This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and
Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Real Estate
Appraisals, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens,
Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate,
Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and
Bronx and the recorded Wills in the Borough of Manhattan.
"Entered at the Poat Office at New Tork. N. Y.. as second class matter
No. 2564
New York, May 5, 1917.
Borough of Manhattan.
. APRIL 27. 28, 30, MAY 1, 2 & 3.
Arden st, 1, see Nagle av, neo Arden.
Beekman pl. 12 (5:1361-36), ws, 57 s
SOth, laxDO, 4-sly & b stn dwg; Rosa
Besell to John A Hirschbers & Anna, his
wife, as tenants by entirety, 10 Beekman
pl- mta- $7,000 Sc AL; Apr26; Apr30'17; A
$5,300-9,300. O C & 100
Bleeeker st, a47 (2:619-55), sec 10th
(No 214), 25.8x39.6x25x43.1, 2-sty bk tnt Sc
strs; Margt C E Feste, of Hoboken, NJ,
widow & heir Henry A Feste. to Clara A
Feste, 1016 Hudson st, Hoboken. NJ. &
Emma Guerber. Ha Hish st. Hoboken, NJ;
-A.pr26; .\pr27'17; .\$15,500-19.500. nom
Broad .st, 101-3 on map 103 (1:7-33), es,
42.3 s Pearl, runs e37.5xnl.Ixe25.I0xs34.10
XW68.10 to st xn34.9 to beg. 5-sty bk loft
& str bldg: Lucerna M McLaughlin, of
Bronx, & ano, to Sons of the Revolution,
99 Broad; mtg $30,000 & .^L; Apr24: May
1'17: A$45,000-55,000. nom
Broad st, 101-3 on map 103: Nellie Lyon,
widow of -K Maynard Lyon, to same: QC:
Apr21; Mayl'17. nom
Broome st, 75 (2:331-10), ss, 79.9 e Col¬
umbia. 21.8x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Eu¬
gene L Bushe, ref, to Minnie B Wood, 431
Fulton st, Jamaica, B ot Q: Otto J Betz,
at Bellrose, LI. & Lillie E Rohe, at Ber-
.2;en Sc Hillside avs. Jamaica, B ot Q, EXRS
Bliz Betz, pltf; FORECLOS DecD'16; Feb
14: Apr27'17: A$13,000-20,000. 10,0U0
Broome st, 322-4, see Norfolk, 79.
Cannon st, 127 (2:335-70), ws, 140 s
Houston, 20x100, 3-sty bk tnt; Abr Ober¬
stein, ref, to Benj Aufses, IIS E 73, plff;
FORECLOS .ipr25; Apr30; May2'17; A$ll,-
000-13,000. lO.tlOO
Cathedral Pkway, 53-63, see Lenox av,
Cliff st (1:113-33), ws, at n end of Clift,
runs W7.7xn31.1xe44.9xn0.4xe8.3xslxe54.10x
s3I.3xwl07.8 to beg, 2-sty bk warehouse;
Evangelical Lutheran Church of St Mat¬
thew, at Convent av Sc 145th, to Matthew
J Sullivan, 21 Poplar, Bklyn: Aprl; AprS
'17- A$8,500-13,000; corrects error in issue
Apr7, when property was Cliff, 111-S pt
lot 6. 11,000
Clinton st, 70-2, see Norfolk st, 79.
Clinton st, 130-61, see Norfolk st, 79.
C«lyer's Row, 1-8, see 143d. 610-6 W.
Delancey at, 44, see Norfolk st. 79.
East Broadway, 248 (1:286-55). ns, 115 w
Montgomery, 23x—, 2-sty bk tnt; Fredk C
Hunter, ref, to Union Trust Co ot N Y, SO
Bway, pltf: FORECLOS Aprl9; Apr26; Apr
27'17; A$14,000-15,000. 10,000
Extra pi, 1, see 1st, 6-10 B
Ft Charles pl, late Van Corlear pl (8:-
3431-459-460), ns, — w 227th, also 145.9 e
line bet lands Dvckman & Camp, runs n
91.5xw50xs80.7 to pl xeSl.I to beg, lots 101
& 102, map 73SA of North Marble Hill, va¬
cant; Park Mtg Co to Marv G Waters, 554
Warburton av. Yonkers. N Y; B&S: AprS
'16; Mar22'17: A$6,200-6,200: corrects error
in issue Mar24, when property was Van
Corlear pl. nom
I^ont st, 238, see Front. 240-2.
