This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and Satisfied
Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases. Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits,
Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens, Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting
Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the recorded
Wills and Real Estate Appraisals in the Borough of Manhattan. Entered at the Post Ofiice at New York, N, Y,, as second class matter.
Vol. CHI. No. 7
Borough of Manhattan.
FEB, ti. 7. Si. 10 & 11,
Beaver st, 81-3 (1:27-22-23). ns, abt 40 e
Hanover, llxoD.9x39,4x48.9. es. 2-4-sty bk
lofc & str bldgs; Emigrant Indust Savings
Bank to Four and Five Hanover St. Inc. at
59 Wall; B&S & CaG; AL; Feb6; F6bl0'19;
A$85.000-92.000 (R S $99). 99,000
Delancey at, HM (2:410-69), ns, 38.7 e
Ludlow. 25x75, S-sty bk tnt & strs; Jacob
L Block et al to Louis M Block, 104 De¬
lancey; AT; QC; Febl; Feb8'19; A$29,000-
36.000 tR S $1). O C & 100
Fulton st, lis (1:78-46). ss. abt 70 w
Dutch, —X— to Cow alley, 4-sty bk loft &
str bldg; A$86,000-92.000; also FULTON ST,
120 (1:78-45). ss, 76.4 e Nassau. 25,3x82.3x
25.3 X 82.1. 4-sty bk loft & str bldg;
A$87.000-93,000; Max Mandel, 155 Ross.
Brooklyn, to Philip Zettlen, 241 W IDS;
mtg $100,OUO & AL; Febl; Feb6'19 (R S
SOc). nom
Fulton st, 120; see Fulton, 118,
I^iberty st. 29-31; see Maiden la, 52.
Maiden In, 52 (l:66-this and par¬
cels below lot 5), sws. 130 nw Wil¬
liam. 24.10x56.7x25.1x54.7; also MAIDEN
LA. 54 (64) (1:66), ss, abt 106 w William,
25.1x100,11, es to ns Liberty (.No 29) (31),
x24.4xl05,7 on ws; also LIBERTY ST, 31,
ns. abt 145 w William. 25.6x50.11, es. x25,9
x53. ws, together 12-sty bk loft & str bldg;
A$360,000-535,000; Joseph Fahys & Co to
Federal Reserve Bank of N Y at 15 Nas¬
sau: mtg $400,000; Jan31; Febll'19 (R S
$315). 715.000
Maiden la, 54; see Maiden la, 52.
New Cliambers st, 13 (1:119-18), nec Wil¬
liam (No 254), runs e27,6xnw— to William
XSW21.6 to beg. gore, 3-sty bk loft & str
bldg; State & City Realty Co to Rosalie
M Kramer. 387 E 4th. Bklyn; mtg $4,900;
also to a PM mtg $4,100 & AL; Febl0'19; A
$8,000-10.000 (R S $7). O C & 100
Pearl st, 209 (1:95-35). ns, abt 16 e
Fulton. 17.3 X 61 X 17.4x61.7. ws; also all
RT&I to land adj at nec of above, runs s
Ilxel7,3xnllxwl7.3 to beg, S-sty bk loft
& str bldg; Jacob Lorillard. 6017 Colum¬
bia av, Phila, Pa. to Jere F Donovan. 128
South Oxford, Bklvn; Jan21; Feb7'19; A
$11,000-16.006 (R S $14). 14,000
Pearl st, 209; Jere F Donovan, of Bklyn.
