This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances. Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and Satisfied
Mortgages and Extensions. Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales. Advertised Legal Sales. Foreclosure Suits.
Judgments in Foreclosure Suits. Lis Pendens, MecKanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting
Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the recorded
Wills and Real Estate Appraisals in the Borough of Manhattan. Entered at the Post OfRce at New York, N. Y., as second class matter-
Vol. cm. No. 19
NEW YORK. MAY 10, 1919
Borough of Manhattan.
MAY 1, 2, 3. 5 & 6.
Academy st, 074 (8:2237-47), ws, 125 n
Bway, 5Uxl2y.7x50.7x121.8, 5-sty bk tnl;
Arthur P Beckert to Malex Realty Corpn.
170 Bway; mig $37,000 & AL; Apr30; May
1'19; A$10.0OO-55,000 (R S $27). O C & 100
Academy st, 674; Malex Really Corpn
to Kopson Realties, Inc, 30 Church; mlg
$50,500- Aprao; Mayl'19 (R S $14). nom
Bank. »t, 37 (2:615-54). ns. 75 e 4th, 25x
100. 3-sly & b bk dwg; Nettie R Lasell
(Herrick), 307 N Walnut st. East Oran'ge,
NJ, & ano, to Stuyvesant Wainwright, 3
Sheridan sq; Apr30; Mayl'19; A$ll,500-
12.500 (R S $12). O C & 100
Beaver st, 33-5; see Broad. 59.
Ueavex at, 37 (1:25-46), nes, 72.11 e
Broad. 21x104.5x17.7x103.3, 4-sly bk loft &
str bldg- A$75,000-80,000; also BROAD ST,
57 (1:25-3). es, 33.8 n Beaver, 23.3x64x21.11
x67.9. 4-sty bk loft & str bldg; A$78,000-
81,000; also BROAD ST, 55 tl:25-4). es,
56.11 n Beaver, 23.4x61x22.11x64, 4-sly bk
loft & str bldg; A$75,000-77,000; Frederic
B Jennings et al, individ & EXRS. &c,
John G McCulIough, to Seaboard National
Bank. 18 Bway; mlg $40,000; Apr29; May3
'19 tR S $360). nom
Beaver st, 47 (l:25-this & Beaver st, 49,
lot 40), ns, 183.5 e Broad, 16x99.4x13.9x
98.11; also BEAVER ST. 49 (1:25), ns. 199.5
e Broad, 15.10x99x13.9x99. 4-sty bk office &
sir bldg; A$100.000-108.000; also BEAVER
ST, 51-3 (1:25-37-38). ns. 86.8 w William,
runs nl07.9xw27.3 & 11.6 & 20.10 xslOO lo
st xe63.6 to beg. 3 & 4-sly bk lofl & sir
bldg; A$205,000-220,000; Eliza H McCul¬
Iough, individ & et al. EXRS. &c. John G
McCulIough & et al to Merchants Marine
House, Inc. 56 Beaver; mlg $185,000 & AL;
Apr29; May3'19 (R S $140). O C Ac 100
Beaver st, 40-53; see Beaver, 47.
Beaver at, 69-75; see Exchange pl, 14-18.
Bedford st, 18 (2:527-9), es. 40 s Down¬
ing, 18.9x75.1x17.6x75. 4-stv bk tnt & strs;
Citizens Savgs Bank. 56 Bowery, lo An¬
gelo Musanle. 84 Bedford, & Palma Pelle¬
grino. 22 Bedford: B&S; Aprl7; Mayl'19:
A$6,000-11.000 (R S $9). 8.750
B<^ekman st, 72 (1:99-10), nes, 89.6 se
Gold, 25x105. 5-sly stn loft & sir bldg; St
Luke's Hospital to Alfred P Morewood.
