This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyancefl, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and Satisfied
Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction SaleB, Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure SultB,
Judgments In Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens, Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affectnff
Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts. New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the recorded
Willi and Real Estate Appraisals in the Borough of Manhattan. Entered at the Post Office at New York, N. Y„ as second class matter.
Vol. CIV. No- 12
SEPT, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13.
Academy *»t^ ft47 (8:2234-47), es, 150 n
Vermilyea av, 50x100, 5-sty bk tnt; Irene
B Morgan & ano to Julius Sc Jo's Cooper-
smith, 72 E 114; mtg $44,750 Sc AL; Sept4;
SeptlO'19; A?10,000-46,000 (R S $15).
O C & 100
Barrow st, 51 (119) (2:587-49), ss, 207 W
Bleecker, 20.4x40, 2-sty fr bk ft dwg; John
Wattenberg to Kiesler Realty Co, both at
960 Prospect av; mtg $3,500; MaylG^lS;
Septl2'19; A$3,500-4,000. O C & 100
Bond nt, as (2:530-49), ns, 294,8 w Bow¬
ery, 30x100, 2 Sc 3-sty bk loft & str bldg;
Horatio N Flanagan, EXR & TRSTE Wm
C Flanagan, to Aron Aaront, 96 2 av; mtg
$23,000 Se AL; Septll; Septl2*19; A$21,000-
24,000 (R S $3), 2«,000
Cbrystie st, 225 (2:427-34), ws, 214.S n
Stanton, 20x100, 4-sty bk tnt & strs. 1-sty
ext; Edith I Sexton, 159 S Main st. South
Norwalk, Conn, to Mary Lang, widow, 62
E 3; AL; MayS; Sept9a9; A$ll,000-16,000,
Coenties sl, 21 (1:5-17), ws, 30 s Front,
27x45, 5-sty bk tnt Se strs; Donald A Man-
son, 114 Milton, Bklyn, to Robt Johanson,
2316 Av M, Bklyn; mtg $14,850; Aug2S;
Septl2*19; A$14,000-21.000 (R S $12). nom
Commerce st, 40; see Commerce, 48.
Commerce st, 48 (2:584-23), ws. 20.1 n
from an angle in st formed by opening
Commerce to Barrow st, runs sw55,Sxsl9.9
xe26.7xne9xnllxne28,ll to st xnwl9.11 to
beg, 3-sty bk tnt; A$3.500-4,500; also COM¬
MERCE ST, 46 (2:584-24), ss, 6.8 ne from
an angle in st formed by opening of Com¬
merce to Barrow st, runs aw along st 6,8
to said angle xnw along st 01%xsw28.11xs
Ilxsw9,lxe45.1xn33,9 to beg, 3-sty bk tnt;
A$3,000-4,000; John Blesch to Pauline
Blesch, both at 243 W 4; Aug22; Sept8'19
(R S $14), nom
Ferry Bt, 9 to 19; see Frankfort, 49-53,
Fort Charles pl, 13 (8:2215-487), ss, 105
e Jacobus pl, runs sl03,4xne90,7xnw72,2 to
pl xw50 to beg, 2-sty & b fr dwg; Paul-
ward Co, 258 Bway, to Andw T McKegney,
2486 De Voe ter; AL; Augl; Septiri9;
A$9,000-11,500 (R S $7.50). O C & 100
Frankfort st, 49-5a (1:104-32-38 Sc 22-25
& 30), sec Gold (,Nos 92-102), runs e74.5xs
71.9xsel22,l to Jacob (Nos 5-17), xsl22.5xn
w64.8xswl5,7xnwl5.4xsw76.4 to Ferry <No
9), xnw24.4xnell7,10xnwll8.2 to Gold, xn
139.6 to beg,-2-4 & 5-sty bk loft bldgs &
vacant; A$244,500-374,500; also FERRY ST,
15-19 (1:104-27), nwc Jacob, 49,6x52x49x53,
5-sty bk storage; A$30,000-40,000; also
JACOB ST, 1 & 3 (1:104-26), ws. 53 n Fer¬
ry, 40x66,1, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; A$21,-
000-32,000; also FERRY ST, 11-13 (1:104-
28), nes at wc land Eliza Resster, runs ne
52xnwl6,7 xne25 xnwl4.7 xsw77,6 xae31.8 to
beg, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; A$16.000-22,-
000; Central Leather Co (of N J) to Union
Tanning Co (of N J). 17 Battery pl; mtg
$-------; Aug26; Aug30'19 (R S $359.50).
