This section Includes all recorded Conveyancea, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and Satisfied
Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits.
Judgments in Foreclosure Suits. Lis Pendens, Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics* Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting
R«al Estate, Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alteraiions in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the recorded
Wills and Real Estate Appraisals in the Borough of Manhattan. Entered at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., as second class matter.
Vol. cm. No. 18
NEW YORK, MAY 3, 1919
Borough of Manhattan.
APR. 24. 25, 26, 28, 29 & 30.
Barrow at, 53-7 (2:587-46), ss. 100.2 e
Bedford, runs s7d.6 to ns Commerce (Nos
19-23) xe73.7xn40xw0.Sxn37.5 lo Barrow x
w72.ll to beg, with alley in rear of No
19 Commerce, running through to Barrow,
6-sty bk tnt & sirs; Teer Realty Co, 1155
Park av, to Frank A Perrolly Really Co,
215 W l;0 mtff $65,000 & AL; Apr23; Apr
24*19; A$35,000-86.000 (R S $12). O C & 100
Bleecker at, :!SZ-4 (2:631-16), swc Perry
(No 94), 42.6x70, 6-sty bk tnl & strs; Jos
Rovegno & Jos C Vialotti lo Rovegno &
Vialotti. Realty Co, 188 West Houston;
mtg $56,000 & AL; Apr24; Apr25'19; A
$28,000-60,000 (R S $10). nom
Broome Ht, 113 (2:336-14), ss, 125 e Pitt,
25x100. 6-sly bk tnt & strs; Simon Ham¬
mers tein. 20 Morningside av, lo Levi S
Hulse, 15 Myrtle st, White Plains, NY. as
sub TRSTE Henrietta A Webb; Apr28;
Apr30'19: A$12,000-27,50 0(R S $29). nom
Broome .st, 446; see Bway, 491-3.
Cathedral Pkway, 35-43 (6:1594-12), ns.
250 e Lenox av, 150x100. 6-sly bk tnt;
Sadio B Morgenstern lo Crown Operating
Co, 320 Bway; mlg $215,000 & AL; Aprl4;
Apr26'19; A$100.000-240.000 (R S 50c). nom
Cathedral Pkway, 35-43 (6:1594-12). ns,
250 e Lenox av, 150x100. 6-sly bk tnt; Pub¬
lic Sq Realty Co to Sadie B Morgenstern,
51 E 97; mtg $215,000 & AL; Aprl4; Apr
24*19; A$100.000-240.000 (R S 50c). nom
Clinton st, 67 (2:349-28), ws, 79.9 n Riv¬
ington, 20.2x50, 6-sly bk loft & str bldg;
Wm Klein, ref, to Aetna Casualty & Sur¬
ely Co. of Hartford. Conn, office al 100
William. NYC, plff; FORECLOS Apr24;
Apr30'19; A$12,000-22,500. X50t>
Comjnerce Mt, 19-:£3; see Barrow, 53-7.
CroHby st, 45-7 (2:482-31), es. abt 140 n
Broome, 50x100, 7-sty bk factory; H Lie-
berknechl Co, 45-7 Crosby, to Arrow
Holding Corpn, 217 Bway; mtg $60,000 &
AL; Aprl; Apr26'19; A$2S,000-70.000 (R S
$2.50). nom
Eftsex at, 167 (2:413-69), ws. 225 s Hous¬
ton, 25x87.6. 5-sty bk tnl & strs & 3-sty
fr rear tnt; Saml Warshaw, of Bklyn, lo
Alex Grushevskv, 701 E 9lh. & David
Grushevsky. 58 Norfolk: mtg $23,000 & a
PM mtg $1,000; Apr23; Apr24*19; A$17,000-
23.000 (R S $2). nom
Greene at, 57-*t3; see Wooster. 6S.
Greene st, 1«3 (2:524-57). ws, 130.4 n
Houston, 25x100, 7-sly bk loft & str bldg;
Julia A Groh. 35 W 91, to Morris Borsodi,
241 E 25; B&S; Apr28; Apr30'19; A$13,000-
28,000 (R S $33). nom
Greene st, 163; Morris Borsodi to Nati-
vel Corpn, 7 W 45; mlg $30,000 & AL; Apr
30'19. O C & 100
Hamilton pl. 51 (7:2071-15). nec 139th
(No 523), 108.6x51.10x99.11x94.3, 6-sty bk
tnt; S Morrill Banner to Stars & Stripes
ReaUy Co, 51 Chambers; mtg $100,000 &
AL: Apr23; Apr29*19; A$50,0d0-130,000 (R
S $30). O C ct 100
Houston at E, ss, 50 e West Bwray; see
Houston. 77-83 W.
