â– â– OnON TW*
FOUNDED iiees:
This section Includes all recorded Conveyancea, Mlacellaneoua Conveyances, Mortgragea, Assignments of Mortgages and Satlsfle*
Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits
Judgments In Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens, Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel MortKaKes AtCectlEf
Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts, Wills and Real Estate Appraisals In the BorouRh of Manhattan.
NEW YORK, JUNE 4, 1921
No. 23
MAY 25, 20, 27, 2S & 31.
Allen st, 22 (1 .'299-4), 63, abt 120 n Canal, 22
-\SU.l-\22.3x50.1, 3-sly fr bk ft tnt & sirs; Na¬
lhau Goldberg to Helen Goldberg, his wife,
1S2 E 7; Vs pt; mtg $10.-250; May23; May27-21;
A$lii,il00-14,000 (R S $2.50). nom
lileecki-r st, 147 (2:537-33), us, 85.9 e Thomp¬
son, 2«.0xl0U, S-sty bk Inl & strs ; Frauk Rend
& auo lu Bertley Hulding Corpn, 400 E 150;
ratg .f30,000; Apr27; May26-21; A$1S,000-S1,000
(K S $5). O C & 100
Uroome st, 49 (2:320-15), swc Lewis (Nos
19-19V'), 25x00, S-sly bk tnl & sirs; Melropoli-
lau Ravgs Bnnk lo Rose, wife uf Nathan AVo-
luski, 63 Broorae; B&R; CaG; May27; May28
'21; A$9,000-12,000 (R S $13). O C & 100
Broome st, 559 (2:477-41-42), sec Varick (as
opened) iNos 100-S), 31.3x42-\31.2x42, except
part fur Varick st, 4-sty bk tnl & strs; Thos
H Hicksou, EXR Stephen Hickson, tu Jnmes
Dully, SSS Bronrae; May26-21; A$15,000-16,SOO
(R R $20). 20,000
East Broadway, 245 (1;-2S0-2S), ss, 161 w
Munlguraery, 23xS7.6, 3-sty bk Int; David Rob-
iUBuhu lu Heury AV Brody, 206 E Bway ; ratg
$15,0110; P-AI mtg $3,000; May20; May27'21; A
$17.(KK)-21.II00 (R S $S). O C & 100
Greenwich Bt, 56S-05 (2:59S-48), sec King
(Nus 118-22), 50x100, 5-sty bk factury; Reclur,
Church AVardens & Vestrymen of Trinity
Church in the City of N Y tu Juhn E Fowler,
2812 Monument av, Richmond, Vn; PM mtg
$37,300; Aiir23; Mny27-21; A$;31,000-60,000 (R S
$47.50). O C & 100
Houston st, 53-57 E (2:509-24-26), swc Mott
(Nos 29iyo-9S), 63.4xS2x64.4x76, 3-S-sty stn tnts
& strs; Pielru Alvino tu Giuseppe Pecora, 177
-Alulberrv; .MarS; May25-21; A$54,000-77,50O (R
S $70). nura
Honston st, 105 AV; see Thorapson, 160.
Jetlersoii st, 29 11:270-62), es, 75 s Henry,
25x23.10. 7-slv bk tnt & sirs; Rose Nadler,
widuw, individ & E-\TRX AVulf Nadler, to Abr
AV Ringer. 1403 43d. Bklvn; mtg $14,000; May
23; -AIay2S-21; A$0,l)00-13,000 (It S $1).
O C & 100
King st, 118-22; see Greenwich, 563-5.
Lewis st, 19-19%; see Broorae, 49.
Lewis st, 123 (2:330-21), ws, 50 s Houston, 23
XlOO. 5 sly bk tnt & sirs & 4-sty bk rear tnl;
Louis B AA'asserstrora to Magdelene J Nelsun,
SIS S av; B&S; Mayll; May25'21; A$8,000-15,-
000. nom
Lewis St. 177 i2;300--22), ws, 97.5 3 5th. -24.2
x92.9x24.Sx90.3. 4-stv bk loft bldg; Abruin
Shiff el al lo Jncub Kolraonuwitz, 14 AV 112;
mtg$S,000; Mny21; May2S'21; A$6,000-12,000 (R
S $5). nura
Ludlow st, 144 (2:411-45), es, 175 n Riving¬
ton, 25xS9.4, 6-sty bk tnt & strs & 4-3ly bk
rear tnt; Bertha Eichler. Bklvn. to Cvli Teit¬
elbaum, 22S Vermont. Bklvn; mtg $2S,250; May
10; Mny3r21; A$lC,000-;jO,000 (K S SOc).
