This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneoas Conveyances, Mortg£iges, Assignments of Mortgages sad
Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Real Bstate
Appraisals, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens,
Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate,
Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and
Bronx and the recorded Wills in the Borough of Manhattan.
"lDnter«d at th% Post Offle* at New Tork. N. T.. aa aocond olau Matt*r.
Vol. CI
No. 2604
New York, February 9, 1918.
Borough of Manhattan.
FEB. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 & 7.
Ann st, 47 (31) (1:92-17), ns, abt 120 e
Nassau, 27.11x153.9x26.5x161, nws, 7-sty bk
loft & str bldg; Jas S Barclay, 25 E 73, et
ill, EXRS &c Jas S Barclay, deed, to Thos
Tileston, 2d, at Florham Park, NJ; V2 Pt;
Dec7'17; Febl'lS; A$55,000-90,OUO (R S $50).
Ann st, 47; Julian H Barclay, SS5 West
End av, to same; V2 pt; Dec5'17; Febl'lS
(R S $49). O C & 100
Attorney st, 07-103. see Clinton, 80.
Beekmnn pl, S (5:1361-14), ws, 57 n Mit¬
chell pl, 19x80, 4-sty & b stn dwg; Mary or
Marie Barry, EXTRX Thos Barry, to Chas
J Wirth, 4 Beekman pl; mtg $3,500 & AL;
Feb5; Feb6'lS; A$5,000-9,300 (R S $4.50).
O C & 100
Cathedral pk^vay, 101, see Lenox av, 1.
Clinton st, 80 (2:348-47), es, 100 s Riv¬
ington, 25x100. 5-sty bk hall; A$26,000-
38,000; also CLINTON ST. 82 (2:348-46).
es 125 s Rivington, 25x100, 4 & 5-sty bk
hall; A$26,000-35,000; also CLINTON ST.
(2:348), es, 99.10 s Rivington, a strip 0.2x
50x0.1x50; also ATTORNEY ST, 103 (2:-
348-60), ws, SO s Rivington. 20x90.8, 3-sty
bk tnt; A$10,500-12,000; also ATTORNEY
ST, 101 (2:348-61), ws, 100 s Rivington,
20x100.4, 3-stv bk tnt & str; A$ll,000-14.-
000; also ATTORNEY ST. 99 (2:348-62),
ws. 120 s Rivington, 20x100.8. 3-sty bk
tnt & strs; A$ll.000-13,500; also ATTOR¬
NEY ST, 97 (2:348-63), ws, 140 s Riving¬
ton, 20x100.8, 3-sty bk tnt & strs; A$ll,-
000-13,000; mtg $142,000 & AL; Gustav
Grossman Sc ano, EXRS &:C Martin Gross¬
man, to Blinderman Si Cohen Amusement
Co, 80-2 Clinton; JanS I; Febl'lS (R S
$150). 150.000
Clinton st, 82, see Clinton, SO.
Crosby st, 97 (2:496-10), es, abt 115 s
Prince 25.3x66. 7-sty bk loft & str bldg;
Fredk Johnson & ano. TRSTES Geo F
Johnson, to D H Jackson Co, 135 Bway;
B&S & CaG: mtg $12,500 & AL; JanlS;
Febl'lS; A$12,000-24,000 (R S $2.50).
O C & 100
Front st, 100 (102) (1:33-30), ns, abt 45
e Gouverneur la. 19.10x84.8x19.5x84.6, 4-sty
bk loft & str bldg; Wm A Shilstone, 1016
E 38. Bklyn. to Arkell & Douglas, Inc. 44
Whitehall; B&S; JanS; Febl'lS; A$16,000-
21,000 (R S $17). O C & 100
Front st, 102 (1:33-29), ns. abt 60 e
Gouverneur la, 19.8x79.9, 4-sty bk loft &
str bldg; Wm A Shilstone, 1016 E 38.
Bklyn, to Arkell & Douglas, Inc, 44
Whitehall; B&S; Decl2'17; Febl'lS; A$17,-
000-22,000 (R S $13). O C & 100
Fulton st, 101-5, see 5 av, 452.
Fulton st, 210 (1:85-32), ns, abt SO e
Greenwich. 25x82, 4-sty bk loft & str bldg;
Harold K & Edw H Mount, at 131 Remsen,
Bklyn, to Arkell & Douglas, Inc, 44
189 Montague. Bklyn; Jan23; Febl'lS; A
$52,000-60,000 (R S $35). 35.000
Fulton st, 210; Kings County Develop¬
ment Co of Bklyn to Geo A Baehm, 448
14th. Bklyn; mtg $15,000; JanSl; Febl'lS.