HooHton at, 77-H3 \V (3:515-16). sec West
Bway (Nos 4S1-3). 50x65; also HOUSTON
ST. E f2:515). as. 50 e West Bway. 25x95,
6-stv bk storage; A.?47.000-S0.000: also
177TH ST. 516 W (8:2132-100). ss. 227.6 w
Ams av, 42.6x99.11. 5-stv bk tnt; A$13.-
000-39.000: Edith W Provost, of Great
Neck. LI. to U S Trust Co. 45 Wall. TRSTE
under deed of trust made Marl0'19; V> pt;
B&S; Apr21: Apr24'19 . nom
James at, 9K-10O (1:253-36), es. 60 n
Cherry. 40x75x40.2x74.8. 6-sty bk tnt &
strs; Jos Rovegno & Jos C Vialotti to Ro¬
vegno & Vialotti Realty Co, 188 West
Houston: mte- $25,000 & AL; Apr24; Apr
25'19; .\$16.000-33.000 (R S $5). nom
Liodlow Kt, 40 (1:310-4). es. 125.6 n Hes¬
ter. 25.3x87.6x25.2x87.6, 5-sty bk tnt &
sirs; Jacob H Hirsch to David Hersko¬
witz, both at 769 Trinity av; AT; mtg
$26,000 & AL; MaylO'lS; Apr24'19; A$17,-
000-24.000 (R S $1). O C & 100
xMadUon Nt. 2H9-H (1:269-19-20), ss, 55.11
w Montgomery, 36.1x75, 2-3-sly bk dwgs;
Title Guar & T Co to Fishel Berman, 2bG
Mad; B&S; Apr29; Apr30'19; A$14,000-17.-
000 (R S $17). O C & IOO
Mulberry at, 142-4 (1:237-7), es. abt 130
s Grand, 50x100. 6-sty bk loft bldg; Mary
E Patten lo Chas Salomone, G4^j^ Bowery;
Dominick Lambienle, 104 Moll, & Michl
Pellegrino. S2 Mulberry; AL; Apr25'I9; A
$34,000-38.000 (R d $30). O C & 100
Norfolk at, 175 (149) (2:355-23), ws, 200
s Houston, 25x100. 5-sty bk tnl & strs;
Mary, wife Benj Kutner, & Nettie Adler,
lo Rosa Saberski, 216 Bowery; mtg $32,-
000 & AL; Apr26; Apr2S'19; A$16,000-27.-
000 tR S $3). O C & 100
North Moore st, 19 (1:190-2), ns. 21.7 w
Varick, 21.7x75. 4-sly bk tnt; Nellie Mar¬
tin & ano. EXRS & TRSTES Thos Martin
lo Markham Realty Corpn. 31 Nassau;
mtg- $9,000 & AL; AprlS; Apr29'l9; A$12.-
000-12.500 (R S $6). O C & 100
Pearl st, 99 (1:29-9), ns, abt 180 e
Broad, 19.6x82.7x17.4x81.5, 5-sly bk tnt &
sirs; John Cittner lo Saml Brody, 7SS
Eastern Pkway. Bklyn; mlg $17,500 & AL;
Apr29'19; A$1S,000-34.000 (R S $10). nom
Perry at, U4; see Bleecker, 382-4.
Perry mI, 173-5; see West, 417-8.