to Kabee Realtv Co, 55 Liberty; mtg $10,-
000; Feb6; Feb7'19 (R S $4), O C & 100
South st, 180 (1:110-14). ns, 104.5 e
Roosevelt, 22,10x70.5x22.7x69,5, 4-sty bk
storage; Eliz F Harper to Leonardo Mor-
mando & Maria T, his wife or the sur¬
vivor. 9 Roosevelt; AL; Febl0'19; A$9,500-
11.000 (R S $12.50), O C & 100
Spring st, 270 (2:579-18). ss, abt 125 w
Varick. 25x100. 5-stv bk tnt & strs; Jen¬
nie I Ryan. 142 Nyac av. Pelham. NY, to
Jos Rovegno. 466 Manor rd, B of R. & Jos
C Vialotti. 59-61 Downing. NYC; mtg
$19,500; Feb6'18; acknowledged Feb6'19;
Feb7'19; A$12.000-21.000 (R S $5,50), nom
Stanton st. 314 (2:330-73). ns, 76 w
Goerck. 26,7x26.7. 5-sty bk tnt & strs:
Wolf Beller. Inc. to Abr J Beller. 550 W
160: AL- Jan3; Feb6'19; A$10.500-17.500
(R S 40c). nom
Suffolk st, 55; see Suffolk. 57,
Suffolk St. 57 (3:351-48), ws, 50 a Broome,
25x75. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; A$16,000-20.500;
also SUFFOLK ST. 55 (2:351-49), ws. 75 s
Broome. 25x75. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; A$16.-
000-21.500- Lawyers Mtg Co to Gertrude
Seligman. 498 Willoughby av, Bklyn; B&S:
AL- Febll'19 (R S $34). O C & 100
Suffolk st, 95 (3:353-71). ws. 250.10 s
Rivington, 25,1x100, 5-sty bk tnts & strs;
John L O'Brien, ref. to Lawyers Mtg Co;
FORECLOS Feb6: FeblO; Febiri9; A$20,-
000-31.000 (R S $24). 24.000
Washington at, 20-2 (1:15-34). ws. 263.ll
n Battery pl. 36.8x75x36.8x75.2, 2-sty bk
storage- Almy Realty Corpn to Oscar L
Richard' 46 E 72; Leonard W Simmons. 302
W 86- Albert P Egelhoff. 172 Sterling pl,
Bklyn. & Geo N Richard, 46 E 72. firm of
C B Richard & Co, 29 Bway; B&S & CaG;
AL; Febl0'19; A$29.000-32,000 (R S $32).
O C & 100
VVashingrton st, 460-70 (2:595-16). ws, 60
s Canal. 70x100, all of this; also CANAL or
HOBOKEN ST, rear of No 11. begins 60 s
Canal & 100 w Washington, runs s24xw20x
n24xe20 to beg. Va pt, 8-sty bk loft & str
bldg; Theo Southard, 1624 University av,
to Coastwise Warehouses, Inc, 534 Wash¬
ington; mtg $100,000; JanSO; Feb8'19; A
$47,000-100.000 (R S $8). O C & lOO
\Vest St. 229-30 (1:186-7). es. 75.1 s
Beach. 50.5x124x50.2x122.7. 6-sty bk loft
& str bldg; Clement B Wood, of Phila. Pa.
to Wm E Conley, 52 William; B&S & CaG;
Dec31'18; Feb6'19; A$58.000-105.000 (R S
$120). O C & 10,000
A%est St. 229-30; Groscom-Russell Co to
same; B&S & CaG; Jan7; Feb6'19 (R S
SOc). nom
AAililam st .254; see New Chambers. 13.
1ST St. 33 E (2:443-62), ns, 84.4 e 2 av,
24.3x60.4x33.9x67.8, 5-sty bk tnt & strs;
Geo A McLaughlin, ref, to Nathaniel W
Keane. 125 E 54; FORECLOS Jan23; Feb
10; Febll'19; A$12.500-16.500 (R S $20.50).
3D at. 293 E (2:372-19). ss. 408.11 w Av
D. 22.3x105.9, S-sty bk tnt & strs; Saml
Weil et al. EXRS Jonas Weil, to Israel
Orphan Asylum, 274 E 2; Vz Pt; mtg $14,-
500 & AL; FeblO; Febll'19; A$ll,000-17.500
(R S $2.50). 9.500
3D st, 293 E; Bernhard Mayer to same;
V2 pt; B&S; mtg $14,500 & AL; FeblO; Feb
ll'lS (R S $2.50). 9.500
4TH Ht, 74 E (2:459-23). ss. 150 w 2 av.
25x93.1. 4-sty bk str & hall. 2-sty ext;
Fredk P Keppel, of Montrose, NY. to
Standard Provision Co, 102 Rivington;
Jan31; Feb7'19; A$15.500-25.000 (R S $18).
