•BcnoN Twm
This section Includes all recorded Conveyances, Mlacellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and SatlsOed
Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits,
Judgments In Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens, Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics^ Liens, Attachments. Chattel Mortgages Affecting
Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts, AVills and Real Estate Appraisals In the Borough of Manhattan.
Vol. cvn
NEW YORK, MAY 7, 1921
No. 19
-APR. -27. 28. 29, 30, -MAY 2 & 3.
Bethune st, Sl (2:035-18), ss, 103 e AA'ash¬
iugton. 22x8S.7x22.3x!l2.1(). 5-sty bk tut: Park¬
er K Deane, TRSTB for AA'ra G Deane. under
trust deed, to AA'm O Deane. 41 Noxon st,
Pnughkeepsie, NY; B&S; ralg $15,730; Aprl;
ApruS'21; A.f,s.O)IO-l!).000 (R S $10). nom
Canal St. 119 (1:302-37), ns. abt 43 e Chrystie
18.9x50. 4-slv stn sir; Ernst Plath to Sara
(inldberg. UlS AA'estchester av. Bx; mtg $30.-
((K); Mav2: -AIav3'21; A$14,500-lS.OOO (R S $40i.
O C & 100
Central Pk S, 314, or 59th at W (4 :10:i0-421,
ss, 225 w 7 av, 25x100.5, 4-8ly & b sin dwg;
Jus Snyder to Martrese Corpn. 214 AA' 59; mtg
$75,(H)0; -4pr-29; .AIay3'21- A$100.000-105.000 (RS
$101. O C & 100
Cherry st, 46 (1:111-15). nec Rnosevelt (No
1001. 13.4x.3S.4xl3.3x,3,s.3, S-sty bk tnt & sir;
Cath Jaekson. Bklyn. tn Frank I'erez, 73
James: mlg $10,000; Apr23; Apr27'21; A$9.(M)0-
11.000 (R S $31. O C & 100
Cherry st, 337 (1 :'248-.S0l, ss, 180.9 e Pike. 24.3
x99.ex2:i.llx99.0. 5-sty lik tnt & strs; U S Trust
Co of N Y, EXR Cecelia A Pushay, tu Ruse C
5 Beattv. 30 AVesl Scott pl, EUz, N J, BXTRX
AA'ealey S Bealty; 1-0 pt; May2; May3'21; A
'8.000-19.000. nom
Cherry st, 237; same tn Jane A Gaines & Ce¬
cilia G Hnlland. 4 AA'aterbury rd. Muntclair.
NJ ; Mav2; May3'21; twu undivided 1-0 shares.
I nom
I Cherry st, 337; sarae to Myra. 1-18 pt; Ce-
Fcelia A, 1-18 pt, & Benjarain Adams, 1-18 pt,
all in Texas Citv, Texaa; J Ben Beatty, 1-12
pt, 15 North Reid Sl, Eliz, NJ, & Caroline M
Beatty, 1-12 pt. 204 Hancock. Bklyn; May2:
MayS'21. nora
Cherry st, 416 (1:201-23), 118, •2.30 w Jackaon,
25x97.8. S-aty bk tnt & strs; Gertrude Mor¬
genstern tn Lnuis Priedland, 410 Cherry; ralg
$1,5,000: PM mtg $1,200; -AIav2; May3^21; A$H,-
0O0-2-2.(KI0 IR S $4..30|. O C & 100
Christopher at, 6 (2:010-02), ns, 77.1 W
Greenwich av. 17.Ux53.3xU.lx57.'2. 3-sty bk tnt
6 atrs; Predk S Duncan, Engeiwoud, NJ, &
anu. EXRS & TRSTES Jereraiah AA' Dimick.
tn Maria Galln. 150 AA' 104; P-Al ratg .fO.OOIl:
.AIav2'21; A$7.000-10.000 (R S $11..30l. 11.600
Chrystie st. 213 12:427-40). ws. 8<).10 n Stan¬
ton, rnns ir28.10 xwlOO xslS.Sxse^JS.lOxnel.lxse
34.0xne3.2xse41.4 to beg. 5-stv bk tnt & atrs;
Edw Lauterbach et al. TRSTES Isaiaa .Aleyer,
& ano lo PauUne Goldfisher, 90 Sheriff; Mar
21: -4pr29'21; A$10,000-24,l)0() (B S $20..30l.
