of the
This section includes aU recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances. Mortgages. Assignments of Mortgages and
SaUsfied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases. Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales. Real fc-state
Appraisals, Advertised Legal Sales. Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits. Lis Pendens,
Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liena. Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate,
Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and
Bronx and the recorded Wills in the Borough of Manhattan.
"â– )nt«r«d at th« Poat Offle« at New Torlt, N. T.. a« â– •cend ala»» Matter.
No. 2595
New York, December 8. 1917.
Borough of Manhattan.
NOV. 30. DEC. 1, 3. 4. 5 & G.
Bleecker st, as» (2:590-53), es, 54.1 s
Barrow 2i>.3>:7o. 6-sty bk lott Sc str bldg;
Jas Hopkins, luU W Gd. to Laura E Walk¬
er, 538 W 179; mtg $17.UOO Sc AL.; Nov28;
Nov30-17- An3.500-20.OUO. O C & IUO
Bleeeker st, 3»1 (2:622-30), es. 75.6 n
Perry. 18.3x75.11x18.5x76, 4-sty bk tnt il:
str; Geo F Boettger, 331 Highland blvd of
Bklyn. to John B Miller, 22 E 15, Bklyn;
Oct31; Nuv3u'17; A$8,UUO-lU.50O.
O C & 100
Bleecker st, 391; John D MiUer of Bklyn
to M Bayard Brown 22 Old Broad st, Lon¬
don Eng; Nov7; Nov3U'17. O C & IOU
Broome at, 313 (2:418-11), ss, 74.11 w
Forsyth, 25.2x75. 5-sty bk tnt Sc strs; Saml
J Kessler. 313 Broome, to Chas Hollender,
981 St Nicholas av; mtg $25,000; NovSO;
DecS'lT; A$17,500-24,000. nom
Broome st, 377, see Chambers, 195.
Canal st, 151-7, see Chambers. 195.
Canal st, 346 (83) (1:211-39). swc Church
(No 332), 25.7x46.8x25x41.6, 5-sty bk loft Sc
str bldg; Anna M Jones, 2463 Valentine av.
to Benenson Realty Co, 401 E 152; mtg
-$27,500; Nov30'17; A$19.000-2B,000.
O C & 100
Canal st, 35S, see Chambers. 195.
Cathedral Pkway, 50 (7:1845-14). swc
Manhattan av. 100x72.11, 6-sty bk tnt; U
S Savings Bank to Minnie L. Sherwood, 110
E 16; B&S; mtg $110,000; NovSO; Dec4'17;
A$72,000-145,OOU (R S $8). nom
Chambers st, 53-63, see Bway, 274-88.
Chambers st, 61 (1:153-4), ns, 100 e
Bway. 23x90.2x23x90.2, pt Stewart Bldg;
Frank A Munsey Co to Frank A Munsey. at
BWC 5 av & 44tb; Nov28; Nov30'17; A$200,-
000-210,000. 110,000
Chambers st, 61, see Bway. 274-88.
Chambers st, 195 (1:139-22). ns, abt 145
e West, —X—. 3-sty bk tnt & str; A$12,000-
14,000; also SOUTH ST, 158 (1:107-3). ns.
abt 45 w Dover, —x—, 4-sty bk loft & str
bldg; A$15.000-20.000; also CANAL ST, 358
(1:211-35). ss. abt 105 w Church, —x—, 3-
sty bk loft & str bldg; A$17,000-17,500;
also DUANE ST, 182 (1:141-23). ss, abt
150 e Greenwich, —x—, 5-sty bk loft & str
bldg $30,000-45.000; also LISPENARD ST.
5 (1:211-14), ns, abt 40 e West Bway, —x
—. 3-sty bk loft & str bldg; A$9,000-9.500;
also BROADWAY, 356 (1:171-4), es, abt 85
n Leonard. 5-sty stn Idft & str bldg; A
$130,145,000; also 14TH ST, 738-40 E (2:-
383-this & 13th st. 737-9 E. lot 27). ss. abt
95 w Av D, —X—, 2-sty bk shop; also 13TH
ST 737-9 E (2:383), ns abt 95 w Av D,
—X—. 1-sty bk shop; A$26.000-35,000; also
GRAND ST. 393 (2:313-14). ss^ abt 20 e
Suffolk —X—. 3-sty bk tnt & strs; A$22,-
000-24.000; also BOWERY. 62 (1:203-33).
