Manhattan a>jd bronX
Records section
-, M
This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mort^apes, Assignments of Mortgages and Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Ex¬
tensions. Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judjjments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens, Mechanics,
Liens, Satisfied Mechanics" Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in
the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the recorded Wills and Real Estal Appraisals in the Borough of Manhattan. Entered at the Post Office at
New York, N. Y., as second class matter.
Vol. CIV.
No. 19
Bond st, 32 (2:530-52 ns abt 160 e La¬
fayette 27x110; 3 sty bk loft Se str bldg,
1 sty fr ext; Wni F W:ird et nl c.xv Fran¬
cis K "Ward to Aaron Aaront, 9fi 2d av;
mtg- $14,000; Oct30; Novi!"19; A?1£>,000-20.-
UOO (R S $6). 20.000
Cathedral Pnrkivay, 307-1J (7:1820-22)
ns 150 w 7 av, 100x100; iy sty bi; tnt; Clem^
ilt Realty Co Se ano, to Rose Schwartz, 2*50
W 117; nits' ?145,000 & AL; Oct 27; Nov3
'13; A$SS,000'1SO.OOO ( R S :J55).
G C Sc 100
rnylor« alley, nwo Sonth; sec SoUth, 2!>.
Grnnil st, «S-70 (2:475-2:^) nwc AV'oo>stiU'
(No 29) 50x64: 5 Sty hk loft & str bMg-
Ptachel Herrman to Saml Kiluatrick, 5i>4
Jefferson av, Bklyn; mtg- $:i6.500: Oct S;
Novo'l*); A$30,000-4:5,000 (R S %9). nom
Granil st. 39,% <SGfl>> (1:3U-15) ss abt 40
e 20x80; 3 sty bk tnt & strs; Lorillard
Spencer to l^essie JMarcii.'^, ;u>5 Grand; AL
Oct28; Nov3'l!); A3122,000-24,000 (R S
$25.50). O C & IOO
Henry st, 304 (1:2G7-6S) ss 215,3 e
Scammel, 24x95x23.11x95; 5 sty bk tnt Se
strs; Saml C Harriman (ref) to Lawyers
Mtg' Co; FORECLOSE Oct30; Nov:!'l^);
A$9,000-13,000 (R S $15). $15,000
HonHton st, a4:;-T W (2 :.Tr;G-4 9-50), sec
Norfolk (No 190) 37.6x75. 1-J sty Se 1-5 sty
bk tnts Sc strs; Emil Frick, exr John AI
lioosuh to Snml Precker, 190 Norfolk; Oct
Ul; Novri9; A$3l,000-41,0^0 (R S $40).
O C & 100
3110 (1:207-5) ns 25.7 w
illadison st.
Scammel, runs
tK> st x e 2 Oto
Harold R Howe,
815 Park av; FORECLOSE: OctSl;
87exn 10.Gxw21.4xs9 7.4
a, ^ sty bk tnt Sc Ptr-s;
rot to Geo J BrnzigXM\
'19; A$8.000-18,000). U S $17). 20.000
Manhattan st» 172-4 (7:1995-53) ss 4fi6.3
W Bway; 50x150; 6 sty bk tnt Se str.s;
Meyer Rapaport et al to M Murray Pash-
kiu, 1864-7 av, mt^s $G8.2O0 Sc AL; Octlil;
Nov3'19; AJ33,0OO-ifO,OO0 (R S $14).
O C & 100
Aorfolk St. IftO; see Houston 245-7 "W.
OrL-hard st, ISt (2;4 17-G4), ws, 125
Stanton, 25xS7.G; 5 sty hk tnt Se Htrs Sc
Sty bk rear tnt; Evelyn Elfenbein. 165
95 to Sarah ElTenbein. 1G5 E 95; V» R T
1, B & S; mt& $25,000; Novl; Nov5'19:
A$15,000-21,000. (R S 50c). nom
Pine St. 2r, (1:43-8) ss 112.5 e Nassau;
24.2x74.4x25.2x74.5: 10 sty bk ofllce bldg.
