of the
This section includes all recorcied Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and
Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Real Estate
Appraisals, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens,
Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate,
Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and
Bronx and the recorded Wills in the Borough of Manhattan,
"Bntorecl at th« Poit Office at New York, N. Y.. as aecend class nattsr.
Vol. C
No. 2575
New York, July 21, 1917.
Borough of Manhattan.
JULY 13, 14. Ifj, 17. IS & 19.
Ble«eker st, 85, see Bleecker, 87.
Bleecker st, 87 (2:532-this & Bleecker .st
85 & 89. lot 30), ns. IS e Mercer. 17.10x81.4
xl7.10x81.2, pt 6-sty bk loft & str bldg;
A$62,000-92,000; also BLEECKER ST. SI)
(2:532). nec Mercer (Nos 212-4). lSxS1.2x
18x81. pt 6-sty bk loft & str bldg; also
BROADWAY. 523 (2:484-11). ws, 50.4 s
Spring. 24.3x100, 5-sty stn loft & str bldg;
A$48.000-52,000: also HESTER ST, 81 (1:-
308-27), nwc Orchard (No 41), 23.4x63.5.
5-stv bk tnt & strs: A$2S.000-37.000; also
2D ST. 8 E (2:458-45), ns. abt 113.2 e Bow-
erv. 25x— to cemetery, 4-sty bk factory;
A$ll.500-14.500; also BLEECKER ST. S5
(2:532), ns. 35.10 e Mercer. 17.10x81.5x17.10
X81.4, pt 6-sty bk loft & str bldg; also
BROADWAY, 527 (2:484-9), swc Spring
(No 92), 25.6x74.9x25.6x75. 5-sty stn loft ^i
str bldg; A$66,000-71.000: Reginald Ro¬
nalds to Mildred Combs, at Elm Point,
Great Neck, LI; ^/^ pt; AT; AL; JulylS;
Julyl4'17. O C & 100
Bleecker st, 89, see Bleecker, 87.
Canal st, 362, see Greene, 65.
Catherine st. 65 (70) (1:253-109). es. 39.1
s Monroe. 14x79.8x13.10x79.9, 3-sty bk tnt
& str: Wm Lustgarten & Co to Realtv Re¬
demption Co of N Y. 68 William; julv3;
Julyl6'17: A$8.000-10.500. nom
Cortlandt st. 60 (1:59-35), ns, 25.9 w
Greenwich, runs n41.10 & 13.11xwl9.4xsn5
to st xe21.2 to beg. 4-sty bk loft & str
bldg; Henry J Schnitzer, private banker.
to Henry J Schnitzer State Bank, both at
141 Washington: JulyS; Julyl6'17; A$32.-
000-36,000. nom
DtTision St. 253-5, see East Bwav. 266.
East BroadTv-ay, 260 (2:287-28). ns. 54 e
Montgomery, runs nl03.9 to ss Division
(Nos 253-5) xe36xs42xw9xs61.5 to East
Bway xw27 to beg, 2-2 & 1-S-st^' bk tnts;
Wm Lustgarten & Co to Realtv Redemp¬
tion Co of NY. 6S William; JulyS; Julyl6
•17: A$28,000-34.500. nom
Essex St. 29 (2:310-31), ws. 75 n Hester,
25x44, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Wm Lust¬
garten & Co to Realty Redemption Co of
N Y. 68 William; AL; JulyS; Julyl6'17: A
$13,000-17.000. nom
Goerck st, 59-65 (2:328-61). ws. 150 n De¬
laneey. 99.9x100x99.11x100. 4-sty bk loft .^
stable; Wm Lustgarten & Co to Roaltv
Redemption Co of N Y. 68 William; JulyS;
Julyl6'17: A$38.000-44.000. nom
Gold St. 87 (1:103-25). ws. 63.8 n Spruce,
33.8x79.1x33.2x78.7. 5-stv bk loft & str
bldg. 1-stv ext: Gertrude Kane to Fredk
A Ross. 1620 Nostrand av. Bklyn; ^^ pt;
mtg $30,000; Junel9; Julyl7'17: A$29,00O-
38.000. nom
Gold st, 87: same to same; % pt- mtg
$30,000; Junel9: Julvl7'17. nom
Greene st, 65 (2:486-27). ws, abt 200 n
Broome. 25x100. 5-stv bk loft &â– str bldsi";
A$16.000-22.000; also GREENE ST 68 (6^-
68V2) (2:485-6). es. abt 220 n Broome. ^0
XlOO, 5-stv bk loft & str bids:: A$19.00D-
28.000: also CANAL ST, 362 (1:211-33). 3
s. abt 145 w Church, runs s97.1xw6 3xn
2S.10xwl2.6xn77.1 to st xel9.2 to beg. 3-
sty bk loft & str bide:: A$13.000-13.500;
Reginald Ronalds to Mildred Combs nt
Elm Point. Great Neck. LT; 1-11 nt- AT-
ALr JulylS: Jnlyl4'17. O C & 100
Greeae .st. fiS. see Greene. 65.