OTH st, 321 E (2:451-51). ns. abt 280 e 2
av, 25x92.3. 5-stv bk tnt; A$15.000-25.000:
nlso S6TH ST. 143 E (5:1311-24). ns. Ill e
Lex av. 19x100.5. 3-sty & b stn dwg; A
$13,000-17.000; also following in Bronx Co:
Road from Maeombs Dam to Fordham Cor¬
ners (11:3216). nws at junction lands of
.lohnson & Archer at West Farms, runs n
w42l & 45.8xsw along swl of proposed road
543.7 to nes private rd xse438.11 to rd x—
943 to beg. except lots l to 6 & 15 to 20 on
map Emmeline H Johnson, rec in West Co,
in 1 828 of deeds, p 311 & 1 834, p 140 & a
mtg rec in N Y Co in 1 231, p 151. excepts
also lots 21 to 24 & 29 to 32. same map; the
land hereby conveyed & intended to in¬
clude lots 7 to 14, 25 to 28 & 33 to 36 on
said map. excepts parts taken for Burn-
.â– ^ide av. Andrews av & 179th sts; also AN¬
DREWS AV (11:3216-27). es. — n 179th. —
X—, gore, vacant; also ANDREWS AV (11:-
3216-22). nec 179th. —x—, gore, vacant;
.las L Breese of Southampton, LI, to Sidney
5 & Robt P Breese & Lawrence McK Mil¬
ler, all of 38 E 23. as TRSTES in trust for
Sydney S. Robt P & Jas L Jr Breese &
Frances T B Miller; AL; Jan31; Febl0'19
(R S $129.60). nom
9TH st, 441-7 E; see Av A, 145,
15TH st. 111 W (3:791-33), ns, 125 w 6
av. 25x103.3. 3-sty bk tnt & strs & 3-sty
bk rear tnt; Corn Exchange Bank to Mol¬
lie Stutz & Rose Ebel, both at 448 W 57;
B&S & CaG; mtg $11,000 & AL; Jan20; Feb
6'19; A$1G,000-19,000 (R S $16.50).
O C & 100
1«TH st, ."iOO E (3:973-53), ss. 120.5 e Av
A. 25x75, 5-stv bk tnt & strs; Saml &
Esther A Levin to Rosie Horn, 610 W 150;
AL: Jan30: Febll'19: A$7.400-14.000. nom
17TH st, 129-33 W (3:793-20). ns, 321.8 w
6 av. 90x92, 6-sty bk tnt; Trvel Realty Co
to Rex ton Realtv Co, 132 Nassau; mtg
$87,500; Feb7; Febl0'19; A$67,500-132.500.
17TH s*. 129-^1 W»(3:793-20). ns. 321.8 w
fi av. 90x92. 6-sty bk loft & str bldg: Sea¬
mens Bank for Savings to Irvel Realty
Co. 132 Nassau: R&S; AL; FebS; FebS'19:
A$R7.500-132.500 (R S $100). O C & 100
I8TH st, 329 \V (3:768-20). ns, 375 w 7
av, 25x92. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Leybuck
Co to Pocomo Realty Corpn. 68 Broad;
B&S; AL; Dec9; Feb7'19; A$14.000-28.000
(R S $3). nom
37TH st, 40-3 W (3:828-70). ss, 177.7 e
6 av, runs s5xw.01i^xs93.9xe45.6xn98.9 to
st xw4S.4»^ to beg. 12-sty bk loft & str
bldg; District Holding Corpn. 907 Bway,
to Arrow Holding Corpn, 217 Bway; mtg
$235,000 & AL; Jan31; Feb7'19; A$105.000-
230,000 (R S $30). O C & 100
44TH St. 344 E (5:1317-29). ss. 100 w 2
av, 25x100.5, S-sty bk tnt & 3-sty bk rear
tnt; Annie Flynn, 556 W 46, to Rena P
Marbhall at Rye, NY; mtg $13,000; FeblO
â– 19: A$10,000-17,000 (R S $6.50>. O C & 100
4«TH st, 3© W (5:1262-23V>), ns, 341.8
w 5 av. 20.10x100.5, 5 & 6-sty bk loft &
str bldg; Ellay Realty Co. 422 Fulton,
Bklyn, to Lawrence Abraham, 29 W 46;
AL; Feb6; Feb7'19; A$69.000-125.000. nom
5«TH st, 143 E; see 9th st. 321 E.
