â– â– OTiaN Tvrm
This section Includes all recorded Conveyance, Mlocellaneous Conveyances, Mortgrages, Assignments of MortKages and SatlsfleJ
Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases. Auction Sales. Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised Lesal Sales ForTClosuresuiM
Judgments in Foreclosure Suits. Lis Pendens. Mechanics' Liens. Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages AD;eou»»
Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts, Wills and Real Estate Appraisals In th« Borough of Manhattan.________________________________
NEW YORK, JULY 2, 1921
No. 1
JUNE 22, 23, 24, 25, 27 & 28.
Academy st, 629; see Vermilyea av, 53-5.
Attorney st. 164; see Ridge, 151-01.
Broome st, 113 (2:336-14), ss, 125 e Pitt, 25x
100, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Levi S Hulse, TRSTE
Henrietta A Webb, to Ernestine Myer, 57 Man-
gin; June22'21; A$12,000-29,000 (R "S $30.50).
Catherine st, 79-79% (1:253-62), es, abt 50 s
Hamilton, 25.9x73. 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Jacob
Goldberg to Jos Brown, 54 B 99: V2 Pt; AT;
mtg $-------; AL; Jnne9; June24'21; A$10,000-
15,000. O C & 100
Cherry st, 397-40S (1:260-51-54), ss, 139.6 e
Scammel, 108x85x107.4x80.10, 1 & 4-sty bk cSi fr
mill; BenJ Berinsfein, ref, to Anna M Gregory,
East Oarnge, NJ, plff; PORBCLOS, -------; June
23'21; A$23,.500-35..500 (R S $30). 30,000
Crosby st, 9 (2:496-7), es, 190 s Prince, 25
X126.8 to Lafayette (No 252) x26xn9.6, 6-sty
bk loft & str bldg: Jos Gatti to East River
National Bank, 680 Bway ; Vs pt; mtg .$42,000;
June22; June28'21; A$20,000-5S,000 (11 S $5).
Delancer st, 270 (2:333-75), ns, 50 e Colum¬
bia, *25xl00. 0-sty bk tut & strs ; Margaretta C
Spedden, Tuxedo Park. NY, to Dorietta Eich-
ler. 804 W 180; B&S; CaG; MavSl; June'28'21;
A$9,000-25,000 (R S $24). O C & lOO
Delancey st, 272 (2:333-74), ns. 75 e Colum¬
bia, 25x100, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Emma D Ke-
meys, Morristown, NJ, to Dorietta Eichler, 804
W 180; AL; June7; June28'21; A$9.000-25,000
(R S $24). O C & 100
Dey st, 52 (1:81-11), ns, abt 123 e Greenwich,
25x78. 5-sty stu loft & str bldg; Arrow Hold¬
ing Corpn to Dolfred Realty Corpn. 384 6 av;
mtg $55,000 ; June23; Juue25'21; A$03.0O0-73.00O
(R S $10). O C & 100
Dnane st, 206 (1:139-pt It 53). ss, 53.1 w
Washington, 24.6x70.5 to Reade (No 180) x24.7
X70.5, 4-sty bk storage: Edw Roche. Far
Rockaway, NY, to Horace B Hanson. Lowerre
Summit, Y'onkers, NY: P.&S; June21; June23
'21: Alf-------$------- (R S .$45). O C & 100
J>yckman st, nee Post av; see Post av, nee
Eldridge st. 214-16 (2:416-10), es, 73.11 s
Stanton, 31.2x88.6. 6-sty hk tnt & strs; Erminia
M Schroen to Chas J Britz, Jr, 1'20 W 129: mtg
$18.flU): JunelS; June2S'21; A$19,000-42,()00 (R
S $17),. nom
Front St. 13-17 (1:4-29). ss. 33 w Broad, runs
el05xwl8.9xnw4.0xw37.4xu2()xw3.0xnS0 to st x
e65.2 to beg. 4-sty bk warehouse: Francis M
Scott, special master of N Y Railways Co
et al. to Front St Corpn. -------; AT&I; JuneO;
June24'21: A!il75,0fl0-150.000 (R S $1201. 129,000
Gramercy Pk, 11; see 20th, 110 E.
Grand st, 555: see Madison, 399.
