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^^mM]mmw\m] and
This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and Satisfied
Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales. Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits,
Judgments in Foreclosure Suits. Lis Pendens, Mechanics' Liens, Satistied Mechanics* Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting
Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the recorded
Wills and Real Estate Appraisals in the Borough of Manhattan. Entered at the Post Ofiice at New York, N. Y., as second class matter.
Vol. cm. No. 12
NEW YORK, MARCH 22, 1919
Borough of Manhattan.
MAR. 13, 14, 15, 17, IU &. 19-
Allen at, 202-4 (2:417-47-48). es, 45,6 s
Houston, 42.3x50; also all RT&l to strip at
sec of above, runs e37.6xn0.yxw37.6xsa.9 to
beg, 2-3-sty fr bk ft tnts & strs; Jerome J
Wilson, & Bertha Freid to Victoria Freid,
4iy E 141; AL; Sept30'l8; Marl7'iy; A$13,-
000-15.000 (K S $1.50). O C & 100
Cherry st. ISSVa (1:253-13), ns, 277.4 e
Cath, 12.6x108.6x12.6x108.3, vacant; Julius
Scharmann, of Bivlyn, to H B Scharmann
& Sons, a corpn, 371 Pulaski, Bklyn; AL;
Oct3fl3; Marl5'lU; A$3,OUO-3.000. nom
tiuld st, 1-5; see Maiden la, 87.
Grove st. 70 (2:591-22), swc 4th (Nos
202-4), 15x90x25.6x90, 1 & 3-sty bk tnt &
strs; Matilda E Tanner et al to Corn Ex¬
change Bank. 13 William; mtg $10,000 &
AL; Marl4; Marl8'19; A$15,000-18,000 (R S
$18). O C & 100
Hamilton st, 3S (1:253-43), Ss, 164,6 w
Market. 27x96.6x25.5x103.6, 5-sty bk tnt &
strs & 4-sty bk rear tnt; Jos Levin, 285 S
2d, Bklyn, lo Jennie F Bowers, 49 W 57;
mtg $11,500 & AL; Jan29; Marl8'19; A$7,-
000-13.OUU (R S $1). O C & 100
Hamilton st, 3H; Abr H Sarasohn, 70
Lenox av, to same; QC; Jan3S; MarlS'19
(R S 5Uc). "om
Houston St. 192 E (2:428-12 & 39), ns.
203,6 e 1 av, runs ne36.3xn23x—29.2 to ss
1st (No 87), at point 198.6 e 1 av xw21.5xse
48xnw7xse43.19 to Houston xel8.6 to beg,
4-sty bk tnt & strs & 3-sty bk tnt; A$15,-
000-22.500; also 1ST ST, 85 E (2:428-11),
ss, 155.7 e 1 av, 21.3x50x22.8x45. 3-sty bk
tnt; A$7,000-9,500; Saml Ressler, 141 Suf¬
folk, to Bernart Katz, 624 E Sth; AT; QC;
mtg $30,000 & AL; Feb26'lS; Marl7'19 (R S
$1.50). O C & 1.250
Houston st, 267 E (2:355-57), swc Suffolk
{Nos 175-9), 25x80, 5-sty bk tnt & Strs;
Rachel Frank to Dormond Realty Co, 299
Bway; B&S & CaG; mtg $30,000 & AL; Mar
13; Marl3'19; A$29,500-40,500 (R S 50c),
Houston St. 318 E (2:384-56), ns, 216 e
Av B, 24.8x86.4x24.5xS7, 4-sty bk loft &
str bldg- West Mercer Corpn to Abr Gins¬
burg. 1 & 3 Clinton; B&S & CaG; mtg $10,-
000 & AL; Maris; Marl5'19; A$17.500-21,000
(R S $5). O C & 100
LeiTis St. 80 (2:329-40), es, 150 n Riv¬
ington, 28x100, 3-sty bk tnt & strs & 3-sty
bk rear tnt; Marv Geib, 253 Flushing av,
Bklyn. to Leonard Keller, 1713 Harmon st,
B of Q- V^ pt; mtg $3,400 & AL; Mar3; Mar
13'19; A$12,000-14,UOO (R S $2.50).
Lewis st, SO; Anna E Schmidt, 54 E 59,
& ano. EXRS Anna E Miller, to same; Vi
pt; AT; mtg $3,400 & AL; MarS; Marl3*19.