Grand st. 208 (2:470-31), ns. 23.4 e Mott,
23.11x100x23.7x100, 6-sty bk tnt & strs;
Onofrio Lo Pinto et al to Raymond Guar-
ini. 1303 Av U, Bklyn. & Domenico Can-
dela, 128 Clinton av, Bklyn, private bank¬
ers, firm Guarini & Candela; Febl; FebS
'17: A$18,500-40,000. nom
Henry st. 30 (1:277-43), ss. abt 170 e
Cath. 25x100. 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Max
Mandel to Rebecca Mandel, both at 574
West End av; Jan29; Feb2'lS: A$16,000-
33,000. nom
Houston St. 470-8 E (2:356-23), ns 50.3
w Goerck. 50x68.6. 6-sty bk tnt & strs;
Transfer Holding Co to Pinky Natus, 433
Flushing av, Bklyn; B&S; AL; Feb6; Feb
7'IS: A$21,000-42,000. nom
Hudson Ht, r»41 (2:632-52), ws. 81.11 s
Perry, 18.10x67x17.9x73.6, with AT to strip
on s —X—, 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Arthur
Ofner. ref, to Wm H Sage, at Bronxville,
NY. TRSTE will Wm W Raynolds, plff;
FORECLOS JulylS; Julyl9'17; Feb7'18:
A$10,000-ll,500 (R S $9). 9,000
Hudson st, 541; Wm H Sage, TRSTE
will Wm W Raynolds, to Chas T Ray¬
nolds, 34 James st, Newark, NJ; Gustavus
W Raynolds. 352 W 117; Adelaide R Sut-
phen, 527 W 110, & Anna C McCarthy, 157
W 79, heirs &c Mattie C Raynolds; Jan
17; Feb7'18. nom
Hudson st, 541; Chas T Raynolds, 34
James st, Newark, NJ, et al, to Wm H
Sage. 970 Park av; Jan23; Feb7'18 (R S
$9). nom
Lnlg-ht »t, 71-7, see Washington, 401-11.
31onroe st. 270 (1:265-3), ns, 50.2 e Jack¬
son, 25x95. 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Lizzie
Shor, 2143 2 av, to Gussie Dworkowitz,
1424 50th, Bklyn; mtg $26,000; Oct25'17;
Feb2-lS; A$9.000-23,500 (R S 50c).
O G & 100
Pine st, 80-2, see Water, 136.
St Marks pl, 00 (2:449-19), ss, 300 w 1
av. 25x93.6, 4-sty bk tnt; Fannie Guttman
to John Guttman, 54 St Marks pl; E&S;
Jan9'll; Febl'lS; A$18,000-24,000. nom
South st, 20 (1:34-31), ns, abt 90 e Coen-
ties si, 25.1x86.2x25.3x83.7, 4-sty bk loft
& str bldg; Swan Realty Corpn to Moses
Rodinsky, 31 South; AL; JanSl; Febl'lS;
A$16,000-21,000 (R S $25.50). O C & 100
Stanton st. 101 (2:349-17), ss, 125 e Suf¬
folk. 25x100. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Isidor
Landau of Bklyn to Annie Felsenfeld, 60
Pitt; AL; Jan22; Feb6»18- A$19,000-26.500
(R S 50c). nom
Suffolk st, 16 (1:313-4), es,. 125.3 n Hes¬
ter. 25x100.4x25x100.5, 5-sty bk tnt & strs;
Wm P Maloney, ref, to Chas E Gremmels,
294 Fisk av, B of R; PARTITION SALE
Decl8'17; Feb5; Feb6'18; A$19,000-26,000 (R
S $19.50). 19.350
Suffolk st, 57 (2:351-48). ws, 50 s Broome,
25x75, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Jos P Mor¬
rissey, ref. to Lawyers Mtg Co; FORE¬
CLOS JanS; Febl; Feb2'18; A$16,000-20,500
(R S $18.50). 18,500
AVnshlngrton st. 401-11 (1:217-14), sec
Laight (Nos 71-7). 125x80, 6-stv bk mill;
LTnion Pacific Tea Co, 71 Laight. to Jas
Butler, Inc, 390 Washington; mtg $170.-
000; Peb7'18; A$80,000-155,000 (R S $220).
