N '
This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and Satisfied
Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits,
Judgments in Foreclosure Suits. Lis Pendens, Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting
Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the recorded
Wills and Real Estate Appraisals in the Borough of Manhattan. Entered at the Post Office at New York, N. Y'., as second class matter.
Vol. cm. No. 4
Borough of Manhattan.
JAN. 17, IS, 20, 21 & 22.
Uarciay at, 121 (1:128-24), ns. S0.8 w
Washington. 22.3x100.3x23.11 x 100.5, 5-sty
bk storage; Helen C Irving to Jeanette Ja-
burg, 332 Park av, Newark, NJ; mtg $19,-
000 & AL; Dec2'lS; Janl7'19; A$26,000-34,-
000 (R S $17). O C & 100
Bleecker st, 20S (2:586-65), ws, 90 n
Leroy, 24.6x75. 3-sty bk tnt & strs; Thos
W Chirney, Great Barrington, Mass, to
Minnie R Chirney, Great Barrington, Mass;
mtg $10,000; JanlS; Jan22'19; A$7,500-9,000
(R S $20). nom
Cherrv st, 227 (1:248-86), ss, 180.9 e Pike
or Slip. 24.5x99.6x23.11x99.6. 5-sty bk tnt &
strs; Chas H Tuttle, ref, to United States
Trust Co of N Y. 45 Wall, EXR Cecilia A
Foshav. plff; FORECLOS Janl4; Janl7; Jan
18'19; A$S,000-20,000 (R S $15.50). 15,500
Cherry st, 384 (1:261-6), nwc Scammel
(Nos 45-7), runs nl00.3xw45xs25xe20xs71.8
to beg. 6-sty bk tnt & strs; % pt; B & E
Gordon Co to Alice L Wright, 123 Park-
side av, Bklyn; mtg $35,000; JulylS'lS;
Jan22'19; A^l2,000-32,500. nom
Cherry st, 3S4, nwc Scammel (Nos 45-7);
Rebecca Richard to Alice L Wright. 123
Parkside av, Bklyn; ^^ pt; mtg $35,000;
JulvlS'lS; Jan22'19. nom
Church st, 212 (1:148-23). nwc Thomas
(Nos 47-9). runs w75xn50xe25xs25xe50 to st
xs25 to beg. 5-sty stn loft & str bldg; Peo¬
ples Trust Co of Bklyn, sub TRSTE will
Oscar F Hawley, to Claflins Inc, at 224
Church; Janl6; Janl7'19; A$50,000-65.000
(R S $6). 45,000
Eldridge st, 1»7 (2:421-72), ws, 100 n
Rivington, runs wlOO xn 25xe36xs6" xe 54xs
24.6 to beg, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; John B
Doyle, ref. to Lawyers Mtg Co, plff; FORE¬
CLOS Jan9: Janl5; Janl7'19; A$19,000-28,-
000 (R S $23). 22,500
Elizabeth .st, 287-9 (2:521-54), ws, 67.2 n
Houston. 40.9x83.5x41.9x83.11, 6-sty bk tnt
& strs; Yi pt; Ignazio Vonofrario to Sal¬
vatore Bordonaro. 290 Elizabeth; Novl'lS;
Jan20'19; A$20.000-45.000. nom
Front St. 12« (1:38-38), ws, 90.3 n Wall,
runs w75xsS" xw 7.2 xn 18.7 xe 82.2xsl8.6 to
beg. 3-sty bk office & str; Chas A Curtin,
ref. to Henrv L Young, 67 Oxford av, Rich¬
mond Hill. NY; FORECLOS Nov26'18; Jan
21- Jan22'19; A$16,000-21,000 (R S $24.50).
Greenwieh st, 2<Nt-10 (l:84-4»), nwc Ve-
sev (No 72), 53.10x22.10x50.5x41.11, 3-sty
bk tnt & str: Theodore B Richter, ref, to
Solomon A Fatman. 39 W 55: Morris Fat-
man. 23 W 81; Joel E Spingarn, 9 W 73. &
Florence E Waldstein of London. Eng,
TRSTES of David L Einstein; FORECLOS
Dec3ri8; Janl7; Jan21'19; A$56.000-65.000
(R S $35). 35.000
Mulberry st, 235 (2:495-32), ws. 241.9 n
Spring. 25.2x97x25,1x98.3, 5-sty bk tnt &
4-3ty bk rear tnt; Jeremiah T Mahoney,
ref. to New York Trust Co. 26 Broad,
FORECLOS Janl6; Janl7; Jan20'19; A$16,-
500-21.000 (R S $16). ICOOO
Senmmel st, 45-7; see Cherry, 384.
