This section includes all recorded Conveyances. Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assigiimcnts of Mortgages and
Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Real Estate
Appraisals, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens,
Mechanics* Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate,
Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and
Bronx and the recorded Wills in the Borough of Manhattan,
"1Dnter«d at th« Post Office at New Tork^ N. T.. as second claas Matter.
Vol. C
No. 2574
New York, July 14, 1917.
Borough of Manhattan.
JULY 6. 7, 9, 10, 11 & 12.
Academy st, 631, see Vermilyea av, nws,
at nes Academy.
Arden st, 2*J, see 77th, 101 W.
Barclay st, S)S, see West. 143-4.
BarolaT st. 102, see West, 143-4.
Beekman st, 141-33 (1:96-1), sec Front,
runs el60.4 to ws South (Nos 94-103) xs
203.4 to ns Fulton (Nos 1-13) xwl70 to es
Front xn202.6 to beg", the block. 1 & 2-sty
bk Fulton Market; City N Y to Geo P *^
Fredk H Sanborn, 38 Livingston, Bklyn;
AL; Julyo; July9'17; A exempt-exempt. â–
Broome st, 320, see Chrystie, 122-6.
Broome st, 504-(;, see West, 143-4.
Canal st, 1G4-S (1:201-18), swc Eliz (Nos
23 to 29), runs w47xso0.6xw47xs49.6xe94 to
Elizabeth xnlOO to beg, 6-sty bk fac¬
tory & str; Samuel S Koenig, ref,
to Edw F De Beixedon, S5l Carroll,
Bklyn. & Henry F Wilier, 591 West End
av, NY, TRSTES will Cornelius F Kings-
land, for Edw F De Beixedon; FORECLOS
Julyll; Julyl2'17: A$70,000-110.000. 75.000
Cannon st, 112-4 (2:330-4), es. 75.2 n
Stanton. 49.9x100x50x100. 1-sty bk theatre;
Moses Zimmermann to Hermann Boschen,
at Dobbs Ferrv, NY; AL; June29: July9'17:
A$27.000-P27,000. nom
Cherry st, 33G (1:258-9), ns, 163.5 w
Montgomery, 24.11x98.4. 5-sty bk tnt &
strs; Henry A Friedman, ref, to Alfred P
Hinton, 399 Park av; Susan H Hemenway,
8 W 10, & Clara H Gould, at Santa Bar¬
bara, Cal, & Helen Bradish, at Charlottes¬
ville, Va: FORECLOS June27: JuneSO; July
12'17; A$S,000-17.500. 15,000
Chrystie st, 122-6 (2:419-1-3), nec
Broome (No 320). 75x62.5, 3-5-sty bk tnts
& strs: Jogert Realty Co. 299 Bway, to
(Aussie Gertner, 1604 Findlay av, Bronx;
^A pt; RT&I; AL; Julyo; July6'17: A$46.-
000-68,000. nom
Church St. 220-8, see West Bway, 151-63.
Clinton st, 180 (1:314-5). es, abt 145 n
Division. 25x100, 1-2 & 3-sty bk theatre;*
City N Y to Geo P & Fredk H Sanborn,
both at 38 Livingston. Bklyn; AL; JulyS;
July9'17; A exempt-exempt. exch
Kldridge at, 20 (1:293-7). nes. abt 100 s
Canal. 25x87.6, 1 & 2-sty bk loft & str
bldg: City N T to Geo P & Fredk H San¬
born. 38 Livingston, Bklyn: AL; JulyS:
9'17: A exempt-exempt. exch
Eldrid^e st. 105-7 <S7-9> (2:418-48), ws,
abt 85 n Grand. 50x100. 4-sty bk loft &
str bldg; Citv N Y to Geo P & Fredk H
Sanborn, both at 38 Livingston, Bklyn; A
L; JulyS; July7'17; A-exempt-exempt. nom
E:idridse st, 105-7; Geo P Sanborn et al
to Wittv Realtv & Constn Co. 50 Eldridge;
B&S & CaG: AL; June29; July7'17.
O C & 100
Kllzabeth st, 23-29, see Canal, 164-8.
