of th(
This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances. Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and
Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Real Estate
Appraisals, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits. Lis Pendens,
Mechanics* Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate,
Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and
Bronx and the recordjsd Wills in the Borough of Manhattan,
"Bnterttd at the Post Office at New Tork. N. Y., a« second cUm Hatt«r.
ol. C
No. 2591
New York, November 10, 1917.
Borough of Matihattan.
NOV. 2, 3, 5. -7 & 8.
Allen st, 00-2, see Broome, 274.
Arden st, 20 (23). see 125th 456-8 W.
Bleeeker st, 105 (2:533-39), nec Greene
(Nos 1S4-S). 25x125, 8-sty bk loft Sc str
bldg; A$30.000-65,000; also IIOTH ST, 107-
9 E (6:1638-4). ns, 35 e Park av, 42.6x
100.11. 6-sty bk tnt & strs; A$18,700-48.-
000; also 136TH ST, 6 W (6:1733-41), ss,
110 w 5 av. 25x99.11, 5-stv bk tnt; A$7.000-
13,500; also 136TH ST. 14 W (6:1733-45),
ss, 210 w 5 av. 25x99.11. 5-sty bk tnt; A
$7,000-13,500: also 136TH ST, 12 W (6:1733-
44). ss. 185 w 5 av, 25x99.11. o-sty bk tnt;
A$7,000-13,500; also 1ST AV. 1704-6 (5:-
1568-3), es, 39 n SSth. 36.6x86. 6-sty bk tnt
& strs; A$16.000-40.000; Gustav Lange, 252S
brand av, to Elco Realtv Co, 257 Bway:
AL; Octl9; Nov2*17. nom
Bleeeker st, 301 (2:622-30), es. 75.6 n
Perry, IS.3x75.11x18.5x76. 4-sty bk tnt &
strs; Wm S Croxson. 1S2 Prospect pl, Bk¬
lvn heir, &c. Mary Croxson. to Geo F
BoettRer, 331 Highland av, Eklyn; Oct31:
Nov7'17: A$8.000-10,500. O C & 100
Broome st, 274 (2:414-66), nec Allen (Nos
90-2), 22.4x75, 5-3ty bk tnt & strs; Edmund
L Durkin. ref, to Aaron Cohn, 949 West
End av. plff; FORECLOS Sept27; Octll:
Nov7'17: A$24,000-34,000. 25,000
Cnnnon st, 40 (2:333-69). ws, abt 50 n
Delaneey, 25x50. 5-sty bk loft & str bldg;
certified copv last will of Jacob Richard.
l3te of Bklvn (by will), to Frank. Chas &
Edw Richard, his sons; June22'03; Nov2
•17: A$8.000-12.000. ------
Cannon st. 40 (2:333-69), ws, 50 n De¬
lancev. 25x75, 5-sty hk loft & str bldg;
A$8 000-12,000; also DELANCEY ST 278
(2:333-72). ns, 50 w Cannon. 25x50. 5-stv
bk tnt Sz strs; A$12.000-16.000; Susie B
Richard, widow^ of Edw Richard, to Frank
Richard, 512A Monroe, Bklyn. & Chas
Richard, at Governors Island, NY; Sept27:
Nov2*17. O C & 100
Catharine st. 21 (1:280-54), es, 23.1 n
Henry. 23x104.4x23x100.2. 5-sty stn tnt &
strs; Nathan Silver Sz Esther, his wife,
both of Manhattan, to Esther Silver, 1675
SSth. Bklyn; AL; Novl; Nov5'17: A$19,000
28.000. O C & 100
Delaneey st, 278. see Cannon, 49.
Downlnj;? st. 54-fi (2:528-28-29). ss, 135-7
e Varick, 33.2x73.7x34.7x65.2, 2-2-sty & b
bk dwgs; Wm C Beck of Wichita, Kansas,
to Domenico Rovesrno, 13 Bedford; Sept7;
Nov5*17: A$S.500-9,500. * nom
Knst Broadway. 205 (1:285-23), ss, 171.1
w Clinton 25.6x87.6. 3-stv bk tnt; Lena
^ra\ to Lillian K Seal 120 E 82; mtg $18.-
350; Sept24; NovS'17; A$23,000-26.000.
O C & 100
Forsyth st. 120 (2:419-46), es, abt 100 s
Delaneey. 25x100, 5-stv bk tnt Sc strs: Na¬
than Spiegel. 159 W 122. to Reshower Real¬
ty Corpn. 13 Park row; m'tg $18,000: Oct
31: Nov7'17: A$20,500-30.000. O C & 100
Grnn<l st, .^O. see Greene. 162-8.
