Vol. CVI
No. 8
-AUG. 12, 13, 14, 16, 17 & 18.
Beekman st, Tl (1:94-22), n-ws, abt 100
se Gold, 27.7x88.1x23.8x89.9, 5-sty bk loft
& str bids; A$29,000-42,000: also PULTON
ST, 71 (1:94-12), ns, abt 80 se Gold, runs
nel23.7xse6.9xse23.Sxs-w21.1xse30.7 xs-w 101
to st xnl5.9 to beg, 3-sty bk loft & str
bldg-; A$40,000-52,000; Bdith N Bucking¬
ham, Boston, Mass, & ano, to Nason Mfg
Co, 71 Beekman; mtg $55,000 & AL; Dec
30'19; Augl6'20 (R S $65). nom
Beeknuin st, 105-T; see Pearl, 284-6.
Broome st, 40 (2:326-15). swc Lewis
(Nos 19-191A), 25x60, 3-sty bk tnt & strs;
Timothy J Murray, ref, to Metropolitan
Savgs Bank, plff; FORECLOS -------: Aug
16; Augl7'20: A$9,000-11,000 (R S $16).
Catherine st, 62 (1:278-40), ws, 75 n Oak,
24.9x103x24.11x103, 5-sty bk tnt & strs;
Philip J Dunn, ref, to Rebecca Kaufman,
Hotel Monterey, nec Bway & 94th, plff;
PARTITION -------; mtg $25,000 & AL; Aug
5; Augl8'20; A$15,000-28,000 (R S 50c). 500
Chrystie st, 96 (1:305-12), es, 100 s
Grand, 25x100, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Hyman
Kosberg to Dora Kessler, 644 Wales av;
mtg $29,132 & AL & PM mtg $2,000; July
29; Augl3'20; A$19,000-36,000 (R S $7).
Chrystie st, 200-2 (2:421-12-14), sec
Stanton (Nos 25-27), 75x49.11x75.3x49.11.
3-5-sty bk tnts & strs; Louise Davis &
ano to Antonino Pillitteri & Maria A, his
wife, 198 Chrystie; mtg $27,500 & AL;
Augl2; Augl8'20; A$33,000-49,000 (R S
$13.50). O C & 100
Colnmbia st, 80 (2:334-42), es, 70 n Riv¬
ington, 30x25, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg;
Ellen Lamm, Bklyn, to Carlhoff Realty Co,
51 Eldert, Bklyn; mtg $4,000; AL; Mar7
'19; Augl2'20; A$5,000-6,000 (R S $2.50).
Ooomelia st, 23 (2:590-42), ns, 206.7 e
Bleecker, 21.1x97.6, 2-sty bk stable; Jos
Marron, Glen Rock, NJ, to A Nicola Aqui-
lino, 86 W 3; mtg $5,500; AL; JulylS; Aug
18'20; A$S,000-14,000 (R S $15). O C & 100
Bldridse st, 101-3 (2:421-74), nwc Riv¬
ington (No 52), 75x20, 6-sty bk loft & str
bldg; Arthur P West, Elizabeth, NJ, to
Jennie Neuman, 501 W 171; QC; Junell;
.Augl6'20; A$17,000-26,000. O C & 100
Front at, 7.5 (1:34-15), sc Old si (No 35).
19.5x54.4x19.7x54.10, 4-sty bk loft bldg;
Flush Realty Co to Frank H Oelschlager,
559 W 140; mtg $16,500 & PM mtg $30,500;
AL; Julyl6; Augl8'20; A$22,000-28,000 (R
5 $3). O C & 100
Front St. 08 (1:33-31), nws, abt 25 ne
Gouverneur la, 22.7x76.4, 4-sty bk loft &
str bldg; Chas L Meehan to Danl M En-
right, 9443 Ridge Blvd, Bklyn; mtg $20,-
000 & AL; Augl2; Augl3'20; A$19,000-24.-
000 (R S $39). O C & 100
F*nlton st, Tl; see Beekman, 71.
