Vol. CVI
NEW YORK, JULY 17, 1920
No. 3
JULY 8, 9, 10, 12, 13 & 14.
-VUen st, 90 (2:414-34), es, 99.6 n Broome,
24.9x87.6,. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Alrick Hold¬
ing Co to Sabo & Sason Mevorach, 91
Allen; Aprl5; July9'20; A$12,000-21,000 (R
S $10.50). O C & 100
Uarolay st, 40 (l;S6-8), ss, abt 280 w
Church, 25x100; also BARCLAY ST, 48
(1:86), ss, abt SO e West Bway, 25x100;
5-sty stn loft & str bldg; leasehold; Jas
B Reynolds, 55 W 44, EXR Florence B D
Reynolds, to Millblanche Realtv Corpn,
128 Bway; V2 pt; JunelS; Julyi2'20; Ai
$110,000-135,000. O C & 100
Barclay st, 48t see Barclay, 46.
Bethune st, 25 (2:635-21), ss, 229 e
Washington, 22x78.5x22x79.2, 3-sty & b bk
dwg:; Louis Bergman, Jersey City Heights,
NJ, to Ellen Burns, 25 Bethune; B&S &
CaG; mtg $5,000; JulyS; July9'20; A?7,000-
$8,000 (R S $6). O C & 100
Bond St. 19 (2:529-19), .ss, abt 5 e La¬
fayette, 37.6x114.5. with all title to alley
in rear, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; Mildred
B Hanke to Nineteen Bond St Corpn, 37
Gt Jones; B&S & AT; JulyS; Julyl3'20; A
$35,000-47,000 (R S $25.50). nom
Bond st, 19; Farmers Loan & T Co as
TRSTE Chas Bouton to same; B&S; June
14; Julyl3'20 (R S $51). O C & 100
Canal st, 198-2O0 (1:200-14), ss, 50.2 se
Mulberry, 50.2x100x51x100, 6-sty bk loft &
sir bldg; Lippman Cohen et al to Lipp-
man Cohen. 729 Ditmars av. Bklyn; AT;
mtg $98,000; June29; July9'20; A$45,000-
75,000 (R S $12). 11,825.5*!
Chambers st. 192-4 (1:138-36), sws, 145.1
se West, 44x87.10x44x88.2, 5-sty bk loft &
str bldg; Wm A Bonnell, Bklyn. to Hattie
F Bonnell. 1 Montgomery pl, Bklyn; mtg
$30,000; Julyl3; Ju!yl3'20; A$44,000-61,000
(R S $5). gift
Charlton st, 2«-8 (2:506-18-19), ss, 265.1
e Varick, 50x100,1, 2-2-sty bk dwgs; Wm
S Coffin to Sarah D Toyle, 107 Waverly
pl; mtg $17,000; June30; Julyl4'30; A$24,-
000-27,000 (R S $22). O C & 100
Chatham sa, 13 (1:162-34), swc Doyer
(No 1), 20x78,9 to alley xl9,8x81,9, 4-sty
bk tnt & strs; J Stanley Foster, Babylon,
LI, & ano to Anthonv W Hubner, 453 6th:
June25; July9'30; A$22,500-26,000 (R S
$10). nom
Christopher st. 7 (2:610-63), ns, 95 w
Greenwich av, 18x49.1x14x53.3, 3-sty bk
tnt & strs; Terence F Cunneen to Maria
Gallo, 150 W 104; mtg $6,000; July2; July
S'20; A$5,000-5,500 (R S $9). nom
Christopher st, 7 (2:610-63), ns, 95 w
Greenwich av, 18x49.1x14x53.3. 3-sty bk
tnt & str; Otilla Duncan, Flushing, LI, et
al, to Terence F Cunneen, 10 Greenwich;
AT; May20; Julyl2'20; A$5,000-5.500 (R S
$10). O C & 100
Columbia st, 125; see Columbia, 144-50.