O C & 100
Madison st. 15S-S 11 :273-S4). nwc Pike (Nus
38-40), 54x4.3.9, 3-stv bk tnt & sirs: A$25,I100-
44,000; alse 91RT RT, Sll E (3:1551-8), ns, 175
e 2 nv, •25xlOO.S, S-sty bk tnt; A.$S.500-'23.000;
A\-nIf Rusen to Edith Reigel, 230 Brouk nv: ralg
.$4.3..3I)0; -\Inv-24; Mnv-26-21 (R R $101. nura
Maiden la. 120 11:39-24), ss, 84.7 w AVnler,
runs w2ll.3xs.3::.3xw0.11 XS12.1 xe21.2 xnOl.lO tu
• beg; nIsu M.MDEN LA. 128. ss. 02.2 w AVnter,
runs w-22.SxMil4.9xe22.7xu04 tn beg. Osty bk uf¬
fice & str bldg; I26-12S Mniden Lnne Co to
Hershel Renlty Cnrpn, 126 Maiden la; mtg
$S.3,.30II: Mavl6; Mav27'21; A$S3.000-]00.000 (R
S .$-23). O C & IOO
Maiden la. 128: See Maiden la. 126.
Manhattan st. 7 12 :.3.37-17), ws, 117.0 n Hnus-
tnn. 2.3.2x62. 5-stv bk tnt; Cvli Teitelbaum,
Bklyn. In Pishel Knfkn. 314 South .Tamnicn.
LI: Mav20; Mav25-21; A$3.300-11.000 (K S
$10.50). O C & 100
Manhattan st, 7: Fishel Kafka. .Tamalcn, LI,
to Rnsie Gluck, 036 AV 160; ratg $S,000; PM ratg
.$2,.30O; AL; May20; May25-21 (R S $13).
O C & 100
Mercer st, 166-7 (2:513-23-24), ws, 150 s Huus-
tnu, 50x100, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg: Green¬
stone Realty Co, Newark, NJ, to Emma L
Crawford. 7411 New Utrecht av, Bklyn; mtg
$38,000; Aprl; May20-21; A.$30,000-5S,000 (R S
$10). uom
Mott st, 29lVi-93; see Houston. 53-7 E.
Moyian pl, 28, late 12«TH st, 530 W (7:19S0-
43), ss, -291.3 w Amst ,av, 29.4x99.11, 6-sty bk
Int & strs; Eliz Dickinson, widow, et al, to ISS
W 119lh St Curpn. 141 Bway; ratg $22,000; May
10; May25'21; A$12,000-35,000 (R S $20).
O C & 100
Moyian pl. 32, late 126TH st, 6S2 AV (7:1080-
40), ss, 3-20.7 w Arast av, -29.4x99.11, 6-3ly bk
till & strs: Eliz Dickinson, widow et al, to
ISS AV 119th Rt Curpn. 141 Bway; ratg $22,000;
MaylO; May25-21; A$12,000-35,000 (R S $20).
O C & 100
Pike st, 38-40; see Madison, 153-5.
Prince st, 23 Si 25 (2:508-49-50), ns, 61.10 w
E)iz, 41.4x08.3x4O-x73.2. 2-4-stv bk tnts & strs;
Central Union Trust Co of NY, EXR & TRSTE
Michnel Gnfney, to Gandolfo Orlando, 25 Prince
& Nnthnn Budner. 99 Flushing av, Astoria av;
Mny7; May25-21; .A$18.500-23,S00 (R S $24).
Keade st, 140 (1 ;141-5), ns, abt 130 w Hud¬
son, 25x53.6, 2-3ly bk storage; Frederic E Gi¬
bert & ano, EXRS & TRSTES Frederic E Gi-
burl et al, to Luke J Lavin, 594 Decatur st,
Bklyu; i;, pl; AT; AprS; May26'21; A$23,000-
26.000 (R S .$12.50). 12,166,66
Reade st, 140, same prop; Margt Mac L
Gibert to Luke J Lavin. 594 Decatur st. Bk¬
lyn; % pt; AT; Aprl9; May26'21 (R S $12.ri0).
O C & 100
Reade st, 140; Marguerite C Di Bnssinno lo
snme; % pt; AT; Apr26; May26'21 (R S
$1-2.50). O C & 100
Keade st. 140; Luke .1 Lavin to Anna R AA'il¬
ner, 9 E 97: Mny20; May26'31 (R S $;16.30).
O C & 100
Rivington st. 313 (2:328-51), S3, 75 e Lewis,
23x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Lewis-Rivinglnn
Cnrpn to Christinn M Rexroth, 120 Heller Pk-
wny, Newnrk. NJ : ratg $11,000; Mnv23; Mny25
'21; A$10.I100-1S.SOO (R S $5). " nom
Sutfolk St. 54; see -\v B, 186.
