob Kahn, NY; Vi nt- B
&S: Septl2'95: Feb20'17: A$7,000-10.500.
,54TH sf, .30 W (5:1269-61). ss. 325 e 6
av, 22.6x100.5. 4-sty & b stn dwg; John
Aitken. EXR John W Aitken. to 30 West
54th St Co. 30 Broad: AL: Jan30- FeblS
â– 17: A$56,000-67.000. O C & 100
55TH sf, 67 ^y (5:1271-11). ns, 250 e 6
av, 20x100.5, 4-sty & b stn dwg: Isabella
Freedman to Danl B Freedman. 57 W 55-
mtg $25,000 & AL; Aprl4'16- Febl9'17: A
$47,000-54,000. p|ft
55TH sf. 57 W (5:1271-11), ns, 250 e 6
av, 20x100.5. 4-sty & b stn dwg- Eliz
Freedman. widow, to Isabella Freedman,
333-9 Madison av. her daughter: mtg $25,-
000; Janl3'16; Febl9'17; A$47,000-54,000.
55TH sf, 213 W. see Bwav, 1730-4
OIST sf. 131-3 W (-4:1133-19). ns. 315 w
Col av. 40x100.4, 5-stv stn tnt- Marie E
McFadden. 5 Gr.-int av, Livineston Manor,
Middlesex Cn, NJ. to Edw H Proudman,
151 W 61: mtg $25,000 & AL: FebS: Feb
16'17: .^^$23.000-40.000. nom
70TH st, 28 E. see Madison av. 841.
7eTH sf. 147 E, see Lexington av, 1079-
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