FVont st, 24«-,2 (1:107-36-37). ns. abt DO
e Peck sl, —x—, 5 & 6-sty bk lott & str
bldgs: A$18,500-28,000: also PECK SL, 29-
33 (1:107-38-39), nec Front (No 238), —x
—, 3-5-sty bk loft & str bldgs; A$36,500-
53,000; Saml Rowland. 79 Willow, Bklyn,
TRSTE tor Rebecca T Forbes, will Hy
Rowland, to Rebecca E Forbes, 113 Wil¬
low, Bklyn, daughter of Rebecca T Forbes;
Vi pt; QC; Junel'lS; Mayl'17. nom
Front Bt, 250 (1:107-32 & 47), ns, 165 e
Peck sl, runs eI9.3xnl45.9 to ss Water (No
371) xw24.5xsS3.10xe3xslI.8xe0.10xs50.5 to
beg, 5-sty bk lott & str bldg; Wm H
Hoople, 277 Brooklyn av, Bklyn, Sc ano to
Bessie M H Nichols at Fanwood, NJ, &
Mary E H Staebler, 690 Macon st, Bklyn;
% RT&I; B&S; Marl2: May2'I7; A$I7,500-
33,000. nom
• iorrck Mt, ;!:; (l':327-5S), ws, 150.3 n
Broome, 24.II.vl00, 5-sty bk tnt Sc strs;
Barney Friediander et al to Nathan Sha¬
piro. 215 Chester, Bklyn; AT; B&S; AL;
.Vpr30'I7: .\$9,000-31,000. nom
Grand st, 404-6, see Norfolk st. 79.
Grove st, 25 (3:588-77), ns, 96 e Bed¬
ford, 32x100, 5-sty bk tnt; Cath Ernst,
widow, 1136 Tinton av, Bronx, to Law¬
rence Davis, 74 Greene st, Newark, NJ; A
L; Mayl; May3'17: A$IS,000-36,S00.
O G & 100
Henry st, ;«>4 (1:267-68), ss, 215.3 o
.Scammel. 24x95. 5-sty bk tnt & strs: Emma
Isenberg to Frieda Hart. 59 W 119; mtg
$16,000: .\pr27'17: -A.$12,000-16,500. nom
Lewis st, 50 (2:328-37), es, 100 n Delan¬
cey, 37.6xl01.\37.6xl01.3, 6-sly bk tnt &
sirs; Herman Joseph, ret, to Empire City
Savings Bank, 231 W 125, plff; FORECLOS
-VprlS; Apr30; May2'17; .4$19,000-47,000.
Lewis st, 52 & 54 (2:328-39), es, 137.6 u
Delancey, 37.6x100x37.6x101, 6-sty bk tnt
& strs; Herman Joseph, ref, to Empire
City Savings Bank, 231 W 125, plff; FORE¬
CLOS AprlS; Apr30: May2'17; A$19,000-47,-
000. 33,000
.Madisou st, 369 (1:267-36), ns, 250.8 w
Jackson. 25.1x95.5x25.1x95.4, vacant; Jas J
Major, of Bronx, to City NY Apr28: Apr
30'17; .\$11,000-11.000. 0,500
.â– »larket st, 27 (1:277-25), ws, 50.1 s
Henry, 25.2x113.1, 5-sty bk tnt & strs- A
$19,000-35,000: also MARKET ST, 29 (1;-
277-24), ws, 75.4 s Henry, 25.2x113.4, 5-stv
bk tnt & strs; A$19,000-35,000: Maurice
Deiches, ref, to Abr Samuels, 172 Hillside
st, Asheville, NC, plff; mtg $61,750; FORE¬
CLOSED, drawn & recorded May2'17.
l,00O over & above mttss
Marliet st, 20, see Market, 27.
