This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances. Mortgages, ABsignments of Mortgages and Satistied
Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits,
Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens, Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages ACfectln*
Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alteraiions in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the recorded
Wills and Real Estaie Appraisals in the Borough of Manhattan. Entered al the Post Office at New York, N. Y., as second class matter.
Vol. CIU. No. 21
NEW YORK, MAY 24. 1919
MAY 15, 16, 17, 19, 20 & 21.
Arden st, 20 (8:2174-179), sws, 209.6 nw
Nagle av. 40.6x130, G-sty bk tnl; College
Holding Co to Shenk Realty & Constn Co,
118 W 120; mtg $45,500; Mayl6; May20'19;
A$8,000-40,000. O C & 100
Arden Ht, 20 (8:2174-179), sws, 209.6 nw
Nagle av, 40.6x130, 5-sty bk tnl; Kingdale
Holding Corpn to College Holding Co. 118
W 120; mlg $34,000 & AL & PM mlg $11,-
600; Mayl6; Mayl7'19; A$8.000-40,000 (R S
$19.50). O C & 100
Barrow at, 99-101; see Greenwich, 633-7.
Bleeeker at, 148 (2:525-45), ss, 75 w
West Bway. 25x125, 6-sly bk tnt & strs;
Camillo Olivetlo, B of R, lo Ernesto
Leone, 148 Bleecker; ^k pt; mtg $27,000;
MaylS; Mayl9'19; A?17,000-38,000 (R S
$13). O C & 100
Cherry st, 216 (1:255-4), ns. 59.6 e Pike,
25,1x117.7x24.7x118.8, 6-sty bk tnl & strs;
Timothy A McCarthy, ref. to Kathleen G
Turle, 829 Park av; FORECLOS Mayl2;
May21'19; A$7,500-26,500 (R S $5). 5,000
ClLryatie st, 182 (.2:421-1), es, 100 n Riv¬
ington. 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Robt
P Lewis, ref, to Dry Dock Savgs Instn,
341 Bowery, plff; FORECLOS May9; May
13; MayI9'19; A?14,000-19,000 (R S $14).
Clinton Ht, 90-6 (.2:348-40), es, 100 n
Delancey. 76.1x100, 3 & 5-sly bk hall &
strs; Johanna Kroder to 90-96 Clinton St
Corpn. 31 2 av; mtg $59,000 & AL & PM
mtg $31,000; Apr22; Mayl7'I9; A$82,000-
110.000 (R S $51). nom
CoentleH sl, 3 (1:7-42), ws, 26.10 s Pearl,
26x45x26x45.5. 5-sty bk loft & sir bldg;
A$13.000-18,500; also COENTIES SL, 5
(1:7-23). nwc Water (No 38). 53x22.4x53.1
x23.2, 5-sly bk loft & str bldg; A$22,000-
28.000; Frank P Wood Co. 10 Wall, to
Saml Brody. 448 Eastern Pkway, Bklyn-
mtg $43,000; Mayl5; Mayl9'19 (R S $19).
O C & 100
CoentleH sl, 3-5 (1:7); Elm Park Really
Co, 27 Pine, to Frank P Wood Co. 10 WalJ;
mlg $30,000 & AL; Mayl; Mayl9'19 (R S
$23). O C & 100
Coenties al, 5; see Coenties sl, 3.
Columbia st, 02-4 (2:333-45), es. 151.6 s
Rivington. 48.6x99.11, 6-sty bk tnt & sirs;
Chas Burstein el al lo Burstein Holding
Co at 11 W 19; AL; AprlO; Mayl7'19; A
$23,000-56.000 (R S $1). O C & 100
Delancey st, 332^4 (2:323-31-32), nwc
Mangin (Nos 47-55). 73.10x100, 2-5-sly bk
tnts & sirs; Edgar Estates Corpn. 27 Ce¬
dar, to Chas E Haskell at Orange, NJ; May
20'19; A$2S.000-67,000 (R S $35). O C & 100
Delancey st, 332-4 (2:323-31-32), nwc
Mangin (Nos 47-55), 73.10x100x73.8x100,
2-5-sty bk tnts & sirs; Chas E Haskell, of
Orange. NJ. lo Jacob Denner. 53 Mangin;
mlg $35,000; May20; May21'19; A$28.000-
67.000 (R S $10). O C & 100
KaNt Broadway, 211 (1:285-20). ss. abt
100 w Clinton, 25x87.6. 5-sly bk tnt &strs;
Annie F Haber. widow Harrv D. Haber. to
Fannie R C Haber, 211 East Bway; B&S;
ml- $35,750; Mayl6'19; A$22.500-36.500.