nwc Canal (Nos 151-7). —x—. 5-sty bk
loft & str bldg; A$60,000-80,000; also
BROOME ST 377 (2:471-40). ss, abt 75 w
Mott, —x—. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; A$19,500-
27.000: also BROADWAY, 791 (2:562-29),
â– ws, abt 50 n 10th. —x—. 4-sty bk loft &
str bldg: A$42.00T»-44.000; also BOWERY,
286 (2:521-89). nwc Houston (Nos 82-4),
—X—, 5-stv bk hotel; A$35,000-50,000; also
ELIZABETH ST. 296 (266) (2:521-67). es.
abt 160 8 Bleecker, —x—. 1 & 3-sty bk
stable; A$10.500-11.000; arso 3D AV, 278
(252) (3:877-50), ws. abt 25 s 22d —x—.
2 & 3-sty bk tnt Sc strs; A$17,000-20.500;
also 24TH ST 147-51 E (3:880-this & 25th
st, 144-8 E lot 34), ns, abt 160 e Lex av,
—x—. pt 2-sty bk bldg: also 25TH ST.
144-8 E (3:880). ss, abt 160 e Lex av. —x
—. pt 2-sty bk bldg: A$140,000-175.000:
also 17TH ST. 10 W (3:818-57). ss, abt
195 w 5 av. —X— 3-sty stn loft & str
bldg; A$23.000-25.000: all of above & ^/^
pt in following: WEST BRO.A-DWAY.
375 (2:487. this & Wooster st. 61.
lot 8), es, abt 75 n Broome. —x—. pt 5-sty
bk loft & str bldg; also WOOSTER ST. 61
(2:487). ws abt 75 n Broome, —x—. pt 5-
sty bk loft & str bld^; A$24,000-50,000.
being all the property except 91 Park row
& the other % pt of 375 West Bway & 61
Wouster. described in deed of PARTITION
6c trust 6c recorded Mar2U. 1869; deed of
trust; Kath L K Pell, of Tuxedo Park, NY.
to Herbert C i*ell, Jr, 6c Clarence C Pell,
both at Tuxedo Park, NY. & U S Trust Co
of N Y, 45 WaU, as TRSTES in trust, to
be divided into two \z parts of equal
value for said Herbert C Pell. Jr, & Clar¬
ence C I'ell; NovSO; Dec5'17. gilt
Cherry st, 00 (1:111-5). ns, 71.10 w New
Chambers, runs wl7.Ixn97.6 to sws New
Chambers' (No 86) xse22.6xs79.S to beg, 3
Sc 4-sty bk Sc fr tnt Sc strs; Chas L Hoff¬
man ref. to Jos A Kirk, at Ronkonkoma,
NY, plff; PARTITION OctlS; Dec4; Deco'17;
A$1U.U0U-11.5UU (R S $7). 6,700
Cherry st. a30 (1:255-12), nec Peiham
(.Nos 16-S). 25.6x108.7x25.1x109.7, 6-sty bk
tnt 6c strs; Emma A Mayhew, of Bklyn. to
Pearl Niles Town of Union. NJ; BicS; AL;
Dec4; Dec5"17; A$12,000-34,500. nom
Church st, 332, see Canal, 346.
Duane st, 1S2, see Chambers, 195.
£]lizabeth st, 1S4-S, see Spring, 11.
Kliieabeth st, 296, see Chambers, 195.
KUwood st (8:2174-109), es. 200 n Nagle
av, 60x100, vacant; Smada Realty Co to
Fredk A Goetze, 456 W 141; B6zS; mtg
$4,OOU & AL: Nov9; Dec3'17; A$6,000-6,OOU.
Exterior st, nws, see Kingsbridge av,
ws, 90.11 n 228th.
Fletcher st, 17, see Maiden la, 139.
Fletcher st, 19, see Maiden la, 141,
Grand st, 393, see Chambers, 195.
Uenry st, 204 (1:270-48), ss, 23.9 w Clin¬
ton 23.9x100, 4-sty bk tnt; Abr Berg, of
Bklyn, to Rachef Goldman, 204 Henry; AL;
Dec4; Dec6'17; A$14,000-20,000. nom
Houston st, 82-4 E, see Chambers, 195.
Houstou st, 262-S E, see 4 av. 57.
Houston st, 15-7 W. see 59th, 9-19 E.