O C & 100
Franklin st, 58; see Eway. 350-2,
Gold st, 92-103; see Frankfort. 49-53,
Jacob st, 5-17; see Frankfort, 49-53,
Jacob st, nwc Ferry; see Frankfort, 49-
Lafayette wt. 418-26; see Bway, 726-30.
Leonard st, nec Bway; see Bway» 350-2.
Mncdouf^ral st, 171-3 (2:553-28), ws, 105 n
Waverly pl, runs wll5.11xnllxw5.3xn23.1x
e24,llxnl6.4xe99.2 to St xs50,10 to beg, 6-
sty bk loft bldg; Mrvry P Satterlee Sc ano
to Arbris Realty Co, 52 Wm; B&S; mtg
$75,000 & AL; AugS; Septl0'19; A$30,000-
65.000 (R S $1). nom
Mercer st, 81 (2:485-28), ws. 226 n
Broome, 23.10x100, 1-sty bk str Se vactnt;
Wm L Woodward, ref, to Metropolitan
Savings Bank, 59 Cooper Sq E, plff; FORE¬
CLOS Sept3; Sept5; SeptS'lO; A$14,500-14,-
500 (R S $18), 18,000
Feart st, 161-3; see Wall. 70.
South Williamj st, 33-7 (1:29-55), ss,
70,10 e Broad, runs s78,l to ns Stone (Nos
31-5) xe53.7xn36.3xe0.Sxn46,6 to S William
xw51,9 to beg, S-sty bk office Sc str bldg;
35 South William St, a corpn, to Guiter¬
man, Rosenfeld & Co, 35 S William; mtg
$165,000 Se AL; Septll'19; A$110,000-175,-
000, nom
Stanton st, ©3 (2:417-34), ns, 25.4 e Eld¬
ridge, 25.4x75, 5-sty bk tnt Sc strs; Frank
J Coyle, ref, to Marshal C Bacon at Green¬
wich, Conn, plft; FORECLOS Aug25; Sept
9; SeptlO'19; A$13,000-21,000 (R S $25).
Stanton st, 377 (2:334-55), ss, SO e Col¬
umbia, 25x51x25x50, 3-sty bk tnt; Dena
Aufses to Mortimer A Aufses, 220 W 110;
AL; Sept4;,Sept9'19; A$7,000-8,000. nom
Stanton st, 379 (2:334-56), ss, 75 w Can¬
non, 25x50, 3-sty bk tnt Sc str; Rae A Lil-
lenstern et al to Mortimer A Aufses. 220 W
110; AT; AL; Sept4; Sept9'19; A$7,000-S,-
000. nom
Stone st-, 31-5; see S William, 33-7.
Wall et, 70 (5S) (1:40-3), ns. abt 90 w
Pearl, 26,1x101,9x25.7x100.11. ws, 5-sty stn
loft Sc str bldg; A$100.000-105,000; also
PEARL ST, 161 (1:40-33). ns. abt 8o n
Wall, runs n49,6xw4xn3S.6xe30.3xs90.1 to
st X—22 to beg, 5-sty bk logt Se str bldg;
mtgs $125,000 on above two parcels; A$29.-
* 000-35,000; also INTERIOR LOT (l:40-as-
sessed with Wall st, 70). begins on nl 163
Peal st Sc 74.2 w Pearl, runs w72,5xs23,7xe
29.Sxs0.ll xe25.9 xn3,8 xel7,3 xn21.8 to beg.