CbryBtie st, 213; Pauline Goldfisher tn El¬
bert Realtv Cu, 200 Grand; Apr28; Apr29'21
I R S $27.3111. O C & 100
CUnion at, 7» (2:348-48), es. 07 s Rivington.
runs s32.11xe7Oxii34xwl9.9xn0.0xW2.3.1l) xsl.Sxw
34.4 to beg, S-sty bk tnt & atrs; Louis laaaca
et al tn Harry Haininwitz. 251 S 3d. Bklyn;
mlg $24,090- PM mtg .$7,000; Apr28; May2^21:
A$2S.(HKI-.37.(X)0 (R S $131. O C & 19:)
Cortlandt at. 13 ll:a3-2). ns, r23.1 w Bway.
25x122.2x25x122.4. S-sly stn loft & sir bldg:
-Anna T Crnwiev el al tn -Andrew P Kennedy
Realty Cnrpn. i2 Cnrtlandt; B&S; ralg $100.-
000; Aprl; AprS0^21; A.$275,000-29.3.0I)0 (R S
$150). nnin
Exterior st. late Av B (5:1483-28). awe 72d
(Noa .S34-SI. 70.Sx7S.3x70.SxS'2. 5-aty bk bakery:
A$23..300-(;7.0)M); alao 72D ST. 5.30-2 E (5:1483-
32i. as. 498 e .4v A. ,30x102.2. S-atv bk faetnrv :
A$l,S.00O-43.(K)O: .5.30 E 72d Sl Cn in Eliaa Gutl-
frled. .3.51 E 77; ratg $05,000; Apr29; Apr:il)'21
(R S .$401. 105.000
Ferry at. 31-:!S, on map SI-.35 (1:1048). nes.
(lilt 49 nw Cliff, runa nellS.10xiiw2.0xn7.11xiie
0.8xnwS7.Sxawll3.7 tn Perrv xse49 tn beg. 4-
sty bk Inft & str bldg & 3-aty bk rear stnrage;
Arrow Holding Cnrpn tn Chas Laue. 132 S av.
Bklyn; mtg .$10,000.07; AL ; Apr27; May2'21: A
$42,000-44,000. O C & 100
Front at. 75 (1:34-15). awe Old al (No 3),
19.7X.54.10X19.5X.34.4. 4-sly bk loft bldg; Frank
H Oelschlager to Arthur J Deer. Hornell. NY;
intg $17,000; PM mtg $10,000; Mav2; -AIay3'21;
A$35.OO0-41.l)00 (R S $251. O C & 100
Front st, 166 (1:71-35), nws, about :iO ne
Fletcher, 10.0x75.4x10.10x73.10, 3-sty bk Inft
lildg; Chas Fnx & ano to Ernest Ellinger, 2 AA'
.S9; B&S: -4pr27; Apr29'21; A$17,300-23,000 (R
s $1,si. nnni
(irand st, 511-13 (1:288-42-43 & 29), SWS, abt
70 e E Bway, runa sUO lo Henry (No SIS), xe
•20xn:"iOxiie50 In Grand, xw40 to beg, 2-2- & 1-3-
slv bk tills & sirs; Harold Barclay & ann,
EXRS Sackett M Barclay, to John AA' Shee¬
han, :320 Grand; Apr-21; May3^21; A$13,000-13,-
000 IR S $151. IS.OOO
<;rand at. 558 (2:3-2G-62), nec Lewis (No 2i.
