Real Estate Record and Builders Guide
Fannded March 21. 18(8, hy CLINTON W. SWEET
Devoted to Real Estate, Building Construction and Building Management in the Metropolitan District
Published Every Saturday by THE RECOUD AXU GUIDl-: COMPANY
FRANK B. PERLEY, President and Editor; W. D. HADSELL. VIee-Presldcnt; E. S. DODGE, Viec-Preildcnt; J. W. FRANK, Sccrelarr-Treas.
Entered u •Mond dUi tnatUr Itmtmlttt », MT*. at Ife. rati Otno. >t New Tnrk. N. T.. andw tti. Art et Mirdi i. lit*.
Copyright, 1920, by The Record and Guide (x>mpany 119 \Ve«| 40tli Street. New York (Telephone: Bryant 4800)
NO. as (2753)
isn. A rorr
tl2.(N) A YKAIt
AdvertlBlns Index
A B See Electric Elevator.4th Cover
Ackerly, Orville B., & Son... 841
Adler, Ernest N.............8+1
Altmayer. Loon S............Sll)
American Bureau of R. E------84r
American Whitewash Co.....8oa
Amea & Co..................«;>!>
Amy & Co., A. V.............. BH',)
Anderson & Co., Jamea S...... &^S
Armstrong & Armstrong ..... 8-11
Aspromonte & Sou, L. S......Hob
Automatic Fire Alarm Co.....8oU
Bauer, Milbank & Molloy......8oG
Bechmann, A. Cj.............6tO
Beale Co.. Inc., H. S.......... 840
Birdsall. Daniel & Co. .Front Cover
Boyd, James ............lid Cover
Boylan, John J............... S-'W
Brown, Frederick ............8;1S
Brown Co., J. Romaine.Front Co\er
Builders' Brick & Supply Co.
4tU Cover
Bulkley & Horton Co........ 810
Busher Co., Eusene J........ 8:ilJ
Butler Sl Baldwin .......... 83'J
Cammann, Voorhees & Floyd.. 8.%
Carpenter, Leonard J........S30
Chauncey Real Estate Co...... 83'.J
Cheney & Co................. S4S
City Investing Co.............828
Classified Advertisements .... 837
Coburn, Alfred P.............Sti
Cogley, Peter F.............8ti
Corning Co., Edward ....4th Cover
iCoutoucas, Nicholas .......... 838
Cross & Brown........Front Cover
Cruikshank Co.......Front Cover
Cruikshank's Sons, Wm.Front Cover
Cudner R. E. Co.............83'.i
Cushman Si Wakefleld. .Front Cover
Cutler Sl Co., Arthur........ 841
Cutner, Itarry B.............83!1
Davlea. J. Clarence............ 842
Day, Joseph P............... S3!)
Dean & Co., W. E..........S3b
Dike, O. D., & H. V.......... 81(1
Dowd, James A..............841
Durosa Co................... 83!)
Dwight, Archibald & Perry____ 83:i
Elliman & Co.. Douglas L____ 828
Ely & Co., Horace S....Front Cover
Empire Brick & Supply Co.
4th Cover
Engllsr, J. B.................83:)
Feuerbach, F. J............. 8t0
Finch & Co.. Chas. H.........84S
Finegan, Austin .............. 83!)
Fischer, J. Arthur ............ 83li
Fogarty, T. A. & J. J......... 8V
Fox & Co.. Fredk............ 8
Frank Si Frank .............. 8"in
Frank & Goldenberg ......... 853
Fuller Co.. Geo. A............ S.'ifi
Gates. Elmer C...............83!)
Goodstein. tiarry .......Title Page
Goodwin Si Goodwin .......... S.'W
Hecla I ron Works ............8.'5.'j
Editorials ........................................829
John T. Hettrick Held for Conspiracy in Re¬
straint of Trade............................... 830
Recoinmendations of Special Committee on
Reconstruction ............................... 830
Use of Life Insurance Funds for Increased
Housing ...................................... 831
Review of Real Estate Market for the Current
Week ......................................... 833
Private Sales of the Week...................... 833
Leases .......................................... 837
Statistical Table of the Week.................. 842
Get No Competitive Bids on Building Materials 843
General Contractors Demand Payment for
School Work ................................. 846
Many New Plans in Preparation But Contracts
Fall Off ...................................... 847
Personal and Trade Notes..................,... 847
Trade and Technical Society Events............847
Building Material Markets......................848
Current Building Operations.................... 848
Contemplated Construction...................... 850
Plans Filed for New Construction..............853
Hess, M. & L., Inc....Front Cover
Holmes Elec. Protective..4th Cover
Hubbard C. Bertram ........ 841
Improved OtBce I'ar. Co. .2d Cover
Jackson, Daniel H.....Title Page
Jenkins Elevator Co...........8.10
Kane Co., John I'.......4tb Cover
Keller. Charles G.............. 840
Kilpatrick, Wm. D...........82S
KlooR, F. J..................818
Kohler. Chas. S., Inc........8'2.S
Kraslow Coustrucilon Co.....8.">.5
Lackman, Oito ............... 840
Lawrence Cement Co. ...4th Cover
Lawrence, IJlake .fc Jewell.... 82.^
Lawyers' Title & Trust Co____833
Leaycraft & Co., J. Edgar
Front Cover
Leist. Henry G...............840
Leo. John P.. Jr............. 8ln
Levers. Robert .............. 841
Levin. Inc., Jacob & Morris.. 842
Losere, L. 0.................540
Manning & Trunk ............ g;!;i
Marlln. Samuel If............. 8;!i)
Maurer & Son, Henry ____4th Cover
Maxwell, J. S........... S.'!'l
May Co., Lewia II........'.'.'. 8:!!i
McMahon. Joseph T......... S3I)
Mississippi Wire Glass Co..!! S:!l
Monell. K. Dron.son .......... 8.'!!l
Moure's Sons, Inc., Morris.... 83ii
Moors, .?. K................. 83!)
