This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and
Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Real Estate
Appraisals, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens, Mechanics'
Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate, Building
Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Boroughs of Manhattan and Bronx and
the recorded Wills in the Borough of Manhattan.
'"Bntered at tke Post Office at New York. N. Y.. as B*oond olass matter.
Vol. CI
No. 2616
New York, May 4, 1918
Borough of Manhattan.
APRIL 26, 27, 29, 30, MAY 1 & 2.
Albany st, 19 (1:56-3), ns, 52 w Wash¬
ington, 26x68, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Mary S
Denison, 64 K 78, to Gurdon G Brincker¬
hoff, Jr, 64 E 78; Apr24; Apr26'lS; A$26,-
000-34,000 (R S $40). nom
Attorney st, 107 (2:348-58), ws, 40 s Riv¬
ington, 20x60.8, 3-sty bk tnt; John P Hoff¬
man, 116 Lenox rd. Bklyn, EXH Jr-aul Holt-
man, to Geo Bogatin, U78 Aldus; AprSO;
Mayl'lS; A$6,500-8,000 (R S $1»). 8,750
Attorney »t. li:4 (2:344-2), es, 130 n Kiv-
ington, 30x100, 5-sty bk tnt Sc sirs; Simon
Engel, 148 W 92, et al, to 124 Attorney St
Corpn, 1133 Bway; mtg $13,000 Sc AL.; Apr
27: Apr30'18; A$17,000-25,000 (H S $10).
O G & 100
Beaver st, 28-5 (1:24-6), ns, 115.4 w
Broad, runs w49.4xn66.7xw64.1 to es New
(Nos 58-62) xne65.2xe41.2xnl.3xe33.9xs25xe
22.lksl03.10 lo beg, 12-sty bk office & str
bldg; Metropolitan Trust Co, 60 Wall, to
23-25 Beaver St Corpn at 23 Beaver; mtg
$625,000 Sc AU; Mayl; May2'18; A$435,000-
850,000 (U S $700). O C & 100
Ueekmiiu pl, 30 (5:1362-34), sec Slst,
20.5x100, with right of way over place, 4-
sty Sl b stn dwg; Emily Gaul et al to Re-
bekuh M Schlossman, 37 Beekman pl; mlg
$6,500 & AL; AprSO; Mayl'18; A$9,000-14,-
000 (11 S $3). nom
Beekman »t, 141-53, see Front, sec Beek¬
Broome st, 44yi.-4G (2:327-67), ns, 50 e
Lewis, 36.3x75, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; H
Boardman Spalding, ref, to John V Heck¬
er, at Orange, NJ, & Josiah W Wentworth,
at Paris, France, TRSTES will Geo V
Hecker, plffs; FORECLOS Dec5'17; Jano;
Mayl'18; A$ll,000-27,500 (R S $28.50).
Cannon st, i:;0 (2:335-69), ws, 120 s
Houston, 20x100, 5-sty bk tnt; Morris
Kronovet. 127 Hooper, Bklyn, to WoU'
Frank, S3 W 111; Vi RT&I; AL; Apr3'16;
AprSO'lS; A$10,500-16,000. O C & 100
Cherry si, 12H (1:253-7), ns, 139.3 e Cath,
25x103.6x25.9x103.6. 5-sty bk tnt Sc strs;
Lester M Friedman, ref, to Henry De For¬
est Weekes, at Oyster Bay, LI, plff; mtg
$21,150; FORECLOS AprlO; Mayl'lS; A$8.-
000-15,000 (R S 50c). 500
Clinton st, 37-0, see Stanton, 165.
Delnuecy st, 279 (2:333-75), ns, 49.9 e
Columbia,_25xl00, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Jos
Wiener, Jr, to Filbach Realty Co. at 1200
Mad av; mtg $24,250 & AL; Apr29; Apr30
•18: A$14,000-29,500. nom
Downing Ht, 05-7 (2:528-91), ns, 91.3 e
Varick, old line, runs n39.3xne51.6xe22.11
xs90xsw37.7 to beg, 5-sty bk tnt; John H
Rogan, ref, to Emily H Wilkins, 4 Via
Benardo Rucellai, Florence, Italy, plff;
FORECLOS Aprl5; AprSO; Mayl'lS; A$15.-
000-32.000 (R S $28). 28,000
l^ldrld&e st, 20 (1:293-7), es, abt 95 s
Canal, 25x87.6, 2-sty bk loft bldg; Morris
Aisenstein & Morris Woronock, firm Aisen-
\Stein & Woronock, to Aisenstein Woron¬
ock, Inc. a corpn, at 22 Eldridge; AL; May
1; May2'18; A exempt-exempt (R S $18).
