This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and Satisfied
Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure suits.
Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics'Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting
Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the recordea
Wills and Real Estate Appraisals in the Borough of Manhattan.
No. 7
.AUG. 5, 6, 7, 9. lu it 11.
Barclay .st. 35-37 (1:123-9), ns, 48.S e
Church. 25.8x148.7 to Park pl (Nos 36-8), x
25.10x148.7, 6-sty stn lott & str bldg- Nat¬
ional Railway Publication Co to 416 W
215th St Corpn, 128 Bway; mtg J90,000-
Augl; Aug4'20; An20,000-142,000' (R K
*'n^- , „ O C & 100
Barclay st, 07-101; see Greenwich, 224-6
Barrow St. 50 (2:588-38), ns, 115.9 e
Bedford, 24.fix98.2x24.6x9S.6, 3-sty bk tnt
S ,',^'t-'''>, â– ';'''' '"': Hunt Diederich to
.'"•°'/„-^*^"°"^'^' Grove st, Montclair NJ â–
mtg $12,000 & AL; May26; Aub5'20- AS'i -
500-11500 (RS $1). ^OC& 100
Baxter st, ir> (1:161-23), es, abt 100 s
Worth 23.10x81, 5-sty bk tnt & strsi
Church of St Joachim Corpn to Angelo
Sivore, 15 Baxter; % pt; mtg $21,500 &
^hJ'-'^y^"'- Aug5'20; A$17,000-35,000 (R S
^'â– â– ^'J>- nom
Broome St. 221'-4 (2:352-34), ns, 25.1 e
Essex 40x,5. 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Big
Four Realty Corpn to John A Cerabino, 80
Mulberry; mtg $41,600; JulvSl- Aus-6'20-
A$25,000-44,000 IR S $8.50). 6 C & Kid
Church st, 23© (1:176-32), ws, abt 70 s
Leonard, 25x75, 5-sty bk loft bldg- Philip
L Seasongood et al, EXRS, &c, Lewis
Seasongood, to Leon Rambach, Paris
France; July9; .4ug6'20; A$25,000-32,000
(R S $75) 75.000
Columbia st, ,",7-0 (2:333-25-26), ws, 150
n Delancey, 50x100, 2-5-stv bk tnts &
strs: May K Carter & alio, Bklvn, to
Sarah C Gillies, 2040 7 av; 1-6 pt each of
the parties of the 1st part; QC: Aug6-
Aug9'20; A$22,000-39,000 (R S $4). '
^ â– ... O C & 100
Columbia st, %T-9; Guarantv Trust Co
of N Y to Sarah C Gillies, 2040 7 av- %
pt; May K Carter, 380 Jav st, Bklvn, 1-6
pt, & R K Earl, 251-9 Marion st, 'Bklyn,
1-6 pt: May2S: Aug9'20. nom
Crosby sf. 90-2: see Bwav, 550-56.
Delancey st. 2,32; see Willett, 46-8.
Downlnc st. 20 (2:527-92) ns, abt 50 e
Bedford, 25x70. 3-sty bk & fr tnt; Giuseppe
Pietropinto et al to Matteo Niccomini, 205
Bleecker: Giralamo Ligniti, 32 Le Roy, &
Victor Tiene, 12 Carmine; mtg $5,500; Aug
5; Aug6'20; A$8,500-10,000 (R S $2.50).
O C & 100
Dyekm^n st. nes, 000 nw Prescott av;
see plot, begins 100 ne Dyckman & 700 nw
Prescott av.
Perry st. «-S (1:99-21-22). ws. abt 65 s
Gold, 42.4x59x32.4x60.6. 2-4-stv bk lott &
str bldgs: Fannie F de Tuiti? & ano. in¬
divid & TRSTES, to Jas Moss, 130 S llth
st Newark, NJ; ^i pt: Junel; Augl0'20;
A$20,000-26,000 (R S $17.50). 17,l««.e7
Perry st, 0-8: Geo W Wickersham as
BXR to same; Aug5; AugHI'20 (R S
$17.50). 17,T««.«7
Perry st, «-S; Henry A Mutton ,fe ano as
TRSTES to same: i,^ pt; AugS; Augl0'20
(R S $17.50). 17.UMMm
. Grand st, 270 (2:418-56), ns, 50 e For¬
syth. 25x87.6, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Edw J
Sparenberg, Inc, to Edw J Sparenberg.