Morgenlhau. Jr.. Co., M..2d Cover
Moxley Sl Co., II. L........... S40
Murray Si Co., Inc., Jos...... 84.**
Nail Sl Parker ................ 82,S
Nason Realty Co.......Title Pase
National Eleeirical Lnb. Co____ 8'!.S
Nehring IJios.................s:;!l
Newins. Harvey B............K.'.n
New York Kdlson Co.. The.... 8"]
New 'i'ork Tide *; .VnriRage Co. 8JS
Niewenhous Really Corp......837
AdvertialDK Index
Nlles & Johnson........ 837
Noyes & Co., Chaa. F. .Front "cover
Ogden & Clarkson Corp.......8:10
O'Hara Broa.................g^o
O'Hare, Geo. L........' "" 840
O'Reilly Sl Dahn .........!! 8:1!)
Orr & Co., John C....... 8.-,5
Payton, Jr., Co., Phillip A____842
Pease & Elliman ____Front Cover
Petersen & Fennell. Inc.....841
Pflomm, F. Sl O.....Front Cover
Polak Brokerage Co., E. A.. 841
Pomeroy Co., Inc., S. H. .4th Cover
Poner & Co., I. H............ 83T
Porter & Co.........Front Cover
Premier Paper Co....... 8.34
Purdy & Co..............!!! 852
Quell Sl Quell ................ 840
Rafalsky Co., Mark ..Front Cover
Read & .Co.. Geo. R. ..Front Cover
Kealty Associates ............ 842
Realty Assotiates Investraent
_Corp. .................:.(j Cover
Realty Company of America .. S'S
Riker & Sanders ....... 840
Ritch. luc, Wm. T......!!!!! 80O
Ruland Si Whiting ....Front Cover
Runk, George S............ s.'IO
Ryan, George J........!!!!!!! 839
Sasse, Geo. W........... 841
Schindler £ Liebler .....!!!!! 841
Schweibert, Henry .........!! gio
Scobie. Richard 11..........!! 840
Sherman Brokerage Co. .. 842
Smith Co., Inc., K. C..... 846
Smith. Malcolm E........ ' S41
Smith Co., Inc., E. C.......!!! 84G
South Ferry Realty Co........ 8.'i(5
Spear & Co............... 840
Spotts & Stai'r ..............! s.'i!)
Steinmetz, John A...........840
Stone, .lunlus IT...... ' 84!)
Straus Sl Co., S. W.......'.â– .'.'. s."i3
Tabolt. Jacob J............... 841
Title Guarantee & Trust Co.. 828
Trageser Steam Copper Works
,„'<>h" .......................&-|5
Tucker. Speyers & Co........S:«)
Tyng & Co., Stephen H., Jr____828
Ullman .....................840
United Elec. Light * Power Co. 8:i.'>
Uris Iron & Steel Corp., Abe.. 8.'>3
"Van Valen, Chas. B......2d Cover
Vorndrans' Sons, Christian .. 8:U
Wells Architectural Iron Co.. 8."i.>
Wells Sons, James N.........S!!)
Welsch, S., Sons .......... ,S4()
Wheeler, G. C. « A. E......... 8.'i2
Wheeler ReaUy Corp.........840
White & Sons, W. A.........K28
Whiting Sl Co.. Wm. H..Front Cover
Wlllloms-Dexter Co..........841
Wilson Remlna Co., Mrs...... 841
Winter. Benjamin ........... 83C
Wood-Dolson Co.......Front Cover
Wyckoff. Walter C...........839
Zittel & Sons, Fredk.......... 8.3!)
24.6 z 70
Near Fifth Avenue; three-story store
and business building, with Iwo Infls
above suitable for one flrm. Possession
February 1. 1921. Offered nt a very nl-
tractivc price. Will lease to one leniiiit.
Free and clear; full commission paid.
Daniel H. Jackson
Suite 911 Phone: Rector 35S9
At $20,000 per Year NET RENTAL
Immediate Posaenaion
Nos. 470-472 Seventh Ave.
40.8^x11)0—Ti»o Three-Story Bulldtnca
Farther partitmlara frtym
ftta ait t\t cnniuuH tm-raaa
Choice Plot of
Bronx Lots For Sale
88 X 14.1
All fTcnvBted, rriidy fur Immedliite Ini-
pr'i^einent. fjin nrrntitle hiifldlufl and
prrniHi>*-nl ln«ii. and good tfrnm. Prte.
\i-r\ attrnctlTe.
7fil Broadway, N. Y
I'hone 1!I22 Uarcla.Y