Great Jones st, 53 (2:530-31), ss, abt 125 w
Bowery. 27x100, 1 & 2-sty bk loft & str bldg;
John Lynn to Jacob Colemike, 488 Clarcmoiit
Pkway: PM mtg .$15,000; June22; June'23'21;
A$18.000-21,000 (R S $22). nom
Great Jones st, 53; Jacob Colemike to Isaac
Rosenzweig. 10.50 Weeks av. Bx, & Isaac Bi¬
son, 340 E 173, Bx; mtg $15,000; June22; June
23'21 (R S $13). O C & 100
Greenwich st, 50 (l:lS-57(. ws. .80.8 n Morris,
runs w80.10xn20.10xwllxnll.Oxe90.S to st. xs
21.3 to beg, 3-sty bk storage; Furlong Realty
Corpn, .50 Greenwich, to Fifty Greenwich St
Realty Corpn. .50 Beaver: mtg $57,000; June20:
June27'21; A$35.0OO-40.O0O (R S $4). 100
Greenwich st. 739 (2:0.33-41). es, 75.7 n Perry
18.8x77.10x20x84.10. 2-sty bk tnt: Oscar Oweii
to Paupack Power & Timber Corpn, 221 W
33; mtg $0,500; June—'21; June25'21; A$5,500-
6,000 (R S .50c). nom
Hamilton st. 15 (1:2.53-71), ns. 170.4 e Cath.
25x56.2x25x57.10. 2-sty bk tnt: John de P Con¬
ger, indiv & as EXR Arthur B Conger, to An¬
nie Perry, 15 Hamilton; May25; June28'21; A
$4,500-5,.50O (R S $3.50). 3.600
Henry St. 301 (1:285-12), ns, abt 75 w Clintou.
•24x80. 4-stv bk tnt; Sarah Goodman to Abr
Rosenbloom, 601 W 115; mtg $18,000; JanlS'lS;
June23'21: A$13.0tK>-21.000. nom
Hudson st, 543 (2:632-51), ws, 63.1 sw Perry.
18.10x73.6x17.9x79.2, 4-sty bk tnt & strs; A.$9.-
500-11.000; also HUDSON ST, 545 (2:032-50).
ws, 44.2 sw Perrv, 18.10x79.2x17.9x84.9, 4-sty
bk tnt & strs; A$9,500-ll,500; Margt Blakley,
EXTRX Saml G Blakley, to Michael Greco,
543 Hudson; mtg $0,000; Juuel5; June22'21
(R S $15). 21,000
Hudson St. 546; see Hudson, 543.
Lafayette st, 252; see Crosby, 91.
Lewis st, 99-99% (2:329-15-18), swc Stantou
(Nos 293-5), 50x99.11, 4-5-sty bk tnts & strs;
Mortgage-Bond Co of N Y to Dash Corpn. 115
Bwav; June2S'21; A$27,000-54,0OO (R S $50).
O C & 100
Lincoln pi, 7-13; see 118th, 165-7 E.
Lincoln pi, nwc 3 av; see 3 av, 165-7.
Madison st, 399 (1:265-60 & 70), ns, 125 e
Jackson. 25x79 to Grand (No .5.55). x28x92.9. 1-
3- & 1-5-sty bk tnts & strs; Nathan Burnstine
to Henry C Burnstine, 840 West End av; mtg
$12,000; "June22; Juue23'21; A$10,500-17,500.
Maiden la, 126 (1:39-24). ss. 84.7 w Water,
runs w20.5xB53.3xw0.11xsl2.1xe21.2xn64.10 to
beg; also MAIDEN LANE, 128 (1:39), ss. 62.2
w Water, runs w22.3xs64.9xe22.7xne4 to beg,
e-sty bk office & str bldg; Hershel Realty
Corpn to 126-128 Maiden Lane Co, 120 Maideu
Lane: mtg $S5..50O: June21; June28'21: A$53.-
000-100.000 (R S $'25). O C & 100
Maiden la. 128: see Maiden la. 126.
Market st or si, 99-101 (1:250-18-19), ws. 51.5
s Water, 49.3x40x49.7x40.7. 3-sty bk factory;
James A Shephard, Bklyn. to Rubin Mosko-
wifz, 16.34 Gravesend av. Bklvn; May24; June
23'21: A$11.000-14.000 (R S $17). nom
Monroe st, 188-90 (1:259-49-50), ss. 60.2 o
Montgomery. 43.11x97.1x44.1x95.9. 2-5-sty bk
tnts & strs & 3-stv bk rear bakery ; Woolwich
Realty Co to Leeds Realty Co. 57 E 11: mtg
$21,000; Juue22'21; A.$17.500-29,000 (R S $Si.
