Thia aecclon Includes all recorded ConTcyancea, Mlacellaneoua Conveyances, Mortgagrea, Aealgnments of Mortgasea atid SatlaSr..
Mortgages and Mortgage Bxtenslona, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction gales, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suit.
Jndsrments In Foreclosure Suits. Lis Pendens. M/schanlcs' Liens, Satlsfled Mechanics' Llena, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affectli^
Real Estate. Building Loan Contracts, Wills and Real Estate Appraisals in the Borongh of Manhattan.
No. 19
OCT. 26, 27, '2S, 29, 31 & NOV. 1.
Bleecker st, 387-S87M!; see Perry, 87.
Bond st, 51 (2:529-34), sws, abt 140 w Bow¬
ery, 25x74.10i25.5x69.11, 4-sty bk loft & str
bldg; Lewhenwil Co to Theresa Fraad, 1'212
Beverly rd, Bklyu; Sept27; Oct26'21; A$13,900-
19,000. O C & 100
Broome st, 313-14 (2:419-36-37), ns, 50 w For¬
syth, 44x100, 2-5-sty bk tnts & strs; 312
Broorae St Corpn et al to Grantham Estates,
Inc, 54 Loew av; B&S; CaG; OctSl; Novl'21;
A$30,000-57,000. nora
Cedar st, 1'28; see Washington, 145.
Charlton st, 47 (2:519-68), ns, 51 e Varick,
runs n5Sxe3.4xu46.1xel8.11xsl01.1 to st xw21.2
to beg, 2-sty & b bk dwg; Wm S Coffin to
Carl Van Doren, 351 W 114; mtg $18,000; Sept
28; Oct28'21: A$ll,000-12,000 (R S $11).
O C & 100
CUnton st, 26 (2:350-41), es, 73.6 n Stanton,
26.6x75, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Bertha Bichler,
Bklyu, to Y'etta Rosenbaum, 2922 Fullon st,
Bklyn: mtg $25,103.34; PM mlg $2,290; Ocl20;
Novl'21; A$18,000-27,000 (R S $1). O C & 100
Duane st, 146 (1:147-9), ns, 50 e West Bway,
25x75, 5-sty stn lofl & str bldg; David Wilsou,
Bklyn, to Wm & Theodore Levey, 136 West
Bway; ratg $20,000; PM ratg $15,000; Oct25;
Oct27'21; A.$28,000-36,000 (R S $30).
O C & 100
East Broadway, 167 (1:284-27), ss, 52.3 e Rut¬
gers, 26.1x100, S-sty bk tnt & strs: 167 East
Broadway Corpn et al to Grantham Estates,
Inc, 51 Loew av; B&S; CaG; OctSl; Novl'21;
A$36,000-4S,000. nora
Forsyth st (2:419), ws, 100.7 s Delancey (old
line), 0.11x100x0.6x100; Jacob J Lazaroe, Far
Eockaway, N Y, to Jacob Rosenthal, 530 West
End av; Oct28; Oct29'21 (R S $13). nom
Porsj-th 8t (2:419), ws, 109.7 s Delancev, 0.11
Xl00x9.6xl00; Jacob Roseuthal to Soloraon
Brinn, 638 W 160; Oct28 ;Novl'21 (R S $13).
O C & 100
Greene st. 168-60 (2:523-1), es, 83 n Hous¬
ton, runs e75.4xnl7.9xe24.3xn24.6xw99.S to st x
841.4 lo beg, 7-sty bk loft & str bldg; 1.58
Greene St Inc to Soiomou Lazareff, 523 W
134; mtg $35,000 & PM ratg $12,590; OctSi;
Novl'21: A$25,000-7S,000 (B S $22.50).
O C & 100
Greene st, 158-60; Soloraon Lazareff to Louis
Jacob, 4713 14 av, Bklyn, & Morris Syrkin,
2118 Vyse av. Broux; each y, part; ratg $47,-
600; OctSl; Novl'21. 100
Hamilton pl, 50 (7:2071-Sl'/2), ws, 73 s 140th,
17.8x83.3x16.2x92, 3-sty & b bk dwg; Anna I
Quinlan to Anna E Quinlan, ------; ratg $8,000;
OctS'OS; Oct26'21; A$7,090-10,000. O C & 100
Henry st. 265 (1:287-3), ns, 47.1 e Montgom¬
ery, 27.11x82.10.x27.11x84.4. S-sty bk tnt & strs;
Arou Ehrman to A D K Really Co, 290 Bway;
mtg $29,090; Oct27; Oct28'21; A$14,000-30,000
(E S ?7). 27,000
Houston st, 104 W (2:.525-63), ns. 18 e
Thompsou, 19x62, S-sly stn tnt & sir; Chas
F Reichert to Auguste Reichert, 104 W Hous¬
ton; mlg $15,909; AL; Ocll4; Oct31'21; A$a-
000-12,t)90 (R S S9c). nom
Leroy st, 73; see St Lukes pl, 13.