Spring Ht. 148 illUi) (2:487-27), ss, abt 40
w Wooster, 20x80. 4-sty bk loft & str bldg:
Benj Harris. 734 Kelly, to Edith Witt, 239
Howe av. Passaic. NJ; B&S & CaG; sub to
PM mtg $22,500; JanlS; Janl8'19; A$19.000-
16.000. nom
Spring; st, 148 (130) (2:487-27), ss. abt 40
w Wooster, 20x80, 4-sty bk loft & str bldg:
Manhattan Savgs Instn, 644 Bway, to Benj
Harris. 734 Kellv; B&S & CaG: Janl3; Jan
17'19; A$10.000-16.000 (R S $25). O C & 100
Thomas st, 47-0; see Church. 212.
Thompson st, 215 (2:539-30). ws, 200 n
Bleecker, 25x100. fi-sty bk tnt & strs; Maria
Canevari to Andw. Antonio & August D
Canevari. all 215 Thompson; mtg $-------;
Jan21; Jan22'19; A$16.000-33,000. nom
Vesey st, 72: see Greenwich, 206-10.
Willett st, 52 (2:338-40), es, 100 n De¬
lancey, 16.8x100, & all title to strip 10 ft
wide in rear, 6-sty bk loft & str bldg;
Rosie Lewis, Bridgeport, Conn, to Pearl
Niles, Union, NJ; mtg $7,500; Novl5; Jan
20'19; A$7,500-12,000 (R S 50c). O C &: 100
13TH st, 300 Wj see S av, 59-61.
14TH st, 245 E; see 2 av, 231-3.
2eTH st, 145 W (3:802-16). ns, 158.4 w 6
av. 16.8x98.9, 4-sty bk loft & str bldg; Wm
E Spencer, Jr, of Bklyn, to Clara B McGin-
nis. Borden av. Laurel Hill, LI; mtg $——;
Janl 6; Jan20'19; A$17,000-18.000 (R S
$8.50). O C & 100
20TH St. 240-2 W (3:778-62). ss, 250 e S
av, 50x24.6x51x29.11. 5-sty bk loft bldg;
Edw M & Floi»ence R Cary to Cary Spring
AVorks, Inc. 242 W 29; mtg $2,500; Jan2;
Janl7'19: A$14,500-17,000 (R S $14.50). nom
30TH st, 118 E (3:894-77). ss. 17S w Lex
av, 20x98.9, 4-sty & b stn dwg; Hermann
C Schwab, heir of Mary B Schwab, to
Henry B Schwab of Merrick, *NY; mtg
$-------; JanlS; Jan21'19; A$31,400-44,000 (R
S $20). O C & 100
42D st, 350-6 W (4:1032-58-60), ss, 99 e
9 av, 76x98.9, 2-3-sty & b stn dwgs, 5-sty
bk tnt & strs, 1-sty ext & 4-sty stn tnt &
strs; Maria Dunseith, 354 W 42. to John F
Dunseith. 258 Riverside dr; mtg $35,000 &
AL; Mar20'17; Janl8'19; A$80,500-94,500.
43D st, 141-5 W (4:996-12-13^). ns, 465
w 6 av, 60x100.5, 3-4-sty stn loft & str
bldgs; A$188,000-194,000; also 44TH ST, ISO
W (4:996-53), ss, 275 e 7 av, 16.8x100.4, 3-
sty stn dwg & str & fr rear bldg; A$47,000-
48,500; Kineo Realty Co to Woodstock
Hotel Co. 127 W 43; mtg $125,000; also PM
mtg $50,000; Janl7'19; (R S $85).
O C & 100
44TH st, 150 Wj see 43d. 141-S W.
47TH st, 226 E (5:1320-36), ss. 242 w 2
av. 25x100.5, 5-sty bk tnt; ^ pt; Maria
L La Cagnina, 1822 Av U, Bklyn, to Vit-
toria Messineo, 1822 Av U. Bklyn; mtg
$-------; Aug3'16; Jan21'19: A$10,000-16.500.