515 West End av; B&S; MayS; May6'19: A
$31,000-45.000 (R S $45). 45,000
Beekman st, 72; Alfred P Morewood to
Etagloc Holding Co, 5 Beekman; PM; mtg
$25,000; May5; May6'19. nom
Bleecker st, 107-0 (2:534-39). nwc Greene
(Nos 183-7). 49x100. 8-sly bk loft & sir
bldg; Herbert Parsons, individ & et al,
EXRS. &c John E Parsons, to Stephen A
Powell. Town of Essex, NY: Feb25; May2
•19; A$42.000-110.000 (R S $100). 100,000
Bleecker st. 111-3 (2:534-41). ns, 49 w
Greene. 51x100. 8-sty bk loft & sir bldg;
Henry & Richd Sidenberg to Stephen A
Powell at Essex, Essex Co, NY; % pts;
mtg $50,000 on whole & AL; Apr4; Mav2
'19: A$33.000-85.000 (R S $27). O C & 100
Bleecker at, 111-3; same et al as EXRS
Gustavus Sidenberg, to same; Vi pt; mlg
$50,000 on whole & AL; Apr4; May2'19 (R
5 S13) 30 OOO
Bond st, 30 (2:530-53). nes, abt 13*5 e
Lafayette. 26.9x100. 7-sty bk loft & str
bldg. 1-sty ext; Greenwich Savings Bank
to 30 Bond St Realty Co at 5 Great Jones
st: B&S; mtg $34,000 &AL; Mayl: Mav2'19:
A$19,000-36.000 (R S $3.50). O C & 100
Broad at, .%5-7; see Broad. 37.
Broad at, 50 (1:25-1). nec Beaver (Nos
33-5), 33.9x67.7x29.3x72.11. 4-sty bk office
6 sir bldg; Wm A Aycrigg of Stamford.
Conn. & et al to Seaboard National Bank,
18 Bway; ^ pt; AT; AL; Apr21; May3'19;
A$190.000-205,000 (R S $63.50). nom
Broad st, ,59, nec Beaver (Nos 33-5); John
B Aycrigg of Ridgewood. NJ. et al to same:
^ pt: AT; AL; Apr21; May3*19 (R S
$63.50). nom.
Broad st, 50, nec Beaver (Nos 33-5); Wm
A Valentine. 115 W 74, lo same; 1-6 pl; A
T; AL; Apr21; May3'19 (R S $32).
Broad st, 59, nec Beaver (Nos 33-5);
Louise P Becraft at Springfield. Mass, to
same; AT; AL; Apr21; May3'19. nom
Broad st, 59, nec Beaver (Nos 33-5);
Walter Kip of Passaic. NJ, & ano, EXRS
Jas N Puller, to same; 1-6 pt; AT; AL;
Apr21; May3'19 (R S $32). 31,«0«.«7
Broad st, 59, nec Beaver (Nos 33-5); con¬
sent lo sale of above by party 2d pt; John
B & B Arthur Aycrigg, owners of 1-6 pl,
to Wm A Valentine; Apr21; May3'19. -------
Broad st, 59, nec Beaver (Nos 33-5); con¬
sent lo sale of above by party 2d pt; Wm
A & Kate Aycrigg, owners of 1-6 pt, to
same; Apr21; May3'19. -------
Broad Mt, Sa-4 (1:11-23-24), ws. 43.3 n
Stone, runs n52.1xw70xs0.8xw9.8xs22.1xw23
x92oxe9S.10 to beg, 4-sty bk loft & str
bldg & 4-sty bk tnl & sirs; Helen Herbert
to Saml Untermyer, 2 E 54; B&S & CaG;
AL; AprSO; May3'19; A$132,000-144,000 (R
S SOc). O C & 100
Cathedral Pkway, 15 (6:1594-29), ns.
633.4 e Lenox av. 66.8x100, 5-sly bk tnl;
Roseff Realty Corpn to Rene Realty Corpn,
302 BW9.y; mtg $70,000 & AL, & PM mlg
$23,000; AprSO; Mayl'19; A$44,000-98,000
(R S $49). O C & 100
Cathedral Pk«-ay, 21 (6:1594-26), ns.
566.8 e Lenox av. 66.8x100. 5-sty bk tnt;
Roseff Realtv Corpn to Public Sq Realty
Co. 320 Bway; mlg $70,000 & AL & PM
mtg $21,000: Apr30; Mayl'19; A$44.000-
96,000 (R S $40). O C & 100
Cathedral Pkway. 21-27 (6:1594-22), ns.
500 e Lenox av, 66.8x100. 5-stv bk tnl;
Roseff Really Corpn to Berlin Realty Co.