Monroe st, 130 (137) (1:271-8), ns, abt
105 w Jefferson, 26.1x^2 blk, 5-sty bk tnt
& strs; Eliz A Mandel, of Forest Hills, B
of Q, to Dora Sokolski. 38 E 7; V- pt; AL;
.â– Vpr23: .\pr27'I7: .4.$19,000-33,000. nom
Norfolk, st, 7!) (2:352-24), ws, abt 75 s
Delancey, 25x100, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; mtg
$30,000; A$23,000-38,500; also CLINTON ST,
70-2 (2:349-73), neo Rivington (Nos 164-6),
57x50, 2-6sty bk tnts & strs: mtg $51,500;
.\$45,00075,000: also CLINTON ST, 159-61
(2:346-29), nwc Grand (Nos 404-6). S3.5x
50, 7-sty bk tnt & strs; mtg $81,250; A$63.-
000-120,000; also BROOME ST, 222-4 (2:-
352-34), ns, 25.1 e Essex, 40x75x40.5x75,
6-sty bk tnt & strs; mtg $44,600; A$31,500-
51,000: also DEL.A.NCEY ST. 44 (2:420-75),
ns, 75.2 w Eldridge, 25.1x100x25.2x100, 5-
sty bk tnt & strs; ratg $30,000: A$33,000-
45,000; Jos D Goldstein, 62 W 119, to Jos¬
eph D Goldstein Realties, Inc, 149 Bwav;
Mayl; May2'17. O C & 100
Pearl st, 22-4, see Whitehall, 34-8.
â– Peck sl, 20-33, see Front, 240-2,
Rivington st, 1C4-6, see Norfolk st, 79.
Rose st, 53 (41) (1:114-20). ss. abt 165 w
New Chambers, 23x92.6x26.3x92.6. 5-sty bk
loft & str bldg; Thos B Greacen to Bway
Mtg Investing Co, 200 Bway; AL; Mavl
'17; .\$13,000-19,500. nom
St Nicholas ter, 49-55 (7:1969-48), swc
I30th (No 400), 99.11x143, 6-sty bk tnt;
Premium Holdins: Corpn to St Cecelia
Realty Co, 149 Church; mtg $120,000 & A
L; Apr25; May2'17; A$80,000-210,000.
O C & 100
Sheriff st. 49 (2:338-70), ws, IOO n De¬
lancey, 20x90. with .KT to allev on n &
rear. 6-sty bk loft & str bldg: Solomon
Feiner, 140 E 93, to Amster Realtv Corpn,
24 JKv C: mtg $21,000 & AL; Apr26; Apr28
'17; A$10,500-20,000. nom
South st, 243-4 (1:248-3), ns, 52.11 e
Pike sl, 42.4x160 to ss Water (Nos 475-7),
5-sty bk loft & str bldg; Title Guar & T
Co, TRSTE ot Charlotte P Kellogg, to
Geo E Bartlett, at Bronxville, NY; AL;
Apr26; Apr27'17; A$22,500-42,500. 41,200
Stanton st, 161 (2:349-17), ss, 125 e Suf¬
folk. 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & sirs; Seamens
Bank for Savings to Isidor Landau, 908
Driggs av, Bklyn; Apr23: May3'17- A$20,-
000-27,500. O C & 100
Sulltilk St. 125 (2;35I-6«), ws. 100 n
Uiv.ingion, 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & sirs &
5-sly bk rear tnt; Levi Merovitz, ot Bklyn,
to Danl Merowitz, 1737 President. Bklyn;
1,2 pt: B&S; mtg $22,500; -\pr20; Apr28'17;
-•^$20,000-28,000. nom
Thompson st, 113 (2:503-23), ws, 57 s
Prince, 19x75, with right of -way through
alley 4x75 adj on n, 3-sty bk tnt & str. 1-
sty ext: .Vndw De Lorenzo, ot Bklyn, et
al, to John De Lorenzo, 173 Prince, &
-â– Vlex Rinaldi, 113 Thompson; mtg $10,000
& x\.L; AprSO; May3'17; A$10,000-11,000.
O C & 100
AVater st, 250 (1:98-5), ns, 69.9 w Peck
sl, 15.8x81.3x15.7x82.3, 4-sty bk lott & str
bldg: Fredk C Petremonl, ot Miami, Fla,
to Hubert H S Aimes, ot Orange. Conn;
life estate & .KT: B&S & CaG: AL; AprI9;
Mayl'I7; A$9,500-11,000. 800
AVater st, 271, see Front, 250.
Water st, 475-7, see South, 243-4.
Whitehall st, 34-8 (1:9-27-28). swc Pearl
(N0S22-4), 80.3x71.5x81.8x53.8, 5-sty bk &
stn office & str bldgs; Emily J De Forest
to South Ferry Realty Co, 115 Bway; B&S
& CaG; Feb9; May2'17; A$160,000-180,000.