O C & 100
Montgomery st, 62 (1:2.58-17). ws. 75 s Mon¬
roe. 21.0x93.4x22.5x93.4, 5-sty bk tnt & strs:
Hermina Rubin to New Holding Co. 47 Pt
Wash av: mtg $18,000; Jnne23; June24'21; A
$9..500-20.000 (R S $2.5(1). O C & 100
Moylan pi, 59-65. late 120th st. 555-9 W (7:
1981-5-0-7 & nt 08). us. 53.1 e Bwav. runs ne
71.2xnw75.4xei24.3xs99.11 to pi. xw90.11 to beg.
1 & 2-sty fr bklgs; Clarence H Kelsey. ADMR
Mary G Pinkuev. to S & P Bldg Corpn. 147
4 av; Marl4; June20'21; .\$--------$------- (R S
$30). O C & 100
Murray st, 60-2; see Park pi, 49-57.
Norfolk st, 172-76 (2:3.55-41), es, 122.9 n
Stantou. 75x100, 1-sty bk synagogue: First
Hungarian Cougregatiou Ohab Zedelc fo Con¬
gregation Sheveth Achim Anshe Slonini. a
corpn: mtg $45,000; June24'21; A$52,500-P86.-
000 (R S $18..50). 18.500
Oak st, 54 (1:278-35), ns. 111 e Oliver. •20x
—x20x50.3. 3-sty bk tnt & str; Martin Garone.
Bklyn, to John Garone, 10.57 75. Bklvn; mtg
.$11,600; Octl5'17; June25'21; A$7,O00-S..5OO.
O C & 100
Park pi, 49-57 (1:126-13). nee West Bway
(Nos 41-51), runs el'24.5xn89.11xw49.5xsn.llxw
0.8xs5xw24.Sxn89.11 to Murray (Nos 00-62), xw
50 to West Bway, xsl64.11 to beg, except a per¬
manent & perpetual easement & right of way
reserved & retained by City NY, vacant: City
NY', acting by Transit Commission, to Dodge
Bldg Corpn. 21 Murray; Jnnell; June25'21; A
!f325.0()(l-325.000. .S'iS.OOO
Reade st, 180; see Duane, 206.
Rcnwick st, 22-24 (2:594-63-64), es, 289.5 s
Spring. .39x00. 2-5-sty bk tuts & strs: U S
Fertilizing Corpn to Paupack Power & Timber
Corpn. 221 AV 33; 1-3 pt; mtg $12,000; Jnnel4:
June25'21: A$10.000-19.0flO (R S 50c). nom
Ridce st, 155-161 (2 ::«5-'20-22), nws, 200 ne
Stanton. 100x100, 2-5-stv bk tnts & strs: A$64,-
000-116,000: also ATTORNEY ST. 104 (2:345-7),
cs, 225 n Stanton, 24.9x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs;
A$12.0()fl-lS.OO0: Oscar Owen to Paupack Pow¬
er & Timber Corpn. 221 W 33; B&S; '. pt;
mtg $-------; AL; June—'21; June25'21 (R S 50c).
° nom
Rutgers st, 39 (1:271-28), es, 105.1 n Monroe.
24.10x104.0x24.8x104.6, with all title to Vi of
alley lying on south, 2-sty bk theatre; Nathan
Stai-r, â– B of Q, NY, to S Jaeobson Realty
Corpn, 39 Rutgers; mtg $30,000; AL; June2o:
Juue27'21; A.$20.000-32,000 (R S $1). 100
Stanton St. 293-5; see Lewis, 99-99%.
Sullivan st, 147 (2:517-8), ses, 243.6 ne
Prince, '24.8x100. 5-stv bk tnt & strs; Andrew
Troiano to Michelangelo & Santo La Corte.
147 Sullivan: mtg $16,000; Juue'22; June24 21;
A$15.()00-24.500 (R S $24). O C & 100
Walker st, 46 (1:194-9), ns, abt 175 e Church.