Lewis Bt. 104 (2:339-41), es, 96 n Stanton, 25
XllK), 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Sol Tanenbaura,
Bklyn, to Sara Gellraan, 123 Pitt, & Harry
Wasser, 125 Pitt; mtg $11,590; PM ratg $4,500:
AL; OctSl; Novl'21; A$8,000-22,590 (R S
$10.50). JOO
Mangin st, 71 (2:323-19), ws, 75 s Rivington,
25x99, 5-8ty bk tnt; Fannie Frankel to Grant-
hara Estates, Inc, 54 Loew av; AL; OctSl:
Novl'21: A.$6,009-18,000. O C & 100
Monroe st. 8 (1:253-104), SS, 125.10 e Cath,
24.9x5'2.19x24.10x.55..5, S-sty bk tnl & strs;
Milia Anzeloni to Francesco Greco, 36 V, Oak;
mtg $12,000; Oct28; Oct20'21; A$9,099-15,999
(R S $9). O C & 190
Monroe st. 111 (1:272-16), ns, 125 w Rutgers
26.2x190x25.11x109, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; 107
Monroe Sl Corpu et ai lo Granthara Estates,
inc, 54 Loew av; B&S; CaG; OctSl; Novl'21:
j\.i:i5.(KI0-:i2,S90. nora
Mott St. 228 (2:493-9), es, 201 s Prince, 26.3
x93.1. 5-sly bk tnt & strs & 5-sty bk rear
tnt; Metropolitan Savgs Bank to Morris M
Marx, 2103 Vyse av: B&S & CaG; Oct28; Oct
31'21: A$18,990-27,9(K) (R S $22). O C & 1,000
Moylan pl, 59-71; see Bway, 3160-64.
Norfolk St. 115 (2:353-30), WS, 125 s Riving¬
ton, 26.7x100x26,6x100, 6-sty bk tut & strs;
115 Norfolk Sl Corpn et al to Granthara Es¬
tates. Inc. 54 Loew av; B&S: CaG;; OctSl:
Novl'21; A$19,000-S7,000. nora
Pearl »t, 320-22 (1:106-17), ses, 57.2 ne Peck
si, ruus se74.19xnel6xsel7xne26.2xnw97.4 to
st XSW4S.5 to beg, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg;
Mendel Presberger to Mollie Greenfield, 699
Willoughby av, Bklyn; mtg $30,009; Oct26;
Ocl28'21; A$27,090-47,000 (R S $13). nom
Perry st. 12 (2:612-51), SS, 151.8 w Greenwich
av, 22x95, except pt for 7 av. vacant: Bliz
Furlong to Casco Traders, Inc, 35 Nassau; PM
ratg $8,900; Oct26; Oct27'21; A$10,000-10,000 (R
S $12). O C & 100
Perry st, 85; see Perry st, 87.
Perry st, 87 (2:622-this & Bleecker, 387 &
387%, lot 70), nec Bleecker (No 385), runs n
21.11xe27.8xn5.2xe63xs27.1 to Perry xw34 to
beg, 3-sty fr tnt & strs; A$16,SOO-21,000; also
BLEECKER ST, 387 (2:622), es, 21.11 n Perry,
runs e27.8xn5.2xe5.4xnl2xw33 to Bleecker xs
16.5 to beg, 3-sly fr tnt & str; also BLEECK¬
ER ST, SS7y, (2:622), es, 38.4 n Perrv, 18.7x
33x17.10x33, 4-sty bk tnt & sirs; also PERRY
ST, 85 (2:622-69), ns, 34 e Bleecker, runs e21.1
Xn26.2xw0.7xn30.8xw21.6xs29.10xe0.11 X827.1 to
beg, 3-sty fr bk ft tnt; A$7,SO0-9,00O; Wiil-
iaras-Dexler Co lo Alvah H Verily, 27 Irving
pi, Rockville Center, N Y; mtg $50,000; Oct
27: Ocl29'21 (R S $11.50). O C & 100
Perry st, 87; also BLEECKER ST, 387; also
BLEECKER ST, 387%; also PERRY ST, 85;
Alvah H Verity, Itockville Center, N Y, to M
Bayard Brown, Brightlingsea, Eng; B&S; mtg
$59,009; Ocl27: Ocl29'21 (R S SOc). O C & 100
St Luke's pl. IS. or Leroy st. 73 (2:583-48),
ns, 275.5 e Hudson, 21.8x100, 3-sty & b bk
dwg; Alentaur Realtv Co, 27 Wra, to Cesare
Marcucci, 1.34 W 3; ratg $1'>,000; OctSl; Novl
'21: A$11,SOO-1S,000 (R S $10). nora
St Nicholas pl (7:2069-8). ws, 164.4 n 153d,
69x194, vacant: Prank W Blauvelt & Alice D.