E:merson pl, late 207th st TV (8:2248-90).
WS, 100 n Seaman av, 50x160, 1-sty fr
garage: A-1 Building Corpn to T G Galardi
& Co. 103 Park av: July2; July7'17: A$3.-
500-3.500. O C & 100
Emerson pl, late 207th st XV (8:2248),
same prop; T G Galardi & Co to Louisa H
Just, 2871 Bainbridge av, Bronx; B&S & C
aG: July2: July7'17. O C & 100
Kssex st, 35 (1:297-17), nws, at sws
Hester (No 42), 25x62.6, 4-sty fr bk ft
tnt & strs: Meyer Greenberg to Israel
Murzin. 48 Henry; B&S & CaG; mtg $44,-
500; JulylO; Julyll'17: A$30,000-35,000.
Essex at, 146 (2:354-8). es, 150 s Stan¬
ton, 25x100. 5-sty bk tnt & str & 5-sty bk
rear tnt: Himan Fischer to Helena Ger-
showitz, 913 Glenmore av. Bklyn* mtg
$25,000; June2; Julyl2'17: A$21.000-29,000.
„ nom
Front st, see Beekman, see Beekman.
Front st, nee Fulton, see Beekman.
Fulton st, 1-13, see Beekman, 141-53.
Cirand st, 478 (2:336-24). ns. 25 w Wil¬
lett, 25x100. 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Abr Free¬
man to Shawleine Realty Co, 1123 Bway;
B&S; Octl4'13: Julyl0'17; A$17,000-35.000.
Great Jones st, 39 (3:530-26), ss, 261.8 w
Bowery, 27x100, 7-sty bk loft & str bldg;
Nathaniel Phillips, ref, to Geo E Chisholm,
at Morristown, NJ, & Hamilton F Kean, at
Union. Union Co, NJ. TRSTES Louis G
Hamersley, plffs; FORECLOS July2: July
9- JulylO'17; A$21,000-40.000. 43,000
Hester st, 42, see Essex, 25.
Houston st, 26 AV (2:523-25), ns. 50 w
Mercer, 25x105, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg;
Irving Washburn, ref, to Bond & Mtg
Guar Co, 175' Remsen, Bklyn; FORECLOS
July3: JulylO: Julyll'17; A$1S,000-27.000.
Lafayette st, 185 (173 Elm st) (2:472-7).
old es, 116.8 s Broome, 20.6x65.4x20.6x65.6,
except part for st. 3-stv bk bldg: City N Y
to Geo P & Fredk H Sanborn, both at 38
Livingston, Bklyn; AL; JulyS; July9'17;
A exempt-exempt. exch
Lawrence st. 136, see 77th. 101 W.
Leonard st, 19-21 (1:179-48), ns, abt 150
w West Bway. —x—. 4-sty bk bldg & 2-
sty bk rear bldg; City N Y to Geo P &
Fredk H Sanborn, both at 3S Livingston,
Bklyn; AL; JulyS; July7'17; A-exempt-ex¬
empt. exch & nom
Leonard st, 19-21; Geo P & Fredk H
Sanborn to Saml Kilpatrick, S54 .Jeffer¬
son av, Bklyn; B&S & CaG; AL; June29;
July7'17. O C & 100
Lewis st, 98 (2:329-50). sec Stanton (Nos
311-5), 25x75. 6-sty bk tnt & strs: Harry
Silverman. 960 Kelly, et al, to Israel
Cohen. 915 Intervale av; B&S: mtg $36,000
& AL; Junel8; Julyl0'17; An6,500-34,000.
O C & 100
Manhattan st, 131. see 77th, 101'W.
Monroe st, 171 (1:269-11), ns, 139.8 w
Montgomerv. 32.10x100x22.10x100, 6-stv bk
tnt & strs: Albt H Petersen. 42 Brink-
meyer av, South Ozone Park, LI. to Peter
J White. 239 W 105; mtg $25,000; June
22: Julyll'17: A$13,000-30,000. nom
Mott St. 63 (1:200-28). ws, 125 n Bay¬
ard, 25x100. 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Herbert
Baum. 76 W 86, to Mottdel Realty & Leas¬
ing Co, 987 Mad av; B&S & CaG; AL; July
10: Julvll'17; A$17.000-32.000. O C & 100
Mott st, 201 (2:480-25). ws. 116 s Spring,
runs w32.lxn.09xwl7.8xn24.3xe24.9xs3.2xe2o
XS22.1 to beg, 3-sty fr bk ft tnt: Alphonse
G Koelble. ref, to Wilton Holding Corpn.