20.lx.3Sj7x20.1x38.9. 2 & 3-sly bk & fr tnt & str;
-Vnna II AA'iuchester, Syracuse, NY. lo Maiden
Realty Cnrpn, 27 Cedar; AprSO; -May3'21; A.$7,-
.3(111-10.000 (R S .$91. nora
Hamilton pi. 105 (7:2073-39). ses. 45.5 s 142d,
1(1.4xlil.3x15x.34.10. S-sty & b bk dwg: Mary C
Mi'Niece to Irene B Cox. 084 St Nicholas av;
mtg $11..3IK); FeblS'lO; Apr29^21; A$,3.O00-7.S00.
Hamilton ter, 27 (7:2030-103). es. 255.9 ll
Ulst. runs e78.1xne17xw79.4 to ter xsl7 tn beg.
4 stv & b bk dwg: John G Thoike to Marie E
Ohms, 27 Harailtnn ler; lulg $15,000; -4pr27;
Apr-2S^21; A$5.7()0-11,000 (R S $2). nnm
Henry at, 255 (1:'287-S), ns, 47.1 e Monlgoiu-
ery. 27.11x82.1x-27.11x84.4, S-sty bk tnt & sirs;
.Sidney Newborg. ref. lu Katherine Chambers.
285 South sl, Morristown. NJ. plff; FORE¬
CLOS, ------; MarSl; Apr3021; A$14,000-:i0.000
IR S $-25.50). 25,500
Henry st, 315; see Grand. 511-13.
Hudson St. 516 (2:021-51. es. 07.4 s Perry,
runa s20.7xe,30xe49.5xn11.9xwl2.4 xw9.11 xw.SS.l
tn beg, 4-sty bk tnl & strs; Dumestic & Pur¬
eign Aliasionary .Sue of the Protestant Episco¬
pal Church in the U S of A to Richd Ahreii-
hnlz, 407 13th. Bklvn; B&S; CaG; Apr27; Apr
28-21; -4$.S,300-13,000 (R S $14.50). O C & 100
Houston St. UO E (2:450-38), ns, 55 nw 2 av,
22.7x.SOx'22.10x,S0. 4-8ly bk lofl & str bldg;
Lnuiaa Handelsinan to Saral A'etrano. 0322 New
rtrecht av. Bklvn. & .Anthony Giarratano,- 210
-Alott; ratg $12,000; -4pr-27; Apr29^21; A$11.000-
18.000 IR S $28). nom
Ja<'kaon st, 32 11:203-51), es. 125 n Cherry,
23x100, S-stv bk tnt & atra; N E A'ail & Cn,
Ml A'ernun, NY, tn Prank Blanchard. .302 Riv¬
erside dr; ratg $11,000; PM ratg $0,000; May
29'19; .\prS0'21; A$9.000-21.000. nura
Jones la, 3 Il::i3-ie), sws, abt 80 e Front,
19.0x:i9.8xl9.Sx:«).7, 4-sty bk loft & sir bldg:
Christiana .4 I^lv. Ridgewood. NJ, et al lo J
& R AA'ilann, Ine, 3 Jones la; .4pr29; Apr.30^21:
A$0.:)00-9.000 (R S $17,301. O C & IOO
Lewis at. 3j see Grand. 558.
Maiden la, .W-Ol (4:07-10). nes. 48.1 nw AA'il¬
liara. runs nw39.1xiie7S.llxseSSx8wO,llxselxaw
SII.7 In beg. 7-atv bk office & sir bldg; AA'ra
Brinkerhoff et al. EXRS & TRSTES Geo J
Sealiurv el al, tu Inlerzene Corpn. 50 Cedar;
mtg $100,000: Apr29; Apr30^21; A$1SO,000-220.
Olio IR S $2251.