Grand st. 54S (2:326-28), ns. 75.2 e Can¬
non. 25x100. 5-stv bk tnt & strs; Alma
r^Tip, 145 W 90. to Solomon Keppler, 231
W 21: mtg $24,000: Nov2'17: A$ll,000-23.-
500. nom
G--eene st. lOI-H 2(':523-6), ses. abt 120
n Houston. 99.8x100x99.5x100. except
Greene st, 162-4. part begins 124 from ne
G*-eene Xz Houston, runs n36.10xel00xs36.7
ylftO. 2-5-stv bk loft ^ str hlders: A$40.-
OOO-fiOOOO: nlso GRAND ST. 50 (2:476-81)
pwo Wpst Bway (Nos 338-42), 2Sx&0. with
stT'in ndi on w 0.4x60, K-stv bk tnt Sr strs:
AS15 000-20 onO; also WHITE ST 20 (1:-
191-5). ns 200 e West Bwav 25x100 6-stv
bk Inft &' str bldg; AJ22.000-32.000: also
out of town property: Isabella Mnndel et
al. TRSTES will Leon Mandel. to Florence
Manflel. at Congress Hotel, on Michigan
av, rhicago. Ill; 2-15 pts; QC; AL;'June30:
Nov8'17. nom
Gr-^Ane st, 14t2-R: also GRAND ST 50.
nwc West Bway (Nos 338-42't: also WHITE
ST. 20: snmp nrop: same to Ida M Mandpl-
baum. 141S Hydp Park Block. Chicago IU:
2-15 pts: QC; AL: June30; Nov8'17 nnm
Greene st, 162-S; also GRAND ST. 50.
nwc West Bway (Nos 338-42); also WHITE
ST, 20; same prop; same to Louise M
Wineman, 5121 Kenwood Block Chicago,
111; 2-15 pts; QC; AL; June30; NovS'lT.
Greene st, 162-8; also GRAND ST. 50.
nwc West Bway (Nos 338-42); also WHITE
ST, 20; same prop; same to Madeleine
Foreman, 30 N La Salle st. Chicago, III;
1-15 pt; QC; AL; June30; NovS"17. nom
Greene st, 162-S; also GRAND ST. 50,
nwc AVest Bway (Nos 338-42); also W.HITE
ST, 20; same prop; same to Blanche M
Strauss, 4542 Drexel Block, Chicago. Ill;
2-15 pts; QC; AL; June30; Nov8'17. nom
Greene st, 162-S; also GRAND ST. 50.
nwc West Bway (Nos 338-42) ; also WHITE
ST. 20; same prop; same to Gerhard Fore¬
man. 30 N La Salle st. Chicago, 111; 1-15
pt; QC; AL; June30; NovS'lT. nom
Greene st, 184-S, see Bleecker 105.
Hamilton pi, 56 (7:2071-53i^). ws 19.10
s 140th. 17.8x61.8x16.4x68.7, 3-sty & b bk
dwg; Metropolitan Trust Co of N Y, GDN
Cath M Sanders, to Cath M Sanders; B&S;
Oct6'02: NovS'lT; A$7.500-10.000. nom
Hnntilton pl, 5S (7:2071-54). swc 140th
(No 538), 19.10x68.7x18.3x76.4. 3-sty & b
bk dwg; Metropolitan Trust Co of N Y,
GDN Cath M Sanders, to Cath M Sanders;
B&S; Oct6'02; Nov5'17; A$ll.000-14,000. nom
Henry st, 233-5 (1:286-13), ns, abt 135 w
Montgomery, 46x87.6. 6-sty bk tnt & strs;
Harry Fischel to Wellworth Property Co,
51 Chambers; Oct23; Nov2'lT: A$28,000-
56.500. O C & 100
Hester st. 186 (1:206-14), ss, abt 50 w
Mulberry. 25x100, 5-sty stn tnt & strs & 5-
sty bk rear tnt: Jos Scozzafa'va at Port
.Henry, NY. to Michael Del Papa. 520 W
Clinton st. Elmira. NY: mtg $40,000; Aug
16: NovT'17: A$1T.000-32.000. nom
Houston St. 507 E (2:325-19), SS. 20 w
:\langin, 20xT5. 3-sty bk tnt & str: John G
Duer. ref, to North River Tns Co, 93-5
William, plff; FORECLOS Oct30; Nov2:
NovS'lT; A$6.000-7,500. 7,000
liawrenoe st, 136. see Bway. 3200.
