FOUNDED. 1-068:
Vhlg section Includes all recorded Conveyances, Mlacellaneoua Conveyanceii, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages a>id Satlsfl^
Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Sulv
Judgments In Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens, Mechanics' Liens. Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affectum
Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts, Wills and Real Estate Appraisals In the Borough of Manhattan.
No. 13
SEPT. 14, 13, 16, 17, 19 & 20.
Academy st, nec Bway; see Bway, nec Acad¬
Barrow st, 63 (2:SS7-43), aa, 41.4 e Bedford
17x25. 3-sty bk dwg; WiUiaras-Dexter Co,
Bklyu, to Estella Case, 45 AA'ashington sq;
ratg $2,000; Septll; Sepll5'21; A$S,000-5,000 (R
S $5). O C & IOO
Uroome st, 35; see Goerck, 13-19.
Broome St. 53 (2:320-131. ss, SO w Lewis, 25x
100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Jos L B Mayer tc
Dora Kessler, 644 AA'ales av ; Julye; Septl5'21;
A.?8.000-21,000. uora
Canal st', 46 (1:294-24), sws, 8G nw Ludlow,
runs uw21.8xsw75 to Division (No 134) xel7.2
xne44.10xseS.6xne23 to beg, 5-sly bk tnt &
sirs: Aron Rabinowitz et al, Bklyn, to Clifl &
Goodrich, Inc, S2S Bway; mtg $------; Junel7;
Septl6'21; A$24,000-30,000 (R S SOc). nora
Cannon st. 8 (2:320-3), es, 100 n Grand, 25x
100. 7-stv bk loft & stable; Chas Bauraohl to
Max Swerskv, SS S 10th, Bklyn; y, RT&I; Q
C; AL; Augl7; Septl4'21; A$8,000-2S,000. nora
Cannon st, 8; Mitchell SraolerofC to David
Kalhofer, 19 Av A; % RT&I; QC; AL; Augl7;
Septl4'21. uora
Cannon st, 8; Isaac Storh or Stroh to Max
Swersky, 58 So 10th, Bkiyn, & David Kalhofer,
10 Av A; % RT&I & correclion deed; Augl7;
Septl4'21. nora
Cannon st. 8; David Kalhofer et al to T & S
Ice Creara Co, S Cannon; mlg $25,000; Augl7;
Septll'21 (R S .$1). nom
Christopher st. 16 (2:503-44). ss. 21 w Gav.
runs slS.Uxsell.O to Gay (No IS) xswl8xnw23.S
xn55.3 to Christopher xe21 to beg, S-slv fr bk
ft tnt & 4-sty bk tnt; Henry J Heidenis to
AA'illard A'an Ornum, 11 Coraraerce; Mar20;
Septl4'21: A.$ll.000-13.000 (R S $18). O C & 100
Cooper sq. 33; see 119th. 34 AA'.
Division st. 134; see Canal, 40.
Emerson pl, swc Prescott av; see Prescott
av. swc Emerson pi.
Oay st, 18 J see Christopher, 16.
Goerck st, 13-19 (2:326-47), swc Broome (No
35), 100x23.3x100x25.2, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Le-
niira Realty Corpn to Saral Levin, 554 Grand;
mtg $1S.500; PM mtg $2,500; SeptlS; Sept20'21;
A$11,0(KI-20,000 (R S $S). O C & 100
Hamilton ter. 47 (7:20.30-110). es, 441.G u
141sl. 10x08.5, 4-sty & b bk dwg; Claudine S
H:(gen to Eliz E Neuhardt, 301 AV 139; mtg
$S..300; PM mtg $6,700; Septll'21; A$7,SOO-14,000
(R S $12). O C & 100
Henry st, 60 (1:277-28), SS, 113.1 w Market,
25x100. S-sly bk tnt & strs; Dora Snitofskv,
wit'., of Morris Snitofsky, lo Gennaro Cararaisa,
â– S.S r.;iyard: rafg $13,000; AugSl; SepflS'21; A
$1.3.0O0-i;3.(IO0 (R S .$13). O C & 100
Jane st, 54 (2:0'2S-27), sa, S7.G e Hudson. 21x
80, 3-sty & b bk dwg; Mary B Miller to Harry
1 Black. .37 Jane. & Genevieve D Fosberg, 317
AV 4; PM mtg $S..300; SeptlO; Sepf20'21; A$8,-
000-11,000 (R S $13..301. nora
Jones 1.1, 4-6 (1:35-19-201, es, 119.7 n South,
runs e01.0xs4fl.llxw41.3xn0.5xw20 to la xn.30 4
to beg. 2-5-sty bk storage bldgs; Broadway-
John St Corpn to Lessings, Inc. 120 Bway-
ratg $24,000; Sept20'21; A.$29,000-36,000 (R S
♦27). O C & 100
Lndlow St. 141-4S (2:411-27), ws, 213 s Stan¬
ton. 37.0x87.10, 0-sly bk tnt & strs; Harris
Seal to Le Seal Realty Corim. 205 East Bway
QC: ratg .$------; correction deed; Septl6;«Sent
19'21: A$23.000-4S.OO0. nora
Madison st, 29-31 (1:116-43-44), ns, 751 w
.Tames, runs n79.6xw13.10 fo New Bowery (Nos
33 & .33) xsw.31.1xs43.S to Mad xe5S.2 to beg
2-4-sfy hk tnts & strs & 2-sty bk loft bldg;
Vincent J Vanella ct al to Jos & Gerrarda Van-
T.'n->„-" ^'â– "'- ""«• •f2'2,000; Aug25; Sepflfl'21 :
A.$31.O0O-.37.0OO (R S $1). O C & 100
Morton st, 99-IOS: see AVashingfon, 018-24
New Bowery, 33-35; see Madison, 29-31
Pell st, 1-7; see Bowery, IS.