Monroe at, 173 (1:209-12), ns, abt US w
Mnntgnmery. 'JSxlOO, O-sly bk tnt & sirs; Al¬
fred .1 Araend. ref. tn Geu ,1 Benziger. 140
Fullnn av. Hempstead. NY, plff. 12-27 pt: AT:
FORECLOS ------; Apr20; Apr27^21; A$12.000-
27.500 (R S $12). is.ono
Monroe st, 173; same to Bertha Benziger.
Lucerne. Switzerland. TRSTB. & Jos N A Ben¬
ziger; 13-27 pt: AT; FORECLOS ------; Apr20:
Apr27'21 (R S .$151. 15,0I)«
Montgomery at, 39 (1 :2(iS-(i3l. es. 120.1 s Henry.
19.11x73x20x73. 3-sly bk tnt; Max Sehnur In
Sninmnn Turetzsky, 05 Jefferson ; mtg .$5,000;
I'.AI mlg .$3,000; AprSO; May2'21; A.$S..500-1 l.¬
OOO IR S .$131. nnm
Mott at. 7-9 (1:101-31.52 & ,5S|. ws. 89.0 n
AA'urth (Xns 197 & 197i'.l. runs w97.10xs9.(l tn
AVnrth xiiw40,0xe.37.9xnS,1xe97.7 tn Mntt xs47.7
tn lieg. O-sty bk Inft bldg & 4-sty bk tnt:
Margl K Smith, widnw. et al. AA'nndiliff Lake.
NJ In AA'nn Kee (^nrpii. 7-9 Mntt: B&S; CaG:
mtg .$33,000; PM mtg $40,000; AprSO; May2'21.
.Alott at. 7-9: alsn AVORTII ST, 197-197Vi:
Margt K Smith & :iiin, EXRS & TRSTES J
Buvee Smith, AA'nndcIiff Lake, NJ, lu sarae;
mtg $33,.....); PM mlg $40,000; Apr30; .AIay2'21;
-A$41,000-li3.(l()0 (R S $.301. S5,U0O
-Mott at, 6S (l:20O-'2Si, ws, 125 n Bayard, 25x
100. O-sty bk tilt & strs; Chas G Coster, ref.
tn .Amanda -Abirciis. 1187 Lex av. plff; ratg
$:!l).OIII); FORECLOS. ------; Apr28; AprS0'21; A
.$17,OO0-:!3,0O0 (R S $1l. 1.000
Mulberry st, 8; aee AA'orth, 190-2.
New at, 55; see Bway, 42.
Old al. 3; see Front. 75.
Oliver st, 37 (1:'279-S). ws. abt 65 n Madison.
21.11x77.3x21.11x77.2. ;iaty bk tnt; Church of
Saint James, a enrpii. to Antonio .1 Sarlori, 27
Oliver; .4pr29; .AprSO'Sl; A$10,000-15,000 (R S
$2i;.:30|. 20,250
Oliver st, 100-2 11:251.30), es, 53 n South.
40x50, 0-atv bk till- Rose Garone to Jose A'ila
Tie. 94 James; mtg $1:3..S00; PM mtg $4,500:
Mav221; A$.S.O()0-21,:300 (R S $12,501. O C & 100
Perrv st. US 12:0.33-:j4), ns, 08.8 e AA'ash-
ingtnii. 21.0x40.2, 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Geo B
Brnnks. ref. tn Marv E Putter. 309 AA' 113.
plff; FORECLOS. ------; Decl3'20; May3^21; A
.^3.0ll(l-3..3IIO (R S .$41. 4,000
Perry st. 143: Mary E Putter to Eliz Brener.
273 Rnekawav av. Rnckville Centre, LI; QC;
Dee1S'20; .AIayS'21 IR S $4). nom
Pike at. 48 (1:'J74-19). ws. 75.2 s Madison.
23x.s0, 5 sty bk tnt & strs: Louisa Schorr &
I.iiwreiice Schorr, her husband, to Anita Bliss.