135 Bway; FORECLOS June20; Julyll:
Julyl2'17; A$8,000-8,500. 6,000
Mott st, 201; Wilton Holding Corpn to
Bronx Investment Co, 100 Bway; B&S &
CaG; mtg $6,000; Julyll; Julyl2'17. nom
Orchard st, 49 (1:308-23). ws, abt 130 n
Hester. —x—, 6-sty bk stable: Wolf Nad-
ler of Bklyn, to Public Stables, Inc. 299
Bway; JuneS; Julyll'17; A$19,000-32,000.
O C & 100
Pitt st, 13 (2:341-54). ws, 175.8 n Grand,
25.8x128x25.6x128, 5-sty bk tnt & strs;
Jos Sperber to Cisch Realty Corpn, 299
Bway; Julyll'17; A$15.500-34,000. nom
South st, 94-103, see Beekman, 141-53.
Sprint- St. 254-6 (2:491-36). sec Varick
(No 136), 50x58, except pt taken for Vai--
ick, vacant: Wm S Coffin to Spring Street
Presbyterian Church at 246 Spring; AL;
July2: July6'17: A$8.000-9.500. nom
Stanton st, 162 (2:350-32). ns, 50 w
Clinton, 25x75. 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Fannie
Dublin to Marie Kahrs, 1493 Edge water
rd: mtg $15,100 & AL; JulylO; Julyll'17;
A$16,000-20.000. nom
Stanton st, 311-.";, see Lewis, 98.
Thomas st, 59-73, see West Bway, 151-
Varick st. 136, see Spring. 254-6,
Varick st. 111-5, see West. 143.4.
Washington pl, 116 (2:592-11), sws. 182
nw 6 av. 18x71. 2-stv & b bk dwg; A$7,000-
8.000; also WASHINGTON PL. 118 (2:592-
10), sws, 200 nw 6 av. 18x71, 2-sty & b bh
dwg: A$7,000-8,000: also 4TH ST. 175 W
(2:592-34), nes. 237.10 nw 6 av 18x46.9x
19.5x54, 3-sty & b bk dwg: A$5.000-6.000;
John Sulzer, 140 W Gil, EXR Mary E L
Sulzer. to Elliott Mtg Co, 277 Bway; May
29; Julvl0'17. 20.000
Wasbiugton pl, 116; also WASHINGTON
PL, 118; also 4TH ST, 175 W; Elliott Mtg
Co to John Sulzer, 140 W 69;.B&S & CaG;
May29: Julyl0'17. nom
Washington pl, 118, see Washington pl,
AV^ashington st, 214-6, see West, 143-4.
AVater st, 33 (L;7-16), ses. 103.7 ne
Broad. 28.7x90.7x28.7x88.8, S-sty bk loft &
str bldg; Elbridge T Gerry, of Newport,
RI, to Jay W Becherer, 25 Midwood,
Bklyn; July3: Julyiri7; A$22,000-27.000.
Waverly pl, 117 (2:553-38), ns, 173.3 ©
6 av, 28.6x100, S-sty bk tnt- Edw J Rey¬
nolds, individ & TRSTE et al. to Geo H
•Francoeur, 19 W 120; mtg $28,600: July2;
July6'17; A$20,000-29,000. O C & 100
West, 142, see W^est 143-4.
West st, 143-4 (1:84-16-17 & 32-33). es,
63.7 s Barclay, runs e74.9xsl5xel08xnl5xe
75 to ws Washington (Nos 214-6) at point
63.6 s Barclay xs42.7xw257.4 to beg, all of,
2-3 & 2-5-sty bk loft & str bldg; A$104,-
000-130.000; also WEST ST, 142 (1:84-15),
es, 106.1 s Barclay, 25.6x73.9x24x83.9, 3-sty
bk lodging house & str, all of: A$26.000-
28,000: also ISTH ST, 127 W (3:791-25), ns.
