Published Every Saturday by THE RECORD AND GUTOE COMPANY
FRANK E. PERLEY:, President and Editor; W. D. HADSEUU Tioo-President; J. W. FRANK, SecretaiT'TrMaanr.
Entered » eeexjnd dlau nMtet Nonmber S, 1ST9, »t ttu Post Oflla* at THwm
Copyright, 1919, by The Record and Guide Company
TqrtU H. Y., aiLd«r tbo Act of MVdl S, UTt.
119 West 40fh Street* New Tork (Tcdfiphoiie: Bryuit 4800)
NO. 18 (2694)
tlOO A
OCT. 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28,
29, -30 & 31-
Allen st, 13G (2:415-56), es, 77 s Riving¬
ton, 25x87.6, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Louis
Llpka to Bessie Enoch at Spring Glen. N
Y; AT; E&S & CaG; AL; Sept29; Oct24'19;
A?12,000-17,000 (R S $15). O C & 100
Arden Bt, 25 (8:2174-190), GS, 242 or 252
n Nagle av, 27x110, 5-sty bk tnt; ERA
Realty Co, 135 Bway, to David Kominick,
835 Kelly, & Theresa Solomon, 2340 7 av;
mtg-s $26,000 Se AL; Oct27; Oct29^19; A$4,-
500-25,000 (R S $8). nom
Bank st, 40 (2:614-9), SS, 85 e 4th, 20x
91.3. 5-sty stn tnt; Maurice Herrmann to
Minnie Cohen Mindlin, 2190 Andrews av;
mtg- $20,000; OctlS; Oct24'19; A$8,500-30,-
000 (R S $2). O C & 100
Beaver st, 14-16 on map 1© (1:11-7). sec
New, 43.6x68,6 to ns Marketleld at x42.10x
74,6, ws. 6-sty bk office & str bldg, except
BEAVER ST, pt of 14 (1:11), ss. 177.2
e Bway, runs sw74-4 to ns Marketfteld st
xelOxn— to st xw2 to beg; also, except
gore on BEAVER ST. ss. bounded n by
Beaver st, e by e 1 of a New st & w by
land conveyed from Caswell to N Y Pro¬
duce Exchange, said gore being in litmts
of said New st: Forrest Raynor of Mont¬
clair, NJ, & ano. EXRS, &c, Henrietta H
Smith, to Castillo Building Corpn. 25 State:
2-15 pts: Octl4; Octl9'19: A?155.000-165,000
CR S $28). , 28,000
Beaver st, 14-1«, on map 10; Howard C
Smith of Ovster Bay. LT,. to same; 8-15
pts; Octl4: Decl8'19 (R S $112). 112,000
Benver st, 14-16, on map 10: Rafael del
Castillo to same; 20-60 pts; Octl5: OctlS
'19 (R S $55). nom
Benver st, 24 (1:11-12). ss. abt 115 e
New, 21.4x56.2 to ns Marketfield s:22.7x58.9.
ws, 4-sty bk loft & str bldg: Sarah M
Searing, at the Crescent. Montclair. N.T. to
L H Billow & Co, 62 Broad: Octl7; Oct20
'19: AS57,000-62,000 (R S $100). nom
Beaver st, 45 (1:25-42), ns. 161,10 e
Broad, 22.6x116x19.10x117-3. 5-sty bk loft
^ Str bldg: Eliz H McCullough. individ. &
EIlz H Se Hall Park McCullough of Ben¬
nington, Vt. EXRS. Scc, John G McCul-
Inugh, deed, Se Frederic* B Jennings. NT, to
4^ Beaver St Corpn. 45 Beaver: mtq- $44.-
000- July26; Oct24'19; A$SO,000-90,000 fR S
$121). nom
Be^^kman st, nec Nassanj see Nassau.