53 E 115; mtg $70,000 & AL & PM mtg
$21,000; Apr30; Mayl'19; A$44.000-96.000 (R
S $40). O C & 100
Cathedral Pkway, 210 (7:1881-41). sa. 200
w Ams av, 100x70.11. 12-sty bk tnl; Harry
H Martin of Bklyn to Malex Realtv Corpn.
170 Bway; B&S & CaG; mtg $225,000 & AL;
Aprl8; May6'19: A$90.000-300,000 (R S $65).
Columbia at, 86 (2:334-45), es, 150 n Riv¬
ington, 25x100. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Louis
W Stotesbury. ref. to Rose S Roberts, 2107
Bway. plff; PORECLOS Apr30; May3; Mav
6'19; A$ll.000-26,000 (R S $16.50). 16.500
Eanex. at, 110 (2:353-10). es, 141 s Riv¬
ington. 16x60, 3-sty bk tnt & sir; Jacob
Kerner lo Morris P & Louis Kerner, both
at 8 19th St. Elmhurst, LI; mtg $10,000;
Apr21; May2'19; A$7.000-8.000 (R S $1).
Kxcbnngre pl, 14-18 (1:27-27). swc Han¬
over (No 6). 85.3x103.2 to ns Beaver (Nos
69-75) X98.S lo Hanover x53.6. 8-stv bk
office & sir bldg; Post Building (Jo to
Dominion Properties Co. 16 Exch pl; mlg
$300,000 & AL; Apr29; Mayl'19; A$400,000-
550.000 (R S $350). nom
Kront St. 347-57 (1:243-37 & 15-16), ss.
225 w Jackson, 80x140 to ns South (Nos
381-2); reserves bldg or shed, machinery.
&c; Simmons Realty & Constn Co to Geo
W Daniels. 71 Morton av, Bklyn; John A
Kennedy, 37 Cherry, NY, & Jas Kennedy, 1
Virginia pl. Bklyn, firm Daniels & Ken¬
nedy. 189 Pront; mtg $20,000 & AL; May2;
May5'19; A$18.200-18.500 (R S $20).
O C & 100
Front st, 52 (1:32-30), ns. abt 110 e
Coenties sl. 30.6x80, 4-sty bk storage;
Ross W Weir & Co to Plitner-Atwood Co.
15 Whitehall: B&S; mtg $25,500; AprSO;
Mayri9; A$20.000-29,000 (R S $22.50).
O C & 100
Front st, 348; see Pront, 350-2.
Front Kt, .•ttO-2 (1:243-62), ns. 366 w
Jackson. 34x70x33.8x70. 2-stv fr stable; A
$4,700-6,000: also PRONT ST. 348 (1:243-
611^). ns. 400 w Jackson, 19.10x70, vacant;
A$2.500-2.500; Jas P Cosgrove of Bklyn lo
John Sweenev of Montvale, NJ; AL; Mavl-
May3'19 (R S $15.50). nom
Oreene st, 57-63: see Wooster, 68.
Greene st, 1.83-7; see Bleecker. 107-9.
Hanover at, 6; see Exchange pl. 14-18.
Houston st, 469-71 E; see Lewis. 128.
Lewis st, 66 (2:328-45), es. 80 s Riving¬
ton, 20x50, 3-sly bk tnt & str; Celia wife
& Morris Stern to Panny Shapiro, 66
Lewis; mlg $5,000 & AL; Mayl; May2*ld;
A$4.000-5,000 (R S $1.50). O C & 100
Lewis st, 128 (2:330-52), sec Houston
(Nos 469-71), runs e70xs25xw70 to st xn75
(?) lo beg (probable error as lo last
course, 4 & 5-sly bk tnl & sirs; Ignatz
Bleich to Max & Mildred Bleich, all at
410 E 52; Va pt; AT; QC; Apr2S; Apr30'19:
A$ 14.000-23,000. nom
Lewis St. 177 (2:360-22). ws. 97.5 s Sth.
24.2x92.9x24.8x90.3, 4-sly bk lofl & str bldg.
Louis Ferlik. 546 W Moyamensing av.