Goerck st, IOO (2:329-58), ws, 99.11 s
Stanton, 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Ella
Realty Co to Jennie Springer, 57 Lewis;
mtg $9,000; AL; Augl6; Augl8'20; A$S,O0O-
21,000 (R S $11). nom
Great Jones st, 46 (2:531-48), ns, 166 w
Bowery, 23.3x87.11x23.1x90.4, 7-sty bk loft
6 str bldg; Alfred P Morewood to Etagloc
Holding Co, 5 Beekman; B&S; mtg $33,500;
AL; Aug2; -Augl2'20; A$13,000-31,000. nom
Great Joiies st, 46; Etagloc Holding Co
to Alfred P Morewood, 54 W 72; B&S; mtg
$35,600; AL; June21; Augl2'20. nom
Hester st, 72 (1:299-19), ss, 50 w Or¬
chard, 20x75, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Majestic
Dress Goods House to Mendel Goldberg, 71
Hester; mtg $17,000 & PM mtg $4,500; AL;
AuglS; Augl8'20; -\$15,500-21,000 (R S
$19.50). nom
Jones St. 5 (2:590-75), ns, 44.10 w 4th,
25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Domenico
Hovegno, B of Richmond, NY, lo Jennie,
wife Mario De Ferrari, of Meconici, Ge¬
noa, Italy; Cath, w-ife Jos Meagher, &
Rose & Uda Rovegno, 102 Yorke av, B of
Richmond, NY; Dec31'19; .\ugl3'20; A$10,-
000-22,000. eift
Len-Is st, lO-lOVa; see Broome, 49.
Liberty st, 82-88; see Bway, 139-45.
â– tlereer st. 173 (2:613-20). ws, 63 s Hous¬
ton, 37x25, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; Danl
W Hammond, Haverhill, Mass, to U S
Trust Co; B&S; Aug6; Augl3'20; A$6,000-
9.000. uo''"
Old slip, .1,": see Front, 75.
I'earl st, 148-r.2 (1:31-20), sec Wall (Nos
79-85) runs e72.10xs40.10xw4xs21.Sxw64.S
to st xn61.7 to beg, 13-sty bk office & str
bldg; John J Agar to John G & Agnes M
.Agar, TRSTES, Premium Point, New Ro¬
chelle, NY; mtg $300,000 & --^L; Junel2:
-\ugl7'20; -A$300,000-515,000. nom
Pearl st, 284-6 (1:95-21), sec Beekman
(Nos 105-7). runs se53.10xsw31xsll.6xsw
10.2xnw62.6 to st xne40.2 to beg, 7-sty bk
loft & str bldg; Avisay Ganis et al to
Ganis Holding Corpn; mtg $50,000 & AL:
Mav29; -Augl4'20; A$35,000-52,000 (R S
$37). O C & 100
Prospect pl, .-.7 (5:1335-27y2). es. 83.9 s
43d, 16.8x58. 3-sty stn tnt; Walter S
Joyce, PittsBeld, Mass, to Hannah C Pet¬
erson, 57 Prospect pl: Augl4; Augl7'20:
A$3,750-5,700 (R S $2.50). nom
Rl-Hnsrton st, 1.5 (2:425-25), ss, abt 25 w
Chrystie, 25x100, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg:
Harriet M Staffers, Noroton Heights,
Conn, to Edw P Gundrum, 1161 Bushwick
av, Bklyn; V. pt; mtg $5,000 & AL; -Aug
12; Augl3'20;'A$16,000-22,000 (R S $5).
O C & 100
RIvlneton st, ,".2; see Eldridge, 191-3.
RIvlneton St. 226 (2:339-36). ns, 86 e
Pitt, 14.10x63.9x15x63.7, 6-sty bk loft &
str bldg; Geo A Lavelle to Ida Saltzman
wife of David Saltzman. 226 Rivington;
mtg $6,500 & -AL: Aug6: .'^ugl3'20: A$8,000-
13,000 (R S $9.50). O C & 100
Stanton st. 2.-.-T; see Chrystie, 200-2.