Bleecker st 107-I> (2:534-39), nwc Greene
fNos 183-7), 50x100. 8-sty bk loft Sc str
bldg: Stephen A Powell, of Essex. Essex
Co. NT, to Mpud HIgby, 49 W 94: 1-10 pt:
B^S; mtg $50,000 on whole; Oct20'19: A
$42,000-110,000 (R S $10). O C ^. IOO
Blopcker st. 123-5 (2:536-37), nwc "Woos¬
ter (Nor 191-3). 50x100, 8-3ty bk loft Se str
bldg: ExceLsi nr Savg5? Bank to Harry
Swanson. 324 "W 96: B&S Sc CaG: AL: Oct
25; Oct29'19; A$38,000-108.000 fR S SR125).
o c & ion
Bleecker st, 123-5, nwc Wooster (Nos
191-3): Harrv Swanson to AfloTnh Mayer.
RF>0 Park av: Geo A Boehm. 80 Forster av.
Mt Vernon. NT. Sc Jeromt^ Tanenbaum. 315
Central Park W. each ^ pt; mte: $fl0.nOf»
& AL: Oct28: Oct20M9. O C Sr^ 100
Broome st, 2<t-R (2:322-30'), US. FiO ft
Gnernk. 50x75. 6-9ty bk tnt & strs: Hud¬
son Tnve5!tlng Co to Grepnbrook Invest¬
ing Co, M Mf^Iden la; B&S; AL; Oc?t8: Oct
?1*19; A$10,000-31,000. nom
Broome at, 150 (2:342-33), ns, abt 50 e
Attorney, 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs;
Isaac Roggen, 2100 5 av, to Rosalie Rosen¬
thal, 2100 5 av; AL; Oct24'19; A?14,000-25,'
GOO (R S 50c). nom
Canal st, 303-5 (1:227-7), nec Thompson
(No 2), 36.7x70.10x49.4x63.2, 4-sty fltn of¬
fice Sc str bldg; 395 Canal St Corpn to 205
East 57th St Co, at 505 5 av; AL; Oct28;
Oct29'19; A$32,000-60,000 (R S $40). nom
Cannon st, 129 (2:335-69), ws„ 120 S
Houston. 20x100, 5-sty bk tnt; Wolf Frank,
33 W 111. to Lena Stoloif; % RT&I; AL;
Oct21; Oct29'19; A$8,000-14,000 (R S $1).
Cherry st, l.^ie (1:253-11), ns, 239.3 e
Catherine, 25.8x104,2, 5-sty bk tnt & strs;
Isidor Lebelson to Nathan Rosenthal, 311
W 97; % RT&I; B&S & CaG; AL; OctSO;
Oct31'19; A$8,500-19,500 (R S $11). nom
Cherry st, 276 (1:256-11), ns, 78.5 w
,Tcfferson, 26.1x112.2x26,1x112.8, 6-sty bk
stable; Nathan Burkan, ref, to The Gen¬
eral Theological Seminary of the P E
Church In IT S, 175 9 av. plff; FORECLOS
Oct20; Oct21'19; A$7,500-23,500 (R S $28).
Christopher st, 185 (2:636-40), nec Wee¬
hawken (No 13). runs e30.5xn63.9xwl2.1 to
Weehawken xs65.11 to beg, 3-sty bk office
& str bldg; Geo S O'Neil, NT, to Lillian E
O'Neil. 132 Bidwell av, Jersey City, NJ;
1st mt^ $12,500; 2d mtg $------- & AL; July
21; Oct25'19; A$14,000-18,000. O C & 100
Clnrfc st, 26-30; see Spring, 220-6.
Clinton St. 84 (2:348-45), es, 150 s Riv¬
ington. 25x100. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Alan C
Doig. ref, to Jos Kaplan, 626 Willoughby
av. Bklyn; FORECLOS Oct22'19: Oct24:
Cct25*19 (R S $29); A$26,000-32,000, 28.600
Crosby st, 5-7; see Howard. 22-6.
Division st, 221t See East Bway, 232.
