This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and Satisfied
Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions. Leases. Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales. Advertised Legal Sales. Foreclosure Suits,
Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens. Mechanics* Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens. Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting
Real Estate. Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the recorded
Wills and Real Estate Appraisals in the Borough of Manhattan. Entered at the Post Office at New York. N. Y., as second class matter.
Vol. cm. No- 9
Borough of Manhattan.
FEB. 20, 21, 24. 25 & 26.
Ann nt, 20; see Fulton, 149.
Arden »t, 15 (8:2174-186), es, 134 n
Nagle av. 27x110. 5-sty bk tnt; Arrow
Holding Corpn, 217 Bway. to Mary K
Fogarty. 311 W 97; mtg $20,000 & AL; Feb
20; Feb21'19; A$4,500-25.500 (R S $13).
O C & 100
Arden Nt, 15; City Real Estate Co to
same; AT under Sheriffs deed rec Oct29'lS
& B&S; Feb20: Feb21'19. nom
Barclay st, 120-37; see West, 149-50.
Bedford Mt, 12; see Carmine. 72-74^.
Broome Ht, 2&-H (2:322-30). ns. 60 e
Goerck, 50x75. 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Empire
City Savgs Bank. 231 W 125, to Green-
brook Investing Co, 27 Cedar; AL; Feb20;
Feb24'19; A$12,000-33.000 (R S $44). 44,000
Carmine st, 72-T4J^ (2:528-65-66), ss.
149.4 w Bedford. 50.6x60x49.3x60.3, 4-3-sty
bk & fr tnts & strs; A$18,000-19.000; also
BEDFORD ST, 12 (2:527-6). es. 97.5 «
Downing. 19.2x96.4x17.2x97.8, 3-3ty bk tnt;
$8,000-8.500; Jennie A Wood to Frank
Hitscherich. 72 Carmine; B&S; mtg $9,900
& AL; Fe.bl9; Feb21'19 (R S SOc). nom
Charlton st, « (2:506-29), ss. 83 w Mac¬
dougal. 22x86. 3-sty bk home; A$10,000-
11.500; also CHARLTON ST. 10 (2:506-28).
ss. 105 w Macdougal. 22x86, 3-sty bk house;
A$10,000-ll,500; Gherardo Ferrante to Sis¬
ters of Charity Pallotine, a corpn; B&S &
CaG; ratg $10,500 on .No 10; Septl2'18; Feb
21'19 (R S 50c). nom
Charlton .st, lOj see Charlton. 8.
Columbia at, 122 (2:335-44), es. 89.11 n
Stanton, 20x100, 3-sty bk tnt & strs & 4-
sty bk rear loft bldg; Minnie & Tobias
Sanders. 292 East Bway, to Bertha San¬
ders, 225 W 86; ratg $15,000; Feb20'18; A
$11,000-14.000 (R S $2). nom
East Broadway, 27 (1:280-47), ss, abt
115 e Cath, 25x87.6, 7-sty loft & str bldg;
Maze & Seideman to Harry Hindlemann.
112 Bleecker; AL; Jan27; Feb21'19; A$26,-
000-52,500 (R S $2). O C & 100
Front Nt, 81 (1:35-3), ss, abt 50 e Old sl,
23.6x95, 4-sty bk loft & str bldg; Cornelia
A Hill, of Redlands. Cal. to Mabel J Wat¬
son, at Carmel-by-the-Sea, Cal; party 1st
pt reserves life estate; Dec31'18; Feb20'19;
A$19.500-24,500. nom
li^ilton st, 140 (1:89-6), ns, 169 w Nas¬
sau. 23.2x134.9 to ss Ann (No 20) x 23 x
132.10, 5-sty stn restaurant; Wm Oothout
et al to National Park Bank of New York.
214-6 Bwav; Febl 3; Feb25'19; A$135.000-
150.000 (R S $160). lOO.OOO
Grand st, 579 (1:265-35). ss, 93.4 w Cor¬
lears, 16.8x82.9x15x75.3. 5-sty bk tnt &
strs; Central Savgs Bank to Chas E Has¬
kell. 227 Main st, Orange, NJ; B&S & CaG;
Feb24; Feb26'19: A$4,500-6,000 (R S $6).
Houston at, 470 E (2:356-26), ns, 25 e
Lewis. 25x68. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Isaac
Fry, 72C St Nicholas av. & ano. to Cyli
Teitelbaum. 206 New Jersey a v. Bklyn;
Feb20: Feb21'19; A$9,000-15,000 (R S $5).