O C & 100
Front st (1:96-1), sec Beekman (Nos
141-53), runs el60.4 to ws South (Nos 94-
103) XS203.4 to ns Fulton (Nog 1-13) xw
170 to es Front xn202.6 to beg, 1 Sc 2-sty
bk "Fulton Market"; Geo P & Fredk H
Sanborn, of Bklyn, to Robt W Goelet, of
Newport. RI; Geo P Sanborn, 38 Living¬
ston, Bklyn, & Fredk H Sanborn, —â– Dean,
Bklyn. TRSTES Wm C Riggs; V2 pt; B&S
& CaG; Novl'17; AprSO'lS; A exempt-
exempt, nom
Front st (1:96), sec Beekman (Nos 141-
3); also SOUTH ST. 94-103; also FULTON
ST, 1-13; same prop; same to Francis B
Riggs. 4 Av Marceau, Paris, France; Vz
pt; B&S & CaG; Novl'l?; AprSO'lS.
O C & 100
Fulton st, l-l.l, see Front, sec Beekman.
Luillow Ht, 8.% (2:4 09-23), ws, 87.8 n
Broome. 25x87.6, 5-sty bk tnt & strs;
Simon Engel, 148 W 92, et al, to Pan Rosa
Realty Corpn, 1133 Bway; mtg $7,500 &
AL; Apr27; AprSO'lS; A$19,000-29.000 (R S
$17.50). O C & 100
lias permitted real estate appraisers to
qualify as experts and testify in court
proceedings from tiieir laiowledge of
real estate values obtained from tlie
records as published in the Record
and Guide. Why? Because, they
are absolutely authentic, for these
records are carefully abstracted
from the original instruments, veri¬
fied and edited by experts with years
of experience, tlius malting them
accurate, dependable and reliable,
having no equal, and their value
never decreasing.
With additional information not
given in tlie Record and Guide
weekly, tlicse records are also pub-
lislied in the Quarterly, the final one,
making in one compact volume, a
complete transcription, in digest
form, of all Conveyances, Miscel¬
laneous Conveyances such as Re¬
lease of Mortgages and Dowers, Con¬
tracts, Agreements, Consents, As¬
signments of Rents, Power of At¬
torneys Designation, Resignation
and Appointment of New Trustees
and Executors, etc.. Mortgages, Ex¬
tension of Mortgages, Participation
and Subordination Agreements of
Mortgages, Assignments of Mort¬
gages, Satisfied Mortgages, Leases,
including consents, assignments,
cancellations and surrender of
leases; Real Estate Appraisals, Auc¬
tion Sales, Wills, New Buildings and
Alterations with cross references for
the entire year, Borough of Man¬
hattan. These records are arranged
geographically, chronologically and
alphabetically so that the subscriber
may, at a moment's notice, find the
desired information. In order to
make these records more complete
the attorney's name is inserted in
all Mortgages and a geographical
cross reference to the Real Estate
Appraisals is given. This permits
the user in searching for the ap¬
praised value of a given parcel, and
not having the name of the deceased,
to obtain the information instantly.
Years of experience have demon¬
strated that by using the Record
and Guide Quarterly time and an¬
noyance are saved. It is equally
valuable to the broker who main¬
tains an elaborate system of keep¬
ing records, or the man who must
condense his plant.
Madison st, 278 (1:269-24). ss, 165.7 w
Montgomery, 19.6x100, 5-sty stn tnt & strs:
Chas Cohen, 976 Tiffany, et al, to Harry J
Peters, 551 W 185; corrects deed rec Apr
20'18: Apr24; Apr2a'lS; A$10.500-20.000.
O C & 200
mudlNon st, 284 (1:269-21), ss. abt 90 w
Montgomery, 23x108, except pt for st, 6-
sty bk tnt & strs; Williamson Holding Co
to Lawrence Davis, 76 Green st, Newark,
NJ; mtg $24,000 & AL; Mar26; Apr29*18:
A$14,000-27,500 (R S $1). O C & 100
Mercer st, 01-09 (2:485-21-22), swc
Spring (Nos 106-112), runs w70.10xs76.lxw
28.11xs50xel00 to st xnl26.1 to beg, 2-6-sty
bk loft Sc str bldgs; Metropolitan Life Ins
Co to Bielty Realty Co, 35 Nassau; AL;
Mayl; May2'18; A$87,000-160,000 (R S
$110.50). O C & 100
Monroe at, 58 (1:254-45). ss, abt 195 e
Market sl, 25.3x92.10x25.1x92.8, 6-sty bk
tnt & strs; Preston Realty Co to Albt S
liidley, 170 W 74; B&S; mtg $23,000; Apr
26; AprSO'lS; A$12,000-24,000. O C & 100
Monroe st, 280 (1:263-7), ss, 175.7 e
Jackson, 25.6x97.7, 6-sty bk tnt Sc strs;
Fremont Realty Corpn to Leon Tuchmann,
1990 7 av; B&*S & CaG; Apr25; AprSO'lS;
A$9.500-23,500. nom
Monroe st, 202 (1:263-10), ss, 301.5 w
Corlears, 37.2x97.10 x 37.1x97.10, 6-sty bk
tnt & strs; Fremont Realty Corpn to Leon
Tuchmann, 1990 7 av; B&S & CaG; Apr25;
AprSO'lS; A$14,500-35,000. nom
Morton st, 77 (2:603-73), ns, abt 120 w
Hudson, 24x100, 4-sty bk tnt; John Corse
to Rector &c of Trinity Church, at 187
Fulton; AL; AprSO'lS; A$10,500-13.000 (R
S $15). O C & 100
Mott Ht, 43 (1:164-29), WS, 150 s Bayard,
25x91.8x25x92.11. 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Chas
E Lydecker, ref, to Dormond Realty Co,
299 liway; FORliiCLOS Aprl6; Mayl; May
2'18; A$17,000-31.OUO (R S $27.50). 27,SW>
Mott st, 43; Dormond Realty C!o to Michl
Morris, 79 Bayard; mtg $22,500 & AL; May
1; May2'lS (R S $7). O G & 100
]\ew st, 58-02, see Beaver, 23-5.