Suffolk st, 129 (2:354-67), ws, 150.2 n Riving¬
ton. ;;Sx09.7. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Solomon
Hollander to S Hollander, Inc, 257 Bway; Aug
0; Si>ptl!)';;i; A$10.000-25.000 (It S $1.50). nom
Cnion sq K. 14-18, or 4TH av, 171-5 (3:870-2),
ses, at ss 15th (No 100), runs sw 23.8xs71.5xe
OS.llx—20.2xn43.10 to ISth xwl23 to beg, 6-sty
bk hotel; AA'm M Chadbourne, RBF, to Gold-
witt Realty Corpn, 434 Bway; PARTITION:
Septl2; Sepfl5'21: A$'280,000-325,000 (R S
$'2'25l. 285,000
A'an Corlear pl, ns, 200 w 227th; see Adrian
av, ss, 200 w 227th.
Waslungton st, 618-24 (2:603-19-20 & pt It 23)
nwc Morton (Nos 99-105), runs wl23xu02.6xn
03xel2xs25xel00 to AVash xslOO to beg, 2 & 3-
sty bk stable; Henry G Sanford et al to John
Ochse, 125 9 av, Bklvn, & Cyrus Rheims, 583
0th, Bklyu; -Augll; Septl5'21; A$-------$------ (R
S $80). nom
4TH st, 322 E (2:373-14), ss, 432 w Av D,
22.11x91>, 3-sty bk tnt; Mendel Siegel to 345
Bainbridge St Realty Corpn, 322 E 4; mtg
$14,000; Sepll2; Septl6'21; A$ll,500-15,000 (R
S $12). O C & 100
4TH st, 240 W (2:620-68), wa, 62.3 n 10th,
32.8x88, 5-sfy bk tnt; J L Riegel Really Co
to Antonio Rossano, 278 Bleecker; mtg $30,-
000: SeptlS; Septl6'21; A$18,000-42,000 (R S
$12..30). O C & 100
4TH st, 255 W (2:612-1), es, 74 n Charles, 21
x67,6, 3-sly & b bk dwg; Saral Bloch & ano.
BXRS Henrv Mairbrunn to Moses M Valen¬
tine, SSO AA' 85; ralg $4,000; Julyl; Septl9'21;
A.$9,0OO-l3,O(1fl. 6,00C
6TH st, 428 E (2:433-21), SS, 225.3 w Av A,
24..3x97.1, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Dora Davis to
Morris Fink, 215 eih; ratg $23,000; Septll;
Sepfie'21; A.$12,000-32,000 (R S $16). O C & 100
12TH st, 629 E (2:395-47), ns, 2SS w Av C,
25x103.3. 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Alice McCaffrey,
individ & EXTRX Jaraes P McCaffrey, to Mae
V Smith, 490 Manhattan av; mtg $7,000; Sept
10: Senll3'21: A$S.O(10-11.000 (R S $9). 8,877
ISTH st, 122 E (2:.338-lS), SS, 275 w 3 av, 25
xlOS.S, 3-sly bk storage; Chas I Taylor, East
Orange, NJ, to N Y Edisou Co, ISO B 15; ratg
$13..30(); Ocf27'20; Sepll7'21; A$16,000-2S,0fl0 (R
S .SOcl. O C & 100
IITH st, 113 E (3:870-17), ns, 75.3 w Irving
pl. 20.6x131.4x26.7x131.4, 5-sty bk loft & sir
Iddg: August Luchow lo Union Square Hold¬
ing Corpn. 113 B 14: mtg $40,000; Septl; Sept
1S'21 ; A$08,000-90,000 (R S $30). O C & 100
15TH st, too E: see Uniou sq, 14-18.