Houston st, 108 W (2:525-24-25), nwc
Thompson (Nos 167-9), 25x100. 5 & 6-sty
bk tnt & strs; Ida C Thorn. 210 W 90, &
Michl Hennessy. 61 E 121. to Dominick
Volpe. 108 W Houston; 4-6ths RT&I; mtg
$33,000; Febl9; Feb20'19; A$25,000-35.000
(R S $6.40). nom
Houston st, 108 "W, nwc Thompson (Nos
167-9); Kath J Kaughran. 174 W 75, by
Adele M Cornvns. 1909 Andrews av. her
GDN. to same; 1-6 pt; AT; FeblS; Feb20'19
(R S $1.60). 1.600
HouMton st, 108 W, nwc Thompson (Nos
167-9); Dominick Volpe to Jos N Volpe,
lOS W Houston, all; B&S & CaG; mtg $33.-
000 & AL; Febl8; Feb20'19. nom
Ludlow st, 110 (2:410-37). es. 100 n De¬
lancey. 25x87.6. 6-stv bk tnt & strs; Esther
Kantro. 600 W 113. et al. to David Wilder,
550 W 158; Vi pt: mtg $22,500 & AL; Feb
1; Feb25'19; A$18.000-32.000. nom
to the Manhattan and Bronx
Record and Guide
This index gives the page num¬
bers of all Auctipn Sales, Con¬
veyances, Leases, Mortgages
and Projected Buildings.
Price, $5.00
Record & Guide Co.
Madison st, 1824-6 (6:1745-55), ws, 40.11
s 119th. 40x75. 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Leon¬
hard Realty Co to Florentine M Fuld, 130
B 110; B&S; PeblO; Feb25'19; A$17,500-36.-
000. nom
Maiden la, 97 (1:69-15), ns. 79.5 e Gold,
21x62.3x21x63.4. 4-sty bk loft & str bldg;
Theo Stanfield (Sternfeld) et al. TRSTES
will Emil L Boas, to Campello Corpn, 128
Bway; mtg $36,000 & AL; Febll; Feb24*19;
A$32.000-35,000 (R S $7.50). O C & 100
Mangin st, 20 (2:322-20). ws, 150 n
Broome, 25x100, 7-sty bk loft & str bldg;
G & I Realty Co to Lizzie Prigohzy, 138
Van Buren. Bklyn (corrects error in deed
dated June22'17); AL Decll'lS; Feb20'19;
A$6,000-23,000. nom
Mangin st, 29; Lizzie Prigohzy, of Bklyn,
to Emma D Gardner. 16 Eroadwalk, How¬
ard Beach, B of Q; AL; Jan27; Peb20*19 (R
S $1). nom
Reade st. 179 (1:139-35), ss, 23.1 w
Washington. 23.1x51.5x22.5x51.5, 5-sty bk
loft & str bldg; Nelson W Wood to Robert¬
son G Wood, both at Middletown. NY; V*
pt; AT; mtg $1,500 on V* pt; FeblS; Feb
25'19; A$14.000-19,000 (R S $2). nom
St Nicholas pl, 44-50 (7:2054-92). es. 75 s
153d if projected. 99.1x100, 6-sty bk tnt;
A$46.000-145,000; also EDGECOMBE AV.
385 (7:2054-49). ws, 75 s 153d if projected.
99.1x100. 6-sty bk tnt; A$46.000-145.000;
Fortis Realty Co to Orinoco Realtv Co, 119
W 40; mtg $220,000; Feb25; Feb26'19 (R S
$55). O C & 100
South William st. 25-31; see Stone. 37-9.
Stone st, ."17-0 (1:29-53-54), ns, 147.8 e
Broad, runs e41.8xnSl to ss So William
(Nos 29-31) xw36.2xs46.7xw0.8xs33.6 to beg.
5-sty bk storage; A$57,000-69,000; also
STONE ST. 41-3 (1:29-51-52). ns. 189.4 e
Broad. 42.6x83.8 to ss So William (Nos 25-
7) x44.1xSl. 5-sty bk storage; A$62.000-76.-
000: Hermanos Realty (I^o to Terminal
Warehouse Co. 17 So William; mtg $80,000
& AL; Feb24'19 (R S $65). O C & 100
Stone st, 41-3; see Stone, 37-9.
Thompson at, 167-9; see Houston, 108 W,
Varick st, 226 (2:528-56). es. abt 60 n
Downing. 20x54x20x59. except part for St.
to Louis S Stroock. 525 West End av. NY.
vacant; Jennie A Wood to Frank Hitsche¬
rich, 72 Carmine; B&S & CaG; Febl9; Feb
21'iy; A$2,500-2,500 (R S 50c). nom
Water at, 171 (1:71-21). ses. 90.1 sw Bur¬
ling sl. 20x85.5x19x85.5. 4-sty bk loft & Str
bldg; Jesse M Falk to G Falk & Bro, Inc.