Lewis st, 80; Leonard Keller, 1713 Har¬
mon St. B of Q, to Chas Keller, 364 W 51;
V* pt; mtg $3,400 & AL; Mar6; Marl4'19 (R
S*'$3.50). n?"^
Maiden la, 87 (1:68-7). nwc Gold (Nos
1-5) runs nel06xw51.4xs28.3xel7.lxs3.10xe
7.4XSW62.S to st xse29.3 to beg, 8-sty bk
loft &. str bldg; Geo McK Brown, at Hunt¬
ington, LI, to Rednal Securities Corpn, 8i
Maiden la; AL; Marl5; MarlS'19; A$10d.-
000-160,000 (R S $275). nom
Mercer at, 235 (20«> (2:533-21). ws. abt
125 s 3d, 25x100, 6-sty bk loft & str bldg;
Morris J Solomon, 867 De Kalb av. Bklyn,
to Kath V Hayes, 602 Bedford av, Bklyn;
B&S- mtg $20,000; Mar8; Marl5'19; A$n.-
000-29,000 (R S $10). ^ nom
Monroe st, 160 (1:269-10). ns. 162,6 w
Montgomery. 23x100. 6-sty bk tnt &_ strs;
Appleton L Clark, ref, to Wm G DeWitt, 14
E 60, & Lewis D Mason. 171 Joralemon,
Bklvn TRSTES will Alfred DeWitt. plffs;
FORECLOS Marl2; Marl4*19; A$13.000-27.-
000 (R S $23). ^^^ ^_ 23.0OO
Monroe st, 2«0 (1:261-44). ss, 17o w Jack¬
son. 25x97.3x25x97.4. 5-sty bk tnt & strs;
Arthur N Giegerich. ref, to House of
Mercy NY, at Inwood-on-Hudson, NY,
plff; FORECLOS Febll; Marl2
A$i3,UUU-2i.5UU (R S $24>.
i'ine st, 8o; see V\ ater, 133.
St .UaruH pl, 91 (2:-Ub-5'o. ns, 60 e 1 av,
20x9 3.11, 4-SLy bk dwg. 1-sty ext; Agnes
Thomas, of Wethawken, NJ, to Otto Ve¬
nino, Jr, 410 Lewis st, Weehawken, NJ;
BiS:S; mtg $13,500; MarS; Marl4'19; A$9,o00-
13,500. nom
St 31arks pl. 91; Otto Venino, Jr, to
Agnes, wile ol & Curt Thomas, all of Wee¬
hawken, NJ; B&S & CaG; mtg $13,500;
MarS; Marl4'19. nom
Sull'olk Ht, 175-9; see Houston, 267 E.
Water at, 131 (1:38-13), ss, abt 20,9 w
Pine, 20.9x78.4x20.6x81.9. 5-sty bk ioft &
str lildg; Julius Lichtenstein to American
Sumatra Tobacco Co, 142 Water; mtg $20,-
uuo & AL; Maris; Marl4'19; A$23,UU0-34,-
OOU (R S $35j, O C & 100
Water st, 133 (1:38-14), swc Pine (No
85), runs se76.Sxsw20.6xnw78.,4 to st xne
2U.9 to beg, 5-stv stn lott &. atr bldg;
Margt A Helme et al, TRSTES will Geo W
Helme, to American Sumatra Tobacco Co,
142 Water; %. pts; AL; Mar7; Marl4'i9;
A$30,00U-38,0UU (R S $37.50). 37.500
Water st, 133, swc Pine (No 85); Margt
A Helme, widow, at Helmetta, NJ, to same;
â– Vt Pt; B&S & CaG; AL; Mar7; Marl4*l9
(R S $12.50). O C & 100
1ST St. 85-7 E; see Houston, 192 E.
4TH -Ml, 2*t2-4 \\ ; see Grove, 76.
4TH St. 324 W; see 8 av, 34.
7TU st, 1*M) E (2:434-14^ ss, 162.11 e 1
av, 25x90.10. 5-sty bk tnt; Simon Roth, of
Bklyn, to Gertrude Rappaport, 719 East¬
ern I'kway, Bklyn; mt^ $18,750; MarlS;
MurlS'19; A$14,0OU-26,0OU (R S 50c). nom
13TH st, 8 W (2:576-34), ss, 195 w 5 av,
20x83.7x—x77.9; also 13TH ST, 10 W (2;-
576), ss, 215 w 5 av, runs sw87xwi0.6xswy.6
xnwlOxnelOO to st X3e20 to beg, together,
11-sty bk loft & str bldg; Paul Jones Real¬
ty Co, 2 Rector, to Mercantile Holding Co,
160 Bway; mtg $134,000 & AL; Marl2; Mar
13'19; A$40,000-125,000 (H S $5).