53D st, 417 E (5:1365-10). ns. 214 e 1 av,
30x100.5, 3-sty bk rear tnt; Jas J Markey.
of Bklyn, et al, to Hvgeia Distilled Water
Co, 412 E 53; mtg $3,000; Dec26'18: Janl7
•19; A$S.500-7.000 (R S $1.50). O C & 100
53D st, 302-6 W (4:1043-37). ss. 80 w 8
av, 53.4x100.5, 3 & 4-3ty bk & stn factory;
Bernard Karsch to Neb Realty Corpn, 277
Bway; B&S & CaG; mtg $35,000 & a PM
mtg $5,000; Janl7; JanlS'19; A$32,000-46.-
000 (R S $2). nom
55TH St, 27-31 W (5:1271-21 -22V2). ns,
367.6 w 5 av. 52.6x100.5, 4-sty stn school;
Adele L Browning to John A Browning,
her husband, 1 W 72; mtg $60,000 & AL;
Marl3'15; Janl7'19; A$144.000-165,000. nom
56TH st 6 W (5:1271-44), ss, 150 w 5 av.
25x100, 5-stv bk dwg; Robt L Stanton, ref.
to Marv Armour .Nichols. Rye. NY; FORE¬
CLOS Jan6; Jan9; Jan20'19; A$90,000-110,-
000 (R S $75). 75,000
5STH Ht, 362 W (4:1048-61), ss, 80 e 9
av. 20x75.5. 5-sty bk tnt; Sara T E Nichols,
Greenwich, Conn. & ano to Wm C Ecker¬
son. Cold Spring Harbor, LJ: QC; mtg
$-------: Jan20: Jan21'19; A$16,500-20,000 (R
S 19). nom
."â–ºSTH at, 362 W (4:1048-611. ss, SO e 9
av. 20x75.5, 5-sty bk tnt; Fredk P Nichols.
Jr, Greenwich, Conn, & ano, EXRS Sophia
Eckerson. to Wm C Eckerson, Garden
City. LT. & Sara T E .Nichols. Greenwich.
Conn, & Mary W E McMonegal, Nyack. N
Y; mtg $-------; Jan20; Jan21'19; A$16.S00-
20.000. nom
02D St. 230-41 E (5:1417-17). ns. 155 w
2 av. 50x100,5. 2-sty bk home; Home of
the Christian Hungarian Sick Benevolent
Societies of N Y to Philip Leone, 220 E 62;
mtg $22,400; Jan20; Jan22'19; A$30.000-
36.000 (R R $17.50). 40.000
«3n St. 150 W (4:1135-11), ns, 250 e Ams
nv. 20x100.5. 5-sty bk tnt; Marv W Lillie to
Julia W Porges, 404 W 115; mtg $15,000 &
AL; Jan9; Janl8'19; A$ll,500-17,500 (R S
$6). O C & 100
65TH st, 31-33 W (4:1118-10-11), ns, 231.3
e Col av, 62.6x100.5, 2-5-sty bk tnts; Saml
Mandelbaum, ref, to Wm Einstein, 121 B
57; Thos E Rush, 71 E 90, & Alice F Ein¬
stein. 48 E 59. EXRS & TRSTES Emanuel
Einstein, plffs; FORECLOS Nov7; Novl4
'18; JanlT'iy; A$63,000-80.000 (R S $65).
72I> st, 26 E (5:1386-52), sec Mad av,
runs sl02.2xe58.3xn22.2xwlS.3xn80 to st xw
40 Xo beg, 5-sty & b stn dwg; Raymond H
Kutner to Letitia H McKiniey, 11 Halsey,
Bklyn; mtg $200,000; JanlS; Jan20'19; A
$150,000-200,000 (R S 50c). O C & 10
73D st, 274-SO W; see West End av. 270.
74TH st, 321 E (5:1449-12), ns. 27S e 2 av,
25x102.2. S-sty bk tnt & strs; Gustav A
Kerker to Isidor Wolf, 218 W 112; AL; Jan
14; Janl7'19; A$9,000-16,000 (R S $15).