410 Park av; mtg .$'24,400: Mav2; MayS^21; A
,$11.."i()0-'22.0l)O (R S .$21. nora
Bldgo at, 147 (2:345-'27), ws, 100 n Stanton,
runs W74.9xii0.7xw24.9xn24.4xe99.7 to st xs2S
tu beg. S-sty lik tnl & strs; Central Uniun
'i'rusl Cn tn Prank Thau & Sarah, his wife,
tenanta bv entiretv. 140 Orchard: B&S: CaG:
Mav2; Mav3-21; A$lS.00O-2-2,0O0 (R S $19).
O C & 100
Rivington at. 28 (2:421-38), ns. 73.3 w For¬
syth. •24.11x100x23x100, 4-sty bk stable; Geo T
Soper. Cedarhurst. LI, to Alfred & Arthur
Maver. 140 AA' 10; QC & AL ; AprlO; Apr28'21;
A$1S.OOO-20.000. nora
Rivington at. 221 (2:338-14), SS, abt 50 e Pitt.
25x100. S-sty bk tnt & strs: Marie A8senheim-
er. Bklvn. lo Heniilie Karper & Eva Margolis.
•221 Rivingtnn; PM ratg $21,000; Mav221; A
$19.000-:!0,000 IR S $'2Sl. O C & 100
Rooaevelt st. IOO; see Cherry. 40.
St Marka pl, ,36 (2:403-27), 88, 100 w 2 av.
19.4x91.10. O-stv bk tnt & strs: Juliua Ruff
et al. E.XRS & TRSTES August Ruff. & ano
In Markus Rnsenberg. 1.30 2 av; PM mlg $30.-
000; Apr23; May3^21; A$l-2.000-26.000 (R S $38).
Sheriir st. 87 (2:3.39-04), ws. abl 200 n Riv¬
ingtnn, •25x100. S-sly bk tnl v'l: stra; Rachel
Grnss tn Lnuis Grnaa, 1091 Brnad sl. Newark.
NJ: mtg $------; AprlS; May2^21; A$11.0O0-27.-
.300 (R S $8). nom
.Sheriff at, 90-94 12:334-9-11), es. 2-25 n Riv¬
ington. 77x100x77.0x100. 3-S-sly bk tnts & atra ;
Rachel Grnas In Louis flroaa, 1091 Broad st.
Newark, NJ: mtg If------; AprlS; May2^21; A
:f;!S.0(H)-S2..3O0 IR s $21). nom
South St. 353; see AVater, 497.
Spring at. 189 (2;.303-42), ns, S3 e Sullivan,
17xli:i.3, 3-aty bk tnt & atrs: Predk Gnerl, BXR
Martin Gnerl, to Aasunta Palmieri, l.SO Ocean
I'kwav. Bklvn; Apr28; Apr30^21; A$6,S00-8.-
3110 IR S .$9). 9.000
Stantnn at, 63 (2:417-34), ns, 25.4 e Eldridge.
23.4x73, 3-aty bk tilt & airs; 02 Slanlon St
Cnrpn tn Giuseppe Neglia, 00 Stantnn; mlg
$10,730; May2^21 ; A$13.O(10-24.000 (R S .$3). nnra
Stanton at. 1:50 (2:3,3331). ns, 47.0 w Nnr¬
fnlk, S()x9S,2, 3-aly bk bldg; Rabbi Chaaam
Snpher Hebrew Sehnnl & Hnuse fnr Orphans
nf Need & Preacher nf Zealnaiz. Inc. tn Jewiali
Center nf the East Side, Inc. 128 Stanton; Jan
3; Anr'2721; A$60.000-S0,000 (R S $1).
O C & 100
Stanton st. 2r,0-6l (2:3.34-15-10). aa. 24.10 e
Sheriff. 49.9x73x.30x7S, 2-7-sty bk tnts & atra;
Guasie Rnaeiib"rg In H;irris Isr:iel. 2.39 Stan¬
tnn- mtg .$44,000; Apr:i0^21; A$24.l)00-.SS.OOO.
o c & 100
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