Sullivan St. 63 (2:489-5). es, 84 n
Broome, runs e80xs9xe20xn34.8xwl00 to st
XS2S.8 to beg. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Dom¬
enico Rovegno to Jennie De Ferrari, wife
Mario De Ferrari, Genoa, Italy; Cath
Meagher, wife of Jos Meagher. & Rose &
Uda Rovegno. 102 Yorke av. B ot Rich¬
mond. NY', all daughters of the parties of
the 1st pt; Dec31'19; -\ugl3'20; A$15,500-
22.500. nom
Sutton pl. 24 (5:1370-22), ws, 20.5 n 58th,
20x86.5, 4-stv bk tnt; Edw A Allen, East
Orange, NJ, et al to C Grace Casale, 2773
Briggs av; mtg $9,000; JulySO; Augl8'20;
-A$6,500-10,000 (R S $6). nom
Temple st, sec Liberty; see Bway, 139-
Tompkins st, .'54 (2:319-12), es, 72 s Riv¬
ington, 22x60, 4-sty bk shop: Frank P
Schmitt et al, Bklvn, to I.sidore & Jacob
Kauffman, 314 S 5, Bklyn: Junel6; Aug
14'20; A$3,000-5,500 (R S $9). nom
Tompkins st, ."Mt .Jacob Kauffman et al.
Bklvn, to Hyman Haber, 5 Goerck: mtg
$5,500 & AL; AuglO; Augl4'20 (R S $8).
â– Wall st, TO-S.";; see Pearl, 148-52.
â– Wall st, ST-0 (1:31-23). swc Water (No
llfi), 42.9x40, 4-sty bk office & str bldg:
John G Agar, New Rochelle, NT, to John
G Agar & Agnes M Agar, Premium Point,
New Rochelle. NY. TRSTES Jos Mac-
donough: mtg $300,000; Junel2; Aukl7'20;
.A$135,000-140,000. , nom
AVnshlnB'on st, IIT (1:53-9). es, abt 55 s
Carlisle, 29x47.9, 4-sty hk tnt & strs;
Nicola Dibs to Chesebrough Mfg Co, 17
State: mtg $12,000; AL: AuglO; Augl2'20:
.•\$11.000-13.000 (R S $21.50). O C & 100
â– Water st, 114 (1:31-24), nws, abt 40 sw
Wall. 21.10x44.9x21.6x41.9. 4-stv hk lof^ &
str bldg: John G Agar, New Rochelle,
NY. tn John G Agar & Agnes M Agar,
Premium Point, New Rochelle, NY,
TRSTES Jos Macdonough; Junel.2; Aug
17'20; A$20,000-23,000. """^
Water st, 116; see Wall, 87-9.
Water st, 252 (1:98-4), ns. 57.3 w Peck
si, 12.3x49.10x12.6x49.8, 4-sty bk loft bldg,
Mary R Goelet et al, TRSTBS Ogden
Goelet, & Robt A Goelet, indiv, to Ros-
mond A Schneider, 9 Emerson st. Last
Orange, NJ, & Rebecca M Poucher, 64
Whittlesey av. East Orange NJ; Julyll .