Howard st. 54 (1:231-18), nec Mercer
(Nos 12-4), 30.6x57.7x30.5x57.11, 5-sty stn
loft & str bldg; Moss Estate, Inc, 60 Wall,
to Nellie Bookman. 2 E 56; B&S; mtg
$11,000; Nov30'17; A$25.000-32.000. nom
John st, 42 (1:67-29), ss, 99.10 e Nassau,
20x81x20x79.5, 4-sty bk loft Sc str bldg, 1-
sty ext; City Real Estate Co to John F
Drake, 158 W 118; B&S; mtg $50,000 & AL;
Nov28; Nov30'17; A$68.000-72,000.
O C & 100
Lafayette ct, es, 23 n 9th, see 4 av, 57.
Lewis st, 15S-62 (2:358-4-6), es. 49 n 3d,
71.11x100x81.9x100.5, 3-6-sty bk tnts &
strs; Mary Neisner, B of R. to Therese
Weil, 21 E 82, & Sophia Mayer, 41 E 72;
B&S; AL; Oct23; Dec?Tl7; A$3l.500-78,000
(R S 50c). O C & 100
Lewis St. 160 (2:358-5), es, 73 n 3d, 24x
100.1x27.3x100.3. 6-sty bk tnt & strs; The¬
rese Weil & Sophie Mayer to Bertha Kahn,
421 E 82; B&S; AL; Nov2S; Dec6'17; A$10.-
500-2&.000. O C & 100
Lewis st, 160; Bertha Kahn to Therese
Weil, 21 E 82 & Sophia Mayer 41 E 72;
B&S; AL; Nov28; Dec6'17. O C & 100
Leyden st, ns, see Marble Hiil av. ws,
90.11 n 228th.
Llspenard st, 5, see Chambers. 195.
Madison st, 57 (1:279-30), ns, 44 e
Oliver, runs n22xe3.6xn3xnel.4xn3.2xel8.3x3
31.6 to st XW22.2 lo beg. 3-sty bk tnt; Chas
L Hoffman, ref, to Jos A Kirk, at Ronkon¬
koma. LI. plff; PARTITION OctlS; Dec4:
Dec5*17; A$3,500-4.500 (R S $4). 4,000
Madison st, 62-6 (1:278-50), sec Oliver
(Nos 36-36^), runs 3—xe99.7xn2^6xe—xn5
xwlOQ to beg, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Chas
L Hoffman, ref to Jos A Kirk, at Ron¬
konkoma. LI. plff; PARTITION OctlS; Dec
4; Dec5'17; A$21,000-34,000 (R S $39).
Maiden la, 135-7 (1:71-9-10). nec Water
(No 153). 52.11x20.2x52.8x20.8, 6-sty bk loft
& str bldg; Wm J Kuntz. of Mamaroneck,
NY to Smith Valley Realty Corpn, at 17
Cedar: Nov26; Nov30*17: A$26.500-36.000.
O C & 100
Maiden la, 139 (1:71-8), nes, abt SO nw
Front. 17x— to sws Fletcher (No 17), 5-
sty bk loft & str bldg; Mary F Betts. 83
East av, Norwalk. Conn, to Smith Valley
Realtv Corpn. at 17 Cedar; Nov26: NovSO
'17; A$18,500-27.000. O C & 100
Maiden la, 141 (1:71-7), es, abt 65 n
Front 17x— to ws Fletcner (No 19), 5-sty
bk loft & str bldg; Mary F Betts. 83 East
av Norwalk, Conn, to Smith Valley Realty
Co'rpn, at 17 Cedar; Nov26; NovSO'l?; A
$18,UU0-25,0U0. O C & 100
Manhattan st, 172-4 (7:1995-53). ss. 466.3
w Bway oUxl5u, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; John
H Rogan, ref. to Harlem Savings Bank,
124 E 125 plff; FORECLOSED, drawn &
recorded Nov3U'17; A$33.UO0-90.U0O. 64,000
Mercer st, 12-4, see Howard. 54.
Mercer st, 172-6, see 59th. 9-19 E.
New Chambers st, 86, see Cherry. 66.
Oak st, 38 (1:278-1), ns, abt 60 e James,
21x51, 3-sty bk fr tnt & str; Bertolomeo
Gaussa or Gauzza, husband of Maria C
Gauzza. to Anna Carraro, 2557 Poe pl,
Bronx; AL; Nov2S; Nov30-17; A$7,500-8,5U0.
