ill I HE
rtgages and Satlsfle*
Foreclosure Suit!
irtgages Affectli^
NEW YORK, JULY 16, 1921
No. 3
JULY 0. 7. 8. 9, 11 & 12.
.-Albany st, 4-12; see Carlisle, 3-7.
Allen st, 99 (2:414-21), nws, abt 73 s Delan¬
cey, '23x87.0, 3-sly stu tnt & sirs; Geo Kocher,
Bklyu, et al, heirs .Anna M Fronmuller. to Max
Gold, 113 Eldridge; mtg $5,000; July7; JulyO
â– 21; A$12,000-19.000 (R S $18). O C & 100
Attorney st, 14-16; see Grand. 425-'29.
Attorney st. 32 (2:341-5), es, 150 u Grand, 25
xlOO. 5-sly bk tnt; Sarah Jacoby, widow, to
Arthur Ja"cobv. 2 Bank, & .Alorris Jacoby, 151
AV 140; .AIarlO'16; July8'21; A$14,000-S0,300.
Broome st, 114 (2:337-69), nec AA'illett (Nos
20-2), 25x87.6, 5-sly bk tnt & strs; N Y Sav¬
ings Bank to Jerome R King, 2112 Harrison
av, Bx; B&S; P.AI mtg .$30,000; AL; JulyO;
Julv7'21; A.$14,000-S0,000 (R S $.38). O C & 100
Carlisle st, 3-7 (1:53-19-26 & 17y2-18), nec
AVashington (Nos 123-31), runs nll7 to Albany
<Nos 4-12), xelS5.10xs50.1xw7.11xs58.1 to Car¬
lisle, XW108.5 to beg, 7-5-sty bk tnts & strs &
3-5-sty bk loft bldgs; Markbam Realty Corpn
to Natsurco Realtv Corpn, 115 Bway; Juue
28; July0'21; A$2S3.500-286,000 (R S $210).
O C & 100
Center St. 138 (1:198-11, es. abt 75 n White,
20.10.xl08.8xl7.7xll1.1; also CENTER ST, 140,
es. abt i:jO s AValker. 22.0xl00x-22.6xl09, 6-sty
bk loft & str bldg; Burden Realty Corpu to
Hattie Badanes. 302 E Sidney av. Mt Vernon,
NY; mtg $90,000; Aprl'20; Julyll'21; A$57.000-
105,000 (R S $1). O C & 100
Center st, 140: see Center, 138.
Chambers st, 99 (1:149-14), nec Church (Nos
159-67), 25.2x100.3x25.6x100.6. 5-sty stn loft &
str bldg; Chambers-Broadway Corpn, 128 AA'm,
to D P Harris Hardware & Mfg Co, 24 Mur¬
ray; mtg $75,000; Julyl; July7'21; A$102,000-
115.000 IR S .$47.50). 100
Charlton st. 121-7; see AVashington, 534-40.
Cherry st, 175 (1:249-75), ss. abt 75 e Markel
si, 18x00, S-sty bk nursery; Raymond S Duu-
phy. 1370 48th. Bklyn, BXR Mary Ii Dunphy,
to Catholic Charities of Archdiocese of N Y,
23 E 51; mtg $2,300; June:j0; JulyS'21; A.$2.-
500-5,000 (R S .$7). 9,000
Cherry st, 175; Raymond S Duuphy, 1370
â– 18th. Bklyu. Individ, to same; mtg .$2,300; Juue
SO; Julv8'21. nom
ChuiMh St. 159-67; see Chambers, 99.