Thonipson st, 160 (2;.516-16), sec Houston
iNu 103), 73.2x25, 5-slv bk tnt & strs; Ber¬
nnrd C Gerken & nno, EXRS & TRSTES
Liieder F A'on Ohisen. tu Outlet Renltv Co,
280 Bway: May27'21; A$20,000-28,000 (R R$451.
O C & 100
Van Corlear pi. 25 (8:2213-4.30). ss, 120 w
2271 h. SS.Sx—xSS.lxlOO, 2-sly fr dwg; Eliz M
Tierney lu Arthur Cunnion. 2206 Carleton av,
Far Ruekaway. NY. & Helen D. his wife, ten¬
ants by entirelv; AL; May26- Mav27'21; A
$0,000-8.300 (R S $10..30). ' nom
Varick st. 106-8: see Broome, 559.
STH St. 717 E (2:373-61). ns. 208 e Av C. 25
x97. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Rami Aufses tn Luuis
& Betty Kiesel. -221 Rivington; ratg $13,000; P
M ratg $9,000; May26; May27-21; A$13.000-2S..300
(11 R -$13). O C & 100
5TH St. 723 E; see Av B. 186.
OTH St. 310 E (2:4.30-101. sws, 125 e 2 av, 23
.\SII.O. 4-sly stn till; Rara Newman, Newark. N.T,
tn Philip Menschel. 138 2 av. & Ben.1 Menschel,
104 AV 70; ratg $20,000; MarS; May25'21; A$14.-
1100-22.0110, nom
IOTH St. 339-41 E; see Bway, 1841-S.
12TH St. 321 W (2:0-J5-]7), ns. 46.6 w Hudson,
22xfl5.3x-22.1x62.10, 3-sty bk dwg; Calh H Alex¬
ander & nnn tu Sonhie Griese. 321 AA'' 12- MayO-
Mny2i)-21 ; A.$0..3O0-8.0OO (R S .$11). ' nom
14TII s(. 231 F. I3:S9II-1S). nea. 235 nw 2 av,
-21-1x103.3. S-sty stn tnl & strs; Belli Muller.
Bklyn. tn Italian Labnr Center, Inc. 231 E
14: mtg $IS.I)00; May31'21; A$23,000-28,500 (R
R $27). nnm
UTH St. 416-8 W (2:646-32), 33, 250 w 9 av,
.30x103.1. 4-stv bk storage; August Silz to A
Rilz. Ine. 414 AV 14; Aprl7'16; "May27'21; A
.$03.000-1113,000. nom
nTH 8t. 414 W (3:714-421. ss, 174.7 w 9 av,
23.2.V92. 3-sty bk stable; Annie Cady, et al.
heirs James C Cady, to John C Cady, 1432 E 9,
Bklyn; mtg $8,000- May24 ; May26'21; A$10,500-
13,.300 IR R $;il. OC&lOO
21ST Hi, 305-9 B (3:927-6), nes, 475 nw 1 av,
.30x100, 6-stv bk tnt & strs; Rose Nadler, in¬
divid & EXTRX AVulf Nadler, tu Anna S Kay-
den. 1312 Mndisun av ; QC; May24 ; May2S-21:
A$24,000-64,000 (R S $0.50). O C & 100
21ST st, 4-10 W (3:822-45-48), ss, 142.6 w 5
nv. lii2x'J2, 3-4 & 1-3-sty bk & stn tuts & sirs;
McLane Van Ingen, ct al, EXRS Edw H Van
lugen, tu Rae Hotlmnn, 1902 7 av; B&R; mtg
.f44.SIK); Aprl2; Apr23-21; A$147,SOO-17S,000 (R
5 $158). 200,000
22D st, 60 W (3:823-75), ss, 77 e 6 av, lS-\98.9,
4-sty bk luft & str bldg, 2-sty ext; Hnuunh
Cahen te Jas P Cahen, SSS Central Park AV;
>,-. pt; mtg $1II.IK10; Mayl; May27'21; A$29,000-
30,000 (R S $141. O C & 100
22D st, 327 W (3:716-22), ns, 345 w 8 av, 22.4
x98.9, 4-sty bk dwg: A$13,500-18,500; also 22D
RT, 329 AV (3:716-21), us, 367.4 w 8 av. 22.4x
9S.S. 4-sty bk dwg; A$13,500-18,500; AVm H
Barron et nl to Bnrrun Renlty Co,
B&S; Mny23: May27'21 (R S $35).