O C & 100
Whitehall st, 34-S (1:9-27-28), swc Pearl
(Nos 2-4), 80.3x71.2x81.6x53.8, 5-sty bk &
stn oftice & str bldgs; South Ferry Realty
Co to Furness House. Inc, 32 Bway; AL;
Mav2'17; A$I60,000-180,000. O C & 100
William st, 194 (lOS) (1:103-7), ses, abt
65 s Frankfort, 17.4x76.7x17x74.3, ss, 4-sty
bk loft & str bldg; Beasy A Giiroy to In¬
graham Corpn, 192 Bway; 1-5 pt AT; mtg
$12,000 on whole: Apr30: Mayl'I7: A$22,-
000-28,000. O C & 100
1ST St. C-10 E (2:457-52), nwc Extra
pl (No 1), 60.2x62.11x59x70.10, 5-sty bk
storage: Katie Hartmann to Albert Hart¬
mann, 304 2 av: mtg $25,000: AorI7: Aor
28'17: A$37,000-52.000. O C & 100
3D st, 47 "W (2:538-3), ns. 42 w Wooster,
32.6x104.6, 1-2 & 3-sty bk loft & str bldg;
Jacques or Jas Millot, of Bronx, to Louis
Ollvero, 315 W 26: mtg $23,000 & AL; Apr
26; Apr30'17- A$27,000-29,000. nom
4TH st, 106 E (2:431-22). ss, 175.4 w Av
A, 25x96.2, 4-stv bk tnt Sc strs; Ferdinand
.\rmbrust to Geo Ehrhard, 132 E 3; mtg
$13,000; .\pr30'17; A$17,000-20,500.
O C & 100
,'TH st, 432 E (2:432-25), ss, 150 w Av A,
25x96.2. 5-sty bk tnt Sc strs: Louise Deck¬
er, 432 B 5, to Berman Braunstein, 190 S
2. Bklvn; mtg $20,325; Apr27: Apr2S'17:
.A$16.000-21.000. O' C & 100
7TH st, 111-5 E (2:435-45), ns, 264 w Av
A, 02.9x82.5x69.6x111.9, 2-7-sty bk tnts;
Jacob C Heinsheimer et al to Weisner
Realtv Co, 111 E 7; mtg $70,000 & AL;
Mayl;" May2'I7; A$46,000-100.000. O C & 100
IOTH st, 314 \V. see Bleecker, 347.
12TH st, SO 'W (2:575-15), ss, 108.10 e 6
av, 19.9x103.3, 3-sty Sc b bk dwg; A$14,500-
16,500; also 3D AV, 543 (3:917-1), nec 36th
(Nos 201-5), 24.9x100, 2 & 3-stv fr tnt &
strs: A$26.000-31,000; also 3D AV, 754 (5:-
1301-40-40i4-40y2), swc 47th (Nos 156-60),
25.5x95, 5-sty stn tnt & 2-3-stv & b stn
dwgs; A$52,500-70,000; also 3D AV, 752 (5:-
1301-39), ws, 25.5 s 47th, 25x95, 5-sty stn
tnt Sc strs: A$15,500-22,000; also 3D AV,
748-50 (5:1301-37-38), ws, 50.5 s 47th, 50x
95, 2-4-sty bk tnts & strs; A$31,000-40,000:
also 3D AV, 776 (5:1303-33). nwc 48th (No
161), 25x76, 5-stv bk tnt & strs; A$29,000-
44,000; also 57TH ST, 431 B (5:1369-11), ns,
321.5 w Av A, 20x Vz blk, 2-sty & b bk
dwg; A$8,2S0-9.5O0; also 1ST AV, 1064 (5;-
1369-45), sec SSth (No 400), runs eI9.6xs20
xe4.3xs4.3xw53.9 to av xn24.3 to beg, 4-sty
bk tnt & strs; A$12,000-19.000, also 1ST
AV, 1066-74 (5:1370-1-4), ses at nes SSth
(Nos 401-5), 100.4x106.5, 6-4-stv bk & stn
tnts & strs & 3-sty bk dwg: A$49,000-81,-
500; Nicholas Betjeman of Bronx, son of
Chas H Betjeman, deed, to Anna Barden-
hagen, 251 B Kingsbridge rd, Bronx; AT;
B&S; May3'17. nom
14TH st, 126-30 W (2:609-23). ss. 349.6 w
6 av, 76x103.3. 3-stv stn bldg: Wm P
Douglas to Salvation Army, 120 W 14:
B&S; Apr24; Mayl'17; A$82,000-SS,000. nom
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