Columbia st, 6 (2:331-29), es, 100 n Grand, 23
XlOO. 5-sty bk tnt; Ellen Hoy et al, legatees
Martin Hoy, to Solomon Bisgaier. 0 Columbia ;
Junel: JulyS'21; A$l0,000-19,000 (R S .$17). 100
Commerce st (2:387-16), ss, 8.8 w "7 av, as
widened, runs scS.S xsw34.11 xnw.S2.7 xe23.S to
beg. vacant: David Lippmann et al to Saml
-Aniato, 1.52 Lawrence, Astoria, LI; B&S; PM
mtg $4,400; Mar25; July7'21; A$3,30O-3,500 <R
S $3). O C & 100
Delancey st, 276 (2:333-73), ns, 73 w Cannon,
25x75, 3-sty bk tnt & strs; Emigrant Indust
Satings Bank to M;inhattan Terrace Realty
Co, 47 AVooster: P.AI mtg $11,000; AL: JulyO;
Julyl2'21 ; -A$7.000-1S..3()0 (R S .$16). O C & 100
DiviHion st, 39-39M: (l:'2Sl-45), ss, abt 480 0
Catherine, 25x56. S-sty bk loft & sir bldg:
Abr Hertzberg et al to Michl Bernstein, 33
Catheri)ie; mtg $12.-200; June21; Julv7'21; A
.$29.000-.'i4,()00 (R S $40). O C & 100
Division st. 213 (1:280-43), SS, 46.8 e Clinton,
23.4x110.3 to East Bway (No 224), x23.4x109.11,
2-5-sly bk tnts & strs; Chas A Silver to Simon
Jacobs, 224 East Bway; mtg $25,000; PM mtg
$10,000; Julyl; July9'21; A$2-2,500-42.000 (R S
-$â– 22). O C & 100
Duane st, 147 (1:147-10), ns, abt 25 e W
Bway, 25X.50. 5-sty stn loft & str bldg; Mary
A Gibson, AA'hile Plains, NA'. to Maurice Blog,
.360 Riverside dr; June29; July9'21; AS21,000-
25.000 (R S $45..50). O C & 100
Dnane st, 218-22 (1 :l.S9-pt It .53), sec AVest
(Nos 1.87-9). 70.2x70.7 to Reade (Nos 192-196),
70.2x70.8, S-sty bk storage; Edw Roche, Far
Rockaway, NY. to Jacob Boss, 73 E 124; B&S;
.lune28; Julyl6'21; A$--------$------- (R S $122.50).
O C & 100
Dyc.Uman.8t, 152-4 (8:2174-40), ss, 50 e Sher¬
man av. 50x100, 5-stv bk tnl & strs ; Niels Han¬
sen to Erda Realty Co, 2(X) 5 av ; mlg $40,000;
AL; JulyO; JulyS'21; A$16,000-65,000 (R S
$27.50).- nom
East Broadway, 224; see Division, 213.
Essex st, 37 (1 :.S10-'27), ws. 176 n Hester, 25
XS7.9. 6-sty bk loft & str bldg; Sarah Gellis
to Isaac Gellis, Inc, 37 Essex; mtg $16,000;
July7; July8'21; A.$20,000-4e.000 (R S $21).
Goerck st, 3 (2:326-52), ws, 100 n Grand, 25
xloo. 0-sty bk tnl & strs; Fannie Reider to
Josef (Jertner. 1004 Findlay av; mtg $15,000;
Junc.'iO; July6'21; A.$5,000-19,000 (R S $4.50).
O C & 100
Goerck st, 110-16: see Stantou, 321-3.
Goerck st, 137 (2:330-63), ws, 175 s Houston,
25x100, 5-sty bk tut & strs; -Annie Liverant,
A'ork. Pa. lo Morris Sahn, 190 Keap. Bklyn;
AL; Juue-29'16; July6'21; A$7,000-21,500.
O C & 100
Grand st, 425-29 (1:315-6), see Attorney (Nos
14-16), 50x100, 0-sty bk tnt & strs; Jacob
-Alalsman et al to Saml Mann, 37 Canal, &
Jean Singer, 272 Grand; mtg $90,000; Julyl;
Julyll'21; A$50,000-108.000 (R S $33.50).
O C & 100
Grand St. 577-S77y:: (1:265-36), SS, 110 w Cor-
lears. 30x96.5-x26.8x83.5, 5-sty bk tnt & strs;
(ieo L Forsyth lo Robt AV B Elliott, 49 AV
44; mtg $15,000; SeptlO'll; Julye'21; A$9,000-
11.000. nom
Great Jones st, 55 (2:530-22). ss, abt 100 w
Bowery, 26.4x100, 7-sty bk loft & str bldg;
Chas A Moran, TRSTE under deed of trust,
fo .Alax A Feuerlicht. 20 AV 92; mtg $33,000;
July5; Julv6'21; A$17,000-e0,000. 65,000
Great Jones st, 55; Max A Feuerlicht to Ro¬
sa I'euerlicht, 20 W 92, his wife; mtg $45,000;
July5; July6'21. uom
Hamilton ter. 34 (7:2050-74), ws, 308 n 141st,
19x100. S-sty & b bk dwg; AA'm E Byles to
Anna T Fitz Gerald, 140 E 79; mtg $10,000;
July7; July8'21; A$6,400-13,000 (R S $7.30).