nTH st, 38 W (3:818-72), ss, 530 w 5 av, 25
x92, 4-sty & b stn dwg: Chas I Taylor to N Y
Edisou Co, 130 E 13; June21'20; Septl7'21; A
$;io.(ioo-.3s,ooo (R s SOcl. o c & 100
19TH st, 140 W (3:794-02), ss, 505 w 0 av.
runs s73xe2.8xs27xw32 xn29.11xn7.9 xn9.6xnS3
to st xe'27.10 to beg. 4-sly bk tnt & strs & 4-
sty bk rear fnt: AA'm F Rankin to B & G
A';irn Co. 03 Park Row: Septl4; Septl5'21; A
$27.0O0-.34.0OO (R S !i;22..30). O C & 100
19TH St. .340-42 W (3:742-60), SS, 275 c 9 av,
.30x92, O-sty bk tnt: Saml Levy to Fanlou
Realty Co, 97 1 av; rafg $50,000; Sept20'21; -A
.$27,.300-S3.000 (R S $00). O C & 100
20TH St. 257 W (3:770-9), na. 127.9 e 8 av, 10
x.SS.IO. 3 Sty bk fnt; Geo Hunzinger et al.
heirs Mary S Hunzinger, to Mary Quirk, 143
Pc.arsall st. Freeport. LI; SeptlS; SeptlO'2I; A
if;S..300.10,000 (R S $10.30). noiu
20TH st, s:i9 W (3:744-17), ns, 499.6 w 8 av
20x01.11. 3-sty & b bk dwg: Albert Emery to
Agnes T Ross, 339 AV 20; Septl9'2I; A$10,.300-
14..3(10 (R S .$13). nom
23I> st, 245-7 E: See 2 av, 401-407.
•J4TH sf, 145 W (3:800-151, ns, 250 e 7 av, 23
xOSD, 4-sty bk loff & sfr bldg; U S Trust Co
of N V. EXRS & TRSTES Edw A Haraiuond.
lo J.icid) Lewis. 1S9 Rodney st. Bklvn; QC •
ScpllS; Scptl9'21; A$26,OpO-40,000. " nora
2.3TH St. 458 W (3:722-711, ss, 95 e 10 av, ISx
08.0. 3-sty bk dwg; Mary Morris to AVra J
Morris, 4.38 AV 25; QC; JulylS; Sept20'21 • A
.$S,flOO-10,000. nom
2GTn kt. 117-49 E (3:8S2-.30-.37), ns. 170 w 3
av. .30x98.9. 3-sfy bk office bldg & S-stv bk rear
storage: Henry J Heraraens to N Y Edison
The text of these pages Is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice i.s hereby ai
Co. 53 Duane; PM mtg $40,000; Julyl0'12;
Septl7'21; A$44,000-36,000. nom
27TH st, 310-12 E (3:932-49), ss, 148 e 2 av,
37x98.0, O-stv bk tnl; Criterion Holding Co to
Soiomou Hirsh, 130 E 117, & Abr Bardicheff,
S21 E 100: ratg $23,000; Aug25; Septl6'21; A
$13,.30()-43,000 (R S $16.30). O C & 100
27TH st, 39-41 W (3:829-14), ns, 275 e G av.
SOx'.is.l), 7-sty bk tnt & strs; 39 AV 27th St
Realtv Co lo Rose Deutsch, 352 Riverside dr;
mtg $------; Sept9; Septl0'21; A$120,000-170,000.
O C & 100
28TH St. 41-S E (3:858-32-33), ns, 100 w 4 av,
41.8x98.9, vacant; L K Schwartz Co, 110 AV 40,
to Braanuel G Joseph, 1834 Bway; ralg $71,250;
AL; SeptO; Septl5'21; A$87,000-87,000 (B S $04).
28TH st, 41-3 E; Braanuel G Joseph to A J
M Really Corpn, 417 AV 28; ralg $71,250; Sept
9; Septl5'21. nom
28TH St. 4 W (3:829-44), SS, 125 w 5 av, 25x
98.9, 4-sty bk tnt & strs; L K Schwartz Co,
110 AA' 40, to Eraanuel G Joseph, 1834 Bway;
ralg $02,000; SeptO; Septl5'21; A$65,000-72,000
(R S $43). nom
28TH St, 4 W: Emanuel G Joseph, 1834 Bway
to A J M Realty Corpn, 417 AV 28; mtg $62,000;
SeptO; Septl5'21. nom
31ST St. 253 E; see 2 iiv, 563.