O C & 100
13TH st, 10 W; see 13th, 8 W.
17TH st, 121-5 W (3:793-22), ns, 247.8 w
6 av, runs n46.9xe0.6xn30xel7.2xnl5.2xw91.8
xs92 to st xe74 to beg. 8-sty bk loft & str
bldg; Adams Land & Building Co, 61 Bway,
to Arrow Holding Corpn, 217 Bway; mtg
$80,000 & AL; Maris; Marl7'19; A$56,000-
i67,U0O tR S $70). nom
17TH st, 121-5 \V; Arrow Holding Corpn
to Raymond H Kutner, 2303 Hughes av;
mtg $120,000; Marl5; Marl7'19 (R S $40).
O C & 100
17TH St. 121-5 W; Ravmond H Kutner
to Henrv M Rau, 272 W 90; mtg â– """ "
AL; Maris; Marl7'19.
22D at, 439 E; see Av A, 361.
220 .-^t. 4r»l E; see Av A. 361.
23U St. 331 (329) E (3:929-19),
1 av, 25x98.9, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Jos Mc¬
Closkey, ref, to Metropolitan Life Ins Co,
plff; FORECLOS Marll; Marl4'19; A$12,-
OOO-SO.OUO (R S $25). 25.000
24TH st, 43-7 W^ (3:826-13), ns, 200.6 e
6 av, 62x98.9, 12-sty bk loft & str bldg;
Metropolitan Liife Ins Co to Washington
Arch Realty Co. 505 5 av; B&S & CaG; AL;
Marl4; Marl5'19; A$138.000-294,000 (R S
$350). O C & 100
24TH St. 43-7 W (3:826-13), ns, 200.6 e
6 av, 62x98.9, 12-sty bk loft & str bldg;
Washington Arch Realty Co, 505 5 av, to
Isaac Schiff. 490 West End av; B&S & CaG;
mtg $310,000 & AL; Marl4; Marl7'19; A
$138,000-294.000. nom
27TH st, 122 E (3:882-75). ss, 150 w Lex
av, 25x98.9. 3-sty stn dwg; Harry R H
Nicholas, of Flanders, NJ. to Nanquitt
Realty Corpn. 256 Bway: B&S & CaG; sub
to PM mtg $39,500; Marl2; Marl4'19; A
$32,000-34.500 (R S SOc). nom
SSTH St. 207 W (3:788-43). ns, 67 w 7 av,
20x90. 3-stv stn tnt & strs; Bond. Mtg &
Securities Co to Claire J Forghew. 524 W
169: E&S & CaG; AL; Marl4; Marl7'19:
A$34,000-35,000 (R S $34). O C & 100
48TH St. 5 E (5:1284-6). ns. 125 e 5 av.
26x100.5, 5-stv stn loft & str bldg; also
propertv in States of Conn, Georgia &
Ohio; Ella L Hawk, widow, at 520 Park
av, to John E Nealy, of Greenwich, Conn, &
$125,000 &
275 w
Wm S Hawk, at 520 Park av, NV, in trust
for Wm S Hawk & Edith A, his wife; AL;
Aug4'17; MarlS'iy; A$109,000-119.OUO. nom
52D st, 249 E (5:1326-20), ns, 100 w 2 av.
25x100.5, 4-sty stn tnt; Farmers Loan &
Trust Co, EXRS &c Jos L R Wood, to Ma¬
tilda Duggan, 932 2 av; B&S; AL; Marll;
Marl5'19; A$10,000-17,000 (R S $13.50).
53D st, 103 E; see Park av, 383.