Royal Ins Co ot Liverpool, Eng, to Hooker
Electro Chemical Co, 40 Wall st 2 C; Oct
13: Nov3"19; A$225,000-285,000, nom
IMne St. 2:*% N Y Life Ins Se Trust Co,
52 Wall, as trste of Koyal Ins Co of Liver¬
pool, Eng'., to same; B&S; Novl; Nov3'19,
(R S $345.) 345,000
Pine Ht. -!*; Resolution autliorizing- sale
of above for $345,000; Wm A Nash et al,
Local Bd of Mana^'enient of Royal Ins
Co to N Y Life Ins Se Trust Co as trste, in
t: S of Roval Insl Co; 0«rt:il.
Rivla»;-Nton st, 130 (2:354-37), ns, 60 e
li^ssex; 25x75; pt 2 sty bk theatre; Hyman
Rubin to Louis Seller, 244 South 10 st,
Uklvn; V:- R T & I; A L: Oct3] ; Nov5'19;
A$Hi,000^25,000. (R S $5.50). G C Sc 100
Sheritr St. 85; Esther Goldman to Den¬
wood Rvaltv Co, 509 Willis av, Bx: mtg'
$20,500 Se AL; Oct24'J0; Novri9. (R S $4).
Sheritf Ht, S% (2:3.']9-6r>), ws, 175 n Riv-
iiifiton, 25x100; 4 sty bk tnt Sc Strs Sc i
stv bk rear tnt; Gabriel Goldstein to
Esther Goldman, 341 S Ikl, Bklyn: mtg-
520,500 & AL; Au&31''17; Novl"19; A$I1,000
-15,000. (R S 50c). nom
Sonth st, SO (1:34-28). nwc Cuylers al¬
ley, 19,lxS5,l. 5sty bk loft & str bidti';
Herman Hackmann of Bklyn to B F Guin-
an, nc, a corpn, 17 South st; B & S & C A
G; Oct 16; Nov5'19; A$Hj,000-27,000 (R S
$12.50). , OC & 100
«»tittolk Ki. 31 (1:312-27), ws, 175 s
Grand, 25x100: 2 & 4 sty bk bldg; Fran-
ronia ReaUv Co, 52 Norfolk to Max Sfdiy-
man, 21 Suffolk; mtg: $14,000 Se AL; Nov
:t; Novr/19; A$18,000-25.500. RS$Oj. 100
Trinity i»l, 37; see Bwav, Cl.
Wooster Nt, 39: See Grand, 08.70.
iHt St, 4S E (2:443-53) ns, 2S6.S e 2 av,
24x100.3x20.6x100.1; 5 sty bk tnt Se strs;
nto Campbell, widow to Victor Fiorentino,
343 E 11;. mt& $20,000 Sc AL; Oct,30; Novl
'19; A$12,000-20,000. {RS$23). OC 6c 100
7th st, 199 iil (2:390—this & parcel be-
]r>w. lot 55), ns, 253 e av B. 20xSS.Sx21.5x
80.10; also 7th st, 201 E (2:390), ns, 273 e
av B, 20x96.6x21.5x88.8; also interior lot
at C L blk bet 7 & 8 sts & 242.2 e av B,
runs e 4fi.4xs2-8xw49.10xn21.3 to beg; 5 sty
bk tnt & strs: Reliant Leasing- Co to Fein¬
berg Sc Reis. a corpn, 38 W 40: mtgs $3^,-
700 Se AL; Nov3; Nov5^19; A$3.000-38,000.
(RS 50c). nom
7th st, 1000-301 J3; Feinberg Sc Reis, a
corpn, to tJoklie Sc Rosi Heller, 23 E 107;
mtgs $38,200 Se AL; Nov3; Nov5'19; (RS
$2.50). OC Sc 100
7th St. :i«l Ki see 7th st, 199 E.
Sth st, 357 ti, Louis Smith .Ir, to Jacob
Skii-en, 267 E 8; mts $8,000 & AL & I'M:
Nov3; Nov5'19; mtg' $2,900; (RS $2). nom
Sth st, 3r»7 K (2:37S-G2) ns, S3 e av C, 25
X87.10: 4 .sty bk tnt Sc strs; Harry Stein¬
man et al to Louis Smith. Jr. 530 W 152;
mtg $8,000; Novl5'lS; Kovu^lO; A$10,000-
13,500. nom
lOtli st, 0 !â– ; (2:567-9 ss, 125 e 5 av, 25x
92.3; 3 sty & b bk dwg; Josephine McI
Cole to St^M^hon A Powell at Essex, NY;
Oct 31; Novl'19; A$22,000'2D,000. (RS $40).