Henry at. S3 (1:282-7). ns. 237.5 e Mar¬
ket. 25x87.6. 6-sty bk tnt K- strs- Sophia
Mayer to Jennie Paley. 696 Cauldwell nv
Bronx: H.tS: AL; JuneS; Julyl4'17r A$13-
500-26.000. O C & 100
Henry st, 93 (02) (1:282-12). ns. abt 140
w Pike. 25x100. 5-stv bk tnt Xr strs- Al-
e-ernon R Norton, ref. to Thos F Sh^a 164
E Sir PARTTTTON RALE Junel2; Julv12-
Julvl3'17: ASl.'^.000-25.500. 20 IOO
Henry at. 205 (1:285-14). ns. 23.4 w Clin¬
ton. 24x87.6. 4-sty bk tnt: Leon M Leaser
.?' nno FXRS Geo Lesser, to Leon M Les¬
ser. 20.S Henr^-. mfo. $18,000 & AL; Julvl7-
Julyl8'17; A$14.000-18,000 23 000
Hester st, 53 (1:310-35), ns, 42.10 w
Essex. 22.10x100, 1-sty bk tnt & str; Wm
Lustgarten & Co to Realty Redemption
Co of N Y, 68 William; JulyS; JulylO'l?;
A?22,500-27,000. nom
Hester st, 81, see Bleecker, 87.
Houston st, 495 E (2;325-14). ss, 60 G
Goerck. 20x75. 4-sty fr bk ft tnt; Mat¬
thew A Henkel, ref, to Frank Davin, 410
E 57; John W Grant, 441 Nuber av. Mt
Vernon, NY, & John G Donnelly, 1912
Prospect av. Bronx, EXRS Patk Lilly,
plffs; sub to tax lien $545.60; FORECLOS
July6; Julyl4'17; A$6,000-7,000. 6.500
Houston st, 508-12 E (2:35e-pt It 40), n
s, 210 e Goerck & at ws Mangin or East
St. runs n70.7xe70.7 to es Mangin or East
st xs— to Houston xw70 to beg, 1-sty fr
bldg & vacant: Ardolas Company, 233
Bway, to Jos Goldstein. 1359 48th. Bklyn;
mtg $30,000; JulylO; JulylS'l?; A$------
$------. nom
Howard st, 25 (1:209-12), ss, 248.8 e
Bway, 25.10x100x25.10x100.7, 5-sty bk loft
& str bldg; Edw Greenebaum & Sarah, his
wife. 609 W 115, to Alma Greenebaum, 353
W 85; mtg $21,000; Junel4: Julyl3'17; A
$20,000-27,000. O C & 100
Ludlow st, 146 (2:411-46), es. 200 n Riv¬
ington, 25x89.4, 6-sty bk tnt & strs & 4-sty
bk rear tnt: Moses M Valentine to Barnet
Edelstein, 107 Forsyth; B&S & CaG; mtg
$24,000 & AL; JulylS; Julyl6'17; A$1S.000-
29,000. O C & 100
Ludlow st, 172 (2:412-44). es, 100.7 n
Stanton, 24.9x90. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Isi¬
dor Fuss of Bklyn to Esther Koppelman,
144 Rivington; mtg $23,500 & AL; Julyl2;
Julyl4'17: A$15.500-25,000. nom
Maiden la, sec Bway, see Bway. 170.
Mott st, 58 (1:201-2). es, 75 n Bayard.