being in rear of 68 Wall st Se of 163 Pearl
at, 3-sty bk blf'.g: also PEARL ST, 163 (1:-
40-32), nws. abt 85 n Wall, 22x72.8x21,8x
73.11, 6-sty bk loft Se str bldg; A$30,000-
38,000; Index Realty Co, 26 Bway, to Jas
L Laidlaw at Sands Point, LI; Aug29; Sept
8*19, nom
Willett st, 26 (2:337-37), es, 112,6 n
Broome, 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Saml
B Mazer, 362 Cypress av, to Kronshtat
Realtv Co, 299 Bway; mtg $12,500; Sept5;
Septl2'19: A$ll,000-20,500 (R S $3). nom
SO st, «3 E (2:444-20), ss, 225 e 2 av, 18.9
xlOl.3x18.9x101.4. 3-sty bk dwg; Edith I
Sexton. 159 S Main st. South Norwalk,
Conn, to Mary Lang, widow, 62 E 3; AL:
May8; Sept9'19: A$9.000-11.000, gift
9TH st, 57 W (2:573-73), ns. 226.8 e «
av, 22,2x92.3, 3-stv & b bk dwg; Emily
Emanett. at Castle Haven. Cambridge, Md,
to Annabel A Goan, 57 W 9; AL; Aug26;
Septll'19; A515,000-17,000 (R S $30). nom
IITH st, 130 W (2:606-46), ss. 345 w 6
av. 23.6x129.7. 3-sty & b bk dwg; John F
Barkley to Dorothy -N Griffis. 240 Waverly
pl; mtg $10,000; Sept2; Sept9*19; A$15,500-
18,000 (R S $14). O C & 100
13TH st, 433 E (2:440-43), ns. 172.9 w
Av A, 24,3x103.3. 4-sty bk stable; Louis
Sherman, 243 E 18. to Institute of Mission
Helpers of N Y, a corpn. 334 E 22; SeptlO:
Septll'19: A$9.000-14.000 (R S $27). 37,00o
17TH st, 17-9 W (3:819-27). ns, 280 w 5
av, 53x92, 11-sty bk loft & str bldg; Lyon
de Camo, of Fulton Chain, Herkimer Co,
NT, to Hearn Corpn. Ill Eway; Yz pt; AT;
E&S Se CaG; mt^ $155,000 Sc AL; July31;
Septll'19; A$65.500-185,000 (R S $42.50),
O C & 100
17TII st, 17-9 "W; T Randolph Jacobs &
Everett Jacobs to same; Y2 pt; AT & B&S;
mte: $155,000 Sc AL; Sept9; Septiri9 (R S
$42,50). O C & 100
17TH st, 237-339 W (3:767-19). ns, 280 w
7 av. 120x40x120,4x42.4. 8-sty bk loft Sc str
bids:; Chas D Donohue. ref, to Enko Real¬
ty Co, Tnc, 135 W 123; mtg $112,000 Sc AL;
FORECLOS SeptS: Sept9; Septl0'19: A$39.-
000-125.000 (R S $11). 11,006
SOTH st, 243 "W (3:769-61), ss. 554.2 w
7 av. runs s93xw5xn20xwl7xn70.10 to st xe
22 to beg, 3-stv bk tnt; Farmers Loan &
Trust Co, ADMR Edwin O Brinckerhoff, to
Henry A Collins, Jr, 2B4 W 20: B&S; AL:
SeptO: Septl3'19; A$9,500-10.000 (R S
$10,50), 0 C & 100
31ST Kt, 119 W (3:797-29), ns, 225 w 6
av, 18.9x98.9. 4-sty Sc b atn tnt; Mina L or
Louise .N Peek, of New London, Conn, to
Chas A Schrag, 2094 7 av; mtg ?9»500 &
AL; Septll; Septl2'19; A?17,000-19,5K)0 (R
S $5,50). ^ O C & 100
33I> st, 133 W (3;79S-25), ns, 353,6 W 6 ,
av, 21,6x98.9, 3-sty bk tnt Sc strs; Emi¬
grant Indust Savings Bank to Morris Sind-
ler, 13 W 21; B&S; AL; Aug29; Sept9'19; A
$21,000-22,500 (R S $18.50), 18,500
33D st, 69 W (3:825-7), ns, 141 e 6 av, 23x
9S,S, 4-3ty bk loft & str bldg, 2-sty ext;
Mutual Life Ins Co of N Y to Louis
Schwartz, 364 E 149; Bernhard Schaffel, 5
Willett, Sc Rosie, wife Harry Lingel, 77
1st; B&S; AL; Sept9; Septl3'19; A$48,000-
55,000 (R S $61), O C & 100
34TH st, 135 W (3:800-20), ns, 425 W 6
av, 25x117.3x25x117,6, 6-sty bk tnt & strs;
Philip^ Smith & Margt S Davidson, EXRS
&c Richd H Casey, to Jacob A Dolgenas,
188 Hooper, Bklyn; ^^ pt; mtg $25,000 &
AL; SeptS; Sept9"19; A$26,000-3S.0O0 (R S
$6.50). O C & 100
i;4TH st, 135 W; Isaac Hutkoff et al,
EXRS. &c, Nathan Hutkoff, to aame; y^ pt;
mtg $25,000 Sc AL; Aug21; Sept9'19 iR S
$6,50). O C & 100
25TH st, 347 W (3:749-14), ns. 250 e 9 av,
25x98.9, 5-sty stn tnt; Wm Jacobs to Robt
Garcewich, 530 W 144; mtg $18,000; Septl;
SeptS'19; A$12.000-25,300 (R S $9).