O C & 100
Henry st. 302 (1:207-69), SS, 191.3 e Scammel,
24x1^ blk, 3-sty bk tnt; Emigrant Indust Sav¬
ings Bank to Saml Zeisser, 293 Rivington- PM
uilg .$9,000; JuneSO; July6'21; A$9,000-1S 000 (R
S $14). O C & 100
Houston st, 160 E (2:442-46), ns, 142 9 w 1
av. 10.8x81.1x16.11x80, 4-sty bk tnt & str; Jos
.Moskowitz et al to Moskowitz & Lupowliz,
/'"'â– -------; B&S; Jnly7; Julyl2'21; A$S,300-15,-
000. nom
Houston St. 144 W (2:526-82). ns, 140.2 w
Sullivan, 20x79.3x20x79.4, 3-sty bk tnt & strs;
Hearth & Home, Inc, to Marcello Raffetto 146
AV Houston; mtg $9,375; Juue29; July7'2i • A
$10.OO0-l()..50O (R S .$9). 100
Leonard st, Sfi; see AA' Bway, 176-86
Ludlow st, 171 (2:412-30), WS, 223.3 s Hous-
nu. •25x,S7.(>, 3-sty bk stable; Edith E McCagg,
428 Gibbs av, Newport, RI, to C & N Sender,
Inc. 171 Ludlow: June22; July7'21 - A$1S -
500-10.000 (R S $18). O C & 100
Monroe st. 101 (1:272-11), ns, 286.1 e Pike
25.1x100.3x24.7x100.3. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Es¬
ther Joseph to Max Levy, 395 Bwav - mtg
.$]().3()0; June30; July8'21; A$14,000-21;000 (R
S $o). nom
Monroe st, 101; Max Levy to Morris Tomkin
101 Monroe; mfg $10,500; JulyO; July8'21 (R
S $i.ofl). jjp^,
.Monroe st. 175 (1:269-13), ns, 92.6 w Mont¬
gomery, 24x100, 6-sty bk tnt & strs: Arnold
Thayer, 1.55 AV .58, & ano, TRSTE Geo A
Thayer, to Louis Levine, 172 Madison, & Hv¬
man Smith. 36 Montgomery; JuneSO; JulvO'^'l-
A$12.O0O-28..50O (R S $13.50). 2lioo6
Monroe st. 294-96 (1 :2aS-11), ss. 204 2 w Cor-
h.ars. .S7.2x97^10x.S7.1x97.10, 6-sty bk tnt & strs
Monro*, st. 298 (1:263-13), 98, 226 5 w Cor-
lears, .S7.7x97.10, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Lawyers
icars. .S(..:xa<.iux.i7.1x!)7.10, 6-sty bk tnt & strs
Lawyers Mtg Co to .Alfredo Bertoncello "01
W -28; JulyO; Julyl2'21; A$12,000-34.000 (R S
*â– 'â– •'- O C & 100
Mtg Co to Alfredo Bertoucello, 261 W 28; May
;;i; Julyl2'21; A.$12,000-34,0()0 (R S $34).
O C & 100
Oliver St. 40 (1:278-51), es, -27.8 s Madison,
31x7,5, 5-stv bk tnt & strs; Ann Sheeran,
widow, et al lo (ierardo Giudice, 1513 62d, Bk¬
lyu ; -Antonio Giudice, 3.59 Front, & - Ar-
caiigela (iiudice. 37 Oliver; Julyl; July7'21; A
$14,000-24,000 (R S $-24). O C & 100
Pitt St. 96 (2:S:J9-8), es, abt 180 s Stanton,
25x100, 5-stv bk tut & strs ; Lillie Keller & ano
E.XTRXS Theo Keller, to Hvman Rothkopf,
1.55 Rivington; June23; Julyl2'21; A$1S,000-2S.-
000 (R S .$23). 23,000
Prince st, 200 (2:504-20), ss, 80 e Macdougal,
20x53. S-sty bk tnt & strs; Mary Puccinelli et
al, heirs Vittorio Galli, to Sophia Longinotti,
200 Prince; y. pt; AT; JunelO; July7'21; A
$7,O00-S..30O (R S .$0.50). O C & 100
Reade st, i:!X-142y2 (1:141-4-6), ns, 235.5 e
Greenwich, 75x53.4x74.7x53.6, 2-sty bk storage:
Anua S AVilner to Rav AV Sundelson, 1873
Mad av; May2S; Ju>i'12"21; A$69,000-80,000 (R
S $15). nom
Heade st, 192-6; see Duane, 218-22.