OC & 100
Jlth st, SS (3fl> E (2i5G2-13, ss, 230.S e
University pl. 21.4x04.9x21.5x94.9; 8 sty bk
loft Sc str bldg; Manport Realty Corpora¬
tion to Wildor RtVLlty Co, 50 Union Sq;
$54,000 & AL; Nov 5'19; A$1C,000-4;],-
(RS $20), 100
st, 301-3 1^3 See 3d av, S7-91.
st, 30,Vi;-! K (2:468-55) ns 385 w 2
av. 125x103.3; 5 sty bk loft bldg CornoH
ITniversitv, a corpn, to Hub Realty Co, 229
JC 3S. AL; Oct 30; Nov3'19; A$S2.000-155.-
000, (RS $135). OC Se 100
13lh st^ S,10 K; see av B, 212-4-
llEth st, 1-3 J'i; -see 5th av, 85.
10 st, r»34 E (3:973-39), ss 195.6 w av B:
25x103.3; 5 sty bk tnt; Mary A Smith et ;U
heirs See; Theo Smit hto Frank Blanchard
:i\2 W 55; mtg $12,000 Sc AL; Oct22; Nov
3'19: A$8,5fl0-lS,O00; (RS $5). nom
30th St. 440 AV (3:717-67), ss, abti 205 c
10 av, H).Sx92; 4 sty bk dwg; James C
Cady to Annie Cady, his wife, 446 W 20;
AL; Oct31; Nov3'19; A$S,000-10,000. (RS
$J). nom
33nrt st, 405 AV (3:720-15) n.s 225 e 10
nv; 16.8x98.9; 4 sty & b stn dwg; Mary E
Doty, 465 W 22. to Mabel Hughes, at Cran¬
ford, N J: mtg $9,000 & AL; Oct31; Novl
'19: A$S,000-10,000; (RS $7). 100
34th st, 1-5 AV; see Eway, 1101-13.
3,->th St. 510-3 AV (3:696-42), ss, 140 W
10 av. 40x9S.9; 2 sty bk loft bldg; A$17,-
000-21.000:: also 35th st. 514 AV (3:696-44).
ss, ISO W 10 av; 20x98.9; 4 sty bk Ioft
bUlg; A$S,500-15,500; N T Life Ins & Trust
Co, 52 Wall; trste will Mary Griffin to
Emil H Fickinger. 271 Park Hill av,
Yonkers, N Y; AL; Nov5'19, (R S $44.)
35th Hi, 514 AV; see 25th st, 510-2 AV,
SSth *4t, 331-3 F- (3:934-12) ns 243.4 e 2
av; 40.10x98.9; 6 sty bk tnt & strs; Yetta
Levin to Morris Levin, 511-2 av; AL; Oct
31; Nov5'19; A$9,000-46,000. (R S $2.) nom
3Sth st, 150 AV (3:803-07), ss. 173.1 e 7
av; runs s 73.4, e 3.10xs25.4xe24.9xn98.9 to
st & w 28.5 to beg: 5 sty bk tnt & strs;
A$36,000-40.000; also 3Sth st, 154AV (3:S03-
69), ss. 130.6 e 7 av, runs s 73.7 xw3.3xs
25.3xe24.10xn25.3xwl.9xn73.5 to st x\v20 to
hf^.2:; 5 str bk tnt & strs; $26,000-29,000;
also 3Sth St. 15IE-00 AV, (3:803-70-72), ss,
5tl.ll f- 7 av. runs s 7S.2xlS,6xn6.10xe27xs
27.5xe25.3xn25.2xe3.3xn73.7 to st Se w 73.5
to beg: 2-5 sty bk tnt & strs; A$S:-i,500-92.-
500; Central Union Trust Co of N T to
Arthur D Cahn, 352 W 123; B *!£: S & C O
31; Nov3'l9. (R S $166.) O C & 100
St. 150 AV also 2Sth st AV1.54; also
150-00 AV; Arthur D Cahn to Gesag
Co, 35 Nassau; mtgs $135,600 & AL;
Nov3'19. nom
mtgs $135,600 Sc AL; Oct31;
G: Oct
38th st
35 Xassau;
3th st, 154-CO AA'; see 2Sth
Sybil IC W Sellar of Newport,
C ReaUy Corpn, 299 Ewav.
st, 150 w.