171 Water; mtg $25,000; Pebl7; Feb2l*19;
A$18.000-25,000 (R S $4.50). 4,450
West nt, 140-50 (1:128-28-31). nec Bar¬
clay (Nos 129-37). 43.1x83.4x72.9x86.8. 5-
sty bk hotel; ratg $84,000; A$104,000-132.-
OOO; also 18TH ST. 114 E (3:873-63). ss. 150
w Irving pl, 25x92. 4-sty & b stn dwg; mtg
$21,300; A$31.000-35.000; A Edwin Schaff
to Margt M Schaff, his wife, both at New
Milford. Conn; Vi Pt; Feb5; Feb20'19 (R S
$5). nom
4TH St. 107 E (2:446-47), ns, 350 w 1 av,
25x96.2. 4-sty bk tnt & strs & 4-sty bk
rear tnt; A$15.000-20,000; also 4TH ST. 109
E (2:446-46), ns. 325 w 1 av. 25x96.2. 5-sty
bk tnt & strs & 4-sty bk rear tnt; A$15,-
000-22.000; also 4TH ST, 111 E (2:446-45).
ns, 300 w 1 av, 25x96.2, 5-sty bk tnt & strs
& 3-sty bk rear tnt; A$15,000-21,000; Es¬
tate of Henry Knebel. Inc, 52 Wall, to
David Wasser. 54 St Marks pl; B&S: mtg
$26,000 & AL; Feb20'19 (R S $16.50).
O C & 100
4TH st, 109-11 E; see 4th, 107 E.
OTH St. 532 E (2:401-26), ss, 449.7 e Av
A. 25x97, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Wm P Clare.
ref. to American Savgs Bank. 115 W 42.
plff; FORECLOS FeblS; Peb24: Peb26'19:
A$15.000-19.000 (R S $15). 15.000
STH st, 412-4 E; see Av D, 108.
lOTH St. 27 E (2:562-44), ns, 154 e Uni¬
versity pl, 24.10x94.9. 7-sty bk loft & str
bldg; Cosul Realty Corpn to Claire Gold¬
berg. 609 W 115; mtg $35,000 & AL; Feb
24; Feb25'19; A$19.000-37.000 (R S $10).
. noni
llTH St. 300 E; see 2 av. 170.
I2TH st, 42 E (2:563-27). ss, 182.2 W
Bway, 25x103.3. 7-sty bk loft & str bldg;
Louis S Stroock et al. tirm S Stroock & Co.
60%, & Jos Stroock, Grand av, .Newburgh,
NY. 40%: AL; Febl; Feb20'19; A$23.000-
41.000 (R S $15). nom
13TH st, 624 E (2:395-18). ss. 318 e Av B,
20x103.3, 7-sty bk loft & str bldg; Irving
W Dimelow. 191 Pennsylvania av. Free-
port, LT, to Francis Speir, 276 Ridgewood
rd. South Orange. NJ. & Wm E Stewart.
175 Turrell av. South Orange. NJ, TRSTES
for Kath F Kip; B&S & CaG; mtg $16,000
& AL; Jan22; Feb21'19; A$5.500-15.500. nom
14TH st, 347 E (3:921-24). ns. 101.6 w 1
av. 22.6x103.3. 4-sty bk home; Alex Nemo-
lonskv. Bishop of the Russian Orthodox
Catholic Church of N A. 15 E 97. to Alex
J Chechila. 233 E 17; mtg $11,000 & AL;
Febl 9: Feb25'19: A$3,000-P4,000 (R S
$4.40). nom
15TH st, 158 W^ (3:790-68). ss. 100 e 7 av.
25x103.3, 5-stv stn tnt: Vance Hewitt, ref,
to Equitable Trust Co of N Y, 37 Wall. &
IT S Mtg & Trust Co. 55 Cedar. & David M
Heyman. 320 W 87. as sub TRSTES will
Louisa A Heinsheimer, for Natalie Heins¬
heimer, plffs; FORECLOS May24'18: Jan25;
Feb20'19; A$16.000-30.000. 18.000
ISTH st, 114 E; see West. 149-50.
20TH St. 414-6 E (3:951-48). ss, 199.6 e
1 av, 40x92, 3-sty bk stable; John Farley
to Forrest Co, 7 Wall; 1-7 pt; AT; B&S;
Feb20; Feb24'19; A$ll.500-21,500 (R S $1).
24TH St. 143-45 E (3:880-32). ns. 260 w 3
av, 44x98.9, 4-sty bk stable; Robt McC
Marsh, ref. to Julia Mehrbach. 215 W 91,
plff; mtg $57,000 & AL; FORECLOSED.
drawn & recorded Feb24'l9: A$46,000-55.000
(R S 50c). 500
24TH wt, 152-4 E (3:879-50-51) ss. 214 w
3 av. 52x98.9, 3-stv bk stable; Robt McC
Marsh, ref. to Julia Mehrbach. 215 W 91,
plff; mtg $28,000 & AL; FORECLOSED,
drawn & recorded Feb24*19; A$52.000-59.000
(R S $1). 1,000
24TH st, 260 TV (3:773-79), sS. 141.8 e
8 av. 16.8x98.9, 3-sty & b bk dwg; Otto C
Sommerich. ref. to Harris Liftin, 260 W
83- PARTITION Jan21; Feb21'19; A$9.500-
10,500 (R S $8.50). 8,100
31ST st E. nwc Lex av; see Lex av. 180.
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