25x47, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Giovanni San-
tulli to Angelina Santulli, both at 86 Mul¬
berry; mtg $10,000; JulylS; Julyl7'17: A
$10,000-16,000. nom
Orchard st, 19 (1:299-30), w^s, abt 95 n
Canal, 17.5x79, with land adj on rear & na
being in rear of No 21 Orchard st & 50
from Orchard st, 17.5x29, 3 & 5-sty bk str;
Louis H Schultz et al to Louis Levinson,
108 AV 141: June26: Julyl3'17: A$14.500-
21,000. O C & 100
Orchard st, 41, see Bleecker 87.
Orchard st, 162 (2:411-9), es, abt 100 s
Stanton, 25x87.6, 4-stv bk tnt & str & 5-
sty bk rear tnt; Wm Lustgarten & Co to
Realty Redemption Co of N Y. 68 William;
JulyS: Julyl6'17: A$18.000-33,000. nom
Peck slip, 41 (1:107-12). es, abt 40 n
South, 20x37, 4-sty bk loft & str bldg;
Jack Swartz to Jack Swartz Fish Co. 151
South st: mtg $12,000; JanSO; Julyl6'17: A
$7,500-9,000. . nom
Pitt st, 48-50 (2:338-1), es, 54 n Delan¬
eey. runs n46xe75xs27xw25xsl9xw50 to beg,
2-4-sty bk tnts & strs: Meyer Greenberg
to Abr Greenberg. 436 E 136. Bronx; B &
5 .«t CaG; AL; JulylO; Julyl3'l7: A$25,000-
34,000. nora
Pitt st, 100 (2:339-10). es. 125 s Stanton.
25x100. 5-sty bk tnt & strs & 5-sty bk rear
tnt: Theo H Friend, ref. to Mary G Rich¬
ardson. 17 W 74. & Wm C Orr. 16 E 92,
TRSTES will Cath A Stevens, plffs; PORE-
CLOSED & drawn Julyl2: Julyl3'17: -A.
$15,000-23,000. 24,000
Pitt St. 102 (2:339-11), es, 100 s Stanton.
25x100. 5-sty bk tnt & strs & 5-stv bk
rear tnt: Jos J Corn, ref, to Mary G Rich¬
ardson, 17 W 74. plff: FORECLOSED .^
drawn Julyl2; JulylS'17; A$15,000-22.500.
Rid!B:e st, 95 (2:343-19), swc Rivington
(No 193), 72.11x25.7, S & 5-sty bk tnt &
strs; Dorothy Ackerman (Salwen). 1526
43d. Bklyn. to Annie Levine. 26 Catherine
St. Rochester. NY; AT; AL; Junell; July
13'17: A$26,000-37.500. nom
RivinpTton st, 193, see Ridge. 95
Sheriff st. 77 (2:339-69). ws. 81 n Riving¬
ton. runs nl9xw50xs21xe25xn2xe25 to beg.
6-sty bk loft & str bldg: Wm Lustgarten
6 Co to Realty Redemption Co of N Y 68
William: JulyS; Julyl6'17; A$7.000-13.000.
„ . nom
Spring st, 92, see Bleecker, 87.
University ill, 1 (2:548-1 & 22-23). nec
Waverly pl (Nos27-9), runs n42.10xe74.6x
n57.10xe67xslOO.S to pl xwl41.6 to beg, 3-
4-sty & b bk dwgs; City Real Estate Co to
No 1 University Place, Inc, 200 W 72; B&S;
Julyl2: Julyl7'17; A$95.000-107.000.
O G & 100
AVaverly pl, 27-9, see University pl. 1.
West st, 221-2 (1:185-9-10), ses, 47.7 sw
North Moore, 40.2x58.6x40x57.9, 2-2-sty bk
tnts & strs; Kath M Cook, EXTRX Wm
Diekmann, to Bernard Diekmann, at
Ridgefield Park, NJ; mtg $20,000; Julyl?
'17; A$23,000-24,000. nom
Willett st, 27 (2:337-27), ws. 109.4 n
Broome. 21.10x100, 4-sty bk tnt & strs;
Maxwell Davidson, ref, to Citizens Savgs
Bank, 56 Bowery, plff; FORECLOS JulylO;
Julyl6"17; A$ll,500-15,000. 13,000
2D St. 8 E, see Bleecker, 87.
lOTH st, 145-7 AV (2:611-72), ns. 66 e
Waverly pl, rung e44xn95xw35xs22xw9xs
73 to beg. 6-sty bk tnt; Isidor Cohn to
Israel Berman, 55 W 110; AL; Junel; July
17'17; A$20,000-54,000. nom
IITH st, 512 E (2:404-10), ss. 170.6 e Av
A, 25x75, 5-sty bk tnt & str; Nathan Bur-
kan to Abr Kipp, 78-80 Bank; 1/2 pt; B&S
& CaG; Julyll; Julyl9*17; A$11,000-15,000.