R I to J M
AL: Oct29;
Nov5'19: A$19,500-27.000 (R S $30.50),
30th st, 313-4 E (3:934-46) ss 183-4 e 2
av; 41.8x98.9; 6sty bk tnt Se strs; Yetta Le¬
vin to Morris Levin; 511 2nd av; AL, Oct
31; Nov5"19; A$17,500-47,000; (RS $6.50).
30th St. 310-18 AA^ (3:779-53) ss, 213 w
7 av, 46.10x98.9; 2 sty bk garage; Land Es¬
tates to Geo E Coleman, 24 Rockaway av,
Garden City, L I; B & S; Novl; Nov3'19;
A$41,000-50,000; (RS $27.50), OC & 100
31st St. 347 K (3:812-26) ns 100 w 2 av,
20x9S.9; 4 sty bk dwg; A Oldrin Salter of
Bx to Ad^m J Klinger. 243 E 31: mtg $7.-
500 Se AL; OctSl; Novl'19; A$9,600-12,500,
(RS $5). OC Sc 100
31st Bt, 38 AA' (3:832-61) ss 400 w 5 av;
20x9S.9; 4 sty bk dwg; A Oldrin Salter of
Bx to Adam J Kling:er. 243 E 31; mtg $7,-
500 Sc AL; Oet31; Novl'19; A$9,600-12,500.
(RS $5)- OC Sc 100
3Jst St. 38 AA- (3:832-01) ss 400 w 5 av;
25x98.9; 4 stv stn tnt Sc Strs; Lawym's Mtg
Co to Morris Solowigik. 253 Grand; B Sc
S; Oct 27; Novl'19; A$67,500-69,000. (RS
$70). OC Sc 100
,33 il
34th St.
30th st,
25x98.9; 5
uie, 316
5 sty
E 39
AV; see 50th, 2126 w,
E (3:944-40), ss, 300 e 2
bk tnt Sc strs: Pellegrino
to Giuseppa Cattano, 316 E
39, 1-2 pt mtg $10,000 Se AL: Sept 17; Nov
3"19; A$7,500-12,000. (RS $1.00). nom
SOth st, 355-7 AV; soe 9tb av, 526,
430 Hi, 104 AVi (4:995-30 1-2) ss, SO w C
av. 22.6x100.5; 3 sty Stn tnt & str 1 sty
ext; Chas Rohe. exr See; AVm Sperb to Ce¬
celia P Wuerz. 164 AV 74; AL; Novl; Nov3
'19: A$62,000-66,000. (RS $70). 70,000
45th St. 501 AA'; see llth av, 610, ;.,
45th st, 550 AV; see llth av, 608.
40tli St. 434 AV; (4:1055) ss 350 w 9 av;
25x100.4; 5 sty bk tnt; Stella Tim, admrx,
will Chas E de Jongo, to Jakob AVilbert,
528 W 40; mtg $14,000; Nov3
A$ll.000-19,000. (RS $3),
47th st, 34,5E; see 1st av, 845-7.
.37th St. 359 AV; see 50th, 216 W.
47th st, 430 AV (4:1056-49), ss, 364 e 10
av, 27x100.5; 5 sty stn; Mary Laversy
et al to Peter J Oneglin. 320 AV 47; mtg-
$17,600; Oct31; Nov3'19; A$14.000-28,000.
(R S $12.50.) O C & 100
4Sth .Ht, 304-8 AV; see Eway 1587-9.
40th st, 304-8 AV (4:1020-57), ss 160 e 8
av; 40x100.5; 7 sty bk tnt; Annie R Green-
lierg to Hortense Calvet Realty Co, 03
Park Row: B&S; mtg $71,500; Oct31;
Nov3'19; A$54,000-110,000. (R
S $53.50)
O C & 100
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NOTICE—In this issue the publication of all records is resumed, beginning- with November 1. A supplement
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