Columbia st. 144-50 (3:335-58), sec
Houston (No 427), 75x50, 6-sty bk tnt &
strs; A$31,000-69,000; also COLUMBIA ST,
125 (2:335-21), ws. 76 s Houston. 24x100,
4-sty bk tnt & strs & 4-sty bk rear tnt;
A$ll,000-15.500: Morris Rosenfeld to 125
Columbia St Corpn, 125 Columbia; mtg
$12,000; June30: July8'30 (R S $5). nom
Commerce st, 17 (2:587-66). ns. 207 w
Bleecker. 19.9x40, 2-sty & b bk dwg; Chas
H Hall to Williams-Dexter Co. 186 Rem¬
sen. Bklyn: July2; Julyl4'20; A$3,000-3,500
(R S $10.50). O C & 200
Doyer st, 1; see Chatham sq, 13.
EldridBe st, 173 (2:420-65), ws, abt 175
s Rivington, 25.9x100. 4-sty stn tnt &
strs & 3-sty bk loft bldg in rear; Gren-
ville Kane. ADMR John G Kane, to Her¬
bert C Plass, 320 Central Park W; Gren-
ville Kane, Tuxedo, NY. & Hv L McVic-
kar. Tuxedo Park, NY, TRSTES John G
Kane: B&S & CaG; July7; Julyn'20; A$15,-
500-19,000. nom
Forsyth st, 188 (2:421-52), es, 75 s Stan¬
ton, 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Irwin
Rosen to Harry Halfond, 188 Forsyth;
mtg $17,400; Julyl; JulylO'20; A$16,000-
22,000 (R S $5). O C & 100
Pulton st, 22 (1:74-48), ss, 53.9 w Front,
runs wl8.ll xs24 xwl0.10xs33.6xe29.3xn56.3
to beg, 4-sty bk loft & str bldg; Wm
Frederick, Jersey City, NJ, et al to Pablo
A Andrade, 395 Sterling pl, Bklyn; mtg
$20,375; July7; Julyl0'20; A$18,000-22,000
(R S $5.50). O C & 100
Gold st, 4-8; see Maiden la, 91-7.
Greene st, 92-4 (2:499-1), es, 100 n
Sipring, 50x100, 2-5-s1y bk loft & str bldgs;
Chas L Hoffman, ref, to Jas Matera, 371
Broome; FORECLOS May25; JulylS; July
14'20; A$2S,000-42,000 (R S $63.50). 03,500
Greenwich st, 288 (1:138-12), ws. abt 40
s Chambers, 26.6x75.6x26.3x54.6, 5-sty stn
loft & str bldg; Alcade Realty Corpn to
Fannie S De Keyser, 37 E 95; mtg $35,000;
July9; JulylO'30; A$23,000-28,000 (R S $15).
O C & 100
Henry st, 182 (1:270-59), ss, abt 45 e
Jefferson, 23.10x100, 4-sty bk tnt; Cornel¬
ius Huth, ref, to Nathan D Helfand, 217
Forsyth, & Max L Polowe, 319 E 6; FORE¬
CLOS May5; Julyl; July8'20; A$13,000-16.-
000 (R S $14). 14,000
Houston st, 196; see 1st, 91 E.
Houston st, 42t7 E; see Columbia, 144-50.
King st, 7 & 9 (2:520-87), ns, 42 e Con¬
gress, 42x75, 4-sty bk church; Fifth Ave
Presbyterian Church to Paul Taormina,
120 Sullivan; B&S; PM; mtg $15,000; July
7; JulyS'20; A$24,000-27,000 (R S $25).
Lafayette st. 273-9; see Prince. 57-9.
Lafayette st, 384-8; see 4th. 2-20 E.