Phila. Pa. to Edw Goelt, 1130 Jackson av;
mlg $10,000; Marl7: May6'19; A$6,000-12,-
000 (H S $2). nom
Lewis at, 177; Edw Goelt of Bronx to
Hyman Katz, 250 Madison st; May3: May
6'19 (R S $7.50). 7,300.35
Llspenard st, 11 (1:211-11). ns, abt 100 e
West Bway. 25x100, 6-sty bk lofl & str
bldg; Alfred C Coxe. Jr. et al. EXRS, &c,
Alfred R Conkling, to Harry K Grigg of
Mt Vernon. NY; mtg $18,000; Apr29; May2
'19; A$13.000-21,000 (R S $5). O C & 100
Montgomery st, 39-41 (1:268-37), es. 89.»
s Madison, runs e75xsll.6xe2xs28.6xw78.2
to st xn40 to beg. 6-sty bk tnt & sirs:
Jacob R Schiff lo Morris Schlachter. 27 E
110: mtg $35,500; Mayl; May3'19; A$15.000-
36.000. O C & 100
Mulberry st, 227 (2:495-36), ws, 141.9 n
Spring, runs w98.llxn24.llxe26.llxn0.lxe—
to st X325 lo beg. 3-sty fr bk fl tnt & 5-
sly bk rear tnl; Lincoln Trust Co, EXR.
&c. Predk C Gebhard. to Listowel Realty
Co. 27 Cedar; Apr30; May2*19; A$16.500-
18.000 (R S $14). O C & 100
New Chambers st, 53; see Roosevelt, 57.
Oliver st, 73 (1:252-69). es. 1S2.4 n Cher¬
ry, 26.2x100x25.3x100. 5-sty bk tnt & strs
& 5-sly bk rear tnt; Wm W Barbour of
Pairhaven. NJ, to Nicholas P Walsh, 10 E
130, & Matthew J Sullivan, 21 Poplar, Bk¬
lyn; E&S; mlg $14,000; Apr28; May2'19; A
$12,500-17.000 (R S 50c). nom
Oliver st, 72; Jos H Warren of Dayton,
Nev, to same; QC; mtg $14,000; AprlS; May
2'19. nom
Pike st, 50 (1:274-18), ws. 73.1 n Mon¬
roe. 26.10x85.11x27x85.11. 5-sty bk tnt &
strs; Wm H Hind to Saml I Gordon, 331
W 27; B&S & CaG; AL; Apr30'19; A$12,-
500-26,000 (R S $21.50). O C & 100
Pitt st, 21-3 (2:342-59). ws. 60 n Broome.
40x50, 6-sly bk tnt & strs; Lena Neuman
to Emilie Macher, at Rutherford, NJ; AL;
AprS; May3'19; A$13.000-26,000. nom
PHnce st, 127-9 (2:515-37). nwc Wooster
(Nos 131-3), runs n94.4xw81.6xn0.8xw5xs
23.9xe46.6xs71.3 to Prince xe40 to beg, 7-
sty bk loft & str bldg; N Y Public Lib¬
rary, Astor, Lenox & Tilden Foundations
to Harry Aronson. Inc. a corpn. 200 5 av;
B&S; AL; MayS; May6'19; A$37,000-74,000
(R S $70), O C & 100
PHnce st, 127-9, nwc Wooster (Nos 131-
3); Harry Aronson. Inc. to Sidnev E Mil¬
lington. 45 W 11; mtg $58,000 & AL; May
S; May6'19 (R S $17). O C & 100
Reade st, 104 (1:146-7), ns, abt 100 e
West Bway. 25x61, 5-sty stn loft & str
bldg; Rector, etc. of Trinitv Church. 187
Fulton, to Danl P Farrell. 11 W 102: PM;
mtg $20,000: Apr29; May3'I9; A$23.500-31.-
000 (R S $27.50). nom
Reade st. 104j Danl P Farrell to Wm H
Jeffer.s. 174 Zabrlski st. Jersev Citv, NJ;
mtg $20,000; Apr30; May3'19 (R S $10.50).
Roosevelt st, 5T (1:115-21), ws, 20.2 n
New Chambers, runs swl8.3 to nws New
Chambers (No 53) xw33.Sxne41.1 to Roose¬
velt xse25 to beg, 4-sty bk tnt & sirs;
Julia Mahoney, widow, 57 Lafayette Ext.
Bklyn. & ano to Pietro Palumbo. 56 Roose¬
velt: mtg $8,000; Mayl; May2'19; A$5,500-
7,000 (R S $1.50). nom
South St. 3S1-2; see Pront, 34 7-57.
South William st. l-3i see William. 1-9.
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