»4TH st, 50« W (3:705-42), SS, 125 w 10 av,
20x98.9, 4-sfv bk tnt; Peter Klee to Nathan
Lvons. 129 AV 31: mtg $11,100; Septl2; Septll
'21; A$14,000-10,000 (R S $4). O C & 100
3.STH st, 36, on map 38 E (3:864-45), ss, 84
w I'ark av, 21x72.0, S & 4-sty & b stn dwg;
John P Butlerworlh lo Geo F Butlerworlh, N
Y; 1/4 pt; PeblO'06; Septl9'21; A$42,SOO-45,S0O.
O C & 100
SSTH st, 269-71 W; see 8 av, 500-14.
SOTH st, 268 W; see S av, 500-14.
S7TH st, 218-20 E (3:917-47), SS, 250 e S av,
50x98.9, 5-stv bk warehouse; Peter C Lee,
Bklvn, to 218 E 37lh St Co, 218 E 37; mtg $64,-
000; SeptO; SeptlS'21; A$24,000-60,000 (R S
$4.50). O C & 100
41ST st, 26 E (S:1275-59»/-), ss. 64.7 w Mad
av, 32x48, 3-sty & b bk dwg; Kath D Thoraas,
Cold Spring Harbor, NY, to Manville Securi¬
ties Corpn, ------, NY; SeptlO; Sept20'21; A$84,-
000-03,000 (R S $173). 175,000
43n st, 417-19 W (4:10.33-23), ns, 200 w 9 av,
.30x100.3, O-sty bk tnt & strs: Millie Rosen¬
berg to Sadie Hirshberg, 533 AV 151; ratg $08,-
2.50; SeptlS; Septl0'21; A$38,000-95,000 (R S
$231. uora
45TH st, 405-7 W; see 9 av, 647.
45TH St. 405-7 W (4:10SS-28-2Syo). ns, 80 w
9 .av, 48x99.3, 1-sly fr coal pocket; AA'm H
Barklage, EXR John H Barklage, Palisade,
NJ, to John Casey. 444 AV 49; PM ralg $'22,500;
SeptlS: SeptlG'21; A$21,000-34,000 (R S .$30).
46TH St. 142 W (4:998-521/2), ss, 295 e 7 av
or Broadwav, 15x100.4, 4-sty stn tnt & sir;
Marietta B Ravekes to Bernard A Sraith, 4.37 E
57; B&S; SeptlS; Septl4'21; A$38.000-41,000.
O C & 100
46TH st, 447 W (4:10.36-13), ns, 479.2 w 9 av,
24.2x100.5. 4-stv bk tnt; Anna R Carapbell to
Palk J Reilly, 34G AV 45: QC; ratg $------; Julv
7; Sepll5'21; A$12,000-lS..50O. nom
48TH St. SSS W (4:10.39-17V.), ns. SSO w S av,
ISxloO.S. 3-slv & b stn dwg; Edw G Clapp,
Rye, NA', & ano fo Ilonora A Burke, 310 AV
4S; PM ratg $12,000; Septll; Septl9'21; A$13.-
.300-10,000 (R S .$17). nom
SOTH St. 249 E (3:1S24--211. ns. 106.6 w 2 av,
18.6x100.5. 3-sty & b stn dwg; Geo Getfers to
Mathilda C Rayment, 219 E SO; PM mtg $9,300;
SeptlS; Septl6'21 ;A.$7,000-10,SOO (R S $14.50).
O C & 100
SIST Bt, 246-48 E (3:1324-.301, ss, 100 w 2 av,
40x100.5, 0-sfy bk fnt & sfrs; David Rosenz¬
weig & :iiio to Morris Plapingcr, 24 Attorney;
mfg $30.00(1; SeptlS; Septl9'21; A$18.0fl0-50,000
(R S $21..30l. O C & 100
521) sf. 135 W (4:1005-19), ns, 325 w fl av,
23.0x100.5. S-sfy bk garage, 1-sfy ext: Chaa I
Taylor, East Orniige, NJ, to N Y Bdison Co,
ISO B 13; J'unc7'20; Septl7'21; A$36,OOO-41,000
(R S SOc). O C & 100
von tb.lf infring-cninnf will lc;ul fn