Downinpr st, 40-51 (2:528-82), ns, 102.3 w
Bedford. 39.6x90, 4-sty bk storage: Fran¬
cis J Caragher, 231 W 120, et al, helra
John F Caragher, to Mary E Caragher,
231 W 120, widow John F Caragher: AT;
mtg $25,000; SeptSO; Oct30'19; A$16,50O-
30,000. nom
Downlnp: Bt, 49-51; Mary E Caragher,
231 W 120. et al. to Globe-"Wernicke, at
450 Bway; AT; mtg $25,000 & AL: Oct29:
Oct30*19 (R S $12.50). O C & 100
DoTvning st, 49-51: John F Caragher Sc
ano, heirs John F Caragher. bv Marv E
Caragher. GDN, to same; AT; B&S: AL:
Oct29: Oct30'19. 833.33
Downlnp: st, 58 (2:528-27), ss, 119.1 e
Varick, 16.6x63.9x16.11x59.8. 3-sty bk dwg:
El7z E Hanson. 389 Convent av. to Dnvid
J Christie, S^ Palisade av. West Hoboken.
NJ: Oct24'19; A$4,000-5,000 (R S $5). nom
V:nt4t Broadway. 1.5S (1:283-28), ss, abt
130 w Rutgers, 25x85: American-Jewish
Publishing Corpn to Poale Zion Publish¬
ing A.ssn. a cnrpn. 153 E Bway; mtg $25,000
Sc PM mtg $15,000: OctSO; Oct31'19: A$22.-
000-56,000 fR S $19,50). O C Sc 1<)0
Enst Broadway. 232 (1:286-47 & 75), ns.
abt 140 e Clinton, 23,10x108.4 to ss Division
(No 221) x23.10x108, es. 1-4 & 1-5-sty bk
tnts Se strs; Aaron L Puretz to Saml Pad-
wee & Dora, his wife, 3617 Surf av. Bklvn,
each to hold ^. pt: AL: Octll; Oetl7'19: A
$2^^.000-28.000 (R S 50c). nom
Forsyth st. !>l-3: sf^e Grand. 270.
Forsytii «f, 14.^ (2:420-28). ws, abt 130
n Df'lancey. 24x100, 5-stv bk tnt & strs:
143 Forsyth St Co. 309 Bwav. to Bertha
T-T^Tlins-er. 1229 Park av; AL; Oct20"19:
A$15.000-22.000 fR S ROoV nnm
Por^yth St. 14S f2:420-2S), ws. abt 130
n Df^Tanrpy. 24x100. 5-stv bk tnt & gtrs:
Bertha Hpllfnger. 1229 Park av, to 143
For^iyth St Oo, 309 Bwav; AL: Oct21; Oct
22'19: A$15,000-22.000 (R S 50c), nom
Franklin mt, 177 (1:181-18), ss, 148.9 w
Hudson, 25x87.6, 6-sty bk loft & str bldg-;
Peter G Gerry, of Warwick, RI, to Henry
Bahr, 313 E 162; Octl5; OctSl'lO; A$19,-
500-34,000 (R S $60). O C & 100
Front st, 44 (1:32-34), ws, 25.11 n Coen¬
tles sl, 25.6x84.8x25.4x85.2, 5-sty bk loft &
str bldg; Markham Realty Corpn to Fred
Buse, 17 Bayside av, Whitestone, LI; B&S;
mtg $23,000; Oct24'19; A$18,000-27,000 (R
S $34.50). nom
Falton st, 37-9; see Pearl, 268.
Gold st, 8 (1:69-20), ses, abt 110 ne
Maiden la, 21.2x70.6x27.6x74, 5 & 6-sty bk
loft & str bldg; Gold St Realty Corpn to
Richmond Levering & Co, 120 Bway; mtg
$17,500 & AL: Oct30: Oct31'19; A$18,000-
25,000 (R S $17.50). nom
Gold st, 4-0; see Maiden la, 93-7.