O C & 100
FVont st, 12« (1:38-38). ws. 90.8 n Wall,
runs w75xs0.8xw7.2xnlS.7xe82.2 lo sl xsl8.6
to beg, 6-sly bk office & sir bldg; Henry
L Young of Richmond Hill. B of Q. lo La¬
grosip Interests, Inc, at 121 Front; PM;
mtg $16,000 & AL; Mayl4'19; A$16,000-21.-
000 fR S $19). nom
Fulton at, 92 (1:77-22). ss. abt 130 e
William. 25.10x79.10x29x79.10. 2 & 5-sty bk
lofl & sir bldg; Mabel L Costello et al to
Ormonde Holding Corpn, 206 Bway; mlg
$28,000; Mayl4; Mayl7'19; A$60.000-65,000 '
(R S $22). nom
Greenwich st, 633-7 (2:603-72-79 & 49-
51 & 58-59). nec Morton (Noa 75-89),
runs el72.6xn200.5 lo ss Barrow (Nos 99-
101). at point 100 w Hudson xw50.1xs75x
wll2 to Greenwich xsl25.8 to beg, 9-3 &
1-4-sly bk tnts, 1-sty fr stable, 2 & 3-sty
fr tnts; Rector etc of Trinity Church , 187
Fulton, to Lehn & Fink, Inc, 120 William;
Mayl9'19; A$109,500-124.000 (R S $170).
O C & 100
Hamilton sty 29Ys (1:253-49), ss, 300.6 e
Catharine. 12.6x100, 3-sly bk tnt; John T
Nagle, 2 E 127, to Michael J Campbell, 25
Roosevelt; sub to PM mtg $2,000 & adj
properly; Mayl9; May20'19; A$2.000-2,500
(R S $3), O C & 100
Henry st, 37 (1:280-8), ns, 275.3 e Cath¬
erine. 24.6x100x23x100, 6-sly bk tnt & sirs;
Richd S White lo Robt L Harrison, 20 W
9. & Robt W B Elliott, 383 Park av,
TRSTES for Mary G E Aldrich, will Mar¬
mont B Edson; QC; Mayl9; May20'19; A
$14,500-30,000. nom
Henry st, 37; Robt L Harrison & ano,
TRSTES for Mary G E Aldrich, will Mar¬
mont B Edson. to Sarah Lewin, 587 Grand;
Apr21; May20'19 (R S $24). 24,000
Hester st, 103 (1:307-40), ns, 50.8 e Eld¬
ridge. runs nl00xe73xs50xw36.2xs50 lo st
XW36.10 lo beg, 6-sty bk tnt & sirs; Mor¬
ris Goldstein & Sarah, his wife, to Morris
Goldstein, Inc, ^ pl, & Sarah Goldstein,
Vz pt. all at 54-6 Eldridge; mtg $59,000;
MaylS; Mayl5'19; A$50,000-85,000 (R S
$5.50). nom
Lewis st, 200 (S07) (2:363-18), ws, abt
90 n 6th. 17x72.9; also LEWIS ST, 211
(209). ws, 57.1 a 7th, 17.1x70.6x17x68.3, 3-
sty bk stables; Geo A Dries of Little Neck,
LI. el al. to Theo E Hommel, 209-11 Lewis;
mtg $8,000; Apr28; Mayl7'19; A$7,000-11,-
000 (R S $16). O C & 100
Lewis st, 211; see Lewis, 209.
Mangin at, 47-55| see Delancey, 332-4.
Morton st, 75-89; see Greenwich, 633-7.
Mott st, 24U (2:480-25). ws, 116 s Spring,
runs W32.1xn0.9xwl7.8xn24.3xe24.9xs3.2xe25
to st XS22.1 to beg,. 3-sty fr bk ft tnt; Fair¬
field Holding Corpn lo Mary Orlando, 204
Moll; B&S: mtg $6,000 & AL; Mayl5; May
16'19; A$6.500-7,000 (R S $2). O C & 100
Mulberry st, swc Worth; see Worth.