12TH st, 55-63 E, see Bway. 826-8.
17TH st, 3 E (3:846-5), ns. 100 e 5 av.
25x92, 9 & 10-sty bk loft & str bldg; Jacob
Axelrod to Der M Haig, 78 Carnegie av,
East Orange, NJ; B&S; mtg $50,000; May
31; Julyl7'17: A$40,000-97,000. O C & 100
17TH st, 3 E; Der M Haig, at East
Orange. NJ, to Jas E Patton. Jr, Alder-
Court Apt, cor Alder & Emerson sts, Pitts¬
burgh, Pa; mtg $50,000 & AL; JulylS; July
17'17. O G & 100
17TH St. 227-39 W (3:767-19), ns, 280 w 7
av, 120x40x120.4x42.4, 8-sty bk loft & str
bldg; Leon Tuchmann to Volga Realty
Corpn, 302 Bway; B&S & CaG; mtg $113,-
000 & AL; JulylS; Julyl4'17; A$S9,000-
125,000. nom
21ST St. 326-8 W (3:744-55-56), ss. 375 w
8 av, 49.6x92. 2-5-sty bk tnts; Michl J
Dempsey to Morris Moskowitz, 2 W 11;
mtg $35,000 & AL; Julyll; Julyl8'17; A
$24,000-48,000. O C & 100
25TH st, 56 W (3:826-73), ss, 80 e 6 av.
20x98.9. 4-sty & b stn tnt; Julian M
Wright) 247 5 av, ref, to N Y Life Ins Co,
346 Bway, plff; FORECLOS JuneS; July
12:-Julyl4'17: A$36,000-37,000. 30.000
29TH st, 8 E (3:858-74). ss, 160.6 e 5
av. runs s98.9xel4.6xn59.2xe—xn— to st x
w 20 to beg, 4-sty bk dwg & office; also
29TH ST, 10 E (3:858), ss, 180.6 e 5 av.
runs e20xs98.9xw0.6xn— to point 18.8 s
29th xsw—xn— to beg. 4-sty bk dwg &
office; Francis R Hitchcock, at Westbury,
LI, et al. to Elbridge T Gerry. 2 E 61; AL;
Junel; Julyl7'17; A$110,000-115,000. nom
29TH st, 10 E. see 29th, 8 E.
33D St. 101-7 AV, see Bway. 1293-1311.
34TH st, 100-G AV, see Bway. 1293-lSll.
34TH st, 267 W (S:7S4-6). ns, 60 e 8 av,
21.8x78. 4-stv bk tnt & str. 2-stv ext; Wm
J Flynn. 635 W 185. TRSTE will Mary E
Keeley. to Chas & Adelheid Ehrhardt, 267
W 34; mtg $22,000; Julyl8*17: A$S2,000-35,-
000. 35,500
38TH st, 308 E (3:943-52), ss. 174.11 e 2
av, 21.2x92.8x18.6x92.8, 4-sty stn tnt: Wm
Lustgarten & Co to Realtv Redemption
Co of N Y. 6S William; JulyS; Julyl6'17: A
$6,500-8,500. nom
39TH st, 5.3S W (3:710-55). ss. 525 W 10
av, 25x98.9. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Winthrop
May. 205 7 av. Asbury Park, NJ, to Silvie
M Warner & Marie Martinache, 114 E 59,
as COMMITTEE Eugenie Martinache; QC;
AL: Julyl4: Julyl9'17: A$9.000-17.000. nom
43D St. 504 AV (4:1071-37). ss. 100 w 10
av. 25x100.5. 5-stv stn tnt: Richd Brenner
of Mt Vernon. NY, & ano, to Martha E
Brenner. 840 West End av; QC; Pebl4:
JulylS'l?: A$10.000-19.000. nom
44TH st E. swc 1 av. see 1 av. 775-7.
4GTH st, 149 A\', see 132d, 108 W.
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