530 W 113; mtg $9,000 & AL; July25; Aug
5'20; A$26,500-35,000. nom
Great Jones st, ,31 (2:530-22), ss, abt 125
e Lafayette, 26.9x100, 3-stv hk loft ,fc str
bldg; Alfred Wagstaff to Marv A B Wag-
staff, Babvlon, LI; AL; Aug9; .\ugll'20: A
$19,000-21.000 (R S SOc). nom
Greenwieh st. 224-0 (1:128-1 & 22), nwc
Barclay (Nos 97-101) runs w61xn61.5xe
15.1xs42.5xe40.7 to Greenwich xs39.11 to
beg. 4-sty bk loft & str bldg; Caroline de
Forest et al. EXRS &c Marv R Callender.
to Wm Minder, 339 W 51; Julv9; Aug7'20;
A$49,500-57,500 (R S $73). O C & 1,000
Greenwich st. 271-3 (1:132-13), es, 19.4 n
Murrav. runs e3Sxnl0.lxe0.llxn5.6xe2.10xn
7.10xe2.Sxn7.3xw55.6 to st xs33.4 to beg,
2-5-sty bk tnts & strs; Arrow Holding
Corpn to Wm F Behrens, 1507 8 av; mtg
$15,000; Augl; Aug5'20; A$19,000-24,000 (R
S $15). O C & 100
Henderson pL 14 (5:1583-25E), es, 106.2
n S6th, 17.4x46, 3-sty & b bk dwg; Clara
L Limburg to .\mbrose Realty (To, 135
Bwav: AL; June7; Aug5'20; A$3,500-5,000
(R S $8.50), O C & 100
Henderson pl, 14; Ambrose Realtv Co to
Mary P Watkins, 437 B 58; mtg $4,000 &
AL; Aug4; Aug5'20, nom
Jefferson st, 54 (1:271-10), ws, 25 n
Monroe, 25x104.4, 5-sty bk tnt: Max H
Cohen to Israel Brechner 56 Forsyth; mtg
$22,400; AugS; Aug6'20; A$14,000-26,000
(R S $5). O C & 100
Park pl, 36-S; see Barclay, 35-37.
Pearl st, IS; see State, 6.
St Marks pl, 7S (2:449-28), ss, abt 75 w
1 av, 25x97.6, 4-sty bk tnt; E De Forest
Haynes et al to Wm T De Forest, Hotel
Tremont, Denver, Col; B&S; JunelS; Aug
6'20; A$16 000-19.000 (R S $9). O C & 100
SheriK si. <>«-8 (2:333-10), es, 60 s Riv¬
ington, 40x75. S-sty bk bldg; Sadye Blum¬
enfeld & ano to Sherwell Russian & Turk¬
ish Baths, 66 Sheriff; mtg $48,400; June21;
..Vugl0'20;; .-\$15.000-45,000. O C & 100
Sheriff st, 6«-8 (2:333-10), es, 60 s Riv¬
ington, 40x75, 5-sty bk bldg; Jos Klein-
rock to Harry Wells, 24 Av D, & Sadye
Blumenfeld, 1387 5 av; mtg $31,900 & PM
mtg $12,000; Junell; Aug5'20; A$15,000-
45.000 (R S $27.50). O C & 100
South st, 320-7 (1:249-7-8), ns, 126 e
Market si, 40x80, 2-4-sty bk loft & str
bldgs; Louis Koss Bklyn to Louis Weid-
berg 184 Orchard: Hyman Weidberg, 158
Orchard; Abr Cohen, 158 Orchard; Benj
Langholtz, 47 Pitt; Julius & Eli Kastein,
247 East Bwav; mtg $10,750; AugS; Aug6
â– 20: A$14,000-20,000 (R S $9). 100
Stanton st, 80 (2:417-72), ns, 66.3 e Allen,
21.3x65. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Max Kimer-
ling to Golda Rothman, 197 Chrystie; mtg
$13,000; Aug3; Aug6'20; A$9,000-14,000 (R
9 $9). O C & 100
Stanton st, 127 (2:354-15). ss, 100 w Nor¬
folk 25x75, S-sty bk tnt & strs; Max Kim-
erling to Golda Rothman, 197 Chrystie;
mtg $16,000; .4ug3: Aug6'20; A$13.000-19.-
000 (R S $10). O C & 100
State st, 6 (1:9-6), ns, abt 140 w White¬
hall, runs w26.9xnwl06.10xe26.4x—104.8 to
beg. 4-slv bk home. 1 & 2-stv ext; also
PE.XRL ST. IS (1:9), ss, abt 95 w White¬
hall, 20x105.9x20x105.11, 2-sty bk stable;
Leo House for German Emigrants to South
Ferry Realtv Co, 111 Bway: mtg $42,000;
Aug3: Aug4'20; A$SO,000-90,000 (R S $159).
Sullivan st, 46: see Watts, 42.
Sullivan st, 215 (2:539-4). es. 200.2 n
Bleecker, 24.11x100.3x24.10x100.2. 5-stv bk
tnt & strs; Jas R Strang, White Plains,
NY, to Nicola Aliano. 217 Sullivan, &
Pietro Cifuno, 219 Sullivan: mtg $19,000 &
AL; Aug3; Aug5'20; A$15,000-29,000 (R S
$9). O C & 100
Watts st, 42 (2:477-63), nwc Sullivan
(No 46), 24x40.6x39,5x24, 2-sty fr & bk tnt
& strs; Bessie R Humphrey, Biiighamton,
NY, to Carrie R Frantz. 504 Delaware av.