Rivington st, 360 (2:3.34-37), ns, 100 e Sheriff,
25x100, 5-sty bk tut & strs; Annie Goodman,
444 Morris av, Newark, NJ. & ano, EXRS Abr
Geiger, to Kestenbaum Realty Co, <i3 Park
Row; Julyl; July8'21; A$17,000-34,500 (R S
$2). 27,700
St Marks pl, 95-7: See Av A, 115.
Sheriff st, 77 (2:339-69), ws, 81 n Rivington,
runs nl9xw50xs21xe25xn2xe25 to beg, 6-sty bk
loft & str bldg ; Realty Redemption Co & ano
to Osias Frankel, 32 Atlantic av, Bklyn, &
Philip Segall, 10 Bowery; mtg $6,000; Julvl;
July7'21; A.$5,000-13.000 (R S .$3). O C & 100
Shcrifr St. 83 (2:339-66), ws, abt 150 n Riv¬
ington, 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & sirs-; Derbiu
Holding Co to Chas Kleinberg, 29 Moore,
Bklyn; mtg $15,000; JulyS; July6'21; A$n,O00-
22.000 (R S $0). 100
South St, 196 (l:'251-9), ns, 19 e Oliver, Six
.54.11, 5-stv bk tut & strs: Edith H Theall,
020 E 16th. Bklyn. to Jos R Sedgeman, 34 AV
01; B&S; CaG; mtg $14,000; June.SO; July0'21;
A.$9.000-1S.OOO. nom
South sf, 196; Jos R Sedgeman to Edith H
Theall. 620 E 16, Bklvn; B&S; CaG; mtg $14,-
500; -AL; Julyl; July6'21. nom
Stanton st. 321-3 (2:324-11), sec Goerck (Nos
110-10), 30x81.4. 6-sty bk tnt & strs; John J
Kirby, ref, to Carmana Realty Co, r23 Lock-
wood av. New Rochelle, NY; mtg $42,500;
FORECLOS -------; Julyl; July7'21; A$11.500-
33.000 (R S $1). 1,000 over mts
Tieman pl, sec Bway; see Bway, sec Tie-
man pl.
Washington st, 123-31; see Carlisle, 3-7.
Washinirton st, 534^0 (2:398-16-18), nwc
Charlton (Nos 121-7), runs w.83xn6Sxel0.6xn
57.5xe75.8 to AA'ashington, xs120.7 to beg, 10-sty
bk storage: -Adelaide Mc A Pyle, widow, Mor¬
ristown, NJ, to Republic Storage Co, 541 W
31: May28; Julyl2'21: A$67,00O-375,0O0 (R S
$223). o C & 100
AVashington st, 5.S4-40; Mary V Pvle, Ber¬
nardsville, NJ, & ano, BXTRXS & 'TRSTES
AVm S Pyle, to same; May28; Julyl2'21 (R S
*225). 225,000
West st, l(M-6 (1:129-26), es, 44.4 s Murray,
45.2x.50.3x4S.10x.50.3, 5-sty bk storage; Chas
I'ape. Bklyn, to Rudolph Lewitns, 353 B 72;
mfg $20,000 & PM mtg $25,000; July7; JulyS
'21; A.$32.()()0-S7.000 (R S .$40). nom
West st, 187-9; see Duane, 218-22.
Willett St. 20-2; see Broome, 114.
AVillett sf, 99 (2:.SS9-24), ws, abt 100 s Stan¬
ton. 25x100, 0-sty bk tnt & strs; Bmilie Ma-
<her. Rutherford. NJ, to Robt J Macher, 1325
Carroll, Bklyn, & Louise M Brown, Ruther¬
ford, NJ; June21; July7'21; A$12,000-27,000.
2D st, 1X8-40 E (2:430.36-37). ns, 100 w Av
A. 40.5x100. 3-sty bk hospital: Saml Wilner
to "Mizrachi." Inc (EngIi8h-"Orlental") 138
2d: mtg $.SO.00O; June23; Julyll'21; A$22,000-
36,000 (R S $5). nom
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