Manhattan st, 131. see Bway. 3200.
Mereer st, 10 (1:230-37). ws abt 255 n
Canal. —x—. 5-sty bk loft & str bldg:
Bond & Mtg Guarantee Co to Frank C
Waterbury, 51st st & IngersoU av, Des
Moines, Ta. & Eugene W Waterbury. ITO
W T3. NY: B&S; AL; NovS; Nov8'17; A
$1T.000-22,500. O C & 100
Mereer st, 53 (2:4T4-14), ws. 199 n Grand.
25x100. 3-sty bk restaurant: Farmers Loan
& Trust Co to Rocco De Pina. 109 Consel-
yea st. Bklvn; B&S; AL; Novl; NovT'17; A
$17,000-19.000. O C & 100
Ridce St. 87 (2:343-23). ws. 152.11 s Riv¬
ington. runs w75xn25xw50.7ys51xel25.7 to
st xn26 to beg. 3 & 4-sty bk loft & str
b^dg; Wm J Amend. EXR Chas Decker, to
Wm T Amend. 378 West End av. TRSTE
will Chns Decker; B&S: Novl; NovT'lT; A
$1T.000.28,000. nom
RiY-lnp:fnn st, 303 (2:328-17). ss. 160 e
Cannon. 29.7x60. 5-sty bk tnt & strs: Lena
Apfelbaum. individ & ano. as EXRS &c
Morris Apfelbaum. to Stanton Realtv
Corpn. 80 Maiden la: mtg S16.000 & AL:
SentIO: Nov2'lT: ASl 3.500-1T.500. O C & 1T5
Snffolk st, 21 (1:312-2T). ws. ITS s Grand.
25x100. 2 & 4-sty bk hall; Sufran Realty
rn to Franconia Realtv Co. R2 Norfolk; A
L: Sept29: Nov7'lT: A?19.000-26.500.
O C & 100
Trinity pl, 70-76 (.IS-O) (1:51-17) ws.
20.'?.1 s Thames. 104.4x42.4x108.9x.f^2 6-sty
loft & office bldg: Alliance Realty Co to
Sconset Realty Cornn 115 Bwav: mtg
$100,000; Oct29: NovT'lt; A$125,000-145.000.
O C & 100
AVhite St. 20, see Greene. 162-S.
AVooster st. SO-2 (2:4S6-9). es. 126 s
Spring, runs ell0xs25xwlOxs25xwlOO to st
xnSO to heg. T-stv bk loft & str bldg;
Wardniir Cnrpn to Pnrmelee ReaUv Cornn
92 Willi^.m: mtsr S5O,O0O & AL: Nov2; Nov
3*17: A$33 000-71.000 nom
an St. 305 K (2:373-53). ns. 281.4 w Av
D. 24.6x96. 6-sty bk tnt & strs: Edmund
Hnrlev ref, to Zoe D TTndprbill at Bed¬
ford Hills. NY: FOTTKCLOS Nov2; Nov5:
NovS'17: A$13.500-31,000. 20,000
5TH st, 633 E (2:388-52), ns, 267.1 w Av
C. 26.8x97. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Tina Simon
to Emanuel Levy. 28 W 112; V-* pt; mtg
$22,500 & AL; OctSl; Nov5'17; A$16.500-29,-
000. O C & 100
IITH st, 626 E (2:393-20). ss. 333 w Av
C. 25x94.9, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Evelyn
Markwitz, of Bklvn, to Anna Markwitz,
46 Hampton pl, Bklvn; mtg $20,000 & AL;
Oct30; NovS'lT; A$12.000-23.000. O C & 100
ISTH st, 441-3 E, see Av A, 291.
IOTH st, 145 E (3:875-37). nes. 100 nw
3 av. 20x75. 4-sty bk studio; Marie A wife
Fredk H Wright to Louisa A wife Geo
Finck. 211 W 86; V^ pt: mtg $18,000; Mar
2S'll; Nov7'lT; A$16,800-24.500. nom
21.ST st, 346-8 E, see 1 av. 35T-9.