AVater st. 136 (1:39-34), nws. 24.2 ne
Pine, runs ne25xnw84.Hxsw27.8xnw5.10x
SW24.2 to Pine (Nos 80-2) xse39.11xne24.1
xse47.7 to beg, 7-sty bk office & str bldg;
V Mott Pierce et al, EXRS &c Ray V
Pierce, to Pierce Estates, Inc, at Wilming¬
ton, Del; Janl7; Feb7'18; A$S8,000-85,000
(R S $100). nom
Water st. 348-50 (1:110-33). ns, 103.10 w
James si. 34.1 x 60.6x27.5 x 59.9, 4-sty bk
stable; mtg $6,000; A$9.500-14.000; also
WATER ST. 357-9 (1:110-30), ss, abt 35 w
James si, 33.4x76. 1-sty fr bldg & vacant;
mtg $6,500; A$12,000-12,500; Alliance Real¬
ty Co to Saml Moore, 397 7th. Bklyn; B&S;
FebS'lS (R S $5.50). O C & 100
Water st, 3.%7-9, see Water, 348-50.
2D St. 308 E (2:372-47), ns 71 w" Av D,
22x46.10, 3-sty bk tnt & strs; Isidor Mon-
heimer, 601 W 149. to Julius Eelman, 4001
3 av; B&S; mtg $8,750; Feb4'15; Feb7'18;
A$7,500-8,500. O C & 100
OTH st, 729-31 E (2:379-49), ns. 293 w
Av D, 40x92.3, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Wm
Lefkowitz, 320 E 3, to Benj Moore. 146 W
142; 14 RT&I; mtg $47,400; Junel7'15; Feb
5'18; A$19,500-43,500. O C & 100
OTH St. 729-31 E; Saml Weiss 4203 13
av. Bklyn, to same; Vi Pt; RT&I; mtg
$47,400; June2S'15; FebS'lS. O C & 100
IITH St. 511 E (2:405-56), ns. 145.6 e Av
A. 25x103.3, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Jos Wein¬
stein of Bronx to Annie Weinstein, 1752
Eastburn av. Bronx; Aug20'17; PebO'lS; A
$13,000-21,000. O C & 100
IITH st, 624 E (2:393-19). ss, 293 e Av
B. 25x94.8, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Willar
Realty Co. 220 Bway, to Jos Aronauer, 63
Chrystie; mtg $18,000 & AL; JanSl; Feb
I'lS; A$12,000-26,000 (R S $7). O C & 100
IITH St. 719 E (2:381-28). ns, 63 w Dry
Dock. 21x85.6, 3-sty fr bk ft tnt & str, 1-
sty ext; Jos P Morrissey as TRSTE in
bankruptcy of of Jos Schroeder, bankrupt,
to Jas O'Donnell, 538 E 89; AT; B&S; Jan
31; FebG'lS; A$6.000-6.500. 50
ISTH St. 511 E (2:406-59). ns, 146 e Av
A. 25x103.3. 5-sty bk tnt & strs & 5-sty bk
rear tnt; Kath E, wife Wm C Dilger, of
White Plains. NY, et al, to Wm C Dilger.
28 Court, AVhite Plains, NY; AT; mtg $15,-
000; Nov30'17; Febl'lS; A$12,000-19,000.
O C & 100
12TH st, 511 E (2:406-59), ns. 146 e Av
A, 25x103.3, 5-sty bk tnt & strs & 5-sty bk
rear tnt; John H Rind'aub et al to-John
SchoU & Bro. Inc, 147 Reade; Vi Pt; mts
$15,000; Septl9'17; Febl'lS; A$12.000-19,-
000. O C & 100
13TH st, 435-41 E (2:441-41-44), ns, 150
w Av A. runs W80xn91.6xe36.7xn4.9xne6.10
along cl former Stuyvesant xse69xs42.3 to
beg, 3-6-sty bk tnts & strs; Jos Wein¬
stein of Bronx to Annie Weinstein. 1752
Eastburn av, Bronx; mtg $62,000; Aug20
•17; Feb6'lS; A$36,000-74,000. O C & 100
19TH St. 257 W (3:769-8). ns, 170.10 e
8 av, runs e27.6xn75.8xe22.6xn36.9xw51x3
104.10 to beg, 4-sty bk tnt & strs & 2-sty
bk rear stable; Pompeo J C Ughetta, of
Bklyn. to Eliz I McManus, 433 Central
Park W; mtg $15,500 & AL; Feb6; Feb?