Wilmington, Del; .\T; May24; Aug5'20; A
$9,000-9,500. nom
Watts st, 42; Edw W Remsen, Lake
Como. Township of Wall, NJ, to same;
AT: Mav20; Aug5'20. nom
Willett St. 4«-S (2:338-79). nec Delan¬
cey (No 232), 65x25, 7-stv bk loft & str
bldg; Willdel Co to Annie Briniberg, 73
Bainbridge, Bklvn; mtg $20,000 & PM mtg
$8,500: .\ug5; Aug6'20; A$13.000-21,500 (R
S $21.50). O C & 100
1ST s«, 44 F (2:443-55), ns, 236.7 e 2 av,
25.6x71.8x24.11x69.6. 5-stv bk tnt & strs &
5-stv bk rear tnt; E De Forest Haynes et
al to Wm T De Forest, Hotel Tremont,
Denver, Colo; B&S; JunelS; Aug6'20; A
$11,000-16,000 (R S $9). O C & 100
4TH st, 03 E (2:446-54), ns, 100 e 2 av,
25x96.2, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; E De
Forest Haynes et al to W T De Forest,
Hotel Tremont, Denver, Colo; B&S; June
15; Aug6'20; A$14,000-21,000 (R S $10).
O C & 100
TTH st, 2«1 E (2:377-57), ns, 298 w Av
D, 24.9x97.6. 3-sty bk dwg; Rosalita Dono¬
van, Catskill, NY, et al to Peter Schwartz,
261 E 7; AL: July23; Augl0'20; A$12,SO0-
14 500 (U S *1S). "°™
STH st, 311 E (2:391-54), ns, 239.1 eAi,
B, 20.7x69.10, 4-sty bk tnt & strs; A$7,500-
10,000; also STH ST, 313 E (2:391-53), ns,
259.8 e Av B. 20.7x69.10, 4-sty bk tnt &
strs- A$6,500-8,500; Lambert Suydam, BXK.
to Ida Bei-nstein, 633 B 9; Aug2; AugS 30
(R S SOc). lb,0OO
STH st, 313 E; see Sth, 311 E. ,,.,„,
lOTH st, i:i.-.-7 W (2:611-67), ns, 11().3 w
Greenwich av, 44x95, 6-sty bk tnt; Pas¬
quale Reale to Giambattista Perazzo, 11
Leroy; mtg $57,000; Aug9; AuglO 20: A
$21,000-55.000 (R S $18). O C & 100
IITH Ht, 210-12 W (2:613-47-48), ss, 19.5
e Waverl>' pl. 38.10x54, 2-3-sty & b stn
dwgs; Owners Syndicate Co to Bd-w Swann,
Z2 E 26; mtg $13,000; AL; Aug9; Augll20,
A$12,000-16,000 (R S $13) nom
ll'TH st, 211 W (2:614-66), ns, 40 e Wav¬
erly pl 20x80, 3-sty & b tjk dwg; Minna
Aronson to Archie A Coates 211 W 11,
mtg $11,500; AugS; Augl0'20; A$8,000-9,50O
(R S $13.50). ^ ^ ,_0 C & 100
12TH Nt, 700 E; see Av C, l9t>-„_ ,
i:STH st, 05-87 E; see Bway »\i-^-
13TH st, .%10 E (2:407-51), "?â– 216 e A
A runs nl00.3xe25xs—xe0.2xs68.11 to st x
w25 to beg, 6-sty bk tnt & ^f?,-. Jf 1^/°"
?;°"rg ?2V^50°&-1l; "au^.""^-?\$|o%£
''Tsi^\l '^.l. E; Julius T?sh"ma\3
^^'H^^'ai, "iS^^ '3.792-29-30) ns^f
Josephine L MiUer. R"th':'"*r«3'''?(fo-fo 0^0 '
TITION AugO: Augll20. A$3-.000 4U,uuu
(R S $34). o.>,-..»v
i«TH st 109-11 W; Josephine L Miller,
Rutehrfoid NJ. to Tower Bros Stationery
^o" 23 W 23; mtg $25,000; AL; Aug9; Aug
11'20 (RS $14). O C & 100
iTTn st 211 W (3:767-33), ns, 140 -w i
23D st, 250 W (3:772-75) ss abt 175 e
s av 25x98 9, 7-sty bk loft & str diub.
T„u„' r (^flvinagh to Emidio Mele, 19
John J t..avaiiagM li, in. t>m mtg
&f Al^g'V! l'uTs'2^?^A^l,lU-5|M
;MTH st, 144 E (3:879-55), ss 344 -w 3
ii0|^^ col, U^'^^^Wk^
(R S $15).
â– '4TH si 140 F> (3:879-54), ss, 318 w 3 av,
26xtl" f-'s"w. stable: Minnie HeUstein
|',Vg; Aug^2;^Aug4'2f; 'a$30,000-^4^00^0 ^
24TH st, 240-a Et see 2 av, 411-15.
24TH st, 311-13 W '3:748-34) ns. 150 w
8 av. 37x98.9. 6-sty bk tnt; 311 W 24th
St Corpn. 191 9 av, to Chelsea-Moore
Corpn, 191 9 av; mtg $40,000; JulySl; Aug
ir20- A$18,000-62,000 (R S $22.50). 32>o0<»
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