I'erry st, 21 (2:613-30), ns, 40.4 w Wav¬
erly pl, 19x75, 3-sty & b bk dwg; Eliz
Hanley to Rector &c of the Church of St
John the Evangelist, 224 Waverly pl; mtg
$4,500 & AL; Apr29'18; A$6,000-7,000 (R S
$11). O C & 100
St IVieholns pl. 10 (7:2054-40), es, 103 n
150th, 32x100, 2-sty & a fr dwg; Edith A
Jackson, 16 St Nicholas pl, to Robt A
Adams, 92 N 8 av, Whitestone, B of Q;
mtg $15,000; Septl3'17; Mayl'lS; A$14,000-
16.000. O C & 100
South st, $M-103, see Front, sec Beek¬
Sprlniif st, lOC-112, see Mercer, 91-99.
Stunton st, !«.% (2:349-19). swc Clinton
(Nos 37-9), 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs;
Simon Engel. 14S W 92, et al, to Pan Rosa
Realty Corpn, 1133 Bway; mtg $23,000 &
AL: Apr27: Apr30'18; A$36,000-54,000 (R S
$35). O C & 100
Willett st, 52 (2:338-40), es, 100 n De¬
lancey, 16.8x100; also all RT&I to strip 10
ft to Sheriff st, 6-sty bk loft & str bldg;
Berel Schwartz, of Bklyn. to Rosie Lewis,
at Bridgeport, Conn; mtg $7,500 & AL; Apr
24; Apr29'18; A$9,000-17.000 (R S $2). nom
Wooster st, 2:t (1:228-33), ws, 284.9 n
Canal, 22.7x100, 4-sty bk loft & str bldg;
Florence K Leopold. 48 E SO. to Jean
Jeaume, 240 W 4; AL; Mayl; May2'18; A
$13,000-14.500 (R S $12.50). O C & 100
2D st, JM) E (2:429-12), sws, 74 e 1 av,
runs sw22xselxsw22xse23.10 to sws old
Orchard lane, closed, xn44.10 to st xnwl6.7
to beg, 3-sty bk tnt & strs; Lillie Bauml,
EXTRX Louis Wolfsky, to Louis Turtel,
101 E 2; mtg $4,750 & AL; Mayl; May2'18;
A$6.000-8,000 (R S $1.50), «,2S0
2U st, 23K E (2:385-51), ns, abt 280 w Av
C, 24.9x105.10, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Hinde
Scher to Rose Scheer, 11-13 Av D; mtg
$33,500 & AL; Apr26'lS; A$17.500-34,000 (R
S 50c). nom
3n St. 8» E3 (2:445-42). ns, 100 w 1 av,
25x96.2, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Powell Crich¬
ton. ref, to John H Henshaw, 294 West
End ;iv, & Victor E Mecrt, 154 E 91.
TT;STI':S will Adelaide M Meert, plffs;
KOIM'ICT.OS Dec6; Jan7; Mayl'lS; A$1S.-
000-27,000 (R S $24.50). 25.000
4TH St. :t77-83 E (2:360-30). ns, 172.7 o
Av D, 67.10x96, 2-4-sty bk tnts & strs &
2-4-sty bk rear tnts; Julius Mautner et al,
EXRS See Julius Fleischhauer. to Horo¬
witz Bros & Margaretan, Inc, 371 E 4; mtg
$23,000 & AL; Mayl'lS; A$29,000-39,000 (R
S $35). 35,000
.%TH st, 220 E (2:460-21), ss. 328.10 w 2
av. 21.2x92.1, S-sty bk tnt; Jos WoUman to
Congregation of Daughters and Sons of
Israel. *Inc. 220 E 5: mtg $13,000; Mar20;
Apr29'18; A$10,000-12,000 (R S $1.50).
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