Lewis st, 5«-8 (2:328-40), es. 175 n De¬
lancey, runs el01xn25xwlxn2oxwl00 to st
xs50 to beg, 1-3 & 1-4-sty bk tnts & 5-sty
bk rear loft bldg; Ella Westheimer, Far
Rockaway, NY, et al, EXRS Jacob H
Westheimer. to United Steel Frame Co. 53
\\ooster; B&S; mtg $23,125; June28; Julv
13'20; A$17,000-37,000 (R S $5). O C & 100
Lispenard st. 42 (1:194-24). ss, abt 100
e Church, 29x94, 6-sty stn loft & str bldg;
Clara Legg to Geo A Legg. 37 E 65, &
H Bertram Legg, 41 E 75; Junel; Julyl2
'20; A$18,500-25,500 (R S 50c). nom
Lispenard st (1:194), ss, being plot
bounded n by Lispenard, e by land now or
lateLv of Michl Ulshoeffer. s by land now
or late Wm S Smith. & w by land Est Jos
Corre, 24.4x93.1; Parmelee Realty Corpn
to Danl P Morse, Huntington. Ll; mtg
$18,000; June29; Julvl'20. O C & 100
Ludlow st, 152 (2:411-49), es, 100 s
Stanton, 25x89x25x89.1, 5-sty bk tnt &
strs; H David Frackman. ref, to Sarah
Goldschlag, 105 Stanton; FORECLOS June
28; July9'20; A$16,000-22,000 (R S $20).
Maedoueal st, 44 (2:518-4). es. 140 n
Prince, 20x75. 3-sty bk tnt: Jas F Navoni,
Riverdale, NJ, to Pietro Nervo. Giuseppe
Balblani & Angelo Cerutti, 46 Macdougal;
Julyl; July9'20; A$8,500-9,500 (R S $13.50).
O C & 100
Madison st, 414 (1:265-38), ss, 400 e
Jackson, 25.2x99.7x25,2x100, 3-sty bk tnt,
1-sty ext; Jas E Burke, 414 Madison, to
Henriette E Burke, 414 Madison, his wife;
JuneSO; July8'30; A$8,000-10,000 (R S $1).
O C & 100
Madison st, 414; Henrietta E Burke to
Jas E Burke, 414 Madison; JuneSO; JulyS
'20 (R S $1). O C & 100
Maiden la, 91-7 (1:69-15-17 & 19-20).
ns, 27,10 e Gold runs e73.7xnl25xw28xwl.2x
W75.2 to Gold (Nos 4-8) xs21xe2.6xs42.3xe
27.7xs57.7xe0.6xs8.3 to beg, 4-4 & 1-5-sty
bk loft & str bldgs; City Real Estate Co to
Federal Reserve Bank of N Y, 15 Nassau;
B&S; JulyO; Julyl4'20; A$176,000-204.000.
O C & 100
Blnnhattan st (7:1995-44). sws. 156.6 nw
Bwav. runs nwl27.9xswl50xse37,llxell3,3
xn39,10 xw 11,11 xnw 71,11 to bee-, vacant:
Wm H SchmnVil & ano. TRSTES Chas H
Reed, to Louvain Constn Corpn, 71 Bway;
JulylS; Julyl4'20; A$SO,000-80,000 (R S
$85). 85,000
Manhattan st (7:1995); same prop;
same, as indivd, to same; QC; Julyl2;
Julyl4'20. O C & 100
Mercer st, 193-5 (2:523-17), ws, 149 8
Bleecker, 48.10x100x49.2x100, 6-sty bk loft
& str bldg; Clara Rose, 309 W 81. to Abr
Schwartz, 2230 E 115th, Bklyn, & Aaron M
Schwartz. 2023 Monterey av; mtg $35,000;
JulyO; July8'20; A$32,000-55,000 (R S $80).
Monroe st, 35 (1:276-18), ns, abt 145 w
Market, 25x100, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Fani
Volinsky to Giacomo Di Carlo, 36 Monroe;
mtg $24,600; JulyO; July8'30; A$14.000-30,-
000 (R S $6). O C & 100
Monroe st, 2.'>7 (1:266-30), ns, 200.8 w
Jackson, 24.10x93.5x25.2x93.1, 6-sty bk tnt
& atrs; Eslie H Hull, Newark, NJ, to
Reba Levinson, 157 Glenmore av, Bklyn;
mtg $32,000; Feb9; JulyS'SO; A$12,000-27,-
000 (R S $4.50). nom
Mott st, 202-72 (2:508-9), es, 239.6 n
Prince, runs nl20.1xe89,3xs6.11xwl.3xsll4.8
XW89.1 to beg, 5-sty bk bldg; Mary A
Ferris, Montclair, NJ, et al, devisees
Frank A Ferris, to F A Ferris & Co. 262
Mott; Dec31'19; July9'20; A$77,000-140,000.