22D st, 339 fr: see 22d, 327 AV .
26T1I st, 236-42 W (3:775-60-63),
8 av, 83x98.9, 4-3-sly bk tuts; Geo
Henrietta I'ierre, his wife, 242 AA'
Mny23; Mnv2S-21; A.$64.5CO-70,500.
27TH st, 154 E. (3:SS2-.52), 33, 125 w 3 av, also
at ws Bwny nlley, 20x9S.9. 4-sly bk tnl & sirs
6 4-sl.v bk rear stable; Lnnd Mnp Renlty
Curpii tn Rnrali .laculis. 108 Lincoln av, Rara-
Inga Rprings, NY; B&S; May'JO; Mny24'21; A
$16,500-20,500 (R S $5.50). O C & 100
38TH St. 1S8-42 E i:i :SS3-00-02), SS. 125 e Lex
nv, 75x98.9, 3-5-sty stn tnts; Hnrris Mnudel-
linum et nl to AAilleraorse Renlty Cn, 12 W 14;
B&S; May24; May25-21; A$66,000-S7,000 (R S
$;i3). O C & 100
;iOTH st, 8-14 W (S:SS1-4S), ss, 1.30 w 5 av,
1011x98.9, 12-sty bk luft & str bldg: Nurbert
Hnlding Corpn to Weichman-Harte ReaUy
Curou, :i3 Uniun sii; ratg $019,iiiKI: .AInv2:;; -AIny
31-2i; A.$2,37.000-7IIO,000 (R R $146). O C & 100
SSD st, 414 W I3:7:i0-5S|, ss, 200 w 9 nv, 12.6
x98.9. 4-sty bk tnl; Frank A Treiiing & anu,
P.klyn; to i'rank A Treiiing. 17 Fillmore pl,
Bklyn; -AIayl6; May20-21; A$4,000-0,000 |R S
$2.50). nom
SSTH St. 143 E (3:891-291. ns. 125 e Lex av,
20.4x118.9. 4-sty & b stn dwg; Rector. Church
AVardens & Vestrymen of Church of Epiphany
to Charlotte D Allison. 205 Clinton av, Bk¬
lyn: B&S: CaG; Mny24; May27-21; A$10,600-
13.500 IR R .$.301. 30,000
:i5TII st, lis E; Charlotte D Allison, Bklyn,
lu Frnnk R Hnstiugs, Greenwich, Conn; May
26: Mnv27-21 IR R $37.,30). nom
SOTH st, 270-2 AV; see 8 av, 510.
S9TH St. 39-41 W (3:841-10), ns, 604 w 5 av,
44x98.9. 2-5-sly stn Inft & str bldgs; Albrecht
Pagensteeher. Jr. Cornwall-un-Hudson, NY, et
al to Pagensteeher Renl Estnte Corpn, 30 B
42; mtg $40,000; Mny24; Mny2S'21; A$145,00«-
168,000 IR S $174). nom
43D St. 474-474A W; see 10 nv, 594.
46TH st, 329 W <4:1037-19), ns, .337.10 w 8 av,
10.8x100.3, 3-sty & b stn dwg: Agnes Pinegan,
Il.iverstrnw. NY. tu Michnel M AA'alerhouse, 331
AV 40: ratg $12,000; Oel20'20; MaySl':!l; A$14,-
IIOII-17..3IIII. O C & 100
4KTH St. 71 W; See 6 av, 850.
52D St. ,34 AV (5:1267-03), SS, 260 e 6 av, 20x
1110..3. 4-sty & b stn dwg; Nellie L Archer,
AVindliain. Vermont, to Anna R King, 241 W
11; I'M ratg .$47,000; MaylS; May2fl'21; A$43,-
l)0l)-.34,00l) (R R .$37). O C & 100
52I> Ht. 54 W: Anna R King to Isaac Schiff,
490 AVesl End av; ratg $47,000; Mav23; May26'21
O C & 100
54TH St. 121 W (4:1007-21). ns. 275 w 6 av,
23x100.3. 2 & 3-sty bk garage: Abr B Keve,
REP, tu AVra A AVest. 101 AV 31; FORECLOS,
---------; May25; May26'21; A$.3S,000-4S,000 (R S
$35.50). 36,260
65TII Bt, 119 W (4:1008-23), ns, 219.7 w 6 av,
17.3x100.3. 4-sly & b bk dwg: Gustav H &
Juhn C Rchwab, Jeint tenants, to Henrietta M,
Eraily & Louis E Schwab, ------; Mar26'08; Mav
27'21: A$29,000-S6,000. O C & 100
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