32D st, 445 AV (3:T20-25). ns. 390 w 9 av,
20x98.9, 4-sty & b stn dwg; Annie R &
Ellen R Jones, at Shoreham, NY. to Helen
H Jenkins, at Norfolk. Conn; AL; Sept26;
Nov2'17; A$9.500-13.000. 12,000 â–
27TH St. 348-50 AV (3:7^0-66-6T). ss, 230
e 9 av. 44x98.9 2-4-stv bk tnts & strs &
3-sty bk rear loft bldg; Thos L Hamilton
to Alex H Hamilton. — Ashburton av,
Bavside. LT; QC; SeptlS; NovS'lT; A$2l.-
000-33.000. O C & 100
27TH st, 348-50 AV; Alex H Hamilton, of
Bayside. LI. to Wm Watt. 101 Highland
av. Yonkers, NY; mtg $24,000; Octl9; Nov
S'lT. nom
â– 33D St. 321 E (3:939-15). ns. 243 e 2 av,
â– 16x98.9. 3-stv & b bk dwg; Wm J Byrne
to Margt Bvrne. both at 321 E 33: Nov2;
NovS'lT; A$5.250-7.000. O C & 100
34TH St. 252 AA^ (3:783-73). ss. 232.1 e 8
av. 21.10x98.9, S-stv bk tnt: Mathiide Baer,
350 W 55. to Lilliane Cosel, 1720 E 22.
Bklyn; AL; June2l; Nov5'17: A$39.500-49.-
000. O C & 100
35TH st, 562 AV. see 11 av, 410.
38TH st, 26 E (3:867-50) ss. 150 e Mad
av. 18.10x98.9. 4-sty & b stn dwg; Graham
F Elandv to Georgette H Blandv. his wife,
bnth at 26 E 38; AL; Apr29'08; NovS'lT:
A$4T.000-62,000. gift
3STH st, 134 E (3:893-T2). ss. 20 w Lex
av 20x24.9. 4-stv & b stn dwg; Geo Clark,
160 W 106 heir Annie H Westervelt, to
Julia N Clark, his wife. 160 W 106: V, Pt;
B&S & CaG: partv 1st pt reserves life es¬
tate; AL; OctSl; NovS'lT; A$S,000-12.000.
3STH st, .^01-3 E. see 2 av. TlO-6.
43n st, 213 E (5:1317-91, ns, 205 e 3 av.
25x100.5. 5-Rty bk tnt: Margt H Scott of
Elmsford, NY. to Geo C Tavlor as prest of
American Express Co. 65 Bway: B&S & C
aG; Oct25; Nov7'17; A$10.000-18.000..
O C & 100
43D st, 215 E (5:1317-10), ns. 230 e 3 av.
25x100.5. 5-stv bk tnt: Margt H Scott, of
Elmsford. NY. to Geo C Tavlor as nrest of
American Express Co. 65 Bwav; B&S & Ca
G: Oct25; Nov7'17; A$10,000-18.000.
O C & 100
46TH St. 32 AV (5:1261-55). ss. 427.6 w 5
av. 20x100 5. 4-sty & b stn dwg; Austin B
Fletcher EXR Juliet C Percival. to Hahne¬
mann Hospital at Park av & 6Tth; SentIS;
Nov7'1T: A$61-000-6T.0OO. 60.000
4STH St. 323 E (5:1341-13). ns. 300 e 2
av. 25x100 5, 5-sty bk tnt & strs: Ferdi¬
nand B Enarler, of Glen Lake. Pitman.
Salem Co NJ. to Meta Piepenbriner. of
Landis. Cumberland Co. NJ: mtg $15,475;
Oct2T: NovS'lT: A$9.000-20.000. nom
51ST St. 524 W (4:1079-46). ss. 325 w
10 av. 25x100.5. 4-sty bk tnt & strs & 3-
sty bk rear tnt: Jessie David to Jna Pen-
naorhio. 152 E 52. & Jos Cohen. 405 BWd.
Rockawav Beach. B of O: B&S; mtg $10.-
000; Oct31: Nov2'lT: A$10,000-13 500.
O C & 100
52n st 345 W (4:1043-15). ns. 345 e 9 av.
20x100 5." 4-<!tv bk tnt & strs: Sophie wife
of Xc Fred Kaiser of Los Angeles. Cal. hei»-«
John Sch^apfpr. to Nicholas P Ryd^r. 345
W 52: AT; QC; Oct6: NovS'lT: A$12.5O0-
14.500. nor"
.520 St. 400 AV (4:1062-2T). ns. 12^ w 9
av 25x100.5 5-stv bk tnt: H'^nry Brink¬
mann 96T Sherman av. to H'^len Brt^k-
mnnn" 2426 rirant av; AL: OctSO: Nov8*l7;
A$ll.000-22.000. non»
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