54TH St. 432 W (4:1063-49), ss, 383.4 e
10 av, 16.8x53.6x16.8x52.2. vacant; Morris
Borsodi, 170 5 av, to Olive C Dimon, 105
Kenwood av, Rochester, NY; mtg $3,000 &
AL: Mar7; Marl3'19; A$4,500-4,500 (R S
SOc). O C & 100
OSTH St. 32 E (5:1379-50), ss, 6u e Mad
av. 2UX10U.S, 4-sty & b stn dwg; Morris
Joseph. 170 W 73. et al, to Arrow Holding
Corpn. 217 Bway; AL; Mar2; MarlS'19;
A$44,000-50,000 (R S $42). O C & 100
05TH St. 115 E (5:1400-7), ns. 140 e Park
av, 20x100.5. 3-sty & b stn dwg; Alfred G
Coxe, Jr, et al, EXRS Alfred R Conkling,
to Mary A Rousmaniere, 122 E 65; sulj to
PM mtg $17,000; Marl2; Marl5'19; A$30,-
000-36.000 (R S $23). O C & 100
OOTH st, 40 E (5:1380-48), ss, 100 e Mad
av, 20x100.5. 4-sty & b stn dwg; Alice &
Jesse G M Bullowa, TRSTES will Alfred L
M Bullowa, to Noel J Appleton, 36 Gram¬
ercy Park; 1-10 pt; AL; MarS; Marl7'19;
A$4S,0UO-5O,000 (R S $3.SO). 3.S0O
66TH st, 46 E; Ralph J M Bullowa to
same; 1-10 pt; AL; Marl3; Marl7'19 (R S
$3.50). O C & 100
GOTH st, 40 E; Ernest E M Bullowa to
same; i-lo pt; AL; Marl7'19 (R S $3.S0).
O C & 100
GOTH St. 4« E; Grace A M Bullowa to
same; 4-15 pts; AL; MarlS; Marl7'19 (R S
$9.50). O C & 100
GOTH St. 4© E; Arthur M Bullowa to
same; 1-10 pt; AL; MarlS; Marl7'19 (R S
$3,50). O C & 100
GGTH st, 4G E; Emilie M Bullowa to
same; % pt; AL; Marl7'19 (R S $12).
O C & 100
71ST St. 314 AV (4:1182-39), ss. 154 w
West End av. 17x100.5, 3-sty & b stn dwg;
Emanuel Van Dernoot, ref, to Herbert P &
Florence A Whitlock, at HoUey Hotel, 36
Washington sq, & Leontine L W Satterlee,
1135 Mad av. EXRS Caroline V Whitlock,
plffs; FORECLOS Janl7; Marl2; MarlS'19;
A$13.000-18,000 (R S $15). 15.000
72D St. 1 E; sec 5 av. 910.
72H St. 124-G AV (4:1143-42). ss. 225 •«â–
Col av. S0xlO2.2, 13-stv bk tnt; G B Beau¬
mont Co to 124 West 72d St Co., at 286 5
av; E&S & CaG; mtg $330,000 & AL; Mar3;
Marl7*19; A$110.000-S50,000 (R S $40).
O C & 100
72D at, 124-6 W; 124 West 72d St Co to
Gladys W Ziegler, 270 Park av; mtg $300,-
000 & AL; Marl5; Marl7'19 (R S $100).
O C & 100
73D st E. ss, 1.30 e 5 av; see 5 av, 910.
74TH St. 315 K (5:1449-9), ns. 200 e 2 av.
25x103.3. 5-stv bk tnt & strs; Aaron Cohen,
235 E 82, et al, heirs &c Jacob Cohen, to
t:arrie Schacht. 1948 S av; mtg $13,000 &
AL; MarlO; Marl8'iy; A$9.000-16.000 (R S
SOc). O C & 100
74TH st, 19 AV (4:1127-22), ns, 261 W
Central Park W, 20x102.2. 4-sty & b stn
dwg; Meyer Auerbach. ref. to Equitable
Life Assur Soc of U S, plff; FORECLOS
Mar7; Marl3'19; A$25,500-34,500 (R S $25).
TCTH St. 43 E (5:1391-24^), ns. 82.6 e
Mad av. 12.6x102.2. 4-sty & b stn dwg:
Sarah, wife Jacob Holzman. 62 Neilson av.
Far Rockawav. B of Q, to Hermann Stein-
brugge. 667 Mad av; mtg $11,000: Marl7:
MarlS'19; A$17,000-19.000 (R S $6.50).
O C & 100
70TH at, 140 AV (4:1147-47), ss, 355 w Col
av. 20x102.2. 4-stv & b stn dwg: Gladys W.
wife Wm Ziegler, Jr. 270 Park av. to 124
West 72d St Co. at 286 5 av; AL; Marl4;
Marl7'19; A$19.500-27.000 ^R S $25). nom
7STH at, 3.%l E (5:1453-21), ns. 125 w 1
av. 25x73.1x25.4x68.7. 3-stv bk club house;
Chas Eno. ref. to Ernest N Adler, 1506 1
av: FORECLOS Janl7: Marl7; Marl8'19:
A$7,S00-13.000 (R S $10). 9,700
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