Pine st, sws, at nws W^ater; see Water,
Ridg-e at, SO-2 (3:343-43). es, 125 n De¬
lancey, 40.6x100, 6-sty bk tnt & sirs;
Morris Spodek. of Bklyn, to Anam ReaUy
Co. 230 Grand; mtg $44,000; Apr26; Apr
29'19; A$32,000-57,000 (R S $6). O C & 100
Kiving-ton st, 343 (2:323-49). ss, 46.6 6
Mangin, runs s75xe21.6xn24.9xw0.3xn50.2
to st XW21.6 to beg, 4-sty bk tnt; Chas
Sackmann & Hanna. his wife, to Diedrich
L Sackmann, 297 Hewes, Bklyn; AL; Apr
28; Apr29'l9; A$6.500-8.500 (R S $2). nom
Rivington st, ;{45 f2:323-50), ss. 68 e
Mangin, 32x75, 4-sty bk tnt; Metropolitan
Savgs Bank, 59 Cooper sq E, to Denwood
ReaUy Co, 509 Willis av; AL; Apr25'19;
A$6.500-8.500 (R S $6). 6,00O
Rutf^ers pl. 13 (1:257-25), ss. 129.1 e
Jefferson, 25.7x127x25.7x127.7, 6-sty bk tnl
& strs; Frieda Surut to Louis Harris. .5
Eldridge; mtg $32,000 & a PM mtg $2,500;
Apr24; Apr25'19; A$17,000-39,000 (R S
$7.50). nom
ysprinf^ st, 270 (2:579-18), ss, abt 125 w
Varick, 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Jos
Rovegno & Jos C Vialotti to The Rovegno
& Vialotti Realty Co, 188 W Houston;
mtg $19,500 & AL; Apr24; Apr35'19; A$12,-
000-21,-000 (R S $5). nom
Washln^on ter, 3 (8:2156-46V>), es, 17.9
s 186th, 17.9x62.6. 3-stv & b bk dwg; Edw
M Favor. 346 E 3, Bklyn. to Corinne Gard¬
iner. 167 W 129; mtg $5,000; Apr23; Apr
29'19; A$3,000-5.000 (R S $2). O C & 100
Water st, l.'(0-2 (1:39-36). nws .at sws
Pine. 40x39.7x40x4 7.1, 5-sty bk office &
str bldg; Wm A White et al. EXRS Alex M
White, to Pinewater Corpn, 166 Water;
AL; Apr24'19; A$33.000-46,000 (R S $66).
Waverly pi. 2H-39 (3:547-4), ss, 62.9 w
Greene. 37.10x80.6x37.10x80.9. 8-sty bk loft
& str bldg: Cosul Realty Corpn to Geo H
AValker. 102 W 93; mtg $55,000 & AL; Apr
15; Apr24'19; A$22,000-58,000 (R S $12.50).
O C & 100
West at, 417-41S (2:637-45-46 & 84). nec
Perry (Nos 173-5), 50x72x31x86.7. 3 & 3-
sly bk & fr tnts & strs; Jas A Donegan.
ref. to Wpst Side Sav^s Bank. 110 6 av,
plff: FORECLOS Apr23; Apr25'19; A$28.-
500-33.000 (R S $27.50). 27..'»0o
AVent Kt. 4.S5 (2:640-8), sec 12th (Nos
39S-400), 20x80. 4-sty bk tnt & sirs: Peter
Doelger Brewing Co. 407 E 55. to Na¬
tional Biscuit Co, at 10 av & 15th- AL;
Apr3S'19; A$18.000-23,000 (R S $30).
O C & 100
Wooster at, 64-0; see Wooster. 68.
Wooster wt, 6.S (3:486-thiR & Wooster st.
64-6. lot 2). PR. 166.8 n Broome, 23.4x100-
also WOOSTER ST, 64-6 (3:486). es, 125 n
Broome, 41.8x100, S-sly bk loft & sir bldg;
A$35,000-100.000; also GREENE ST, 57-63
(.2:486-28), ws, lOo n Broome, 100x100, 6-
Biy bk lofl & str bldg; A$d8.000-100,000;
Olio L Dommerich et al, EXRS laouis P
Dommerich, to Greene Sl Really Co, at
254 4 av; Marl7*l3; Apr26'19. 240,000
3D st, 125 W (2:543-63). ns. 111.9 w Mac-
Dougal, 23x100, vacant; Wra Prager to
Zachary T Piercy, 304 W 89; Vi pt; mlg
$5,SOO on whole & AL; Mar28; Apr25'19;
A$7,600-7,500 (R S $1.50). 4,250
30 st, 125 W; Wm I'rager et al, EXRS
& TRSTES Pincus Lowenteld, lo same; Vz
pl; mtg &c as above; Mar2S; Apr25'19 (R
5 $1.50). 4.250
30 st, 127-0 W (2:543-64-65), ns, 134.9
w Macdougal, 46x100, vacant; Thompson
Av Realty Co to Zachary T Piercy, 304 W
89; QC; Aprl4; Apr25'19; A$I5,000-15,000.
3D st, 127-9 W*; Courtney Development
Co lo same; mlg $12,000; Apr24; Apr25'19
(R S $6.50). 1U,500
6TH st, 517 E (2:402-57), ns. 250 e Av A.