'IS; A$16,500-24.000 (R S $10). O C & 100
20TH st, 337 & 339 on map 330-43 E (3:-
926-25), ns, 186.11 w 1 av, 35.8x92, 6-sty
bk tnt & strs; Harrv N French, ref, to
Henry H Jackson, 63 E 92, plff; mtg $34,-
000- FORECLOS Jan25; Feb7'18; A$18,000-
41,000 (R S $10). 10,000
20TH st, 339-43 E. see 20th, 337-9 E.
20TH St. 136 E (3:881-59), ss, 81 e Lex
av, 19x49.4, 3-sty bk tnt; Nathan Burkan,
ref. to Gramont Constn Co, 95 William;
deft; FORECLOS JanS; JanSl; Febl'lS;
A$10.000-12,500 (R S $10). 9,750
31ST st, 401-5 E, see 1 av, 540.
31ST St. 304-0 W, see 8 av, 415-9.
36TH st, 205-17 W (3:786-34-37 & 47),
ns, 80 w 7 av, runs n98.9xe80 to ws 7 av
(No 492) xn24.8xwl00xnl4.lxwl25xs45.10x
selO.ll xs 16.8 xw—xs 75 to 36th xel34 to
beg, 1-sty bk garage, 3-4-sty bk tnts &
strs & 5-sty bk rear stable; Seventh Av
Associates to Whitnoyl Corpn, at 137 W
44; B&S; mtg $360,000; Febl; Feb2'18; A
$181,500-192,500 (R S $1). O C & 100
36TH St. 206-14 AV, see 36th. 216 W.
36TH st, 216 W (3:785-pt lot 49). ss, 605
e 8 av, 21x98.9, pt 5-sty bk telephone ex¬
change; also 36TH ST, 206-14 W (3:785-
pt lot 49), ss, 95 w 7 av. 79x98.9, pt 5-sty
bk telephone exchange; Irving P Favor,
as TRSTE in bankruptcy of Estate Edw
G Soltmann, bankrupt, to N Y Telephone
Co, 15 Dey; AT; B&S; Jan23; Febl'lS; A
$------$------ (R S $1). 1.000
40TH st, 2 E. see 5 av. 452.
40TH st, 201 E, see 3 av, 623.
41ST St. 226 E (5:1314-36), S3, 272.6 W 2
av, 22.6x98.9 3-sty bk tnt & strs & 3-sty
bk rear tnt; Theo K McCarthy, ref. to
Arnold Levien, 1414 46th. Bklyn; FORE¬
CLOS Janll; Febl'lS; A$9,500-13,500 (R S
oj o â– * ij 675
5(>TH St. 243-5 E (5:1324-19-20), ns.'l41
w 2 av, 33x100.5, 2-3-sty & b bk dwgs; Jos
Schur, S12 6 av, to Lena Schur, 135 W 130;
mtg $3,000; Feb2; Feb6*18; A$12,500-17,500.
51ST St. 133 W. (4:1004-15). ns, 42B w
6 av, 25x120. 2 & 3-sty bk stable; Wm
AVoodward, 9 E 86, to Winat Realty Co,
2261 University av; FebS'lS; A$35,000-40,-
000 (R S $25). O C & 100
55TH st, 350-8 W (4:1045-54), ss, 175 e
9 av. 100x156x101x144.7. 9-sty bk tnt;
Brent more Realty Co to Orinoco Realty
Co. 119 W 40; mtg $246,000; Jan2: Feb2'18;
A$HO.000-405,000 (R S $254). O C & 100
68TH St. 47 W (4:1121-13). ns. 475.0^4 W
Central Park W, 24.11^x100.5, with AT to
strip on e.0^4x100.5, 4-sty & b stn dwg;
63 West 131st St Corpn to Agreeable
Realty Co. 220 Bway; mtg $22,000; JanSO;
Febl'lS; A$27,500-34,000 (R S $5).
O C & 100
70TH St, 253 W (4:1161-53), ss. 508 w
Ams av, 17x100.5, 4-sty bk dwg; Ellay
Realty Co to Geo L Grub. 303 W 73; AL:
Febl; Feb2'18; A$13,500-22.000 (R S $14).
O C & 100
72D St. IC E (5:1386-61), ss, 268 e 5 av,
27x102.2, 4 & 5-stv & b stn dwg; Jos L
Mvers & ano. EXRS & TRSTES Robt W
Tailer, to Edmund L Baylies, 10 E 62; mtg
$80,000; Febl; Feb5*18; A$95,000-145.000
(R S $10). O C & 100
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