.•>7TH St. 45 W (5:1273-8), ns, 170 6 6 av.
25x100.5. 4-sty & b Stn dwg, 3-sty ext; also
57TH ST W, ns, 195 e 6 av, a strip 0.3x
100.5; Dora G Tomlinson to John C Tom¬
linson, both at 45 W 57; Dec24'06; Febll
'19; A$119,000-135.000. nom
57TH st W, ns, 195 e O av; see 57th, 45 W.
61ST St. 315 E (5:1436-10), ns, 224.6 e 2
av. 25x100.5. S-sty bk tnt; John M Barrett.
ref, to Pasquale Panaro, 320 W 16, plff;
FORECLOSED, drawn & recorded Febll
•19; A$9,000-18.000 (R S 50c) 500
WIST st, 337 W (4:1153-16). ns. 375 e
West End av. 25x100.5, vacant; A$7,000-
14,000; also 61ST ST. 229 W (4:1153-15). ns.
350 e West End av. 25x100.5. vacant; A
$7,000-7.000; The Green-Wood Cemetery,
170 Bway, to Standard Concrete-Steel Co,
105 W 40; B&S; AL; Feb7; Febll'19 (R S
$17.50). O C & 100
«1ST st, 229 W', see 61st, 227 W.
«1ST st, 231 W (4:1153-14), ns. 324.9 e
West End av. 25x100.5, vacant; Alice R
Sprague. of Brandon, Vt, to Standard Con¬
crete-Steel Co, 105 W 40; Feb6; Febll'19;
A$7.000-7.000 (R S $7). 7.000
OlST st, 333 W (4:1153-13). ns, 300 e
West End av. 24.9x100.5. vacant; Anna A
Ould. of East Orange, NJ, to Standard
Concrete-Steel Co. 105 W 40; AL- FebS;
Febll'19; A$7.000-7,000 (R S $7). O C & 100
eiST st, 335 W (4:1153-12), ns, 275 e
West End av. 25x100.5. vacant; Abr Beller,
of Sea Cliff. LI. to Standard Concrete-Steel
Co. 105 W 40; sub to PM mtg $6,375 & AL;
FebS; Febll'19; A$7,000-7,000 (R S $8.50).
O C & 100
«1ST St. 337 W (4:1153-11), ns, 250 e West
End av. 25x100.5, vacant; Systematic Build¬
ing Co to Standard Concrete-Steel Co. 105
W 40; sub to PM mtg $7,500 & AL- Feb7;
Febll'19; A$7.000-7.000 (R S $8.50)
O C & 100
BIST st, 330 W (4:1153-10), ns. 225 e
West End av. 25x100.5. vacant; Chas G
Myers. 164 W 74. ADMR Louisa Myers, to
Standard Concrete-Steel Co, 105 W 40- Feb
10; Febll'19: A$7,000-7,000 (R S $6.50).
eiST st, 341 W (4:1153-9). ns„ 200 e West
End av. 25x100.5. vacant; Abr Greenberg,
97 Ft Washington av. to Metropolitan Sav¬
ings Bank. 59 Cooper sq E; QC & corrects
deed rec Aug4'10; Jan31; Febll'19; A$7,000-
7,000. nom
eiST st, 241 W (4:1153-9). ns. 200 e West
End av. 25x100.5. vacant; Metropolitan Sav¬
ings Bank, 59 Cooper sq E. to Standard
Concrete-Steel Co. 105 W 40; AL; FeblO;
Febll'19; A$7.000-7,000 (R S $8.50).
O C.& 1.000
61ST St. 243 W (4:1153-8), ns. 175 e West
End av. 25x100.5, vacant; Robt A Cham¬
bers. 33 W 76, to Standard Concrete-Steel
Co. 105 W 40; B&S & CaG; Feb7; Pebll'19:
A$7.000-7.000 (R S $6). O C & 100
0«TH St. 245 W (4:1158-7). ns. 150 6
West End av. 25x100.5. 5-sty bk tnt; Thos
O'Callaghan. ref. to Stella A Gordon. 1881
Mad av. party in interest; FORECLOSED
,^' drawn FebS; Feb6'19; A$8,000-13,500 (R
S $4). 4,000
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