25x90.10. 5-31 v bk tnt & strs; Jas R
Roosevelt el al, TRSTES will Wm Astor.
for Wm A Drayton et al, to Chas Urz &
Emma, his wife. 517 E 6, as tenants by en-
luety; AL; Apr34; Apr30'19; A$12,000-16,-
000 (R S $17). 16,750
6TH Bt, 510 E (2:402-56), ns, 275 e Av
A, 25x90.10. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Jas R
Roosevelt et al, TRSTES will Wm Astor,
for Wm A Drayton et al, to Mary Hilbert
6 Annie ilenges, 519 E 6; AL; Apr24;
Apr30'19; A$12.000-16.000 (R S $17). 16,750
STH st, 55 W (2:572-71), ns, 152.7 e 6
av, 24.11x93.11, 6-sty bk lofl & sir bldg;
Manhattan Savgs Instn, 644 Bway, to 1629
Amsterdam Av Corpn. al 135 Bway; B&S
& CaG; AL; Apr2S; Apr29'19; A$16,000-27.-
000 (R S $35). O C & 100
OTH st, 55 W (3.573-72). ns, 248.10 e 6
av, 22.2x92.3. 3-sly & b bk dwg; Lorenzo
A Cuneo & Wm E Podesta lo Helen J
MacDonald, 103 Park st. Ridgefield Park.
NJ; mtg $11,500 & AL; also a PM mtg
$1,500; Apr26; Apr28'19; A$15,000-17.000 (R
S $13). O C & IOO
lOTH st, 438 E (2:379-28). ss. 168 w Av
D, 25x92.3, 3 & 3-sly fr & bk loft & sir
bldg; A$7,00O-S.0OO; also lOTH ST, 440 E
(2:379-29), ss, 143 w Av D. 25x93.3. with
AT lo strip 3x92.3 adj on e. 1-sty bk
stable; A$7.500-8,500; Louis Goodman. 499
Washington av, Bklyn, et al, to Saml
Kohn. 7 Glennado pl. Bklyn; mtg $15,000;
Apr22: Apr35'19 (R S $10). O C & 100
lOTH st, 440 E; see 10th. 438 E.
lOTH St. 57 W (3:574-72). ns, 166.2 e 6
av. 21.11x94.10. 7-stv bk hotel; Geo P
Crane to Adolph A Hageman, 203 Marl¬
borough rd, Bklyn; AL; Apr21; Apr24'19:
A$15.000-43,000 (R S $37.50). nom
IITH St. 223 E (2:466-20), ss. 308 w 3
av, 21.6x95, 4-sty & b bk dwg; Eliz H
Stanton, individ & ano. as EXRS & TRSTES
Geo H Belcher, to Maria Boccia. widow
of Michl Guerreri, 327 E 11; AL: Apr23:
Apr30'19; A$10,000-12.000 (R S $13). 13,000
IITH st, 43.S-42 Ei see Av A. 173.
12TH st, :W.K-4r.O \V; see West, 485.
14TH at, 347 E (3:921-34), ns, 101.6 w
1 av. 22.6x103.3. 4-stv bk home; Alex J
Checilla, 233 E 17, to Alexander Nemolow-
sky, 15 E 97. Archbishop of the Russian
Orthodox Catholic Church of N A; mtg
$11,000 & AL: Apr9; Apr30'19; A$3,000-P$4.-
000 (R S $4.35). nom
14TH st, 612 E (2:396-14), SS. 1S8 e Av
R, 25x103.5, 5-sty bk tnt & sirs; John H
Rogan. ref. to Metropolitan Savgs Bank.
59 Cooper sq E, plff; FORECLOS Apr22;
An'-25; Apr26'19: A$S,000-12,000 (R S
$14). 14,000
14TH St. 929 E (2:396-20). ss. 304.9 w Av
C. 33.2x103.3. 5-sty bk tnt & strs: Esedor
Haber. 245 Rivington. to Ike Isler, 31S-20
E 2d: AL; Apr28; Apr29*19; A$ll.000-22,-
000 (R S $1). O C & 100
14TH st, 14 -W (3:577-33). as. abt 225 w
5 av. 25x103.3. 4 & 5-sty bk str; Cath N
M Rose, of Jerusalem. Yatos Co. NY, to
Oswald .1 C Rose, of Geneva, Ontario Co,
NY; 3-14 pta; AT: Marl; Apr26'19: A$60,-
000-65.000 (R S $15.50). 15*428.60
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