470 e 7 av, 20x103.3, 3-sty & b bk dwg; ^
pt; A$12,SOO-14,000; also VARICK ST, 111-5
(2:578-71), nwc Broome (Nos 564-6). 63.6
x90 6-sty bk factory, all of; A$42,000-90,-
000; also BARCLAY ST. 98 (1:84-25), ss,
97.6 w Washington, 21.5x75x21.4x75, 4-sty
bk tnt & strs, all of; A$3G,500-31,000: also
BARCLAY ST. 102 (1:84-23), ss, 140.2 w
Washington. 21.6x75x21x75. 3-stv bk loft
& str bldg, all of A$27,000-31,000; also
8TH AV, 304 (3:775-3). es, 49.4 n 25th, 24.8
xlOO. 4-sty bk tnt & str, 1-sty ext; A$20,-
000-23,000;: Albt Joske to Eborac Realty
Corpn, 2S Broad; confirmation deed; AL;
May29; July9*17. nom
Willett st, 70 (2:338-49). es, 70 s Riv¬
ington. runs el24.8 xs30xw24.3xs.01^4xw
100.4 to st xn30.2 to beg, 2 & 5-sty bk
synagogue & tnt; Arthur A Alexander Si
ano, TRSTES will Arthur L Levy, to Rzes-
zower Verbruederungs Verein, a corpn, 7)
Willett: B&S; AL: July6; July7'17: A$5,500
& exempt-$7.000 & exempt. 21,000
^^ooster st, lSO-4 (2:524-38), es, 150 s
Bleecker. 75x100.; 4-sty bk bldg; City N T
to Geo P & Fredk H Sanborn, both at 38
Livingston, Bklyn; AL: JulyS; July9'17; A
exempt-exempt. exch
Worth St. 32-52, see West Bway, 151-63.
3D St, 361 E (2:357-89), ns, 236.9 e Av
D, runs n77 to 4 ft alley xe6xse40xs40xw20
to beg, with rights to alley, 3-sty fr bk
ft tnt & str; Wm W Pellet, ref, to Mayer
Schnee. 349 E 3: FORECLOS June4; July
2- Julyl2'17; A$7.000-S.000. 4,600
4TH st, 175 W, see Washington pl. 116.
lOTH Bt, 239 E (2:452-38). ns. abt 100 w
1 av. 25x94.10, 4-sty bk tnt; Rachel Bach-
rach. 16 E 96, to Sagamore Trading Co,
1155 Park av; AL; Junel2; July9'17; A$1S.-
500-20.000. O C & 100
IITH st, 127 E, see 3 av. 66.
13TH st, 519 E (2:407-51). ns, 246 e Av
A, runs nl03.3xe2Sxs—xe.02iAxs68.11 to st
xw25 to beg, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Julius
Tishman to Jatison Constn Co, 18 E 41;
mtg $22,000; June20: Julyl2'17: A$10,000-
25,000. O C & 100
15TH at, 127 W, see West. 143-4.
17TH st, 106 E (3:872-73), ss. 175.8 a
Union sq E, 25x92. 4-stv & b bk dwg;
Herman B Goodstein to Gramercy Apart¬
ments. Inc, 106 E 17; QC; AL; JulyS; July
6'17: A$29.300-31,500. nom
17TH st, 227-39 W (3:767-19). ns. 280 w 7
av. 120x40x120.4x42.4, 8-sty bk loft & str
bldg- Geo C Austin, ref, to Leon Tuch-
mann, 1990 7 av, plff; mtg $113,000: FORE¬
CLOSED & drawn July9: Julyl0'17; A$39.-
000-125,000. 15,000
18TH st, 415 W (3:716-26). ns, 200 w 9
av, 21x92. 4-sty bk tnt; Jos W Keller to
Elemco Realtv Co. 59 Liberty; B&S; July
10; Julyiri7; A$8,500-ll,000. O C & 100
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