Norfolk st, 20 (1:312-1), es, 52 n Hester,
23x25, 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Sarah Arono-
wilz. 20 Norfolk, to N Y Edison Co, 130 E
15; mlg $9,000; Mayl9; May20'I9; A$5,000-
7,000 (R S $4.50). O C & 100
Pearl st, 69 (1:29-9). ns, 47.6 w Coenties
alley, 19.6x81.8x17.6x82.3, 5-sty bk tnt &
sirs; Saml Brody. 788 Eastern Pkway,
Bklyn, lo John N Poulides. 801 West End
av, NY, & Theo N Poulides. 457 9lh.
Bklyn, as joint tenants; mlg $17,500; May
19'19; A$18,000-24,000 (R S $17.50).
O C & 100
Pearl st, 87-9 (1:29-27). ws, 143 s Han¬
over sq, runs sw45.2xnw73 to es Stone st
(Nos 54-6) xne36.5xse22.6xne4.4xse51.8 lo
beg. 6-sly bk loft & sir bldg; Caroline W
Fraser. 306 W 72, & ano. heirs. &c. Frank¬
lin A Wilcox, to Percy Chubb al Glen Cove.
LI; Mayl4; Mayl5'19; A$30.000-57.000 (R S
$75). O C & 100
Pearl at, ."'â–º30-40 (1:157-22-24), ns. abl 25
w Elm, 74.2x100. 2-5-sty bk loft & str
bldgs; Jesse F & Horace P Peyser to Ob-
erly & Newell ReaUy Co, 52 Lexington av,
Passaic, NJ; mtg $87,500 & AL; Mavl; Mav
15'19; A$100.000-144.000 (R S $32.50). nom
St Lukes pl, 13, or Leroy at (2:583-48),
ns, 275.5 e Hudson. 21.8x100. 3-sly & b bk
dwg; Henrietta Fraser. i Livingston a v.
Yonkers. NY, to Alentaur Realtv Co, 27
William; AL; Mayl5; May21'19; A$10.500-
11,500 (R S $12.50). 12^070
St Marks pl, 12 (2:463-15), ss, 178 e 3
av. 26x120. 5-sty bk tnt & sir; Deutsch
Americanische Schuetzen Gesellschaft
(German American Shooters Societv) lo
Anna M Brindell, 1890 Daly av; mtg $22,-
000 & AL; Mavl5; May20'19; A$19,000-37,-
000 (R S $9.50). 32,00O
St MarkM pl, 103 (2:436-49). ns. 237.6 e
1 av. 24x93.11. 5-sty bk tnt & sirs; Bea¬
trice W Thompson (Ward) to Jane Ward
Day. 13 W 8; AT & B&S; AL; AprlS; Mav
21'19; A$ll.000-19,000 (R S $1). O C & 100
St Nicholas pl, 16 (7:2054-40). es. 103 n
150th. 32x100. 2-sty & a fr dwg; Robl A
Adams lo Irving Savings Instn, 115 Cham¬
bers; May3; Mayl5'19; A$14,000-15.500 (R
S 50c). O C & 16,250
Stone at, 54-6; see Pearl, 87-9.
Water at, 38; see Coenties sl, 3.
Worth st, 174-82 (1:161-28). swc Mul¬
berry, runs nwl27xsl02.4xel02.6 to st xn26
to beg, 6-sty bk loft & air bldg; A$105,-
000-155.000; also 125TH ST, 127-37 E (6:-
1774-13-19 & 60), ns, 115 w Lex av, runs n
199.10 lo ss 126lh (No 124) xe25xs99.11xe
90 lo ws Lex av (Nos 2076-80) xs99.11 lo
125lh xwll5 lo beg. 7-5-3ly bk tnls & strs
& 2-3-3ly & b stn dwgs; A$168,100-215,100;
also 126TH ST. 128-30 E (6:1774-67), ss. 510
w 3 av & — w Lex av. 50x99.11, 2-sty fr
d\\^gs&slr &> l-sty fr bldg; A$22,000-24.000;
also 126TH ST. 126 E (6:1774-59), ss 560 w
3 av & — w Lex av, 25x100. 3-sly fr tnt, 1-
sty fr exl; A$10,000-10.500; also 81ST ST,
10 E (5:1492-65), ss, 18L11 e 5 av, 20.5x
102.2, 4-sly & b sin dwg; A$45,000-55,000;
also MADISON AV, 1535 (6:1610-2214). es,
34.3 n I04lh, 16.8x70, 3-sty bk tnt & str;
A$7.000-10,000; Adolph B Lichtenstein to