Augl4'20; A$5,500-6,500 (R S $13.50)^.^^_^^
OTH st, 625 E (2:389-48), ns, 368.6 e
Av B, 24,9x90.10, 5-sty bk tnt & ftrs;
Saml Glaser to Jos Hemerslag, 1 5<)th st,
Edgemere. LI: mtg $20,300; AuglO; Aug
ffo- .V$13,00()-lS,0e0 (R S ?3.70) 100
OTk st, 410 E (2:436-11), ss, 1<2.6 e^ 1
av, 20.10x75, 3-sty bk tnt; Rebecca Perl-
?6^2"75'^J-.^£;"ir4^ fu«g\?2^0Y^«
^â– 70%^ sl*?4 E (2:404-58), ns°2\Viv
A, 23.10x109.4, 4-sty bk dwg; Arthur P
West, N J, to Jennie Neuman, 501 W 171,
QC; Junell; Augl6'20; ^$19,500^22^000.^^^^
12TH st, 535 E (2:406-47), ns, 195 w Av
B 25x103.3, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Emma C
Stuart to Valetitine Watral, 267 Av A;
.lu"yl9: Augl6'20; A$10,000-14,000 (R^^
*^1"TH st 3,'iS-62 W (2:640-41-43), ss, 70,2
e -Jv-as^ingt?^ runs s20xe4.10xs60xe44.10xn
SO to st Iw49.8 to beg, 3-3-sty bk tnts;
Associated Contractors Inc to Wm^
Smith Bogota, NJ; mtg $11,000 '^,r, ci
%ue9-: AU8l3'20; A$17,500-18,0M^ (R^S^
*%OTH St. 144 W (2:608-17) ss 248 e 7
av, 23.9x103.3. 3-sty & b bk dwg: Ida
(^amnion et al to Lucy S Mitchell. 1»
wls^lnSton sq; July 19; -^ugl7'20; A$15^
000-17.500 (R S $28) Jf'Tl.
16TH St, 130 E (3:871-55), ss, 127-»,.<'
Irv^p. 25x103.3, 4-sty bk tnt; Rosalie
can oil & ano, individ & trstes, to Wm A
Hogan, 647 S 6 ay Mt Vernon, NY PM
mtg $20,000; July21; Augl8 20; A$22 500
24,500 (R S $28). Rank N
ioTH st, 130 E: Irving National Bank, N
Y TRS-fE to same; PM mtg $20,000; July
21- -\ugl8''20 (R S 50c). no}"
icTH -St. i:w B: Kenneth L Caswell,
Penn, to same; B&S: PM mtg ?20 000- July
21- -4LUgl8'20 (R S $7). O C & 100
16TH st, 335-41 VV (3:740-13) ns, 300 e
9 av, 100x92, 5-sty bk stable; Bdw H
Landon to Gerald J McCarthy, 608 W 188,
mtg $60,000 & PM mtg $30,000; Augl6:
Xu|l7'20'; A$45,000-90,000 (R ^ VlOh ^ ^^^
16TH St. 3.'{.-.-4l W; Gerald J McCarthy
to lowest 16th St Corpn, 1482 Bway:
AL; Augl6; -\ugl7'20. nom
ISTH St. 2.31 E (3:899-18). ns, 211.6 w
2 iv runs ,:i02,2xwl7.8x- on curve 4.1x
sw6 5XS9 2 to st xe22,6 to beg, 3-sty & b
atr, (iwg- Bridget Duffy to Mary A &
Cath H Dul?v 231 E 18; mtg $13,000; Aug
10 Augl3'20; 'a$13,300-15,500. gi"
S:i^^2$9!o^?i^o.?^^i itu'-^s'i^s^
-IST St. 141 B (3:877-33), ns, 170.6 w 3
av 20^98 9, 5-sty stn dwg: Albt Rathbone
f oi tt-v-t:;'? .«-<• \lex Morten, to Harper
I'^m 'e # J..>y30; Augl3'20;^
$26,000-38,000 (R S $34). d4,OW>
^sn St. 140 W (3:799-16), ns, 280 e 7 av,
2of9?9' 5-sTy stn loft & str bWg, 1-st^
pvt- A$32 000-34.000; also 33D ST, Ibl w
?3 •799-15) ns, 260 e 7 av. 20x98.9, 5-sty
st,; loft X "tr bldg; A$32.000-34.000; Ro-
ba-ts Co to Sallve Realty Corpn. 358 6 av;
nftg $72,50°) & -^L; Apr30; Augir2,0 ^(R^S
*^2.3D St. l.M W; see 23d, 149 W.
26TH st, 6-8 â– W; see Bway, JJL^'H-
26TH st, 6-8 'W; see Bway, 1131-37.
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