Oak st, 38; Anna Carraro of Bronx to
Annunciata, Victoria, Maria. Adelina &
Valentino Gauzza, all at 2556 Briggs av;
AL; Nov30'17. nom
Oliver st, 36-36^^, see Madison. 62-6.
Park St. 103 (1:161-43). ss. 54 e Mul¬
berry 19.4x64.10x18.10x64.6, 4-sty bk tnt &
strs; Bertolomeo Gaussa or Gauzza, hus¬
band of Maria C Gauzza, to Anna Carraro,
2557 Poe pl. Bronx; AL; Nov28; Nov30'17;
A$7.000-13,000. nom
Park st, 103; Anna Carraro of Bronx to
Annunciata, Victoria, Maria, Adelina &
Valentino Gauzza, all at 2556 Briggs av;
AL; Nov30'17. nom
Peiham st, 16-S, see Cherry. 230.
Reade st. 31-41, see Bway. 274-88.
st Mcholas pl, 34-6 (7:2054-25 & 27), 63,
249.1 s of cl 153d if extended, 75x100, 2-5-
Ety bk tnts; Gussie Lichtenstein et al to
Wm H Richter 99 49th, Corona, B of Q;
B&S & CaG; AL; Nov28; Decl'17: A$32.000-
80,000. O C & 100
St Nicholas pl. 34-6; Wm H Richter to
Ferrstor Corpn, 165 Bway; B&S; AL; Nov
28; Decl'17. O C & 100
Sherilf st, 81 (2:339-67), ws, 125 n Riv¬
ington. 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs & 3-
sty bk rear tnt; Julie G Wolff. 26 W 87.
to The Sl Sheriff St Corpn, 352 4 av; mtg
$24,000: Nov27; Nov30'17; A$14,000-22,500.
O C & 100
South st, 158, see Chambers. 195.
Spring st, 11 (2:492-44), nec Eliz (Nos
184-8) 25.3x95x25.3x89. 5-sty bk stable;
Sidney L Josephthal to Amie Davis, 47 Hil¬
ton av. Garden City, LI; AT; B&S & CaG;
July25'16; NovSO'l"; A$27,000-32,500. nora
Spring St. IS (2:479-19), ss, 47.6 w Eliz,
23.9x123.6x23.6x118. 4-sty bk tnt & strs &
5-sty bk rear tnt; Jos Campbell, 60 Gar¬
rison av, Jersey City, NJ, et al to Mary E
Sullivan. 60 Garrison av, Jersey City. NJ;
mtg $19,000 & AL; NovSO; Decl'17; A$19.-
000-24,000. nom
Stanton st, 334-6 (2:325-34), ns. 40 w
Mangin 39.8x70. 6-sty bk loft bldg; West
Farms Constn Co, 30 E 42, to Maiden Lane
Savings Bank 170 Bway; mtg $20,000; Nov
30; Decl'17; A$13,000-27,500. nom
Stuyvesant st, 21. see 4 av. 57.
Teunls.sen pl. ws, see Marble Hill av.
ws. 90.11 n 22Sth.
Varick st, 101-3 (2:578-24), ws. 63.6 n
Watts, runs w80xn28xw2xnl4xel5 & 67 to
st xs42 to beg, with rights to alleys adj,
7-sty bk loft & str bldg; Jacob Kottek. 17
W 70, et al to Kabee Realty Co, 55 Liberty;
B&S & CaG: mtg $44,000 & AL; Nov27; Dec
1'17; A§22,000-65,000. O C & 100
Varick st. 101-3 (2:578-24), ws. 63.6 n
Watts runs w80xn28xw2xnl4xel5 & 67 to
st xs42 to beg with rights to alley leading
to Watts St. 7-sty bk loft & str bldg; Ka¬
bee Realtv Co. 55 Liberty, to Jacob Kottek.
17 W 70 & Harrv Lippmann, 2 W 88; B&S
Sz CaG: mtg $45.^00 &AL; NovSO; Dec6'17;
A$22.000-65>00. O C & 100
^\^ater st, 153. see Maiden la, 135-7.
Water st, 155 (1:71-11). ss, abt 50 e
West st 20x51.6x20x52, ws. 2-sty bk gar¬
age* Emma M Gibson of Bklyn to Smith
Vallev Realty Corpn at 17 Cedar: Nov26:
Nov36'17; A$14.000-20.000. O 0 & 100
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