his wife, individ & devisee Fredk N Du Bois,
to Saral Glass, 1781 Clay av; Sept6; Ocl27'21;
A.$32,9I«)-S2,000 (R S $20). 20,000
Thompson st. 166 (2:525-33). es, 62 n Hous¬
ton, runs e56xn9xel9xn9xw75 to st xslS to
beg, 3-sty bk tnt & sir; Chas F Reichert to
Auguste Reichert, 194 West Houston; mtg
$10,.5(KI; AL; Octll; Ocl31'21; A$7,000-9,000 (R
5 .SOi-i. nom
Vaiidnm st, 20; see Vandam St. 24.
Vandiun st. 22 (2:505-18). SS, 224.10 e Varick,
23x197. vacant; Daniel P Morse to Butlerick
Publishing Co, 223 Spring; B&S; Apr29; Oct
2S'21: A.$ll.900-11.990 (R S $15). O C & 190 st, 24 (2:.505-17), ss. 235.2 e Varick,
old line, 24.9x190x24.10x109, 2-slv fr bk ft tnt
6 4-sty bk rear tnt; A$12,099-13,900; also
VANDAM ST, 29 (2:.50S-19), ss, 282.11 e Var¬
ick, 26.2x109.7x26.3x100.6, 2-slv bk tnt & 2-
sly Ilk rear tnl; A$13,000-13,.500; Annie L
Crane, Newark, N J, et al to Butterick Pub¬
lishing Co, 223 Spring; MaylO; Oct2S'21 (R S
$32..59). O C & 109
Vnndam st. 24 (2:505-17), ss, 2352 e Varick,
old line, 24.9x190x24.19x100, 2-sty fr bk ft tnt
& 4-sty bk rear tnt; Johanna J Reid, widow
Wra M Reid, et al, to Bmma W WiiiL-ate, 583
St Marks av, Bklyn, & Mclbie B Williams,
264 Riverside dr, 1-6 pt; QC: correction deed;
Mayll; Oct28'21; A.$12,900-1S,(X)0. , nom
Vandam st, 24; Marv Middaugh, Bklyn, et
al, to same, 398 9 av, Belraar, N J, 1-6 pt;
QC; correclion deed; Aug9; Oct28'21, nom
Vandam st, 24; Harry D Yellett, Bklyn, to
Chester A Luff, 122 South 11th, Newark, N J,
1-12 pt; QC; correclion deed; AprlS; Ocl28'21,
Vandam st, 24; Erama P Snyder, heir Mary
.4 Earlin, to Melbie B Williams, 308 9 av, Bel¬
raar, N J, 1-6 pt; QC; correction deed; Octll;
Ocl28'21. nom
WaU st, 4; see Bway, 88-94,
Washington st, 145 (1:54-6), sec Cedar (No
128), 19x.56xl9.'2xS5.8, 5-sty bk tnt & strs;
Saranac Realtv Co to Staraos B Kalaraaridis,
145 Washington st: B&S; PM; mtg $35,000;
Oct28; Oct31'21; A$'28,000-37,000 (R S $45).