Gonrvemenr st, 29-33; see Madison, 319,
Grand st, 270; see Grand, 361.
Grand st, 361 (1:311-15), ss, 50 e Essex,
16.8x70, 4-sty stn tnt Sc strs: A$17,000-21,-
000: also GRAND ST, 270 (2:418-22), nwc
Forsyth (Nos 91-3), 25.1x75. 3-sty bk & fr
tnt & strs; A$40.000-47,000; Dorothy Korn-
blum to Frances Lautenberg, 616 Mad av;
AL; Oct28; OctSO'lO. nom
Greene st, 103-5 (2:500-26), ws, 176.3 s
Prince. 37.6x100. 5-sty bk loft & str bldg;
Henry A Guinzburg & ano. EXRS &c Isaac
B Klelnert, to Louis Fishbein. 262 E 2;
AL: Oct9; Oct3ri9; A$21,000-33.000 (R S
$43). 43,000
Greene st, 103-5; Virginia G Klelnert to
same; QC & ratification deed; Oct9; Oct
31'19, nom
Greene st, 103-5; Adolph Kleinert, EXR
&c Isaac B Klelnert, to same; supplemen¬
tal & confirmation of above deed; Oct9;
Oct31'19. 43,000
Greene st, 183-7; see Bleecker. 107-9.
Greenwich st, 487-9 (2:594-19), es. 86.6 n
Canal. 44x90, 6-sty bk loft bldg: Heather-
ton Realtv Associates to Jos Tetley & Co,
110 Franklin: B&S; mtg $52,000 & AL: Oct
20'19: A$23,000-62.000 <R S $59.50). 59,500
Greenwich st. 514 (2:595-73). swc Spring
(No 322), 18.4x40, 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Ja¬
oob Jooss. 840 Napier av, E of Q & ano to
Hv P Griffin. 441 Diamond st. B of Q. &
Wm L Cartledge. 344 W 14. & David Q
Granda 35^? W 15: mtg $7,500: Oct9; Oct24
'19: A$6.000-9.000 (R S $5). nom
Hamilton ter. 23 f7:2050-101V2)> es, 221.9
n 141st. 17x76.11x17x75.8. 4-sty & b bk
dwg: Guardian Life Ins Co of America to
Bridget Conway, 502 W 142: B&S & CaG;
PM: mtg $8.0n0 & AL: OctlS: Oct25'19: A
$6,000-10,000 (R S $11.50). O C & 100
Hamilton ter. 53-73 f7:2050-tl3-HS). eS,
504.6 n lilst, 275x73.4x275.11x96,6, 2-6-sty
bk tnts: "Wintf^r Realties. Tnr, to Winter &
"V^^ilkes. Inn. 539 W 155; QC; July22; Octl7
'19: A$114,000-343,000, nom
Henry st, 231 (1:286-12). ns. 184.6 w
Montgomery. 21x87.6, R-sty bk tnt & strs:
Abr J Dworsky to Dee Holding Co. 5
Bef^kman: AL: Oct20; Oct23*19; A$11.000-
22,000 fR S $1). nom
Henrv St. 307 (t:2RS-25), ns. 240 e Scam¬
mel, 24 7x71x24,10x71, 3-sty bk club house:
Mover Lunitz;, of Bklvn. tn Asf^n Ahavath
A.cbim An,=^he Bvelsk. 131 Essex: mtg
^snnn: OctSO; Oct:^l'l9: A$7.000-9,ooo fR s
$2.50). O C & 100
Hester st. 53 (l::iin-35), ns. abt 40 w
â– p^RFiex —X—. 1-sty bk tnt & str: .Tohn A
Slattery ref, tn Fredk Tomklns, 636 Mt
Prosppct av. Newark. NJ: FORECLOS tax
if^n Oot23'19r OctSO: Oct3ri9; A$22,500-
27.000 fR S $5). 5.000
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