O C & 100
74TH st, 137 W (4:1146-14), ns, 446 w
Col av, 22x102.2, 4-sty & b stn dwg; The¬
rese R Naumburg to Realty Conversion
Corpn, 50 E 42; mtg $16,500; Aug27*18; Jan
22-19; A$21,500-29,000 (R S $7.50). nom
SOTH st, 28 E; see Madison av, 1046.
SOTH st, 162 W (4:1210-60), ss, 105 e
Ams av, 23x102.2. 4-sty & b stn dwg;
Normar Real Estate Corpn to Vandeveer
Estates. Inc: mtg $18,000; Mar28'18; JanlT
'19; A$2i.000-24.500 (R S $2). O C & 100
S4TH st, 45 W (4:1198-SM:), ns, 194 e Col
av, 18x102.2, 4-sty & b stn dwg; Phoenix
Ingraham, ref, to Marie L Peters, 40 W 70,
plff; mtg $15,000; FORECLOS JanlO; Jan
17'19; A$13.50O-18,500 (R S $1). 1.000
84TH st, 120 W (4:1214-47). ss, 350 W
Col av. 20x102.2. 5-sty stn tnt; Hermine K
M Griessel, 120 W 84, to Chas H Griessel &
Francis E Griessel. both at 120 W 84; mtg
$18,000; Novll'lS; Jan22'19; A$14.500-21.000.
O C & 100
SSTH st, 3-5 E (5:1497-5), ns. 100 e S av,
50x102.2, 9-sty stn tnt; Prances G Stoddard,
of New Rochelle, NY, to Martin E Kern, of
Allentown. Pa; mtg $185,000 & a PM mtg
$25,000; Janl7; Janl8'19; A$100,000-2SO,000
(R S $39.50). O C & 100
87TH st, .340 W (4:1248-53 ^^), ss, 160 e
Riverside dr, 20x100.8, 4-sty & b bk dwg;
Francis E Hadley. N Y C, to Agatha H
Hadlev. 346 W 87; mtg $-------; Jan 18;
Jan22'19; A$19,600-36,000 (R S $10). nom
96TH st, 170 E; see 3 av, 1710-2.
OOTH Ht, 11 W (7:1832-231^), ^s, 220 w
Central Park W, 20x100.11, 4-sty & b stn
dwg; Edith S Radley to May Schaller, 11
W 96; ^ int; mtg $13,000; Dec31; Jan21'19:
A$13.500-19.000 (R S $3). nom
97TH st, liKi E; see Park av. 1253.
08TH St. 55 \\ (7:1834-7). ns, 150 e Col
av. 25x100.11, 5-sty stn tnt; Lloyd R John¬
son of Bronx to Hiltonian Realty Co, 145
W 135; mtg $-------: JanlS; Jan21'19; A$13,-
000-22.500 (R S $1). nom
98TH st, 55 W (7:1834-7), ns, 150 e Col
av, 25x100.11, 5-stv stn tnt; Gertrude Par¬
ker to Lloyd R .lohnson. 715 E 218; Aug
lO'lS; Jan21'19; A$13.000-22.SOO.
O C & 100
9STH St. r*7 W (7:1834-6), ns, 125 e Col
av. 25x100.11. 5-sty stn tnt: Gertrude Par¬
ker to Lloyd R Johnson. 715 E 218; mtg
$-------; AuglO'lS: Jan21'19; A$13.000-23.000.
O C & 100
OSTH St. 57 W (7:1834-6), ns. 125 e Col
av, 25x100.11, S-sty stn tnt; Lloyd R John¬
son of Bronx to Hiltonian Realty Co. Inc,
145 W 135; mtg $-------: JanlS; Jan21'19; A
$13,000-23.000 (R S $1). nom
9STH st, 59 \V (7:1834-5), ns. 100 e Col
av. 25x100.11. 5-stv stn tnt; Gertrude Par¬
ker to Llovd R Johnson, 715 E 218; mtg
$-------: Augl0'15; Jan21'19; A$13.000-23,000.
O C & 100
9STH st, 59 AV (7:1834-5). ns. 100 e Col
av. 35x100.11. 5-sty stn tnt; Lloyd R John¬
son of Bronx to Hiltonian Realty Co. Inc,
145 W 135: mtg $-------; Janll; Jan21'19; A
$13,000-23.000 (R S $1). nom
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