Parlt ter E (8:2243-378), sec SlSth, 103.S
x7S.8x100x51.5. vacant; Samson Lachman
et al to Magnus W Alexander, 15 Beacon,
Boston, Mass; i^ pt; B&S; June2S; Julyl3
'20: A$10,000-10,000 (R S 50c), O C & 100
Parii ter E (8:2243), sec 218th; Eman¬
uel Alexander to same; y, pt; mtg $7,000;
Mayll'15; Julyl2'20. nom
Pearl st, 302 (1:98-27), ss, abt 110 w
Peck si, 22,3x79.4x24,3x80,3, 4-sty bk loft
& str bldg. 1-sty ext; Chas J Tagliabue et
al to Estate of A Tagliabue, Inc, at Shore-
ham. LI; Apr26; Julyl3'20; A$12,500-15,000
(R S $15). nom
Perry st, 30 (2:612-16), ss, 125 w Wav¬
erly pl, 20.10x95, 3-sty & b bk dwg; Wm
A Winant, EXR Eliz Overbaugh, to Wil¬
liams-Dexter Co. 186 Remsen. Bklyn; Julv
8; JulyO'SO; A$7,500-9.500 (R S $13). 13,000
Perry st, 106 (3:631-9), ss, 56.6 e Hud¬
son, 25.2x96.2x23,8x95.2, 3-sty bk tnt & 3-
sty bk rear tnt; Agnes Foggo, Individ &
as EXTRX Grace Harrison, to Jos De
Alessandro, 302 Spring: Julyl; July9'20;
A511,000-13,500 (R S $13). 12,000
Perry st, 34 (2:612-14), ss, 166.8 w Wav¬
erly pl, 20.10x95. 3-sty & b bk dwg; Sarah
B McAdam et al to Glullette P Frueh, 22
Maple pl. Nutley, NJ; June26; Julyl4'20;
ASS,000-10,000 (R S $13). 13,000
Prince st. 57-0 (2:510-30), nee Lafayette
(Nos 273-7). 76.11x65.1x73x75; also LA¬
FAYETTE ST, 279 (2:510), es, 75 n Prince,
24,9x71,10x25,5x73.2. except part for La¬
fayette. 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; John H
Walbridge et al. BXRS Olln G Walbrldge,
to Monson Real Estate Co; JunelO; JulvS
'20; A$48.000-70.000 (R S $100). 100,000
Prince st, 11« (2:500-18), ss, 60 w Greene,
20x71. 4-sty bk loft & str bldg; Jules F
Mermond at Monett. Mo, to Wm L Jones,
326B President, Bklyn; Junell: JulyS'SO:
A$S.500-14.000 (R S $19.50). O C & 100
Reade st, 145 (1:140-24), ss, 189.4 e
Greenwich. 23.6x75.3x23.5x75.3, 5-stv bk
storage; A$22.500-31.000; also 12TH ST,
3S3 W (2:625-18), ns, 63 e Greenwich,
runs n43.11xell.lxnS4xe7.Sxs65.5 to st xw
32 to beg, 3-sty bk tnt; A$5,500-7,000;
also 4STH ST. 52 W (5:1263-63), ss, 616.9
w 5 av, 18.9x100,5. 4-sty & b stn dwg; A
$35,000-40,000; Fidelity Trust Co as EXR
Merritt B Miller, to Blanche R Baxter.
400 Park av. & Elsie D Young, 5848 Ay-
lesboro av, Pittsburgh, Pa; June30; July
lO'SO. nom
Sheriff st, 95 (2:339-60), ws, 75 s Stan¬
ton. 35x100, 6-sty bk tnt & strs: Oscar
Dobroczvnskl. 435 Ft Wash av, to Saml &
Isador Hiller, 362 Hudson av. Bklyn; mtg
$24,000: Julyl; Julyl4'20; A$ll,000-29,0007
O C & 100
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