O C & 100
Washington st. 432-6 (1:223-15-17), ws, 43.9
s Desbrosses. 83.2x(i5.7x84x65.7, 3-sty bk loft
bldg & 1-slv fr bidg; Howard A Raymond
to Wra D Kilpalrick, 71 E 95, & Connor Con¬
sln Co. 140 Bwav; B&S; AL: Octl9; Oct31'21;
.\$37,SOO-41,099 (R S SOc). nom
West »t, 173 (1:131-29), es, 79.6 s Warren,
26.6x87.10x26.6x87.8, 4-sty bk loft bldg, 1-sty
ext; Sarah E Ray, Harrison, Maine, to Jas
Tozzi, 197 Spring: PM mlg .$25,009; OctSl;
Novl'21: A$2.5.,5n0-28..500 (R S $10). nom
1ST st, 92 & 94 B (2:429-57), ns, 299 e 1 av,
42x105.11, 6-sly bk tnt & sirs; Chas Fleisch¬
raau to Abr Landberg, 85 1st: ratg $45,500;
Oct25; Oct28'21; A$24,000-65,009 (R S $29.50).
O C & 100
3D St. 293 E (2:373-59), nes, 2304 se Av C,
29.8x1/. blk, 3-stv bk dwg; Israel Hager to
Lena 'Sperling, 346 E Houston; ratg $9,250;
Oct26; Novl'21: A$8,000-10,000 (R S ,$3.50).
O C & 100
4TH st, ISO E; see 1 av. 66.
STH st, 239 E; see 2 av, 103.
6TH st, 429 E (2:434-43), ns. 2.50 w Av A,
•25x90.10. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; 429 E 6th St
Corpn et al to Granthara Estates, Inc, 54
Loew av; B&S; CaG: OctSl; Novl'21: A$11,000
29,000. nom
STH st, 37 W 12:572-62). ns, 531.5 w 5 av,
'23x93.11. vacant: Henrv W De Forest. EXR
& TRSTE Althea R Ward, lo Otto C Meyer,
202 W 1.32: B&S: mtg $7,990; Septl4 ; Novl'21;
,\$15,599-15.590 (R S $19.59). 16,000
lOTH st, Sl-SS E (2:562-41), ns, 204.3 e Uni¬
versitv pl. 44.5x94.9. 8-slv bk loft & sir bldg;
Howard .\ Ravraond to Wra D Kilpalrick.
71 E 95, & Connor Constn Co, 149 Bway; B&
S; AL; Octl9; Oct31'21; A$38,000-118,000 (R
S SOc). nom
lOTH st, 368 E (2:392-19), sws, abt 325 c Av
B, 25x92.3, S-sty bk tnt & strs: 368 E 10th St
Corpu et al to Grantham Estates, Inc, 54
Loew av : B&S ; CaG ; OctSl: Novl'21: .4.$14,-
999-25,090. nom
ISTH st, 132 W (2:608-23), ss, 387 e 7 av, 22
xinS.S, S-stv & b bk dwg; Wra H Card, Little
Ridge, Raviuia, III, to Lawreuce Langner,
John Parry & Herbert Langner, 414 W 120;
AT&I; Sep't21; Oct28'21; A$15,000-20,000.
O C & 100
ISTH St. 625-31 E (3:973-16), ns. 220.9 w Av
B. 09.4x103.3, 5-sty bk garage; also AT&I to
strip adj on east, 0.3x103.3; also AT&I to
strip adj ou west, 0.4x103.3; Bast Side Fire
I'roof Stabling & Storage Co to Sidney S Reiss
39 .\v B. & Morris H Reiss. 432 E 17; ratg
$89,509; Octl; Oct28'21; A$S5,009-98.999 (R S
$38). O C & 190
leTH 8t, 341 E (3:922-61). ns, 321 e Living¬
ston pi, runs n92xe9xs23xel3xs69 to st xw22
to beg, 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Lizzie Reuning
t(^ Lucia Padnlla, .337 E 11; PM ratg $8,000;
Oct28; Ocl29'21: A$19,0tKI-lS,590 (R S $13).
O C & 100
16TH Bt, 640 E (3:983-41), SS, 238 w Av C, 25
xl9S.:i, s-sty bk tnt; Missionary Soc of the
Most Holy Redceiner in the Stale of N Y to
David Klfnger, 243 E 14; PM mtg $6,700; Oct
26; Oct28'21; A.$7,000-1S,SOO (R S $10.50).
16TH fit, 640 E (3:983-41), ss, 238 w Av C,
25x103.3, 5-sty bk tnt; Prank Reinke to Mis¬
sionary Soc of the Most Holy Redeemer in the
State "of N Y, 526 59th, Bklyu; AT&I; QC;
Ocf22; Oct28'21; A$7,099-13,590 (R S 59c). nom
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