Estate of Adolph Brussel. Inc, 42 W 39;
AT & confirmation deed; AL; Apr29: May
16'19 (R S $37.50). nom
Worth st, 195 (l;16I-59), ns. 41.9 e Mul¬
berry. 23.11x38.1x14.4x57.10, 5-sty bk tnt
& strs; Ellen M Mittendorf et al to The
Worth Co al 191 Worth; Mayl4; Mayl6'19;
A$7,500-9,000 (R S $7). O C & 100
1ST St. 58 E (2:443-48), ns, 225.1 w 1 av,
runs w24.9xnl44.7xse50.2 xs 38.2 xw 25xsl00
to beg, with AT to strip on w0.4%xl44.7x
0.5x144.7, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Hiramel
Realty Corpn, 44 Court, Bklyn, to Morris
Levine, 182 Orchard; mlg $43,000 & AL &
PM mtg $6,000; MaylS; May21'19; A$19,-
000-47,000 (R S $10). nom
2D st, 65 E (3:443-19). ss, 300 e 2 av, 25
x57.9x25.2x54.6. 3-sty bk tnt; Eliza &
Adolph Granet. 61 E 91. to Pincus Fish-
man, 65 E 2: mlg $12,000; MaylS; Mayl7
'19; A$8,000-9,000 (R S $2). nom
4TH st, 310-a E (2:373-8), ss. 102 e Av
C, 44x96.2, 6-sty bk tnl & sirs; Morria
Goldstein & Sarah, his wife, to Morris
Goldstein, Inc, a corpn. Vz pt. & Sarah
Goldstein, Vi: pt, all at 54-6 Eldridge; mtg
$43,000 & AL; Mayl3; MaylS'19; A$24,000-
57.000 (R S $5.50). nom
OTH st, 602-4 E (2:388-11-12). ss, 64 e
Av B. runs Sl41xe29xn44xe25xn97 to st xw
54 to beg, 2-4-siy bk tnls & sirs; Chas J
Miller. 2040 7 av, to Sisters of the Poor
of Sl Francis In State N Y. 537 E 142; mtg
$18,000; Mayl5'19; A$34,000-44,500 (R S
$32). O C & 100
IITH st, 68 E (2:562-18). ss, 336.11 e
University pl, 21.2x94.9, 3-sty bk loft &
sir bldg; Alfarata R Kearney et al, EXRS
&c Edw W Kearney, to Quiller-aiorgan
Co. 14 W 40; 1-6 pt; AT; AL; Mayl7; May
19'19: A$16,000-17.000 (R S $2) . 1.666.66
IITH St. 68 E; Alfarata R Kearney,
widow of Edw W Kearney. & Florence A,
wife Orville Milburn. of Bronx, lo same;
5-6 pis; AT; AL; Mayl7; Mayl9'19 (R S
$8.50). nom
13TH Ht, 149 W (2:609-70), ns, 220 e 7
av. 20x103.3. 3-sly bk tnt & strs; Herman
Ludemann to Fredk Engelman. 223 10th
St. West New York, NJ; mtg $12,500 & AL;
May 19; May21'19; A$ll.500-13.000 (R S
$6.50). O C & 200
14TH Nt, 424 E (2:441-19). ss. 319 e 1
av. 25x100.3, with all title to strip in rear
25x3. S-sty bk Int & strs; John Baltes. 643
E 170. to Geo Hagelweide. 66 Irving pl;
mlg $22,250; NovlS'lS; May21'19; A$13.-
000-22.000 (R S SOc). O C & 100
16TH St. 3.-i.% \V; see 17th. 354-60 W.
17TH st, 354-60 W (3:740-59-60). ss. 100
e 9 av. runs s92xe0.1i^xn0.3 xe 25 xs 0.3xe
24.10XS92 to ns 16th (No 355) xe25xnl84 to
17th xw75 lo beg. 2-4-sty bk tnts & va¬
cant; Dayton Estates Corpn to Marcus &
Goldstein, Inc, 141 Bway; mtg $29,500 &
PM mtg $21,000; MayI9; May21'19; A$33,-
500-38,500 (R S $22). O C & 100
18TH st, lo W (3:819-52). ss. 252 w 5
av. 28x92. 9-sty stn loft & str bldg; Hen¬
rietta C Hallum (Filers), of Bklyn, to
Marjohn Realty Co. 35 Nassau; mlg $84.-
000 & AL; Mayl; May21'19; A$37,000-89,-
000 (R S $10). nom
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