25x100. 5-sty stn loft & str bldg; Bertha Hecht
to Solomon Hecht, SO St Nicholas av; mtg
$10,000; Aug23'20; June2S'21; A$19,000-33,000 (K
S 50c). O C & 100
Willett 8t, 90 (2:339-47), es, abt 180 s Stan¬
ton, 25x100, 4-stv bk tnt & strs & 4-sty bk rear
tnt; Minna Kreuder, BXTR.X Louis Kreuder,
to First Sokolower Congregation Benei Je-
hoshua Charift, a corpn, 144 Goerck; PM mtg
$11,500; June20; Jnne'23'21; A$12,000-15,500 (R
S $15.50). 15,600
IITH st, 274 W (2:622-40), SS, 150.4 e Bleeck-
er, '25.7x100x26x100, 4-sty bk dwg; Louise F
Runk & ano to Ethel S Dorrance, 14 E 28; June
1; June'23'21; A$12,500-16,000 (R S $19).
12TH st, 317 E (2:468-53), ns, 335 w 2 av, 25
X103.3. 3-sty bk tnt; Isaac Storch to Isaac
Storch &• Gussie, his wife, tenants by entirety.
219 E 12: mtg $-------; Junel5; June22'21; A$15,-
000-19.000. nom
12TH st, 219 E (2:468-52), nes. 310 nw 2 av.
2.5x103.3, 4-stv bk tnt: Isaac Storch to Isaac
Storch & Gussie, his wife, 219 E 12, tenants by
entirety; mtg $------; Junel5 ; June22'21; A$15,-
000-23.(i00. nom
12TH st, 175-9 W; see 7 av. 21-25.
I2TH st, 387-91 W (2:641-28-30). ns, 154 w
Washington, 00x75, 3-sty bk stable; John S
Huntooii. 20 Emerson pi. East Orange, NJ, to
Hnntoon Ice Co, 031 Hudson; mtg $34,000;
Apr'20: June27'21; A$10,000-33.000 (R S $17.50).
13TH St. 140-2 E: see 3 av, 104.
17TH St. 362-6 W: see 9 av. 102.
18TH st E (3:985-37-38). ss, 138 w Av C, 50
x92. vacant; Nelson N Moueypenny et al.
EXRS Daniel J Carroll, to Leo Holding &
Constn Co. 340 E IS; PM mtg $0..3aO; Juuell;
June'24'21; A$14,000-14.000 (R S $9). 9.00*
20TH st, 110 E, or Gramercy Pk, 11 (3:875-
75). sws. 180 se 4 av. 20.8x92; also LOT begins
at cl of blk bet 19th & 20th sts, ISO se 4 av,
runs nw5xsw22xse25xne5xse0.Sxnel7xnw2e.8 to
beg. with use of Gramercy Pk. 4-sty & b stn
dwg; Geo B Lester to Saml L M Barlow. 113
E 17: mtg $30,000; June23'21; A$45,500-55,00O
(R S .$;iO). 60,00»
23n St. 152 E (3:878-49). ss, 170 w 3 av, 25s
9S.n. 0-stv bk loft & str bldg; Emma Green-
berg & 'ano to 152 East Twenty-Third St
Corim. 174 E 104; mtg .$,57..5()0; June23; June
27'21: A$40.000-65.000 (R S .$5). nom
23D St. 152 E (3:878-49). ss, 170 w 3 av, 25x
98.9, 0-sfv bk loft & str bldg; Ninety-Ninth St
Holding'Corpn to 152 E 23d St Corpn, 174 B
104: 3-4 pt: mtg .$57.,500; June20; June2S'21;
.\$40,000-05,000 (R S .$12). nom
26TH St. 208 W (3:775-45), ss, 100 w 7 av,
23.4x98.9. 4-sty bk loft & str bldg; Terence P
Smith to Harriet E McGarrv. 1.50 W 101. .ioint
tenants: L'. pt; mtg $10,000: Juncl5: June22
'21; confirmation deed; A $18,000-22,000 (R S
$1). nom
27TH st, 330 E (3:932-40), ss. 375 e 2 .av. 25
xflS.O, 5-sty bk tnt; Emma K Huber, Mt 'Ver¬
non. NY'. & ano, EXRS Doris Kegeler & ano.
to Henrietta Sandler. 26 Lenox av. & Decy
Goldman. 2 W 120; mtg $14,000; Junc23; June
24'21 ; A$10,000-21.000 (R S $7). 21.000
29TH St. 233-8 W (3:778-57-00), ss. 302.3 e 8
av. runs Sl08.9xe74.7xnl0xe24.10xn— to 29th
XW99.6 to beg, 1 & 3-stv bk garage & ware¬
house; Geo C Flint Co to De Foe Realty
Corpn. 20 W 30: B&S: June23; June24'21; A
.$101 ..500-111,000 (R S $100). nom
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