O C & 100
35TH st, 313 W (3:749-31). ns. 130 w S
av, 24x9S,9. 4-sty bk tnt & 3-sty bk rear
tnt; Julia S Wallberg. at Ossining. NY, to
Nellie T Lyons, 312 W 23; mtg $12,000 &
AL; Sept4; Septll'19; A$ll,500-14,000 (R S
$2,50), nom
SSTH st, 40 E (3:857-50), ss, 252,2 e Mad
av, 20.10x84, 4-sty bk tnt Se strs; Ernest
C Auer of Bklyn to Cosul Realty Corpn,
38 Park Row; mtg $15,000 Sc AL; SeptS;
SeptO'lO; A$34,500-37.500 (R S $23,50). nom
3STH st, 214-8 W (3:777-52), ss, 180,2 w
7 av. 50x98.9, vacant; Olds Holding Corpn
to Field Realty Co; AL; Apr22'18; SeptS"19;
A$34,000-34,000 (R.S $5), O C & 100
30TH st, 49-53 E? see 4 av, 424-32.
39TH st, 114 W (3:804-49), ss. 190 w 6
av, 20x98,9. 4-sty bk laundry, 2-sty ext;
Guardian Holding Co. 50 E 42. to Jos Blei-
weiss. 855 E 172; PM; mtg $23,500 & AL;
Septll; Septl2"19; A?25,000-29,000 (R S
$38,50), 38,506
39TH st, 134-6 W (3:804-54-55). ss, 300 W
6 av. 40x98,9, 2-4-sty bk loft & str bldgs;
Caroline L Imlach, EXR, &c, Chas Smith,
to Annie Glick, 2947 W 36, Bklyn. Sc Bertha
Bleiweiss. 855 E 172; AL; SeptS; Sept9'19:
A$56,000-59,000 (R S $65). 65,0OO
30TH st, 128-33 W (3:S05-S1), sa, 363,7 e
7 av. 82.7x98.9. 3-3-sty bk tnts & strs; U S
Realty Sc Impt Co to Criterion Holding Co,
46 Cedar: B&S; SeptS; Sept9'19; A$136,000-
139,000 (R S $130), O C & 100
30TH St. 138-33 W; Criterion Holding
Co, 46 Cedar, to Salamon J Manne, 202
Riverside dr; B&S; mtg $100,000 & AL:
SeptS; Sept9*19, 0 C & 100
33D St, 33-43 E (3:863-29), ns, 125 e
Mad av, 115.6x98.9, 12-sty bk loft & str
bldg; 33 East 33d St Realty Co to Geo
Backer, 15 W 55 (% pt); Emanuel Arn¬
stein. 600 West End av (^^ pt). Sc Saml
Levy, 378 West End av (% pt); mtg $720,-
500 & AL; Sept4; Sept9'19; A$355,000-750,-
000. ^om
34TH st, 311-21 W (3:758-28), ns. 175 w
S av, 125x197.6 to ss 35th (Nos 322-32). 6-
aty bk Manhattan Opera House; Oscar
Hammerstein to Emma Swift Hammer-
stein.' 949 West End av; mtg $370,000; Apr
4; Septll'19; A$215,000-430,000. nom
35TH st, 233 E (3:916-21), ns. 220 W '2
av. 30x98.9, 4-stv stn tnt- Stephen P Mc¬
Dermott. 233 E 35, to Margt A Byrne, 321
E 33: mtg $3,000 & AL; SeptO'lD; A$8,SO0-
11,000 (R'S $8). o c & xqo
35TH wt, 233 E; Christopher McDermott,
233 E 35. to same; QC: mtg $3,000 & rAL;
SeptS: SeptO^lO (R S SOc). nom
35TH st, 359 W (3:785-11), ns-, 170 e .8
av, 23x98.9. 4-stv bk tnt & strs & 3-sty fr
rear tnt; Marv Zahn, 793 Hudson av. West
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